Super Vision

340 Chapter 340

The sun shines on the road, and every ray of sunlight is like a dancing elf, dancing among the trees, the water, and the human body.

"Chief, have you turned your feet? The walking posture is so weird." A woman with a gun greeted Silami with a smirk.

"Oh, I accidentally turned my foot." Silamy's face was red.

"Chief, did you abduct the long grass foot?"

"You are going to die!" Silammy flared.

"Hahaha ..." A group of women was laughing.

A little fart girl ran over with a concerned expression, "Sister Sirami, you cried for a long time last night, did you hurt?"

Siramy's face was even redder. She stared at the little girl, trying to scold, but she couldn't bear it. She was embarrassed.

The women laughed again, very happy.

When Da Yue Tiya was a chief, they dared not make such a joke with Da Yue Tiya, but Silami was different. In the past, Silami was a living treasure in the tribe, and many women watched her grow up. Yes, so dare to make such a joke with her.

Xia Lei naturally became the object of teasing, and those women teased him and said everything.He didn't like this kind of joke, but he didn't mind it, and he wasn't angry.He felt that the women in the tribe had a simple and natural atmosphere, which made people feel kind.

Moments later, Xia Lei and Silammy rode on a war horse and escorted to the White Horse Tomorrow City accompanied by several tribal female warriors.Solving the trouble of Taiyue Tiya, Xia Lei can go to the ancient city to explore without building a hydropower station.In fact, this license was exchanged with Silami for a sweet potato, just at breakfast.

The horses dashed through the forest, and the mist gradually dissipated in the sunlight.

"The equipment will probably come in a few days, and I will build a hydropower station for you at that time." Xia Lei said aloud, he deliberately let several tribal female warriors who follow Silami hear his voice, "In addition, I Prepare to invest in you so that you can live a prosperous life. "

"Can you eat lamb every day?" A female soldier asked.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Of course, not only can you eat lamb every day, but also beef, flour and rice."

"Wow! Can you give me some sanitary napkins?"

Poof ...

Xia Lei almost fell from his horse.

"Xia, in order to help us with the sword of Attila, you have paid so much, we can no longer use your money." Silami said to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei smiled, "I am not a white flower, you have to give me back. I plan to build modern farms, farms and health centers for you. In addition, I also plan to build a handicraft factory here. Value-added traditional handicrafts, I will help you sell them, and we will share the money. How?

How much can I sell handicrafts?He actually doesn't care about this little profit, but he doesn't want Silami and the people here to think he is doing something for them.

"Okay!" Silamy was a rough-hearted woman. She didn't think about it that much. Xia Lei's plan filled her with longing. "Can I get a gun for selling money? We have fewer guns and ammunition."

A tribal female warrior also said: "Yes, change to a gun. Without guns and ammunition, we will be bullied by other tribes. We want to protect our territory and protect our people. We need better guns and ammunition. "

Xia Lei thought for a while and said, "Why wait until then, when I go back tonight, I will make a phone call and let them send you some weapons and ammunition when the airlift equipment comes."

"Really? That's great!" Silami yelled in excitement.

The female warriors of several tribes are also very excited, and Xia Lei's eyes are also full of respect.Xia Lei retrieved the sword of Attila, the relic of the Bai Xiong tribe, and became a man of chiefs. He also had to build hydropower stations, farms, farms, and even give weapons and ammunition. He has been regarded as an indispensable member of the tribe.

Coming to bring the remains of Hakuba Tomorrow City, Xia Lei whispered a few words to Sirammy. Xirami then arranged for the female warriors to stay behind, and then led Xia Lei into the ruins.

This arrangement is obviously what Xia Lei meant. He didn't want people to know what he was looking for.Of course, Silami is an exception.Leaving aside the fact that he trusts Sirami very much, only that Sirami is so fooling about this, he does not mind taking treasure with him.

This seems to be a lovely place for Tong Yan H.

Entering the ruins, Xia Lei took out the compass from the Ming Dynasty and walked in the direction indicated by the compass.This was the first time he used this compass, and he was surprised.This compass does not have complicated structure and electronic components, and no satellite support, but it can always adjust its direction with his pace and always point to a place.It is not a compass, nor is it magically subtle.

"It's like a compass, I didn't find it before." Sirami looked curious.

Xia Lei casually said: "It is not a compass, it is a compass in ancient times. It can guide me to find the place of treasure, and with it we can find the treasure."

"I like it." Silammy came out in a whisper.

Xia Lei laughed: "What do you like about it?"

"We were together because of it, and I know that if it weren't for it, you wouldn't have slipped into my house at the beginning." Sirami still seemed to be grudged about what was going on, and wanted to be a little temper .

Xia Lei reached out and wrapped her arms around her waist, and said with a smile: "Don't make trouble, you are obedient, I will bathe you at night."

"Giggle ..." Silami smiled tremblingly. "You look serious, but you're badly broken."

