Super Vision

2217 Chapter 2217 A San's Captain

A man curled up in the vine net woven with vines, with dark skin, wrapped in a palmolive headscarf, and an exaggerated fan-shaped ornament on the headscarf.He was wearing a military uniform with his rank on it. He was a captain.

Xia Lei recognized these characteristics at a glance.In the earth world, in South Asia, there is a country that claims to be the third in the world, and this soldier is an army officer from Asan.His unique military cap also shows his national identity. He is a native of Tin Clan in India.

Xia Lei didn't have a good impression of Ah San, so he didn't care about facing such an enemy in the dark world of death.But what worries him is that judging from the clothing of this tin captain, he is not an ancient soldier, but a modern soldier, and most likely a modern soldier.

For a long time, the people he came into contact with in the past were ancient, and the sudden appearance of modern ones made him a little confused.Because as far as the characteristics of Captain Asan are concerned, even if he is a soldier in the 70s and 80s, as long as there is no accident, he should be a living person on earth, but his age will increase by 30 or 40 years.

So, how did Diaro, the god of death, intercept modern soldiers?

"Dragon King, I found this guy while patrolling. He sneakily used a mirror to observe the mining area. I caught him and interrogated him, but I didn't understand his language, so I took him. I'm back." Qingteng gave a brief description of her actions.

"I can understand his language, take him down, wake him up, I will interrogate him later." Xia Lei said.

"Okay, I will take him to the woods next to the lower city." Qingteng dragged the Captain A San away.

Xia Lei’s gaze fell on Nightingale’s face again, “Nightingale, no matter what decision you make, I can understand you. After all, you are the city lord of the Black Sun Empire. If you dare to be an enemy of Diaro, then you It is equivalent to being an enemy of the entire Black Sun Empire."

"I know, but I..." Nightingale stopped talking, her heart was full of worries, and she was full of worries about the future of Ash City.

"I didn't let you make a decision now, so please think about it." Xia Lei said.

Nightingale nodded, "I will summon the generals of Ash City. I want to hear their opinions."

"Go," Xia Lei said.

Nightingale glanced at Xia Lei deeply, then turned and left.

Xia Lei walked to the lower city of Suspended City, and said as he walked, "Shenyue, I have some confusion in my heart, can you help me answer it?"

"I probably know what you want to ask." Shenyue Ruyi said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Talking to you is sometimes a very relaxing feeling."

Shenyue Ruyi said indifferently: "After all, I have been your mortal enemy, and it is normal for me to understand you."

Xia Lei shrugged slightly, "Well, tell me the details of the person who intercepted the past by Difascius, can you? Also, who is stronger than Difascius and Diaro, and there is no relationship between the two existences?"

"If you spend less time with women and learn more about the world, your enemies, you will have less confusion in your heart."

Xia Lei, "..."

"But you are a person who evolved by drinking milk, so you can't do without a woman. Your problem is insoluble." Shenyue Ruyi seemed to have opened the chat box that had been locked for a long time, "Well, I'll tell you. Di The surname is the surname of the royal family of the Black Sun Empire. Both Difascius and Diaro are members of the royal family of the Black Sun Empire and possess the ultimate evolution of the Night Watch. In my opinion, the royal family members with this surname control more than just control After this black sun empire, they actually control the entire dark death world. The night watchers are an extremely greedy and ambitious race. Their goal is obviously not only the dark death world, but also the opposite universe world."

The war between darkness and light is actually going on all the time.

"Defascism is known as the gatekeeper of the dark death world, but he is also the general of the Black Sun Empire. Compared with Diaro, King of the West, the latter is stronger than the former. I have heard some legends about Diaro. The god of death has six meals a day and eats hundreds of people for each meal. And he is not a person of the past, but an aboriginal in the dark world of death. Diaro’s king city, Mingdu, is also the most active city in the slave trade, a frantic slave trader. From all over the world, slaves were captured and transported to Hades, and a considerable part of them became Diaro’s food."

This statement is more exaggerated than the nightingale told him that he would eat hundreds of people for every six meals a day, and they were not the people of the past, but the aboriginals of the dark and dead world, and each one was a fresh life!

"As for the details of Difascism that you are asking about intercepting people from the past, I don't know much. The Spirit Race people developed the most advanced civilization against the universe with the World Stone, and the Night Watch is a civilization developed based on the Blood Crystal. The royal family of the Black Sun Empire holds the secret of the advanced use of blood crystal energy. As an important member of the royal family, Difascism will of course know it, but I don't know it. However, there have been speculations in the process of Difascism intercepting people from the past. , The use of blood crystals is a very critical point. As for whether this is the case, then you need to find the answer yourself." Shenyue Ruyi finished speaking, she closed her small mouth.

