Super Vision

309 309 Liang Siyao's Heart

boom!There was another gunshot.

It was Colonel Hanks who fired a shot at Liang Siyao ’s abdomen.Liang Siyao's lower abdomen also began to bleed, her legs softened and fell to the ground.

This time, Hanks failed to keep pace with Liang Siyao's body, and his left shoulder was exposed.

boom!Xia Lei pulled the trigger, and a bullet penetrated a distance of hundreds of meters, and instantly penetrated Hanks' left shoulder.At that moment, blood shot from his left shoulder blushed Liang Siyao's shoulders and cheeks.His body was also lifted by a huge impact and fell back.

This is the real shot.

Liang Siyao also lay on the ground, not daring to show his head.Her face was pale, and at this time she was not sure whether Xia Lei would shoot her.However, compared to Xia Lei's horrific marksmanship, what made her more uncomfortable was Xia Lei's attitude towards her. He didn't seem to care about her anymore, otherwise he wouldn't shoot in this situation because even For a one centimeter deviation, she will be hit, not Hanks!

"Kill him! Kill him for me!" Hanks was not dead, but Xia Lei's shot shattered his guts, and he passed out after the order.

There was a lot of gunfire on the hillside, and the bullet raindrops generally pierced to the right of Xia Lei.As soon as Xia Lei shot, his position was revealed.These people are not ordinary soldiers, all are field-hardened characters, especially those agents from the CIA are even more elite.

Liang Siyao pulled out the pistol on his waist and shouted: "Stop shooting! Stop shooting! If anyone killed him, I would kill him first!"

The gunshots stopped briefly.

Xia Lei crawled elsewhere, but as soon as he moved, a bullet flew from above and hit the edge of the rock where he was hiding.The sniper has locked him, and the sniper with night vision equipment can track him through the heat emitted by his body in the night environment.In front of the thermal imaging night vision device, even hiding behind the rock is nothing to hide.

Xia Lei clung tightly to the ground, observing the sniper with his left eye through the edge of the rock.The sniper was watching him with a thermal imaging night vision equipment, still talking.Xia Lei's left eye locked his lips and interpreted the language.

Just a second later, Xia Lei rolled down the hillside violently.

As soon as he left the rock, a grenade exploded on the rock.

Just now, the sniper was passing his coordinates to a CIA agent.Fortunately, he interpreted the sniper's language, or another second later, even if he was not killed by the grenade, he would also be injured and disabled!

Bang!The CIA agent operating the grenade launcher fired a second grenade, which exploded a few meters away in front of Xia Lei.

Fragments of rock, soil and sand flew from the center of the explosion in all directions. Although Xia Lei's movement speed was already extremely fast, he was still injured by many fragments of rock.The dirt and sand lifted by the explosion shock wave also made him disgraced and embarrassed.

After all, he was carefully selected, not a rookie.

boom!During the flight, Xia Lei suddenly stopped, and returned with a shot.

The CIA agent operating the grenade launcher was just about to pull the trigger, and a bullet pierced his neck, and his neck instantly lost a quarter.His body leaned back, but his fingers still executed the brain commands before death, pulling the trigger.

The grenade launcher shuddered, and a grenade shot straight into the sky.

"Fak!" The sniper not far from him couldn't breathe anymore, and got up and ran away.

boom!Xia Lei's sniper rifle shuddered, and a bullet instantly traversed a distance of hundreds of meters, accurately plunging into the back of the sniper who had just climbed up.

Bang!The grenade fell and exploded over the hillside.Although no people were killed, the position on the hillside was in chaos.

Taking advantage of this chaos, Xia Lei quickly rushed down the hillside.

Although the other party still has a dozen or so people left, they have lost the most powerful sniper and the CIA agent who launched the grenade, plus the stunned commander, the threat they can bring to Xia Lei is not too great. .If they catch up, Xia Lei is absolutely sure to kill them all!

As for Liang Siyao, Xia Lei's mind constantly flashed the scene of her being held hostage by the commander. The commander fired two shots at Liang Siyao, although they were both empty bullets without warheads, but her body appeared twice The reaction of the bomb, and stronger than once ...

Xia Lei sighed in his heart, "Are you helping me? Squat down deliberately to give me the opportunity to kill the commander of the special forces? Why do you do this? We are over, and you will cause trouble for you. of……"

The chaos on the hillside is over.The night shrouded the hillside, the cold wind blowing, the air was filled with a bloody smell and the smell of smoke.Liang Siyao picked up the thermal imaging night vision device left by the sniper, but she could no longer see Xia Lei.There was a smile on her lips quietly, and she murmured, "Take care!"

