Super Vision

2597 Chapter 2597 Information on the Fifth Day

Xia Lei disappeared into the square, and was already in the Huaxia Tower when he reappeared.Ainu was already waiting for him in the empty triangular space, in the form of a virtual spiritual woman, without hair or face, only a pair of faint blue eyes.

This space was once filled with the energies of six creators, colorful, like a fairyland.But now it really looks like a "grave", and Ainu is the ghost in this tomb.Xia Lei kept this huge pyramid and used it as a bait to lure him into the bait on the fifth day, but until now he did not show up on the fifth day.

Is Ainu's so-called voice message related to the fifth day?

Xia Lei had such a guess in his heart, but what he said from his mouth was, "I'm shopping with my wife. Your so-called message should have a little value. Come on, how is the voice message?"

"My dear master, please listen." Ainu said.

A woman’s voice immediately sounded in the inner space of the pyramid, “The only thing, tens of thousands of years have passed, I know you’re always trying to get through to me, kill me, and completely relieve the hidden danger. Tens of thousands of years have passed, I too Enough of hiding and hiding, I also want to end it all. I look forward to a decisive battle with you, I am waiting for you in my hometown. I believe you have become the new master of Ainu, and it will tell you my hometown Where. Come with it, don't bring your wife and children, or they will die here. Come and kill me, my only one."

This is the voice of the fifth day, with an innocent power, but also with the exhaustion of a desperate interstellar woman.

Just like this, the triangular space inside the pyramid is immersed again, and the atmosphere of the tomb is particularly obvious.

It took two full minutes for Xia Lei to break the dull atmosphere here, "When did you receive this voice message?"

"Just now." Ainu said, "I will notify the master as soon as I receive it."

Xia Lei looked at it, "Are you sure it is the fifth day's message?"

Ainu said: "Yes, I'm sure. This voice message came directly through the Huaxia Pagoda, which shows that her tower has been rebuilt on the fifth day, and she can use the fastest way to deliver the message she wants. "

Xia Lei said, "Where is her hometown? Give me relevant information."

A holographic projection appeared in the void, and planets appeared in the holographic projection. The uncounted planets and nebulae formed the form of a fuzzy woman.If you connect the outermost planets with lines, you will get the woman's head, arms and feet, and even the organs for nurturing children.

Ainu said: "This is the God Mother Galaxy, the oldest galaxy in the universe. Its energy level is much higher than that of Skyrim's Evening Galaxy, and it is also the birthplace of the Spirit Race civilization. Later, the Spirit Race people left there. , To create civilization everywhere in the universe, that place has been forgotten."

On the fifth day, he fled to the God Mother Galaxy, a higher energy world, for two thousand years here and tens of thousands of years there.This is equivalent to saying that she has been operating there for tens of thousands of years, saying that she is waiting for Xia Lei to kill her, but why is she just waiting for work and wanting to hunt him in the God Mother Galaxy?

This voice message can be understood as a decisive battle book.

No matter what big pit was dug in tens of thousands of years on the fifth day, Xia Lei would jump. Whether it was for his wife and children, or the safety of human civilization, he must get rid of this moment threatening His creator.

Ainu went on to say: "The God Mother Galaxy is hailed as the source of the birth of this universe. The oldest spiritual civilization was born on a planet named Young God Star. That planet has two stars, one is Named the god mother, one was named the priest. The oldest spirit race people were born on the young gods, and they regarded those two stars as their parents. However, when they were born, the two planets were already very old. , Unable to provide enough light and heat to maintain their living environment, so they left the young star."

Xia Lei said: "You can tell me this earlier, why are you telling me now?"

Ainu said: "My respected master, you came here three times in a few months, and you didn't give me definite instructions. Also, some data was destroyed when I left on the fifth day. It took me a long time. Time to recover. This star map, this information is also just recently recovered."

Xia Lei smiled, "I don't doubt you. You are used to executing instructions, not giving your opinions. I am probably used to getting along with my two artificial intelligences. You and them are different artificial intelligences. ."

"Yes." Ainu lowered his head, "You will always have the highest authority over me, and I will not violate any of your instructions."

Compared to the good side of swear words, and the think tank Armido who once delused to become a god, Ainu is actually an authentic artificial intelligence.It has a huge database and supreme wisdom, but it will not put forward its own opinions, let alone launch any actions on its own.It has a very clear positioning for itself, that is, artificial intelligence.For such a positioning, if Xia Lei as the owner did not give it clear instructions, it would not respond.It's like facing a computer, it can do a lot of work, but if you don't operate it, it will be there on standby.