Xia Lei's hand left her small waist, but patted her hips lightly.There was a snapping sound, Tong Yan H's hips suddenly made a beautiful ripple, the sound also echoed in the empty ruins, don't have a strange taste.

Xirami gave Xia Le a white look, and then jumped to a stone.

Xia Lei said curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Convenient, you are not allowed to peep." Silami squatted behind the stone.

Xia Lei looked at her speechlessly, looking at the stone that was only one foot high.A question came out of his mind, did she not know how to find a bigger stone?Such a small stone prevents him from peeking. Isn't this a self-deception?

The sun is dazzling, the stones lying in the grass, and the snow-white legs. In this ancient sacred and sacred ruin, this picture does not have any sense of violation. It is so natural, so beautiful and attractive, rich The elegant meaning of art.

"No peeping is allowed." Silamy snorted, a baby blushing.

Xia Lei shrugged and turned away.

"Ah! Snake!" Sirami screamed.

Xia Lei rushed forward and rushed over, nervously saying, "Where is it?"

"Hahaha ... I lied to you!"

Xia Lei suddenly remembered that Otsuki Tiya once said that Sirami is a snake catcher in the tribe, and likes to put the caught snake into other people's beds. Too.

"No peeping! Shameless!"

Without such a flirt, Xia Lei's mouth curled up, and then lifted a foot and kicked it gently on her ass.

Silami grabbed a handful of grass and threw it at Xia Lei ...

Through a ruined rock, Xia Lei and Siramy came to the center of Hakuba Tomorrow City.In front of it was a huge piece of stone, and there were incomplete statues.Its area is at least over 1,000 square meters. Although only a few stones remain, it is not difficult to imagine its majestic style at that time.

The map from the ancient book appeared in Xia Lei's mind, and soon he was determined. The ruins in front of him are the palaces of Hakuba Tomorrow Castle.He glanced at the compass in his hand again, and the pointer of the compass continued to point in the direction of the east.

"It's not me who strikes you. I don't know how many treasure hunters have visited this place, but with those weird treasure-hunting instruments, we finally found nothing and became our slaves. We also dug ourselves, nothing Found. The compass in your hand, what can it find? "Silami was not optimistic at all.

Xia Lei didn't speak. He took the compass and went on to the east.This time, when he walked forward twenty meters, the pointer of the compass in his hand suddenly shook.He then moved left and right and backed away, and once he left the area, the compass pointer straightened down again, only pointing in that direction.At last he returned to where he was just now, and the compass needle trembled uncomfortably again.

Xia Lei took a closer look at the situation under his feet, his brow furrowed suddenly.At the foot of the palace is the foundation of the palace, covered with huge rock tiles, and it is also covered with a lot of stones, rubble, etc. The earthwork on the ground is at least more than a thousand square meters.This is just ground, not underground.There is no doubt that this will be a huge project.

"Did you find anything?" Silami approached, looking at the compass in Xia Lei's hand curiously.

Xia Lei said: "I'm not sure, help me bring the tools like shovel, iron braze, etc. I'm going to dig here."

Come to treasure hunt, Xia Lei, such as shovel and iron, was prepared early in the morning, on the horse he came from.

"I'll give it to you right away." Silami turned around and ran to the place where the horse was tied.

As soon as Xi Lami left, Xia Lei pulled out a satellite phone and called.

"Mr. Shi, I have found that place." Xia Lei said straight away: "But the ground is covered with a lot of stones, and I don't know how deep to dig. This is a big project. I'm afraid I need more time. "

"As soon as possible, it is not safe for you to stay there after all." Shi Boren's voice, "What do you need? We are ready on the Pakistani side, and we will be able to give you an airdrop tomorrow evening."

Xia Lei said: "Take care of the boss, please remember what I need."

"No problem, you say."

"The generator set of the small hydropower station, one hundred rifles, one hundred thousand rounds of ammunition, ten sniper rifles ..."

"Wait, what are you doing with so many weapons and ammunition?"

"This is what the Baixiong tribe wants. Without these weapons and ammunition, would they allow me to dig treasures on their ancient city ruins?"

"Okay, I will. What else do you need?"

"The tools for digging treasures should be small and advanced. It is best if I can do it by myself. In addition, I will prepare two million dollars in cash and airdrop them together."


"Mr. Shi, don't worry. The money is mine. I'll pay it without paying the money."

"That's no problem."

"Okay, please contact again." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

Silammy was running towards here, holding a brazing iron and a shovel in his hand.During the run, her chest dangled, giving people a kind of fear that they might fall at any time due to weight problems.

"I'm back!" Cirami shouted with a shovel high.

A second later, her foot suddenly tripped over a stone, and then she flew up and fell heavily on the ground.Her chest is the first to touch the ground.

Xia Lei couldn't bear to witness, covering his eyes ...

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