Super Vision

1906 Chapter 1905 His request, yes or no?

Xia Lei's guess was correct. It wasn't an accident that happened to her father, but was assassinated.And the person who gave this order was probably the Moon King, whom Mama sweared to the death.

This seems to be the reason why the mother shed tears.She once regarded the Moon King as everything to her. Even if the Moon King asked her to die, she would die without hesitation and execute all the Moon King orders.But this is the one who treats everything she has done, the one who killed her favorite father!

The depth of this sadness and pain can only be experienced by the mother herself.

Mother Ma’s father continued, “Actually, studying the civilization of the spiritual people is probably not the reason why they want to kill me. The real reason they want to kill me is related to the mission, and my research touches that mission. , And it is the taboo of Blue Moon..."

At this moment, Xia Lei also tightened his nerves. Is the mystery about to be solved?

"I think the person who performs that mission is the key to correcting mistakes. If he fails, then all of this will go back to a certain point in time that has already occurred, correct the mistakes, and start again. We are doing the wrong things, we It is also an accomplice of a certain kind of existence. Do you remember what I told you, is there the highest energy possible in our world? Maybe it is..."

"What kind of event or mistake is happening in this universe? I don't know, but what I know is that correcting that mistake will benefit everything in the universe. What should exist will continue to exist and not Will be destroyed, and what should be destroyed will be destroyed and returned to the dust. The universe has its own order and rules. We should respect this order and rules and follow in its footsteps to continuously improve our evolution..."

"Humans have established their own civilization on the Star of Hope. I personally really admire humans and the civilizations they have established. Their life span is short and they can bear hardships. They are very smart and can analyze themselves and know their shortcomings and advantages. , So they are also good at magnifying their own advantages. Although this is a new race, at the low end of the evolutionary chain, but their future is unlimited. We should cooperate with them instead of destroying them. But what I heard It’s the voice of war. There are too many voices. I don’t know who is the person who performs the mission. If you meet him, don’t confront him, let alone stop him. You should help him and do the right thing. thing……"

From this passage, it is not difficult for Xia Lei to draw a conclusion, that is, before the death of the mother's father, Blue Moon had not invaded the Star of Hope, and human civilization had not been destroyed.Momma's father guessed that there would be a human being who would perform the mission, but he didn't know who it would be.That's why he asked his mother to help that person, not against him.That person is Sheng Lei, but he failed.And Mother Ma did not find the message he left, and she was really an enemy of Sheng Lei.

The past is unbearable to look back, and things are inextricably linked.

A very simple example is that if Sheng Lei succeeds, Xia Lei will not appear here.He will not even be born, nor will he experience so many things.

"Okay, let's just say it here, what follows is the information I compiled to decipher the characters of the spirit race, which may be useful to you. Goodbye, my little mother, love your father forever..." Mother's father's The image disappeared.

What appears in the holographic projection is related to the interpretation of Lingzu language, and each Lingzu language has a corresponding Lanyue language.

Xia Lei stared at the content in the holographic projection, which used Lanyue as the translation language, but his brain was already using Chinese as the translation language.At the same time, the spirit language that he saw in the pyramid that can be found in the altar emerged in his brain, and the corresponding translation was quietly proceeding.

Learning a brand new language and translating the content of this language at the same time, ordinary people cannot do it, but such things are not a problem for Xia Lei.

The holographic projection disappeared.

Xia Lei's brain also translated the Spirit Race text on the altar: The past is not the past, it is the cause of everything.Taking this step, the world will be different.You kindle a spiritual fire, and I will surely respond.Not afraid of death, death is the beginning of life.

This is the Chinese translation, not bad, not missing a word.

Xia Lei chewed this paragraph over and over again, his thoughts seemed to give birth to wings, taking off from his brain, leaping across space worlds and time and space.Many people and many things also appeared in his mind. Every character and every thing are inextricably linked.At this time, he seemed to understand something, as if he saw the sun and the moon through the clouds, but there were more doubts, as if clouds were overcast.

The past is not the past, it is the cause of everything.This sentence is actually not difficult to understand. It is similar to what Cassia Ruiz said that time is not time. It is similar to the millennium in the blink of an eye, but the level and artistic conception are higher.If there is no past ten thousand species, how can there be the world today?And without the tens of thousands of species in the world today, how could there be a future world?

Whether it is a human being, or any other race, even a stone or an insect, there is an inevitable connection between them, and there is absolutely no single existence in this universe.A simple example is, is a rabbit 500 years ago related to yours now?On the surface, it certainly doesn’t exist, but if your ancestors ate the rabbit, part of the nutrition was transformed into tadpoles, and then you have one of your ancestors, you can still say that your existence and Is that rabbit irrelevant?

