Super Vision

2596 Chapter 2596 Xia Calendar 2017

Ice star.

This snow-covered planet Xia Lei has only visited once, and he and Lan Jier used the Aximis star gate to shuttle here, but this time it was brought with him from the earth world. The scientific research investigation team.The situation at that time was completely different from the current situation. That time it was PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, but this time I came back for sightseeing and investigation.

The difference is not only the first time and this time, but also the time and environment.I don't know the time yet, but I can overlook the Ice Star from the starry sky. This small planet is already full of cities, a very developed city.Large and small spaceships fly through the air, which is full of science fiction.

"This..." In the Tongjak Palace, Lan Jier had a surprised expression, "I remember when we left, the Ice Star was a wild planet. Why are there so many cities and spaceships now? How long has the time passed? what?"

Think tank Armido said: "Dear Ms. Blue, with me, the information I just obtained is now in the summer of 2017."

"What is Xia Li?" Lan Jier curiously asked.

Think tank Amido said: "That's because the master liberated the Ashimis and helped the proud sages to regain the ice star. To commemorate the master, the new era time system was named the Xia calendar after the master's surname. If Calculated from the time we left, it's probably two thousand years since we left."

Lan Jie's mouth opened wide, and she was stunned for a long time before she said a word, "I... do they remember me as a queen?"

Think tank Amido said: "I must remember that I just shot the image of Icefield City. The noble Blue Mistress and the master and all the mistresses, please take a look.”

A holographic projection appeared in the void of Tongque Hall.

That is a timely image of a square.

On the square stood two statues made of star stone, one was Xia Lei's statue and the other was Lan Jill's statue.On the base of Xia Lei's statue is inscribed in Ashimisi: Great Father, Human Leader Xia Lei.Lanjier's base is engraved in Ashimisi: Great Mother, Xia Lei's wife, Lanjier, Queen of Ice.

The profile of Xia Lei’s statue is normal, and he can still be called "father" by the Ahimis after two thousand years, because without him the Ahimis would still wander among the stars and hide. The road to national rejuvenation is long, and it may even never be realized.And he, he helped the Ashimis regain their home planet, and also supported the Ashimis' construction on the Ice Star, laying a solid foundation for today's prosperity.With such kindness, it is not surprising that the Ashimis regard him as a "great father".

The introduction of Lanjier’s statue is a bit interesting. The Ashimis deliberately added “Xia Lei’s Wife” in front of the title of “Queen of Ice”, which is enough to prove that they have in the hearts of the Ashimis. What a proud thing Xia Lei is such a "son-in-law".

There are not only blue-skinned Ahimis, but also white, yellow, and black-skinned humans in the square.There are several couples of young lovers standing in front of the statue admiring the "great man". One is a human youth, and the other is Ahimis' youth.Some are even a combination of Blue Moon people and Aximis people, a combination of Blue Moon people and humans.Judging from this situation, it is not difficult to judge that the country of the Ahimis that appeared in is a multi-ethnic country.

After a brief consternation, Lan Jier suddenly smiled again, and tears of excitement appeared in his eyes, "The Ahimis have stood up. For many years, we have been dreaming of returning to our mother one day. Star rebuilds our civilization, I can see such a prosperous picture, I have no regrets, husband, thank you, I am really happy, so happy."

Xia Lei put his arms around Lan Jier's fragrant shoulders, and his face was also filled with a gratified smile, "I am also very happy to see the Aximis people build the Ice Star so prosperous. It was not in vain, everything we experienced was worth it."

Tia Sama interrupted and said, "Sister Lan, it's been two thousand years. I wonder if your father is still there?"

This sentence summoned Lan Jier's mind into a cold reality. She had only been on Earth for a few months, but in the Ice Star World, it had been two thousand years.Her father couldn't live until now, and the nagging, daddy Lan Mu, who regarded wealth as his life, was gone.

"Master, we can go down now." Think tank Armido's voice.

Xia Lei said, "Then go down."

"Wait." Lan Jier suddenly stopped and said, "Husband, let's go and see first, don't disturb them."

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded, "Well, I will accompany you down to take a look."

