Super Vision

2204 Chapter 2204

The massacre was over, and the 200,000 army in Lava City lost two-thirds and only tens of thousands of people escaped.As for the far-reaching Blazing Legion, the entire army was wiped out, completely expelled from the Black Sun Empire.It is worth mentioning that in the First World War, Ash City only lost more than a thousand people. This loss and the results of the battle are almost negligible.

This desperate reversal of Ash City was a miracle, but the soldiers of Ash City who participated in the battle knew that this miracle did not belong to them, but was created by a man named Dragon.If it weren't for this man named Long, let alone achieving such brilliant results, their lives would have to be accounted for here.

Dragon, the name is chanted by every soldier from Ash City.No one would treat him as a slave anymore, and no one would dare to mention Long as a slave.Including Mrs. Nightingale, in her heart Xia Lei was no longer her slave after this battle, she didn't even dare to imagine that she could have such a slave.

Under the dim sky, thousands of bonfires lit up in the blood crystal mining area.Soldiers from Ash City sang, danced and drank around the campfire, and the most in the mining area were drunken drunks.

"Give me wine!" Beside a bonfire, the bloody son who was tied to a wooden pole cursed, "Damn, don't you idiots hear?"

No one answered him.

"You dare not kill me! I am the young city lord of Lava City, and I am the baron of the Black Sun Empire. You cannot kill the nobles! Otherwise, you will be imprisoned! Let go of me! Let go of me!" More and more arrogant.

Killing aristocrats in the Black Sun Empire is a felony, and all relatives will be implicated.In the Black Sun Empire, the city is at war with each other, and the winning side usually does not kill the nobles.This law, coupled with this unwritten rule similar to "the king does not kill the king" has now become the life-saving support of the blood moon son, and it has also become his arrogant capital.

It's true that the dragon who killed so many people didn't kill him, and the victorious Mrs. Nightingale didn't kill him. Isn't that why he dare not kill him?

This is the understanding of the bloody son who "lives in catastrophe".

There is a building next to the campfire, which is the building of this blood crystal mine.In a room in this building, Xia Lei, who was looking at a pile of blood crystals with Madam Nightingale, frowned, "Don't you want to kill him?"

Shenyue Ruyi handed the Bloody Son to him. He felt that he had killed the dirty hand, so he handed the Bloody Son to Mrs.But he was definitely not what Shenyue Ruyi said, he exchanged the blood moon son for the opportunity to sleep with Madam Nightingale, and he also felt that it would be better if the blood moon son was handed over to Madam Nightingale.After all, if he takes all the limelight, Madame Nightingale's prestige in the hearts of the soldiers in Ash City will also be damaged.

However, Mrs. Nightingale tied the Blood Moon son to the wooden pole, and only then did those noises that came into her ears.

Mrs. Nightingale was silent for a while before saying: "I want to kill him, I want to kill him more than anyone else, but..."

Xia Lei said: "Does the Black Sun Empire really have such regulations? Can't kill nobles."

Mrs. Nightingale nodded.

Xia Lei looked at her almost transparent face, "But have you ever thought about it. If I didn't arrive in time and you were caught, what would he do to you?"

Mrs. Nightingale froze for a moment, but did not speak.It is not difficult to tell from the look in her eyes that she does have deep scruples.

"You are not a nobleman?" Xia Lei seemed to see through her thoughts, "So he can kill you, and even that long night can kill you, but you can't kill them, can you?"

Mrs. Nightingale nodded, "I come from a remote place, and my parents are just civilians."

Xia Lei said: "You can't do this, I know the situation of City Lord Lonely Night, he doesn't have much time. Once he leaves this world, you will independently take care of everything in Ash City, as well as the wish of City Lord Lonely Night. Nobles like Prince Blood Moon dare not kill, how can you take it all?"

"I..." Madame Nightingale stopped talking.

She is better than most women, and she also has the quality of being upright, but after all, she is a commoner and a woman.

Xia Lei said indifferently: "The Lava City has been greatly injured, and you have also controlled this blood crystal mine. Waiting for you and Ash City will be an unprecedented development opportunity. If you have the courage and courage to kill a little noble child in a row. You don’t have the courage. Later nobles of higher rank will seize the benefits of Ash City and hurt you, but you don’t have the courage to resist?"

Madam Nightingale's gaze fell on the curved long sword on the table. She seemed to want to take that sword and take that step, but she seemed to hesitate again.

A gentle smile appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Isn't there still me? Kill, if there is something behind, I will bear it for you."

Mrs. Nightingale took a deep look at Xia Lei, then suddenly grabbed the curved long sword on the table and walked out of the building.

Xia Lei followed her out.He was as boring as killing Prince Blood Moon like trampling on an ant, but it was another matter for Mrs. Nightingale to kill Prince Blood Moon. He actually knew the pressure she was facing.Therefore, he really wanted to see how this humble woman took that step bravely and sent a sword of resistance to the injustice of the Black Empire!