The blood crystal, it plays an extremely important role in the civilization of the night watch, just like the role played by the world stone in the civilization of the spirit race.The civilization of the spirit tribes that oppose the universe world has been destroyed, but the civilization of the night watch in the world of dark death is flourishing, and it seems even a state of inestimable future.Is there any secret behind this result?Or, that secret is the answer that the Spirit Race people need to study and search for when they enter the dark world of death?

After a short silence, Xia Lei said: "I will investigate clearly, and I will tell you the answer. I believe you want to know that answer just like me."

"I am also a person from the past, my current situation..." Shenyue Ruyi didn't say any more, her two-dimensional eyes were full of worry and sadness.

Since following Xia Lei, her emotions have grown more and more.Although it is nothing compared to ordinary people, it is already a very serious situation for her, because her energy body will become unstable as she gets more emotions. Negative emotions are better. If it is positive emotions It would be like germs that would make her sick.

She is sick now and she is getting weaker and weaker.

Xia Lei knew her situation very well, and his heart was also sad. Although he knew that Shenyue Ruyi was not the kind of woman who needed comfort, he still couldn't help comforting her, "Don't worry too much, think tank Armido The life capsule has been developed, using the energy to nourish life in the extracted blood crystals, and the solid genetic material contained in the prehistoric cherry tomatoes, the sudden death of the past people in the suspended city is soon It will be resolved."

"But I am not a living body, the energy that nurtures life, and the substances that stabilize the gene chain have no effect on me." Shenyue Ruyi said.

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Why don't I make a piece of clothing? A real flesh and blood body, then the life capsule might be useful to you."

Shenyueru kept staring at Xia Lei, and suddenly said: "Caring is chaotic. Are you caring for me?"

Xia Lei was stunned.

Yes, care is messy.He came up with a solution to the problem without thinking because of the debt in his heart, as well as his sympathy and concern for Shenyue Ruyi, but he ignored one point, that is, Shenyue Ruyi is a body that has evolved to a pure energy body. The ultimate existence of No matter what clothes it is, it is impossible for her to become her real body. It will only give her the feeling of possessing a body, but will not solve her problems.

There is also an extremely obvious mistake. Whether it is a body created or an energy body is used to occupy someone else's body, it is the current body, and the body itself does not have the time limit of the past.Since the problem does not exist, how to solve it?

The problem of Shenyue Ruyi really embarrassed Xia Lei.

"No one has ever cared about me. They will only fear and hate me. Why should you care about me?" Shenyue Ruyi seemed to care about the answer to this question.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Although we used to be mortal enemies, but I...but now you have abandoned the shadow to follow me, I am a good opponent, and I certainly want to solve your problem."

He wanted to say "But I killed you, so I didn't hate you", but he swallowed it again.

"You killed me?" Shenyue Ruyi is such a smart person.

Xia Lei, "..."

"I am me, the one you met or the one you killed has nothing to do with me." Shenyue Ruyi said.

"Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with you, you are you, you are unique." Xia Lei followed and changed the subject, "Let's go, accompany me to interrogate the scout, and then we will find a way to solve the problem together."

Shenyue Ruyi nodded lightly, and then followed Xia Lei.

As Xia Lei walked, he racked his brains to think about the solution to the problem. "People in the past can also solve problems by cultivating vitality and stabilizing the gene chain. But how should the past energy body solve the same problem? Energy body, energy body……"

I don't know why, the figure of Isitab suddenly appeared in his mind.She suffered a very serious injury in the battle of Cassia Ruiz, and finally married her soul in a special way. Part of the energy was preserved, and finally he resurrected her...

A ray of aura flashed through Xia Lei's mind, but it was too fast and too vague. When he wanted to catch it and analyze it, it disappeared. How can I not remember the moment of aura? The feeling is because of what.

Unknowingly, he came to the woods on the side of the floating city, and Xia Lei walked in.

The black mud, the gray forest, and the ubiquitous breath of death remind people of what kind of world this is.

Xia Lei saw Qingteng and a few werewolf warriors surrounded by Captain A San. The guy was shaking and his crotch was wet.In addition to the smell of decay, the air here also has a light urine smell, which is very unpleasant.

Xia Lei couldn't help but frowned. With this virtue, he can still become the world's third scout?

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