Down the hill, Xia Lei effortlessly found the hiding place of Taiyue Tiya and Siramy.

Taiyue Tiya and Silamie didn't even notice him, heard the noise, and pointed the AK47 in his direction together.

Xia Lei lowered his voice, "It's me!"

"Xia!" Silammy was very excited. "You are not dead! Did you kill those Americans?"

Xia Lei said: "No, there are ten more. Let's go, take another route. Be quick, most of them will call for reinforcements. Once entangled by them, we will be very dangerous."

"I know there is a way, come with me." Dayue Tiya turned her horse.

Silamy also got on the horse in a brisk manner, and then extended her hand to Xia Lei, "Come up!"

Xia Lei's warhorse had already been killed, and he had to ride with Silami.He grabbed Silami's hand and climbed up on his horseback, squeezing into the saddle.The two people's buttocks are in a saddle, and the tightness can't be overstated.

"Driving!" Silamy sipped softly, pinching her horses legs with her legs, and the white horse under her crotch took her four hooves to chase after Da Yue Ti Ya.

The horseshoe runs bumpy on the rugged mountain road.The men and women on horseback also tremble up and down, unavoidably intense physical contact.This kind of contact was very sensitive. Xia Lei's front was tightly pressed against her back. That part was full, that part was soft, and it was rubbing. The taste was like an electric shock, making him nervous.

However, another face appeared in his mind, Liang Siyao's face ...

Sporadic gunfire came from behind, but it was just a blind shot without a target.Some people seem to want to use gunshots to lure Xia Lei to fight back, so as to determine his position again.But this is obviously in vain, the three-man ride has long been out of their control.

The white horse ran wild, and Silami turned back, "Xia, is that woman yours?"

When Xia Lei heard Silami's voice, he looked away from the back, and he said casually, "What woman?"

"Don't lie to me, I have seen it, the woman who was held hostage by that officer." Silami asked, "Is she your woman?"

Xia Lei frowned slightly, he did n’t want to talk to anyone about Liang Siyao, it was an indelible scar in his heart, but Siramie was the woman who broke the casserole and asked the end, not telling her what she would n’t Stubborn.After a little silence, he said, "Well, it used to be."

"Once?" Silamy giggled: "The officer actually threatened you with the woman you used to be. Is his brain sick?"

Xia Lei knew that the commander's brain was absolutely not ill. That commander threatened him with Liang Siyao. I am afraid that there is another purpose, that is, to test Liang Siyao's position in his mind.This test may be related to Liang Siyao's position in the CIA, and will also affect the CIA's plan of action for him.

However, these are unable to chat with Siramy.

"Xia, who is beautiful with her?" Silami's head seemed to be filled with exotic questions.

"Why ask me such a question? Now it's time to escape." Xia Lei said bitterly.

"It's a horse running and it's not us running. Our words don't affect the speed of the horse running." Silami continued to ask, "Who is beautiful with her? Tell me quickly, I want to know the answer."

"This ..." Xia Lei hesitated. "You are younger than her."

"What's the answer? Then I ask you, which one of me and her have bigger breasts?"

"You ..." Xia Lei's head was dizzy.

"Cough, you are an honest person. You guys like big breasted women, do you?"

Xia Lei has no language.

"You don't say I know you like it."

"Do you still guess my mind? Stop bragging." Xia Lei disdains.

"Humph, you are hard."


"You're hard, so obvious, do you think I can't feel it? This shows that you like a big breasted woman like me, you are an honest man, even the body is so honest."

Xia Lei, "..."

Just now the feeling of life and death of the guns, bullets, and rain, but in a blink of an eye, it was also a "Sirammy-style" feeling.She has a cute baby face, it seems that even her head is doll-shaped, and she is not mature at all.It can be said that she is immature. She is extremely sexy and charming in that respect. She does not lose at all to the mature women in their twenties, and even more.It's very tempting to raise one's hand and throw a foot, and every word and smile also smells of fox coquettish, making people feel happy.In short, she is like a pistachio, and the feeling of being with her is beyond words.

Just now Xia Lei also thought of Liang Siyao, but Sirami was so troubled that Liang Siyao was gone.The only thing left in his mind was her hips and her big breasts.

The white horse bumped, and the people on the horse shuddered.Xirami's face was getting hotter and red, and Xia Lei tightened his lips, as if tolerating something.

After a long journey, Taiyue Tietze left the road and went to the mountain stream without a road.

The mountain stream was shrouded in darkness, and there was a faint sound of water.

Xia Lei probably guessed Da Yue Tiya's new path.

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