Super Vision

310 310 Rest in the Forest

The dawn dawned the darkness, and the three horses and two horses got into the woods beside the river channel to rest and eat.This river is a river flowing from the Baixiong tribe. Sometimes it becomes an underground dark river that burrows into the mountain, and sometimes it comes out of the ground and becomes a bright river flowing from the ground.Only when Da Yue Ti Ya and Si La Mi know its flow direction, can they follow the flow direction of the river to cross this mountain area.

Two horses were tied to the trunk, and three people ate on the grass.After escaping all night, even the iron body could not support it.Especially Xia Lei, he also experienced a life-and-death battle, the physical consumption is far more than the big moon Tiya and Xi Lami, urgently need to replenish energy and rest.

Xia Lei's body was covered with cracks scratched by rock fragments, and the cloth was covered with dark red blood stains.His face was covered with dust and blood, and his hair was messy.He was like a warrior who had just come off the line of fire. He looked embarrassed, but he had a charm of wildness and courage.

Taiyue Tiya and Silammy are not much better, their faces are covered with dust, and their clothes are cut by branches, revealing large patches of snow.They also have the charm of wildness and courage.If they and Xia Lei are described as lions, then they are lionesses and Xia Lei is a male lion.

"Xia, let's eat a piece of beef jerky." Sirami handed Xia Lei a piece of beef jerky.

"Thank you." Xia Lei took the beef jerky, pulled off a piece and chewed it up.He was really hungry, and the dried beef jerky became delicious.

"Come on, sip." Silami unscrewed the kettle to feed Xia Lei.

Xia Lei felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't reject Siramy's scout.Silami not only fed him with water, but also reached out to dry the spilled water from the corner of his mouth.She squatted in front of him, her legs slightly apart, and her tattered short skirt could see snowy plump thighs, and a touch of white scenery. That was her hand-sewn underpants. In this way, some content that people dare not look at directly enters his eyes half-covered, sultry.These made him feel that although he was drinking water, it had the effect of alcohol.

"There are so many wounds on your body. I'll help you deal with it." After feeding Xia Lei, Silami is going to act as a field doctor again.

"Uh huh!" Before waiting for Sirami to enter the role of a battlefield doctor, the big moon Tiya was unbearable and coughed, "Sirammy, what are you doing? You are the best warrior in our tribe , Not a nurse, nor a lover serving a man. "

One word that Taiyue Tiya hasn't said yet is ... the tribe's face has been lost by you!

"Yeah? Why did I wait for you?" Silami frowned. "Xia, you should be waiting for me ... Whack my leg, my leg is sore."

Xia Lei gave her a white look and got up and walked to a tall and lush tree.

"Where are you going?" Da Yue Tiya's tone softened, and she thought she was annoying Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "You go to bed first, I will set off. Then you come to change me."

The two White Huns looked at each other, and no one spoke.Then, they saw Xia Lei climbed up to the huge tree like a monkey, only hiding in the dense canopy after rubbing a few times.

"Is he a monkey? Really strong, the stinky men of our tribe are like goats in a sheepfold compared to him." The blue eyes of Sirami are full of excitement and admiration.Not only is Xia Lei's amazing bouncing power and body agility just displayed, as the sharpshooter of the Bai Xiongnu tribe, what she most admires is Xia Lei's anti-sky shooting skills she showed last night.

Otsuki Tiya glared at Sirami, "Are you in love with him?"

Silammy's baby face suddenly turned red, "I ... didn't fall in love with him, just for fun, you know, don't all the women of our tribe like that? Men are like clothes."

Taiyue Tiya sighed, "His identity is definitely not a businessman. We were also able to see how powerful he was last night. The other three armed helicopters were killed by him with a sniper rifle. The other two More than a dozen people are elite and the equipment is very advanced, but the twenty or so people can't even break his defense line. He not only withdrew from the whole body, he also protected us from retreating safely. Such a person, he is an identity ? "

Silami shook her head. "I don't know, but I know he is our friend. Last night he was willing to risk his life to protect us. We should trust him."

"Of course I trust him." Otsuki Tiya said: "You still don't understand what I mean by these words? I mean, you have to control your emotions, don't get too deep."

"I didn't sink too deep." Silami thought for a moment and stretched out her hands. The thumb and index finger of the left hand formed a circle, and then the index finger of the right hand stabbed through the circle, revealing a finger. Then she said seriously: "It's probably so deep, and my relationship with him is so deep."

Da Yue Ti Ya's eyes turned white, unable to lie down, she was too lazy to talk to this living treasure.

