Super Vision

1901 Chapter 1900 The most lonely woman

After a dive, Xia Lei landed on a secret position.His five wives were in this position, and they surrounded him as soon as he showed up.

"What happened just now?" Kontunana looked surprised.

"Yeah, I saw the darkness, and the darkness that suddenly enveloped the earth..." Bai Ling's heart was lingering.

"We are so worried, but fortunately you are fine." Lie Rushui said.

Lan Jier said: "Husband, are you okay?"

Although Tia Sama didn't say anything, her eyes were full of concern and the joy of her husband's safe return.

Xia Lei said, "I have fought Shenyue Ruyi."

"What's the result?" several women said in unison.

"I couldn't beat her, and she didn't... what happened to me." Xia Lei said.The real situation was not like this, but he didn't want to tell them that he almost died in the hands of Shenyue Ruyi.Telling them the truth will only make them worry, and even affect the morale of the Allied troops, without any benefit.

"You have nothing to do. Shenyue Ruyi is not so easy to defeat, we have a chance." Kangtunana said.

"Husband, go home and rest, you must be hungry." Bailing said.

What was this hint that Xia Lei knew very well in his heart that what he wanted most was also that, but this time he shook his head, "No, you immediately evacuate the edge of the Resting Forest, and evacuate to the center."

"Why?" Lan Jier said in a puzzled way: "Blue Moon has suffered heavy losses. We may end the battle and win the war in the next few days."

Xia Lei said, "Listen to me, retreat immediately, and wait for me in a safe place. I saw with my own eyes that the shady scene released by Lanyue enveloped the earth, and all the people inside were dead, and even the vegetation was withered. That kind of power is simply not something you can resist."

The expressions of several women suddenly became heavy, and the hearts of the allied generals who were with them were also heavy.

"Follow my order, I have a very important thing to deal with." Xia Lei said, after a pause, he added, "Believe me, as long as I am here, we will definitely be able to defeat Blue Moon and defeat God. The month is like one!"

"Long live the leader!" Allied generals responded.

Xia Lei didn't explain anything anymore. With his feet bent and kicked, his body soared into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Retreat." Kontunana said to a rebel general: "The decision made by the leader must be implemented."

"Retreat, rest in the center of the forest." Lan Jier also gave the order.

"My husband asked us to retreat, then let's retreat." Lie Rushui said to a general of the black market alliance.

"Retreat!" Tia Sama's command was simple.

Bai Ling looked around, but there was no one she could order. She shrugged, looked at her stomach and said, "Son, let's retreat too."

Kangtunana, Lie Rushui and Lan Jier looked at Bai Ling together, hesitant to speak.

Tia Sama pulled down her clothes subconsciously, trying to hide something.

This is a simple situation, but it is another complicated situation.

At the same time, resting on the edge of the forest, in the sky.

"Go back." The Queen of Rest broke the depressing silence between it and Shenyue Ruyi, "This time may be different, I am full of expectations."

"It's no different! He will die!" Shenyue's voice was extremely cold, "And you, Queen of Rest, this time you are really too much."

"You want to kill me?" The Queen of Peace's face was calm. "You should know that I don't feel about death, and our heritage is different from yours. So don't threaten me with death, it's useless. We all With their own destiny, the final result... well, let's wait and see."

"I can't make that step at all, let's just wait and see." Shenyue Ruyi's body slowly rose.

The rest queen turned and flew towards the center of the rest forest.


The sound of the sky movement sounded, and the Blue Moon troops on the sky and on the ground turned around and evacuated.

The sky was quiet, and the rest forest was quiet.

The second battle is over, no one can do anything about it.But what is certain is that if this fight continues, a large number of people will die on both sides.There will be no absolute victors in the war, there will never be.

The eternal day hangs on the western sky, and the sky will be dark.The gorgeous sunset is like an oil painting with rich colors, so beautiful that people don't want to blink.

Mumma sat on a sandy hill and watched the setting sun motionlessly.She has forgotten how long she has been here, and she doesn't care about it.When being searched for the Central Great Prison, she had a strong desire to survive, so she sent a message to Xia Lei for help.Xia Lei saved her and she was free, but she didn't know where to go.The universe is huge, but it seems that there is no place for her.Since she left Xia Lei, she felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness in her heart. She seemed to be the only one left in this world, with no relatives, no friends, and no one she could trust.

"Dad, you have been studying this desert. There are your footprints in this desert, but I can no longer feel your existence..." Mother Ma murmured to herself, her eyes full of loss, and Sad emotions.

There is an ancient pyramid in the sand hill below her. She has seen this place in the photos of the origin family, that is, the spiritual family, taken by her father.This is why she came here, she wanted to find the footprints left by her father.But even such a simple and pitiful wish could not be realized by her.

For some reason, the man's face appeared in her mind again.She wanted to kill him more than once, but now thinking of the man's face, she felt a little warm in her heart.This feeling made her feel strange and unnatural.

"Have I really changed? Am I no longer the same I was before? It's a strange feeling..." There was a mess in the mother's heart.

A battleship suddenly swooped down from the clouds. It had no designation or mark, and looked very old.

The movement of the battleship made a huge noise, even ordinary people could hear it, let alone the mother.With the sound of that battleship, she didn't need to look up to know what battleship it was and who came.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Do you want to kill me that way? Why? Is it because I am no longer as cruel as you?"

