Super Vision

2225 Chapter 2225 Dead Mountain and Blood Sea

The white elephant climbed a gentle slope, and the field of vision in front suddenly opened.A gray city appeared at the end of the line of sight, the ancient rock wall, the flags rolled on the wall, and the spears were like a forest.

"Are you kidding?" Zokoso looked surprised. "Are our enemies the guys with primitive weapons?"

King Ayue glanced at Zokoso, but said nothing.He and his army also used primitive weapons.

Tanks and armored fighting vehicles passed by the white elephant, leaving deep traces of track crushing on the ground.Immediately after the tanks and armored fighting vehicles, the densely packed cavalry and infantry also climbed the gentle slope and advanced towards the plain below the gentle slope.With an army of 500,000, the front man cannot see the last man, and the last man cannot see the front man. It is a mighty ocean of heads.

"Quick—" Hei Luan hissed in the sky.

This seems to be an order.

Thousands of skeleton cavalry stopped suddenly.

Behind the Skeleton Legion, tens of thousands of black cavalry from the Underworld also stopped advancing.Thousands of skeleton cavalry were in front, and tens of thousands of black armored cavalry were behind. Ghost horses and steel lizards roared low. This is another ocean of people and beasts.

"Quack--" Hei Luan roared again.

This seems to be another order.

Just when Hei Luan's scream fell--

King Ayue stood up from the back of the white elephant, drew out the scimitar studded with jewels and waved it in the direction of Ash City, "Kill!"

Zokoso also grabbed his communicator and shouted, "All combatants, attack!"

The cavalry of the Ayue Dynasty burst into action, people roaring, horses croaking, and the infantry following them, rushing towards Ash City like a wave.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of tanks and armored fighting vehicles fired at Ash City as they marched, and shells flew out of the barrels, whizzing towards Ash City.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zokoso's mouth, and he seemed to have seen the picture of the walls of Ash City being blasted away.Using tank shells to bombard the ancient rock wall, isn't that a matter of one shot and two shells?


A violent explosion sounded, and the flames produced by the explosive explosion illuminated the dim sky. The picture was simply a sea of ​​fire, which was very shocking.

However, the walls of Ash City did nothing.

Dozens of tank shells were blocked by the energy shield of Ash City. Those dozens of tank shells only caused a ripple of energy, and nothing else.

Jokoso was stunned, even his jaw dropped to the ground.He never dreamed that a city that looked like a medieval castle would actually have an energy shield that can only be found in science fiction movies!

Whoosh whoosh...

A large number of rockets followed the tank shells and blasted on the energy shield of Ash City, and there was even a short-range missile launched by a missile launcher.

Amid the violent explosion, there was another sea of ​​fire, and the scene was even more spectacular than before.

However, the walls of Ash City still stood there perfectly, not to mention being blasted away, even a drop of dust did not fall.

King Ayue was also dumbfounded. He did not expect that Zokoso's iron wagons possessed such a powerful force, and what he did not expect was that the powerful attack power of those iron wagons could not blast a rock wall open.In fact, he couldn't help but explode in his heart, what the hell is this city?

Wall of Ash City.

Nightingale raised the long sword in her hand and roared: "The archer is ready to—"

All the archers on the wall drew their bows, and all the crossbowmen raised their crossbows.

On the plain facing Ash City, the Maurya cavalry team was getting closer.

Nightingale violently waved the long sword in her hand forward, "Fall the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh...

The energy shield disappeared, tens of thousands of arrows and crossbows, the locust army generally flew to the Maurya cavalry team.

A cavalry rushing forward raised the shield in his hand, and his upper body was completely hidden behind his shield.His shield was soaked in tung oil and it was extremely tough.

As he raised the shield, an arrow pierced the shield fiercely.With a click, the shield soaked with tung oil burst into pieces, but the arrow did not stop, and plunged into his chest again.After a few tenths of a second, his body burst open, turning into pieces of flying flesh.

The Cavalry of the Maurya Dynasty fell one by one, giving the impression that they were not ordinary arrows and crossbow arrows at all, but bullets from heavy machine guns!

In fact, not only the Cavalry of the Maurya Dynasty suffered a devastating blow, but even Zokoso's tanks and armored vehicles were shot directly into hedgehogs in this round of arrows!

It was just a rain of arrows, and even the men who wanted to conquer the world, King Ayue and Zokosuo, were broken in their hearts and courage.A wave of arrows harvested the lives of tens of thousands of cavalrymen, and even tanks and armored vehicles were shot into hedgehogs. Is this still a battle?Their army of half a million looks mighty and mighty, but in the eyes of the other side, they are completely boy scouts!

"Quack—" Hei Luan hissed.

