Super Vision

1905 Chapter 1904 Father's Information

The fire of Mama pointed to a huge stone that built the pyramid, which weighed at least several hundred tons.There is no carving on the stone, it is bare.

"This stone is no different from other places. Why did my father point to it?" Mother asked.

"I don't know, but there must be a reason why your father pointed at it. Let's look for it and see if we can find anything." Xia Lei said, and then started searching on the stone.

The mother also started searching from the other side. She searched very carefully. She hit every inch of rock she could hit, and checked every gap in the stone.

A few minutes later, the two met on the top of the stone, and they really met.Mother Ma and Xia Lei's heads collided, making a sound of a hole.Both of them are characters who dare to hit the tank with their heads, so of course there will be nothing to collision, which is a bit embarrassing.

"I didn't find anything." Momma raised her head and said disappointedly: "My father may have just made an action with no concrete meaning, not suggesting anything. Moreover, he didn't even know that I would be here. , How could he leave me any hint?"

Xia Lei said: "What you said makes sense, but I believe your father must be guiding something."

"Uh, why are you so sure?" Momma looked at Xia Lei curiously.

Xia Lei said: "I determined from my own perspective." After a while, he said again: "My ability is to perceive and capture the residual energy of the soul, and then reconstruct the captured residual energy of the soul. Come out. The space inside this pyramid is a closed space, and the residual energy of the soul will not disappear. But it takes a period of time to keep an action deliberately, and the soul at that time also needs to be quite active. The soul must be active. , I must be very excited at that time, do you understand what I said?"

Momma nodded, "I understand, but we have found nothing."

But at this moment, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly fell into the crevice between the mother's knees, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and then he couldn't wait to reach out his hand.But he couldn't wait. When he reached out to the crevice of the stone, his head bumped against the soft thing.

In fact, there was no "boom" sound, it was just a false signal from his brain.In fact, his brain also gave a "Duang" voice, which was also a false signal because his head was bounced away.

Mother Ma is a huge beauty, everything about her is huge.But she was still so well-proportioned, as if she was still dragon ice if she enlarged the dragon ice 1.5 times.Therefore, the beauty brought by her hugeness is not against harmony at all, on the contrary, it also gives people a strong visual impact.The curves of her chest, her hips, her waist, and her legs are seductive and impulsively sexy.

Mother Ma stared at Xia Lei, her eyes questioning, "What do you want to do?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. Well, spread your legs." Xia Lei said.

Mother, "Huh?"

Without waiting for her mother to say anything, Xia Lei had avoided the protruding part of her body and stretched his hand into the gap between her knees.

Momma frowned, and a little annoyance appeared in her pair of extra-large blue eyes, "You did save me twice, but if you think you can do something to me, then you are wrong. "

Xia Lei's hand pulled his hand from the gap between his mother's knees, and there was an extra disc in his hand.

Mother Ma stared at the disc in Xia Lei's hand in amazement, and she was stunned for a while before she came out, "This...Is this left by my father?"

Xia Lei said: "It should be, we have to find equipment to play, but this disc should be a thousand years ago, the equipment needed should be very old, I don't know if you have such equipment?"

"Yes, I have it in my spaceship. My spaceship is hidden here, let's go now." Mamma couldn't wait.

Xia Lei handed the disc to her mother, "You take this, it should be something your father left you specially."

"Thank you." After receiving the disc, Momma suddenly opened her arms and hugged Xia Lei.

The top of Xia Lei's head was as high as her chest, and this hug immediately gave Xia Lei a sense of drowning and suffocation.This is of course false information from his brain, because he doesn't need to breathe through his nostrils at all.But if people don’t use their nostrils to breathe, what’s the difference between salted fish?

Fortunately, she just hugged the mother and released Xia Lei, perhaps because of her height and position, she looked a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

Xia Lei smiled, "Nothing, don't mind."

"But you are a real pervert, aren't you?" Mother Ma said.

Xia Lei's smile instantly froze on his face.

"I have received a lot of information about you, and I have analyzed you. This is a correct conclusion, right?" Mother Ma said.

Xia Lei, "..."

Leaving the pyramid and surpassing a few sandy mountains, Xia Lei followed Mama to a small basin surrounded by sandy mountains.Her spacecraft was hidden in this basin, buried with sand.It is a real burial, a pit is dug and buried directly.

This does not hinder the ability to use perspective. Xia Lei saw the small civilian spacecraft buried under the sand, with a strange expression on his face, "Mother, you hide your spacecraft like this, what should you do if you drive it away? ?"

