Super Vision

2203 Chapter 2203 With one enemy ten thousand!

The Burning Beast was originally big, but in front of the colorful birdman, it has become smaller and pitifully small.

Shi Changye's expression became ugly. He just despised Xia Lei as an ant, but he didn't expect that the ant would suddenly grow wings and become a Kunpeng.Among other things, the colorful energy released by Xia Lei at this moment is not his opponent!

It is a very uncomfortable feeling to ride a tiger, and it is this feeling at the moment of the long night.In front of the imposing Xia Lei, what he was thinking now was not about trampling this "ant" to death, but about how fast and how fast he should leave here.

"Mrs. Nightingale, what do you want me to do with this impolite fellow?" Xia Lei's voice resounded across the battlefield.

In this tone, although Lava City has 200,000 troops, he hasn't paid attention to it at all!

"Kill him!" Madam Nightingale shouted at Xia Lei: "Kill him for me!"

"Let's go!" Almost at the same time, a long night yelled at Fen Beast.

"Want to go? There is no way for you to walk in this world!" Xia Lei's figure moved, the sky full of colorful energy light, landslides and tsunami generally swept towards Burning Beast and Long Ye.

The Burning Beast has no chance to escape. Its flying speed is not the fastest among the dead beasts in the sky, and even the fastest dead beast in the sky has to get down in front of Xia Lei!

Not to mention that Xia Lei also brought a helper that even he could crush in terms of speed.

The blue figure suddenly appeared in the void, cutting off Burning Beast's retreat.

The Burning Beast that was flying fast in the future stopped once again, and the long night on the Burning Beast's back also looked like ashes, a pure energy body, that was not his opponent!

People have evolved to the point where even the body is full of energy. The gap between him and Shenyue Ruyi is more than one or two levels?


That is to say, there was an emergency pause, and colorful energy poured over the sky, swallowing the Burning Beast in an instant.

At the juncture of the crisis, Wan Changye jumped off the back of the Burning Beast, and fled to the ground under the cover of Burning Beast's body.

"Roar--ah!" Burning beast screamed, and the behemoth with a wingspan of two hundred meters exploded in an instant, and the flesh and blood were squeezed into dust in the colorful energy light, and the ashes fell like ashes, one after another.


Long Ye's feet fell on the ground, and the ground vibrated, and several cracks extended from his feet in all directions.However, there was only a pause of a few tenths of a second. Before the impact disappeared, he pulled his leg and rushed towards the mining area.

"Die!" Xia Lei flew down from the air and stepped on the back of the long night.

The captain of the Blazing Legion is notorious, but Xia Lei is a scum that can't even be regarded as an opponent.Even Difascism, who guarded the world of dark death, died in Xia Lei's hands. What is an ant-like long night?


There was a deep hole on the ground.

Under Xia Lei's feet, Shi Changye's body was trampled into meat sauce, leaving only half of his head and one arm.

The commander of the Blazing Legion died just like that, and the fierce figure was like a soft crawler that was trampled under Xia Lei's feet!

"You guy, it's too cheap for you to die like this." Xia Lei said, and stepped on the half of Shi Changye's head. With a crisp snap, the half of Shi Changye's head was also stepped on.Fragments of the skull, brain sauce generally splashed out from under his feet.

"Dragon!" Madam Nightingale raised her arms and shouted.

"Dragon-Dragon-Dragon!" The soldiers of Ash City screamed, and their morale exploded.

"He killed your legion commander and killed him!" Young Master Blood Moon roared.

However, none of the mercenaries of the Blazing Legion dared to move forward.In their eyes, the long night of the Legion and his mount Burning Beast were simply invincible, but with such invincible existence, Burning Beast was squeezed into powder by the energy, and the long night of the Legion was trampled into meat sauce.Faced with such an opponent, who would dare to go up?

"Soldiers of Lava City, kill--" Young Master Blood Moon gave the order to attack.

The army of Lava City launched a charge from the two wings. At this moment, arrows, crossbows and energy ammunition raindrops flew over.

"Sergeants of Ash City, rush with me—kill!" Madam Nightingale yelled, and rushed up with the curved sword.

The flames of war were ignited in this way, and it did not end because Xia Lei killed the long night.However, the people who ignited the flames took advantage of the chaos and quietly retreated in the direction of the mining area.

This person is the blood moon son.

It is definitely not a wise decision to order your own people to charge when the opponent has strong support and morale is like a rainbow.But Young Master Blood Moon knew that he had to make such a decision. He had no choice but to sacrifice the army of Lava City to create a chance to escape!


On the side of Lava City, hundreds of steel lizards rushed towards the army of Ash City.Countless arrows and crossbow bolts pierced their bodies, but they couldn't even pierce the skin.Countless energy ammunition exploded beside them, but it only caused them to suffer a bit of skin and flesh injuries, and could not stop them from charging at all.

The steel lizard is really a flesh and blood tank!

This is actually the place where the soldiers of Lava City dare to launch a charge against a strong enemy like Xia Lei-no matter how strong you are, the army will charge you and consume you!

However, their so-called relying on flesh and blood tanks were just paper tanks in Xia Lei's eyes.

Xia Lei shook his hand, the Domination slid down from his right wrist and instantly cut into the form of the sword.He held the sword, and before Mrs. Nightingale led someone to rush up, he jumped and plunged into the "steel torrent" of Lava City.

