Super Vision

2224 Chapter 2224 Skeleton Legion

Unlike the first gathering of the whole city, this time the scene was very quiet and no one was making noise.Those with vested interests gave up Ash City and left, and the rest were the poor and the soldiers who were honest and friendly. No one instigated it and naturally it was quiet.

But as time went by, Xia Lei and Nightingale did not show up for a long time, and the soldiers and civilians gathered on the square became uncomfortable, and the ripples of discussion spread.

At this moment, the sky trembled and some buildings instantly lost their luster.

A general suddenly shouted: "The energy shield of the city has disappeared!"

"Oh my God, without an energy shield, how can we resist the half-million army of Mingdu?" Someone made a desperate voice.

"We are dead, dead..."

"Where is City Lord Nightingale, she has to give us an explanation, we support her, but she can't cheat us like this!"

The energy shield of Ash City disappeared, the square suddenly boiled, and the wave of fear hit everyone's nerves again.

But at this moment, the void trembled, and a city emerged from the void.The city flies into two floors. The upper city has the splendid Bronze Bird Palace, towering and mysterious pyramids and book banks, as well as houses and streets built of precious rocks.There are fertile fields in the lower city, with fruit trees forming forests, small bridges and flowing water, just like a paradise outside the world.

Everyone was stunned looking at the city in the sky that suddenly appeared but did not fall. Many people's brains were blank.

Two people appeared at the gate of the lower city, it was Xia Lei and Nightingale who had come out after a long call.

"Is that the ghost country?"

"Such a beautiful place!"

There were sounds of surprise and praise everywhere in the square, and the appearance of the Levitation City swept away the fear in the hearts of the soldiers and citizens of Ash City like a violent wind sweeping fallen leaves.

At the gate of the Lower City, Nightingale held a blood-colored disc in both hands, and bowed and handed it to Xia Lei, "Dragon King, this is the heart of Ash City, and it is it that provides the energy shield to Ash City. Only the city lord can control it. I will give it to you now, and you will control the fate of Ash City from now on."

The blood disc is actually a blood crystal, extremely pure, and the energy it contains is extremely powerful.Holding it, Xia Lei felt as if he had held the entire Ash City and the lives of all the soldiers and citizens of Ash City, extremely heavy.However, this feeling did not affect his quick observation and research on this blood crystal. He soon discovered that this blood crystal was different. There were energy runes flowing inside it, and there was more than one. It is densely packed.

"Why are there energy runes flowing in this blood crystal? Who engraved it?" Xia Lei couldn't help asking, his brain was also analyzing the energy runes in this blood crystal.

"It was not written by someone, it was natural." Nightingale said.

"Natural?" Xia Lei was taken aback.

Nightingale said: "Yes, natural. If we are lucky enough, there should also be this kind of blood crystal in the northwest mining area. We call it a rune blood crystal, and its value is much greater than the best blood crystal. According to the Code of the Black Sun Empire, no matter who owns the rune blood crystal, he is eligible to open a new city in the wild land, and is given the title of city lord, as well as the noble title of earl."

"Why are there such blood crystals?"

"I don't know about this. This rune blood crystal was discovered by the ancestor of Lone Night City Lord. Because of it, Ash City was born. Now, I give it to you. Please protect this city. To protect the people here."

Xia Lei put the rune blood crystal of Ash City into Nightingale's hands.

"Dragon King, you..." Nightingale looked a little surprised.

Xia Lei said: "This city's heart is left to you by the Lord of the Night. He won't like me holding it. Keep it, I said, you don't have to give me anything in return, I will protect it. You, protect this city."

A black mist suddenly appeared in Nightingale's blue eyes. She was not a woman who would be moved casually, but Xia Lei moved her everywhere.

Xia Lei stretched out his hand and patted Nightingale on the shoulder, "I really don't need anything in return. Don't take Shenyueruyi's words to your heart, that... she's nonsense. Okay, let's go down."

Nightingale nodded.

Xia Lei hugged her waist, and then jumped down from the gate of the lower city.

There was an exclamation in the square.

But at that moment, a colorful glow was blooming in the sky, and it slowly descended like a cloud holding Xia Lei and Nightingale.

The city floating in the sky, the man driving the colorful clouds, in the eyes of many Ash City civilians, this is simply the arrival of the gods.As a result, a large area of ​​the square fell on his knees as the wind blew the wheat field.

Xia Lei’s voice resounded throughout the city, "I, dragon, I am your new king. Those who remain, you are already a member of the ghost kingdom, I promise you, even if Diaro personally came to conquer Ash City , Don’t even want to step into the Ash City for half a step. From then on, there will be no one in this world that can hurt you!"

"Long live the Dragon King!"

"Long live the Dragon King! Long live! Long live!"

There was the sound of a tsunami on the square.

There is no fear in Ash City.