"Let me go! Let me go! You humble commoners, in the eyes of Lao Tzu, you are no different from slaves!" Prince Blood Moon was still clamoring, "I tell you that my father, the Earl of Blood City, has a royal family in the Imperial Doomsday City. If you dare to kill me, I promise you that the entire Ash City will be razed to the ground! You will die, and all your relatives and friends will die!"

Mrs. Nightingale strode towards Son Blood Moon, her eyes were cold and her steps were firm.

Prince Blood Moon saw Madam Nightingale, he sneered, "If you don't dare to kill me, then let me go. Maybe I will spare you regardless of the previous complaint."

Then, he suddenly saw Xia Lei, who had just walked out of the building, his face turned pale in an instant, and his legs could not help shaking.

Mrs. Nightingale stopped in front of Prince Blood Moon.

"Let me go, I won't fight with you for this blood crystal mine, I swear to you, I will not retaliate." The blood moon son suddenly became behaved, but his heart secretly said: "Damn, wait. When I go back, I must borrow troops from elsewhere and hire more mercenaries to completely destroy Ash City! I will tie you, a humble woman to the square, and let 10,000 men line up to insult you!

Madam Nightingale looked back at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei nodded to Madam Nightingale.

Mrs. Nightingale suddenly raised her hand and stabbed a sword into the heart of Young Master Blood Moon.


The black blood spattered, and the bloody son looked at the long sword pierced into the heart in horror. He opened his mouth wide, "You... dare to... kill... I..."

Mrs. Nightingale's right wrist was twisted, and the blood moon son's heart was suddenly twisted into pieces.

Prince Blood Moon dropped his head, his eyes filled with unwillingness and anger.But all his emotions have lost their meaning and he is dead.

By the bonfire, everyone's eyes gathered to Mrs. Nightingale's side.

"Mrs. Nightingale!" I don't know who roared.

"Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale!" There was a roaring voice in the square, and the crowd was excited.

Mrs. Nightingale drew her long sword from the corpse of Prince Blood Moon. At this moment, she seemed to have let go of some burden, and the whole person was relaxed and comfortable.She moved her eyes to look at Xia Lei again, but Xia Lei who was still there just now disappeared.

"Dragon?" Mrs. Nightingale was still around, but still did not see Xia Lei.

"Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale! Mrs. Nightingale!" The voice of cheering and roaring spread to the entire square, and one hundred thousand soldiers called her name, the sound was as spectacular as the ocean tide.

But Mrs. Nightingale didn't seem to hear these voices, her heart was empty, and there was a little more anxiety.

The dragon is gone.

Will he come back?

She couldn't help thinking about this problem herself.

In the corner of the square, Xia Lei looked away from Madam Nightingale, he threw up a piece of the best blood crystal ore in his hand, then caught it, turned and left.

A blue figure appeared silently behind him, following him.

"Shenyue, how much do you know about blood crystals?" Xia Lei didn't look back, but he knew that Shenyue Ruyi was behind him.

Shenyue Ruyi said: "I spend most of my time on the blue moon, and I don’t know much about the blood crystal ore controlled by the night watch, but I know that the civilization of the night watch is built on it, just like Ah The Simis civilization is based on the spirit stone."

Xia Lei glanced at the top grade blood crystal in his hand and said, "I understand a little bit. The energy it contains is a kind of life energy."

"The energy of life?" Shenyue Ruyi was a little surprised, "How is this possible?"

"I have the ability to analyze the composition of energy. This is the result of my analysis and my understanding." Xia Lei said slowly: "I suspect that the dark world of death can breed so many and powerful lives, and it has a lot of things. I also suspect that the ancient spirits entered the world of darkness and death, looking for blood crystals, and the mystery to be solved is also the mystery of blood crystals."

Shenyue Ruyi did not speak, as if thinking about Xia Lei's words.

"By the way, I haven't asked you, now I'll ask you." Xia Lei stopped and turned around, looking at Shenyue Ruyi's exaggerated pair of two-dimensional beautiful eyes, "I always think you have a certain sense of that mission. What do you know about that piece of debris? Where is it?"

Shenyue Ruyi didn't avoid Xia Lei's sight, nor did she hesitate, "I don't know, maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"Have you ever thought that there might be no fragments at all?"

Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.

There is no such piece at all?

He never thought about this problem.

If there is not that fragment, everything he did, everything he experienced, everything he fought for would not be meaningless?

If there is no piece of debris, why did Origin City and the big hands behind Origin City use the fate of the two worlds to force him into the world of death to find the piece?

This is impossible!

"I'm just a hypothesis." Shenyue Ruyi said.

Xia Lei came back to his senses, he smiled inexplicably, "There is no such assumption at all. Forget it, just pretend I didn’t ask you. Let’s go back, and hope that Armido will find someone from that signal transmitter. Clues to value."

Saying that, but the assumption of Shenyue Ruyi has already affected him.

On the way back, he didn't say a word.

Shenyue Ruyi was also silent all the way, without making any sound.

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