Xia Lei glanced at the six "pelvic disks" still floating in the original position, and then said, "Ainu, when I left here last time, I asked you to study them. Are there any results now?"

Ainu said: "I tried to analyze its energy structure, and I came to a conclusion. It is the highest energy I have ever seen. It is very similar to your energy, your noble master. My judgment is the same level. Is the ultimate energy."

"go on."

"I tried to interpret their energy rune structure, but I couldn't interpret it. During this time, I tried 100 million times, from different angles and different methods, but none of them was successful." Ainu said.

Xia Lei is not surprised by this result. He is the master who can dominate the two universes, and he has entered the beginning and end of the universe and absorbed the material and energy of the dominant "bronze sand". Even he himself couldn't interpret the energy rune structure in the pelvis. How did he count on Ainu to solve this ultimate problem for him?

"Continue to research and tell me immediately if you find anything." Xia Lei said.

Ainu responded: "Yes, my respected master."

Xia Lei turned and walked towards the gate. He received the message of the fifth day, but he did not give Ainu any instructions.

Ainu watched Xia Lei leave, just watching, without any other reaction.

It seemed to take a walk in the courtyard, but Xia Lei had already crossed a long distance to the gate of the tower in a few steps. When the gate opened, he could see the white ice star and the one walking on the ice star. City.However, the satellites and surveillance system of the Ahimis could not detect the existence of the Suspended City and the Huaxia Tower.

But at this moment Xia Lei turned around again, "Ainu, come here."

Ainu shook for a moment, and came to Xia Lei's side in an instant, "My respected master, what else do you have to say?"

"I received the fifth day's message, which can also be understood as the war note she gave me. It is inappropriate not to respond." Xia Lei paused, then said, "Can you contact her?"

On the fifth day, he said: "I can't contact her, but I can contact her tower. Master, what kind of information do you want me to send, I can use the same method to deliver to the god mother galaxy, the young god star."

Xia Lei said, "Record what I want to say."

Ainu responded: "I am ready."

Xia Lei said in a deep voice: "On the fifth day, I am Xia Lei. I have received your message. I will come to the God Mother Galaxy to find you. You want to end all this, and I also want to end all this. Ours The decisive battle is inevitable, so let's fight. I will bring Ainu to the Mother of God Galaxy. I look forward to meeting and decisive battle with you."

His voice fell, and the space inside the pyramid suddenly heard a buzzing roar.An energy field appeared, took his voice message into the "Tower Heart", and was then launched again.As the cornerstone of the universe, the World Stone has the ability to open any space boundary and the ability to create wormholes. It is actually a simple matter to deliver such a voice "mail".

"The transmission is complete, my respected master." Ainu said.

Xia Lei said: "Be prepared, next time I come back, we will leave for the God Mother Galaxy."

Ainu responded: "Yes."

Xia Lei jumped and flew out of the tower gate.

The gate was closed, Ainu looked at the gate, and did not move for a long time.

When he reappeared, Xia Lei was already next to the statue of him and Lan Jier. He appeared out of thin air, but no one around him looked at him, because he could not be seen at all.Whether it is a human being or an Ahimis, there is a complex to find God, but no one has thought about it. Maybe God is watching you quietly by your side, because your actions will reward you. Or punishment.

Xia Lei walked slowly towards the library. When he just walked to the door of the library, Lan Jier walked out of it.Her expression looked a little low, and it was not difficult to see that she had found what she wanted, and the historical information brought her not a good feeling, but a bad feeling.

Xia Lei greeted her without saying anything, holding her in his arms.He is visible at this time.

Lan Jier lay in Xia Lei’s arms, her suppressed emotions collapsed suddenly, and she cried, "My father...he...he is dead, I am his daughter, but I am the last I haven't seen one side...oooo..."

Xia Lei comforted her warmly, "It is already two thousand years later, and this result is inevitable."

"I want to visit his cemetery." Lan Jier raised her head in Xia Lei's arms, "husband, you go with me, I want to worship him."

Xia Lei stretched out her hand to embrace her waist, "I will accompany you wherever you want to go. He is my father-in-law, and I want to worship him too."

The couple left the square and walked in one direction.

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