Super Vision

2218 Chapter 2218 Cut it up and feed it to the dog!

Seeing Xia Lei coming, Qingteng immediately told the werewolf warriors to retreat, and then said to Xiang: "Dragon King, this guy has woken up, but his courage is too small, I just slapped him, he actually ..."

The scout of the Tin nationality was actually scared to pee. This is what happened, but she was a little embarrassed to say it.

"I'll ask him." Xia Lei walked over.

The Captain of the Tin Clan subconsciously moved his back on the ground with his hands. He wanted to escape, but he obviously didn't have the guts to even stand up.

Ivy also retreated and stood with a few other werewolves.

In the small clearing in the forest, only Xia Lei and Captain Xi were left. One is a human from India, the third in the world in South Asia, and the other is a terrestrial from the East. The atmosphere seems to be slightly relaxed because of this. Some.

"You... Korean?" The Captain of the Tin Clan tentatively said, he spoke in Hindi.

Xia Lei shook his head.

The Captain of the Tin Clan followed and tentatively said: "Japanese?"

This time he is using English.

"You won't be from that poor Chinese country?" This time the captain of the Tin tribe spoke Hindi again.

Xia Lei couldn't help but frowned. It was a very strange feeling to be called poor by a third brother.

"Are you deaf? Or dumb? Can you understand what I'm talking about?" It seems that Xia Lei can't understand Hindi and the tin captain's language is dirty.

Xia Lei said in Hindi: "Do you remember when you came here? How many years, and what month and day."

"You actually know Hindi?" The tin colonel became excited. "Are you an Indian? That's right, why would I think you are Chinese? That country is poor, and the people are yellow and thin. You are so white." , So tall, you must be a mixed Aryan, aren't you?"

Xia Lei was already quite speechless to this guy, and his patience was losing a little bit, "Answer my question!"

"Keep your voice down, those guys are terrible." The captain of the Tin Clan glanced at the green vines standing on the edge of the clearing with a lingering heart, and then he said again: "I remember it was June 1962... …I don’t know the exact number. I only know that we are fighting against China in the south, so I came here without knowing what happened."

June 1962 was the period when the Indo-Chinese War broke out.The reason for the outbreak of the war was that India had taken advantage of the initial establishment of China and sent troops to invade the territory of China when it was busy with internal affairs and economic construction. However, it was severely beaten by the Chinese army.

This guy came from that period and was obviously one of the soldiers who invaded the territory of China.

"Whose order did you come here?" Xia Lei asked. At this time, a trace of desire energy plunged into the captain of the Tin tribe, and began to download the memory information in the captain of the Tin tribe.

The tin captain's eyes were slightly dull, and then he returned to Xia Lei's question, "My original boss is no longer found. After I got here, I was incorporated into a new team. We are now under the command of Commander Jokoso, many There are about two hundred thousand people, the navy, the air force, and the army. You may not believe it, but I swear it is true. I also saw King Ayue. Do you know the Maurya Dynasty? It is the King Ayue! "

The eyes of the captain of the Tin tribe were filled with reverent divine light. King Ayue had a pivotal position in the history of India. He was hailed as the greatest emperor in the ancient history of India, and the three brothers and three younger sisters of the later generations. Even more worship him as a god.However, the real King Ayue is a cruel man who murdered ninety-nine brothers and sisters in order to win the throne.

After becoming the third king of the Maurya Dynasty, King Ayue fought for years, his hands were bloody, and he was actually a very cruel king.Only in the later period of enveloping Buddhism, the butcher knife was put down.However, if one person kills so many brothers and sisters, invades another country, slaughters foreign races and then puts down the butcher knife to obtain salvation, and becomes a Buddha immediately, then the path to Buddhahood is too easy, right?

"King Ayue also has an army of 200,000, but you know that those brothers only have ridiculous cold weapons. However, the commander-in-chief of General Zokoso has already contacted King Ayue, and he plans to equip King Ayue's army with modern weapons. Almost half a million troops are advancing here, and I estimate it will be here in three days at most. But damn it, I don’t know who we are going to fight with." The tin captain gave a depressed expression, "We Shouldn’t the enemy of China be the Chinese? If we don’t come here inexplicably, just give us a few more days and we will be able to fight their capital!"

Xia Lei suddenly laughed. The tin captain obviously didn't know the result of that war, and the Chinese army almost went to Delhi.If it weren’t for considering that the people needed to rest and rest after the nation was just established, it would really have passed.It is said that Ah San has a funny special system. I used to think it was just a talk, but I didn't expect it to be true.