"Isn't it enough to just lift it up?" Mother Ma said.

Xia Lei glanced at Mama, but said nothing.

Mamma walked to the sandy ground where the spaceship was buried, and the dark death energy came out. The sandy ground under her feet trembled and froze in the tremor, creating an icy passage to the spaceship door.

"Come with me." Mother Ma crawled down the frozen passage.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, and then crawled down behind the mother's ass.After entering the spacecraft, he followed her to her cabin.

Mama opened a very old metal box, then took out a box-shaped device from it, and fiddled with the box-shaped device, saying, "This is the box left by my father. The equipment is too."

Xia Lei glanced at the box. He saw some odds and ends, including exploration instruments, outdoor supplies, and a carved wooden spaceship.There is also a message on it: Give me my lovely little mother, Dad loves you.

It is obviously a gift from the mother's father, full of father's love.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "The world of ordinary Blue Moon people is not cold and ruthless. It is also full of emotions and love. In Germany during World War II, not everyone was a Nazi."

"Well, this thing can still be used." Mother Ma's voice.

Her voice fell, and a holographic projection suddenly appeared on the box-shaped device.A middle-aged blue moon man appeared in the holographic projection, which was the same as the afterimage of the soul constructed by Xia Lei in the pyramid.A medium-sized man, very strong, a pair of big blue moon eyes is particularly energetic, giving a sharp and capable impression.

"Father!" Mother Ma's eyes were wet in an instant.

Mother Ma’s father didn’t respond. What was recorded on the CD was only the image he took. He began to speak, "Mum, I don’t know if you can see this image. Hope, I hope you find me someday The things left in the pyramid, and then know the truth..."

"There are a lot of things to say, but I don’t have much time. I will start with my research. I have been studying the civilization of the Spirit Race people. I am sure that the Spirit Race people are the most powerful and advanced in the known universe. Civilization. Its destruction may be related to the abyss of nirvana, and we...we, the Blue Moon people, may be an accomplice. After decades of research, I have deciphered the writings of the spiritual people, and I have translated some stone carvings and inscriptions, really , What I found surprised me..."

"The spirit race people hold a kind of supreme energy, that kind of energy can change time, in the blink of a thousand years, it can make all things in a space instantly return to a thousand years ago. You may ask why not after a thousand years, I also thought about it. , But after my research, I am sure that the future does not exist, because it did not happen at all, and all the time that can be changed and reversed is the past..."

"I was thinking, is our existence a point in time in the past? Of course, from a strict cosmological point of view, time does not exist. It is just a concept that defines what has happened, what is happening, and Things that didn’t happen. Ah, I’m guilty of verbosity again. I’ll use this strict cosmological concept to describe my discovery..."

"What I mean is, we may just have happened, we don’t know what our future is like, it may have been destroyed. No, no, it’s not our future, it’s a real event, it may It was a kind of great destruction. And the Spirit Race people knew the result, so they reversed all things in certain dimensions and returned them to a certain node that had already happened..."

Xia Lei's heart was already beyond shock.The message that Cassia Ruiz had left in the bronze collection came to his mind: time is not time, it is a thousand years in the blink of an eye.He collected stones from Origin City and rebuilt Origin City, claiming to be the only one who wanted to replace the real mission.Although he is not really the "only" or the executor of the mission, the information he has is surprisingly consistent with that of the mother's father!

The two worlds are not unrelated. There is a connection between the space world in the earth and the world in the box. Although I don't know what kind of connection it is, it must exist!

Mother Ma’s father’s voice, “The universe is constantly evolving, and everything is also catching up with the evolution of the universe, and the survival of the fittest. The so-called evolution means correcting oneself from one mistake after another and moving in the right direction? Understand, so I think that in the event that is happening, the universe itself may have made serious mistakes, and everything we have experienced is just an act of correcting mistakes. The spirit race people hold this secret, but they disappeared... …"

"I have been looking for evidence of the existence of the spirit race, but I still couldn't find it. My research was finally known, and I was met with some resistance. They started investigating me, and even destroyed what I collected and sorted out. Information, as well as the results of my research. I have a hunch that I must have touched some of the taboos of those people above. I guess they will not let me go. I may be assassinated if you see these. Video, then it shows that this really happened. But don’t be sad, my little mother, Dad will always love you..."

Momma bit her lip, and blue tears burst into her eyes.

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