What came here was the battleship of the Moon Nuclear Corps. It had no designation and no logo, but it had a strange name, the Unknown Night.

Mother Ma did not run away, but looked up at the name of the dark night, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Since you want to kill me so, come on, anyway...I have nowhere to go. Go or die, then I can go to see my father."

The bridge of the Nameless Night.

The image of Mother Ma looking up at the sky was presented in the bridge through holographic projection, her appearance looked so lonely and sad.

She dedicated everything she has to Lan Yue, but now her people are coming to kill her. The feeling of being betrayed and abandoned is like drinking a glass of deadly poisonous wine, drinking it little by little, and then dying. .

"Huh!" Guduo snorted coldly, "I see where you are going? Leaving Lan Yue, you are nothing. There is no place for you in this world."

"Report to the commander of the legion that the naval gun has been charged and the target has been determined. Do you want to fire it?" the nuclear legion officer asked for a month.

Gu Duo said viciously: "No, it would be too cheap to kill her like this. Let's go down. I want everyone to know what it will be like to betray the Moon King and me."

"Yes, land!" The officer immediately relayed Gudo's order.

The Dark Night Unnamed landed to the ground, and the squally wind generated by the engine opened the sand.One by one, the ancient buildings buried under the sand were revealed. It turned out to be a town.The collapsed and uncollapsed buildings are more or less revealed, as if a mysterious coffin opened the lid of the coffin.The breath of history and mystery is particularly strong here, everywhere.

Mother Ma stood up, and an energy wall spread to both sides centering on her, blocking the gust of wind from the nameless night.This was not preparation for the battle, she just didn't want the name of the dark night to destroy the original appearance here.She has not found the footprints left by his father, and the unnamed gust of night wind is likely to blow away the footprints left by his father here.

She can die, but the footprints left by her father cannot be destroyed. What kind of mentality is this?

The Dark Night Unnamed landed on the ground and the hatch opened.Guduo quickly moved to the top of the hill where the mother was, and stood opposite her.Although it is a pure energy body, his figure is taller and bigger than his mother, looking like a King Kong in a black robe.

The Lunar Nuclear Soldiers of the Lunar Nuclear Corps quickly dispersed and quickly surrounded the sand hill where the mother was located.After cutting off all the escape routes for the mother, they moved to the top of the sand mountain and narrowed the encirclement.

After the first battle in the Rest Forest, the Lunar Nuclear Legion was hit hard by Xia Lei and the Brand Legion, and there were only a hundred people left.But even if it is reduced to the size of the ghost master period, it is more than enough to surround and kill a mother.

"I knew you would come here." A scornful smile appeared at the corner of Goodo's mouth. "Your room is full of photos and materials of this place. What's in here?"

"Memories." Mother Ma said, a calm smile appeared on the corners of her mouth, "You don't understand after you say, you have no feelings, you are just a bunch of energy. I'm right in front of you, you want to catch me back , Still want to kill me?"

"Catch you back? Huh, that's a lot of trouble." Guduo sneered: "As the most senior traitor in Blue Moon's history, you must be punished enough to warn future generations."

Angrily suddenly appeared on the face of the mother, "What do you want to do?"

"Kneel down and confess your guilt, and then my people will insult you until you die. The whole process will be filmed, and then brought back to Blue Moon to play." Goodo said.

"Asshole!" Mother Ma roared: "I didn't run away because I was not guilty! I can die, but I will never accept any kind of insult!"

Dark death energy swarmed out, and the entire hill suddenly trembled. With her feet as the center, a thin layer of black ice appeared on the sandy ground composed of blue and yellow sand.

"Huh! Struggling is meaningless, you are not my opponent." Guduo said disdainfully.

A miniature aerial camera appeared on top of the sand mountain.

Mother Ma's heart fell into the ice valley, and she suddenly regretted not listening to Xia Lei's advice and leaving alone.She was not afraid of death, but Guduo was not satisfied with killing her. The punishment he said was more cruel than killing her!

For hundreds of months, the nuclear warriors slowly approached the mother and the encirclement was closing in. They would strictly implement all the instructions of Gudo, including insulting the mother, until she died.

"Why? Why do you do this to me?" Mother Ma lost control of her emotions, and she roared: "I gave everything I could for Blue Moon, Moon King, and you! Why are you doing this to me? Tell me! "

No one responded to her.

Guduo sneered: "Do you take it off yourself or me?"

"I killed you!" Mother Ma suddenly rushed to Guduo, and blasted Guduo's chest with a punch.

"I don't know what I can do!" Guduo's figure suddenly moved, turning into a black light, which instantly penetrated the mother's body.

Mumma's body became stiff, and then she fell onto the sand.

Guduo appeared from the void, "What are you still doing? Let's start! I warn you, if anyone has mercy on her, then she will end up!"

No one dared to resist Goodo's order, and nuclear warriors rushed to the mother for hundreds of months.

A trace of black air emerged from the mother's body, and that was what she was forcing Gudo to leave in her body.She needs some time, but Goodo and the Moon Nuclear Warrior will not give her time to recover at all.

"If you show up me...I'll follow you." Mother Ma prayed in her heart, looking forward to the man's appearance.

Suddenly, a ray of colorful glow flew from the sky!

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