What this tin captain said is true, Xia Lei has sorted out the information stored in his brain.The god of death Diaro intercepted the army of the South Asian continent, divided into several historical periods. The oldest is naturally the ancient army led by King Ayue of the Maurya Dynasty, followed by the Indian army in the 1960s. There are more than 400,000 people.In addition, there are more recent modern military forces. Based on the characteristics of weapons and equipment, it is not difficult to speculate that they are the Indian special forces of the 20th century. They are very small, only about a thousand people, but the individual combat effectiveness is the strongest.

Why did Diaro intercept the army of the past tense from India?

Maybe Diaro was too lazy to go to other locations and time and space to intercept, maybe it was related to religion, but these are just speculations, the real answer is probably only Diaro knows.

"Do you have any plans? Brother." The Captain of the Tin Clan apparently considered coming down as his "owner", and when he spoke, he subconsciously approached Xia Lei, and his voice became significantly smaller. "Those guys can't be trusted, I Suspecting that they are the demons in the Hell of Abi, we have to find a way to escape. King Ayue is a god, and we will be safe only when we are by his side, and he will punish these guys."

At this time, a memory image appeared in Xia Lei's brain.

On the battlefield, a wounded Chinese soldier crawled toward his position.Both of his legs were injured by shrapnel from the shell, leaving a shocking blood stain on the ground.He crawled very hard, his eyes were full of the desire to survive, and maybe he missed his wife, children, and mother at home...

Several Indian soldiers chased up from behind. They kicked the injured Chinese soldier and insulted him with nasty language.The Chinese soldier did not beg for mercy, but picked up a stone.At that moment, a captain drew his pistol and shot the Chinese soldier in the head.

The Chinese soldier closed his eyes forever, and the blood flowing out of him stained the rocks and soil red, as if it would never fade.

The Chinese warrior was dead, but the Indian captain did not stop. He kept pulling the trigger at the Chinese warrior’s corpse and sent a bullet into the dead Chinese corpse. Among.He shot and laughed, it was a sick and hideous smile.

"Brother, you are talking." The Captain of the Tin Clan urged: "Think of a way, take me out of here, and I will take you to see King Ayue."

"Who the fuck is your brother?" Xia Lei couldn't control his emotions anymore, waving his hand and slapped it.

The tin captain suddenly screamed, and the whole person flew out. Flying with him were blood spurting out of his mouth, teeth on the half of his mouth, and pieces of cheek bones.Half of his face was sunken, and he passed out immediately, so that he didn't feel the pain of hitting the tree trunk two seconds later.

This is because Xia Lei didn't want him to die too fast, so his subordinates kept their strength. If he wanted this tin captain to die, he would be able to slap him into powder with the slap just now!

A trace of milk force plunged from Xia Lei's hand into the body of the fainted Captain of the Tin Clan, and the Captain of the Tin Clan, whose brain was severely concussed on the verge of death, came to his senses.

"You..." The Captain of the Tin Clan looked at Xia Lei in horror. Only now did he realize that the scariest person standing here was actually not the werewolves, but the fair-skinned, he thought he was a mixed-blood Aryan. Youth.

Xia Lei said coldly: "You fucking remembered it to me, I am not an Aryan, I am a Chinese. I didn't want to kill you because there is no difference between killing you and trampling an ant. It will stain my hands. But you can't even let go of a wounded soldier without a weapon. I want to do something for that martyr. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You... are you going to kill me?" The Captain of the Tin Clan was suddenly caught in death fear. A second later, his crotch was actually moist again, and the pungent urine smell again appeared in the air in the forest.

"Damn, I actually want to kill rubbish like you, which is really insulting to my image. But even if it is rubbish, you have to die." Xia Lei moved his gaze to Qingteng's body. The paw chopped up this guy and used it to feed the dog."

"No problem, but what is a dog?" Qingteng asked curiously.

Xia Lei said: "Yes... forget it, just take it and feed it to you."

"Okay." Qingteng walked towards the Captain of the Tin Clan, and wolf paws glowing with metallic cold light suddenly appeared from her fingers.The wolf claws of a werewolf can cut even a tank, and cutting a person is like cutting tofu with a sharp blade.

"" The tin captain seemed to realize something and lay down on the ground begging for mercy.

Xia Lei turned and left, he was not interested in killing a piece of garbage.Before discovering the memory information, he really didn't intend to kill the tin captain, but the memory information he found was another matter. He planned to do something for the martyr.

Shenyue Ruyi followed Xia Lei away, her voice was cold and cold, "It's about to go to war, Diaro is a terrible opponent. If you want me to help you, you must solve my problem as soon as possible."

Xia Lei nodded, "Next, I will do nothing, just thinking about how to solve your problem. You and me, we will find a clean place, okay?"

After getting along with the wife of the Three Kingdoms for a long time, he sometimes can't help but speaks of the Three Kingdoms.

"I know there is a suitable place, I'll take you there." The voice fell, and Shenyue Ruyi was already above the sky.

Xia Lei jumped to catch up.

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