Taking this step, the world will be different.Xia Lei couldn't figure out what this sentence meant.He tried to understand it as entering the abyss of destruction to complete the mission, but if that means, can't the person who engraved these words explain it straightforwardly?Therefore, the meaning of this sentence cannot be determined.

You kindle a spiritual fire, and I will surely respond.This sentence also made Xia Lei a little confused, lighting a spiritual fire, what is a spiritual fire?Who will respond after lighting the fire?He could not guess, he had no clue.

Not afraid of death, death is the beginning of life.This sentence also made Xia Lei feel a little confused. From the literal understanding, it was nothing. The Buddhist school on the earth also said that when people die, they will enter reincarnation, which is the beginning of another kind of birth.But what is the purpose of engraving such a sentence on the altar?This is hard to guess.

"What are you thinking?" Mother Ma's voice.

Xia Lei's thoughts were pulled back. He looked at his mother, and his voice was a bit like a dream, "I thought a lot, but I can't tell, and it seems that there is nothing. All this is just an illusion. "

Mother shrugged, "Your words are too profound for me to understand."

Xia Lei looked at her quietly, "Mother, let me ask you a question."

"What?" Mother Ma also looked at him, looking down her head.

Xia Lei was silent for a while and said, "If we don't exist, or we only exist in the past, we are just people and things repeated countless times, what would you do?"

The mother thought for a while and said, "Your question is very strange, but... Assuming what you are saying is true, I think even if I want to change anything, I can't change it, so it's useless to think about it."

Xia Lei fell into a new meditation, he couldn't control his super brain to think about something.The same question, if he is just a character in the time and space that has already happened, what will he do?He also has no answer.The message left by the mother's father set off these imaginations and related thoughts, but it is not just imagination and thoughts.

"You are the executor of that mission. I have heard what my father said, so..." Momma said after hesitating, "I have gone too far on the wrong path. Can I turn back now? ?"

"Yes, of course. There is a very philosophical saying in my world that the prodigal son will not change his money. No matter what kind of mistake it is, as long as you decide to correct it, it is never too late." Xia Lei said.

"I killed a lot of people." Mother Ma said, her eyes full of self-blame and pain.

Xia Lei said, "Then make atonement."

"Can I...can atone for my sins?"

"Yes, if you kill a thousand people, then save 100,000 people. If you kill 10,000 people, then save a million people. If you destroy a tree, then build a forest. "Xia Lei said.

A light flashed in Mamma’s eyes, and her expression relaxed a little, "Well, I understand. My father asked me to help the executor of that mission. In my opinion, it is you, and I will help you. As long as it is a legitimate request, I will satisfy you no matter what it is. No matter what it is, as long as it is related to accomplishing that mission, I will do it for you."

"Really?" A light flashed in Xia Lei's eyes.

"Really, do you need me to swear?" Mother Ma looked at Xia Lei with different eyes.

"That..." Xia Lei's gaze fell, and then stayed on the breast of her mother, "I really want to ask you to help me, but I don't know how to speak."

The mother's gaze moved with Xia Lei's, and then stayed on her own majesty. She was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly understood what Xia Lei wanted her to do.Just after this, her expression could no longer be calm and natural, "You...really..."

She couldn't tell what it was.

Xia Lei bit his scalp and said: "Mumma, I have a feeling that you didn't appear in my life for no reason. Our encounter or a cause that happened in the past only has this effect today."

The mother interrupted Xia Lei, "What is the cause and effect? ​​Isn't it just my milk that you want to eat? It is so profound."

Xia Lei, "..."

"Did you say the same to those women?" Mother asked.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "That's not true. I only told you what I said just now."

Mother Ma was silent, as if she was thinking about whether to agree to Xia Lei's request.Her heart is contradictory. She just promised to help Xia Lei, as long as it is a legitimate request, she will meet it.Xia Lei made it right away, and it was such a perverted request.But it was such a perverted request, but it was a legitimate request for Xia Lei, who evolved by feeding on milk.

Reject him?

Promise him?

It is difficult for the mother to decide.

"Think about it. I won't force you to agree to me." Xia Lei said, "But from my perspective, from the perspective of that mission, I implore you to agree to me, because I have a very strong hunch that you Your milk is very important to me. Did you see the lettering on that altar? There is a paragraph on it that takes this step, and the world will be different. I think your milk is that step, and I must drink you if I take that step Milk."

Mumma seemed to be moved, she nodded, but then shook her head again.

Xia Lei said: "I'm going out to sit, think about it for yourself, come and find me outside when you think about it." After that, he left Mamma's cabin.

Momma sat down on her bed, and after a long pause, she said, "Father, why would you leave this message to me? You know that guy wants to eat your daughter's Milk? The executor of the mission you asked me to help is a pervert..."

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