The colorful sword light flickered and disappeared, and a head of steel lizard fell under the colorful sword light.Some have their heads cut off, some have their limbs cut off, and some have been cut off at the waist, black blood and minced meat are flying in the air, intertwined like a net!


With every sword split, no matter whether it is the steel lizard or the soldiers of Lava City, a large area will be harvested!In his area, no one, no beast can live!

On the other side, the army of Lava City, which had not been slaughtered by Xia Lei, saw that the situation was bad, and turned and ran away.

"Kill!" Mrs. Nightingale was willing to let go of this chance to severely damage Lava City, her old enemy, Xia Lei alone blocked the ambush on the right side of the canyon, and she led the army of Ash City to the Lava City ambush on the left.

One side was frightened, and there was no fighting spirit. One side was morale like a rainbow, and the battle was one-sided. Countless soldiers of Lava City fell in a pool of blood. Quite a few people who died did not even see the enemy. His own people and dead beasts trampled to death.

At the bottom of the canyon, in the mining area.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Young Master Blood Moon stopped, gasping for breath.He had been hollowed out by alcohol a long time ago, and he had to stop and rest even for things like escape.

Dozens of trusted guards were also forced to stop.

A trusted guard said: "My son, we can't stay, we have to leave here immediately."

"Go, protect me from here, and I will give you a generous reward!" The blood moon son has not completely messed up Fang Cun, he still knows to buy people's hearts.

"My son, I will carry you!" said a sturdy bodyguard.

But just when his words fell and he was about to squat down so that the bloody son could climb on his back, a blue catkin pierced through his chest.

The blue hand was that of Shenyue Ruyi, and in her hand she held the heart of the trusted guard who was going to carry the bloody son.The heart was still beating, squirting black blood continuously.

The blue catkin was pulled out of the chest of the trusted guard, and the trusted guard fell to the ground.Until he died, he didn't understand why this happened.

Only then did Shenyue Ruyi's body emerge from the void, she looked at Son Bloody with cold eyes.

"Kill her!" Young Master Blood Moon shouted in horror.

Dozens of trusted guards froze for a moment, and suddenly fled in different directions.

Shenyue Ruyi waved his hands, and his arms instantly extended, like two long-handled machetes, slashing through the fleeing trusted guards around his body.


One by one heads flew up from each neck, then rotated, fell and rolled.

Dozens of trusted guards were gone.

Prince Blood Moon suddenly thumped and knelt on the ground, tears and nose streaming out, "No, no...Don't kill me...I will give you money, you can do whatever you want...I am the Young Lord of Lava City. What I have is money...I also have the best blood crystals, I will give you all of them!"

Shenyue Ruyi stretched out a hand to Young Master Blood Moon, which was slender and lifelike, glowing with blue energy.

"You want it now?" Prince Blood Moon seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and suddenly became excited, "You take me to Lava City, I will satisfy you with everything, as long as you don't kill me!"

"No." Shenyue Ruyi said indifferently: "I want you to look at my hands. Do you think my existence is like this. Does your so-called money make sense to me?"

The blood moon son froze suddenly, pure energy body, no need to eat or buy clothes, what is the meaning of money to her?

Shenyue Ruyi said: "I wanted to kill you myself, but I think he will be happier if you hand you over to him."

" don't need anything, why are you still working for him?" Young Master Blood Moon suddenly became nervous.

"Because he is the only one." Shenyue Ruyi grabbed the guidance of the blood moon son, moved his body, and returned to the battlefield carrying the blood moon son.

The battlefield has become a slaughterhouse.

The mountains and plains are deserters from Lava City, and the mountains and plains are chasers from Ash City.The flesh and blood tank steel lizards in Ash City were almost slaughtered by Xia Lei alone, and the generals with strong combat effectiveness almost all died under his hands.Mrs. Nightingale and the soldiers of Ash City rushed all the way, barely encountering a decent opponent.

All the way, the corpses were everywhere.

Xia Lei put away the dominator, it was enough for him to help to this extent.Continuing to hunt down those soldiers who flee from Lava City can indeed expand Ash City's war revenue, but he is really not interested.With his current evolution, with his current strength, if he chases and kills those people, what is the difference between chasing a group of ants and stepping on it?


Shenyue Ruyi threw the bloody son at Xia Lei's feet.

Boy Blood Moon was slammed so that his eyes were staring at Venus, and he was out of breath for a while.

"I think you will be very happy if you give him to you." Shenyue Ruyi said, her expression a little unnatural.

Xia Lei smiled, "Why do you think so?"

"Because..." Shenyue Ruyi thought for a moment, "You can give him as a gift to Mrs. Nightingale. In that case, you might get a chance to sleep with her."

Xia Lei, "..."

Shenyue Ruyi Is she the kind of man who will please men?

Absolutely not, so she said such a weird "flattery" when she wanted to please Xia Lei halfway through the family.

"Did I... say something wrong?" Shenyue Ruyi said: "Your reaction is very strange, I don't quite understand."

Xia Lei coughed awkwardly, "No, you said it well, thank you."

Shenyueruyi's mouth extruded a stiff smile.

At this time, the son of Blood Moon slowed down, and then he saw the face of Xia Lei who was close at hand. He suddenly screamed, and a pungent liquid came out of his crotch.

"Damn, you dare to pee!" Xia Lei waved and slapped it down.

But before Xia Lei's slap was slapped on his body, Young Master Blood Moon let out another scream, unexpectedly passed out.

What is the point of killing such an opponent?

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