But in the long live voice, Nightingale, who was holding the heart of the city, suddenly remembered something. She hesitated for a while and said in Xia Lei's ear: "Dragon King, the milk that the blue moon man said... is it true? ?"

Xia Lei suddenly froze on the spot.

At the same time, the half-million people from the past did not meet each other, and marched toward the City of Ashes mightily.Wherever the army passed, the village was burned down, and all the villagers were beheaded, leaving no dogs or chickens.

The front line of the army is the modern mechanized unit led by Jokoso, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, as well as trucks for transporting soldiers, and India's most distinctive motorized motorcycle regiment.These mechanized equipment give people an invincible momentum, but these mechanized equipment also face a problem of letting people collapse.

There is no oil in this world.

But tanks, missile launchers, tanks, trucks, and motorcycles all need to burn oil. The army was originally accompanied by tankers, but dozens of tankers were drunk and left behind.Without oil, what is the use of these mechanized equipment?


A military off-road vehicle stopped with a nasty sound from its exhaust pipe, and it ran out of gas.

Zokoso couldn't stand it anymore, pushed the door open, and shouted angrily: "Asshole! Fuel this damn car!"

"Report to the commander-in-chief that we no longer have fuel reserves. If we want to refuel, we have to pump fuel from other cars," a guard said.

"Then what are you doing standing here? Go pumping!"

"Yes!" The guard did not dare to stop at all, and then went to find the car to pump the fuel.

Zokoso looked up at the dim sky. He saw the black luan flying across the sky, with a strange expression on his face, "What the hell is this world? Is it really the hell of the nose? But even it is. Forehead hell, I also want to open up new territory here and rebuild our civilization!"

A white elephant walked slowly past the military off-road vehicle.

A luxurious sedan chair is installed on the back of the white elephant. In the sedan chair sits a burly middle-aged man with a crown on his head and a black mole on his forehead. He has thick eyebrows and big ears, giving people a majesty not to offend. a feeling of.

This middle-aged man is King Ayue who commanded the ancient army.

The white elephant stopped, and King Ayue looked at Zokoso condescendingly.

Zokoso knelt down and praised: "Dear King Ayue, I am your devout believer."

In India, King Ayue has been regarded as the patron saint of Indian Buddhism, and Buddhism is the state religion of India. Most Indians are Buddhist believers, so Jokoso couldn’t help but when he saw King Ayue Kneeling is also normal.

However, he did not know that King Ayue who was intercepted into the world of dark death was not the King Ayue who lay down his butcher knife and became a Buddha in his later years, but the one who started a bloody war after killing 99 brothers and seizing the throne. The Moon King is not a "Worry-Free King" who puts down the butcher knife.

King Ayue said: "General Zokoso, come up and ride the elephant with me. Although the iron cart is strong, but it needs oil, my elephant is good, just eat grass."

Jokoso hesitated a little, and if he lived with the gods, whether he would blaspheme, this question needs to be considered.

"Come on up, government this world with me." King Ayue extended the invitation again.

This is an obvious hint.

Zokosuo was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled with excitement, "It is my honor to follow King Ayue, and my soldiers and I will fight for you!"

Zokosuo climbed up the white elephant and sat with King Ayue, and the white elephant walked forward slowly.

The army of half a million continued to advance.

"Dear King Ayue, I have always been confused." Zokoso said: "I don't know why we came to this world. Everything here makes me suspect that this is..."

"Abi hell, is this what you want to say?" King Ayue said.

Jokoso nodded, "I have always had a voice in my mind, it told me to attack a place called Ash City, and that voice made me unable to violate it. If this is Abi Hell, will our enemy be ghosts? ?"

"I don't know if our enemy is a ghost, but I know that our enemy must be very sinful. Kill them and occupy their city. We will build a new dynasty in this world!" King Ayue's eyes burst There was a light of excitement.

At this moment, the sound of rumbling hoofs suddenly came from the side, accompanied by the horrified roar of Indian soldiers.

On the back of the white elephant, King Ayue and Jokosuo moved their eyes at the same time, and then the two ambitions of Indians stayed like wooden chickens.

On the flat wasteland, a cavalry team is sprinting forward.Every cavalry is a pink skeleton, braving black flames all over.The mounts under their hips are also the same, without flesh and blood, they are all bone horses.

Thousands of skeleton cavalry generally ran from the flanks in a whirlwind, the weeds on the ground were burned clean, the dust was swept away, and the momentum crushed the 500,000 Indian army so that there was no residue left.

"Gah—" Hei Luan roared excitedly in the sky.

"The Ash City is coming!" Ye Bai said, "Kirang, kill me!"

The sound resounded like thunder across the sky and the earth.

PS: Because I participated in the college entrance banquet today, the third shift was updated in advance, and no more in the afternoon and evening.

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