This scream seemed to awaken something hidden in the brains of people from the past of India. After that, all the people including King Ayue and Jokosuo rushed towards Ash City.Hundreds of thousands of people charged together, and the number of armed personnel surpassed the total population of Ash City. That scene was really a sea of ​​people, a crowd of people.

"Why should I charge?" Jokoso ran staggeringly, thinking about this issue in his heart.He is the commander-in-chief, he doesn't need to charge with his soldiers at all, but he can't control the idea of ​​charging in his brain at all, let alone the mental commands generated by his brain because of that idea.

Another wave of arrows rained down from the sky, and a large swath of the charging crowd was immediately cut off. The air was full of human flesh and internal organs flying, and blood raindrops were generally scattered, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Fear tormented the nerves of every person in the past of India, but they couldn't get rid of the idea of ​​charging and wanted to rush forward.

Finally someone rushed to the energy shield of Ash City, and then slammed into it.Those who ran into it were not bounced away, as if they were squeezed in from a huge soap bubble.

The energy shield provided by the city heart of Ash City will only defend against energy bombardment, fast-flying objects, and will not block the entry of life.Its energy itself has the attribute of gestating life, how can it prevent the entry of life?

More and more people rushed into the energy shield, rushed under the city gates and walls, and then were torn into pieces by the arrows and crossbows shot from the overhead.More and more corpses piled up, and people behind stepped on the corpses to continue climbing on the wall, shooting at the wall with weapons.But their bullets couldn't penetrate the armor of the defenders of Ash City at all, unless they hit the face to kill the opponent, and with the cover of the wall stacks, the chance of them hitting the face of the defender was pitiful.

More and more corpses lie down and become ladders for their companions.In just a few minutes, the corpses stacked under the city wall were close to the height of five meters, and they were accumulating rapidly, and they would soon reach the same height as the city wall!

Zokoso finally rushed under the city wall, and the blood flowing from the corpse wall drowned his calf.He sprinted forward with blood, slipped and fell to the ground.He wanted to lie in a pool of blood and fake a corpse and wait for the end of the war.But his idea of ​​letting him charge is too powerful for him to resist.He struggled to get up from the pool of blood and climbed up on the corpse of his compatriot.

The wall was getting closer, and Zokoso saw the defenders standing behind the walls of the wall.They were almost transparent faces, and he was no stranger, because when passing by some villages, his army killed the night watchmen in those villages, and he himself executed a young night watchman who spit at him. , With his Golden Desert Eagle, shot the young night watchman in the head.Now, the golden desert eagle, which represents his noble status, was clenching tightly in his right hand, and the muzzle was aimed at the face of the defender of Ash City.

"Go to hell!" Zokoso yelled, squeezing the trigger with his fingers.

But at this moment, a woman suddenly reached out and pushed away the defender of Ash City.


A bullet was ejected from the muzzle of the eagle of the Golden Desert and directly hit the woman's neck.

However, there was no sight of black blood exploding. The bullet that hit the woman's neck was deformed and fell on the wall.

Zokoso was dumbfounded, his brain blank.

You can't kill a bullet, what the fuck is this enemy!

He didn't know that the god child of the dark death world was a "super-powered person" who had extraordinary evolution since he was born, and the bullet was undoubtedly bitten by a mosquito for the god child.

The woman suddenly waved over, and the long sword in her hand snapped across Jokoso's waist.

At that moment, Zokoso saw his legs with great horror, and a part of his waist standing on the wall of the corpse, while his upper body flew up and fell into a pool of blood.

There was a person lying in the pool of blood, that was King Ayue of the Peacock Dynasty. His crown was deformed, and it looked like he had been stepped on by a cow.There was a hole as big as a watermelon in his lower abdomen, and the broken large intestine and other organs could be clearly seen inside.

Two men with ambitions to conquer this world meet again here.

"I'm... King Ayue..." King Ayue actually opened his eyes and didn't die. It was a miracle.

"Your mother..." Zokoso cursed, his voice faint.It wasn't until this time that he understood that he and his soldiers had only one value, and that was to build a road for the "regular army" to charge under the walls of this city.In addition, there may be a value of consuming the opponent's ammunition.

Sure enough, Hei Luan's hissing sound came from the sky again.

Thousands of skeleton cavalry and tens of thousands of heavy armored cavalry from Hades began to charge.

The road to the charge has been paved, and the formal siege has just begun.

"I am... King Ayue..."

"You are a liar……"

This was the last conversation between two men with ambitions to conquer the world, and then King Ayue and Jokoso closed their eyes.

A skeleton ghost horse stepped on Jokoso's head, and his head burst open.But in an instant, his flesh and blood was absorbed by the skeleton ghost horse!

If Jokoso can still see and think, he will understand that he and his soldiers have another value, that is, food for the skeleton cavalry and the skeleton ghost horse!

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