He understands Lanjier’s mood at the moment. For her, the Ashimis and the world of Ashimis she knows are all in the past tense. The people she knows and the surroundings are all human beings. Nothing.She is the queen of the Ahimis two thousand years ago. If she goes back in high profile, how should the current king of the Ahimis face her?How should the current Ahimis face her?What is certain is that her appearance and return will have an unpredictable impact on the current Ahimis and Ahimis world.The current Aximis people are living well, they need only a spiritual ice queen to commemorate, not a living ice queen.Now this situation is good for everyone, so why should we destroy it?

Icefield City, Victory Square.

A group of young men and women walked arm in arm to the statue in the center of the square. The men were ordinary, but the women were beautiful and beautiful.This young man was Xia Lei. He changed his appearance, and he was an ordinary person who would not be easily spotted when he walked into a crowd.The young woman is Lan Jier, the "deceased" ice queen of the Lan Yue people.

Because of Lan Jier's beauty, many people looked at her and Xia Lei.

"That woman is so beautiful, but unfortunately that man is ugly. It's really a flower stuck in the cow dung." A human youth said, seeing Lan Jier walking in the square affectionately holding Xia Lei's arm. , He is quite irritated, who is pretty good.

"You didn't realize that the woman looked like a great ice queen!" An Aximis exclaimed.

"Yeah, it looks like." Someone agreed.

"Just look like, there are many women who look like the Queen of Ice. There was a parody show at the National Grand Theater not long ago. There were many women who looked like the Queen of Ice." Someone said.

"Yes, yes, I discovered that this woman's chin is a little rounder, and our ice queen's chin is longer and more beautiful." An Ashimis said.

These remarks made Lan Ji'er laugh bitterly. She leaned into Xia Lei’s ear and whispered: “It’s really interesting. I’m obviously their queen, but they said I’m not like myself. There is also that statue, which is nothing like me. I really don’t know who made it."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "This is two thousand years later, how can they remember what you looked like two thousand years ago?"

Lan Jier leaned against Xia Lei's waist with her elbow, "As long as you remember me, I don't care if others remember it."

The remarks of those in the square further dispelled the idea that Lan Jill would descend on the Ice Star as the "Queen of Ice".Two thousand years later, the Ashimis are not even sure what she will look like. She came to this new world created by the Ashimis as a former queen. What is the point?Perhaps it will be an incomparable glory, but it will bring this new world to unstable factors.For her now, it is enough to have Xia Lei and the child who is about to be born in her belly. She doesn't need such honor.

The two of them stood in front of their statue and looked at their statue. It felt really strange.

In fact, it is not that these two statues are strange, but the feeling that two thousand years have passed.Not only Lan Jier, but Xia Lei, who can dominate the two universes, is no exception. For him, this is the first time ever.

"Husband, I want to go to the library to read and there are no history books about us, and..." Lan Jier said after a moment of silence, "I want to know the year my father died and where he was buried. Where."

Xia Lei said: "Amiduo has downloaded the relevant information, do you want me to tell you?"

Lan Jier said: "No, I want to see it myself, I want to find the answer by myself." She raised her finger to a library at the end of the square, "I will go alone, you don't have to worry about me, I am theirs after all. Queen of Ice."

Xia Lei nodded, "Then I will wait for you here."

Lan Jier kissed Xia Lei on the cheek, and then walked to the library alone.

Xia Lei can understand her. She is after all the queen of the Ashimis, and what she wants to know is how the Ashimis think about her now, as well as her father’s information. These are extremely important to her. Meaning.He told her that it was not the same as searching for herself.

When Lan Jieer entered the library, Xia Lei received a message from Ainu.

"My respected master, I got a very important message, I think you must be very interested." Its voice came from the master, there was no battle, and the role played by the master was just a communication from a spirit race Devices, handheld computers and other roles.

"Text message or video?" Xia Lei asked casually, but his heart was full of speculation.

Ainu's voice, "It's a voice message."

Xia Lei couldn't help hearing the voice message immediately, but when he saw the people coming and going around him, he dispelled the urge to let Ainu play it. He said, "Wait for me."

"Yes, my respected master." Ainu's voice.

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