Silami shrugged her shoulders and lay on the grass to sleep.

In the tree, Xia Lei just retracted his gaze from a mountain opposite.He has observed the surrounding environment and found no traces of US military or CIA agents.This result made him relax a lot.

Xia Lei sat on the branch, took off his backpack, took out the compass of the Ming Dynasty, and took a close look in his hand.This compass was indeed the one he had repaired. The parts he welded by hand were all in sight.But the pointer is no longer the original pointer.

The compass pointer pointed to the direction of the Baixiong tribe when it came.

Xia Lei secretly said: "The expert team dug the pointer in the territory of China, changed the pointer, and then came to the Bai Xiongnu tribe. If I stole the sword of Attila successfully, build a hydropower station for the Bai Xiongnu tribe, authentic Will I find new pointers for exploring opportunities? Or will there be no pointers, will the Baixiong tribe be the end of this secret? "

Each of these two possibilities is possible, but the premise is to give the sword of Attila of the White Huns tribe and build a hydropower station.The latter two conditions are not difficult. As long as you have money, it is actually very easy to build a small hydropower station. On the contrary, the sword of Attila is a very difficult condition, and it is difficult to achieve.

"Shenyu Group is in South Korea, and An Jinjian is also an old-school politician in South Korea. He has a significant influence in both black and white circles in South Korea. I want to get the sword of Attila. In addition to stealing from South Korea, I have other ways Get the sword of Attila? If you steal it, how do you start? "Xia Lei's mind was full of these questions.

A white shadow flew across the sky suddenly, interrupting Xia Lei's thinking.Looking far away, it was a predator drone.But it did not hover in this place, but flew by quickly.

"The CIA will not give up chasing me. They will send drones to search for my whereabouts. They will even use American military satellites. It seems that I have to be more careful." Come, he also closed his eyes.

Without enemies, he no longer needs to open his eyes to whistle.This is also the advantage of having a perspective eye. In other circumstances, others would never dare to relax.

It was too tired. Silami and Taiyue Tiya soon fell asleep and forgot to change Xia Lei's post, and Xia Lei did not wake them up.

In the afternoon after this sleep, the sun on the east side of the sky climbed quietly to the middle of the sky.A scorching ray of sunlight shone on Xia Lei's glasses from the gap between the branches and leaves, and then he woke up.

A string of rustling footsteps reached Xia Lei's ear, and Xia Lei rose cautiously from the tree branch and looked around.The leaves and trunk of the tree disappeared quickly in his left eye, and he soon saw the source of the sound, Taiyue Tiya, she was walking to the camp.She was holding her AK47, looking around, very alert.

"Did she find the enemy?" Xia Lei also suddenly became nervous, and his left eye quickly searched the area in front of Da Yue Tiya.But he saw nothing but trees and weeds.

At this time, Taiyue Tiya walked into a bush, lifted up her skirt, pulled down her hand, and then squatted anxiously ...

A small piece of grass has been watered and will probably grow more lush as a result.

"I'm dizzy." Xia Lei looked away with a wry smile, but he couldn't erase the mysterious scenery that he had just glimpsed. Then, he suddenly remembered a card in Mahjong.

Sirami also woke up, she patted her forehead, and then ran towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei slipped from the tree and said with a smile: "I know you are here to change me, but I don't have to. I overslept too."

"You overslept too?" Silami smiled suddenly. "The man really can't be trusted."

Xia Lei, "..."

Taiyue Tiya also came over. She didn't know what happened just now. Her look was still so calm and cold. "Don't happen again like this. It's very dangerous."

Xia Lei said lightly: "I won't do it next time, let's go. I saw the drone before. We have to be careful. If they are found, those people will soon catch up with us."

Taiyue Tiya said: "This road is only known to the people of our tribe. Rest assured, as long as we don't get out of the woods, U.S. military drones will not find us." After a pause, she said again: "Out of this mountain , We only need to cross the territory of a tribe to enter the Wakhan Corridor, which is not a US military site, we will be much safer. "

Xia Lei said: "Just follow your plan."

A few minutes later, Otsuki Tiya mounted her horse and walked forward in the direction of the river.

The buttocks of Xia Lei and Sirami also squeezed into a saddle again, so close that they almost merged together ...

"I know that tribe, our chieftain has a good relationship with the chieftain of that tribe, as long as we walk through this road, it will be safe when we get there." Silami said.

"That's great." Xia Lei was secretly happy without buying road money for the tribe.

"When you arrive in China, buy me clothes."

"Okay, buy you clothes. I'll buy you a hundred sets and put them on you."

"You are hard."


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