Super Vision

341 Chapter 341 Airdropped Materials

The two dug for a whole day, with nothing but a big pit one meter and five deep.However, it is not all fruitless. In the pits dug out, the frequency of the compass needle's tremor is obviously higher than when it is on the ground.This shows that the place to dig is correct, the more you dig down, the closer to the destination.

In the sunset, the golden afterglow fell in the forest, riding on horseback, as if traveling in time.Sirami took the lead, turning her hips over the saddle, her big breasts swaying on the horseback, her laughter echoed through the forest in the haze.Xia Lei looked at her, and for a time he suddenly felt that he had traveled to the Xiongnu dynasty more than a thousand years ago and was flying with a Xiongnu princess.

However, Silami will never become a noble princess, and he will never be able to travel through the world for more than a thousand years.This is just a romantic imagination.

Back to the tribe, Xia Lei fulfilled his promise.He picked several buckets of water from the river, poured it into a large wooden bucket, and then took a shower for Silami.At first, Sirami was washing alone. Later, Sirami dragged him into a large wooden barrel, and it became two people washing.As a result, most of the buckets of water he picked splashed on the ground ...

After a round of nonsense, Xia Lei sat under an oil lamp and read the translation of an ancient book sent by a tribal girl.The person Sirammy was looking for was really efficient, and in a day, all the text in the ancient book was translated.The translation is about ten thousand words, completely handwritten, presumably the girl's hand must be sour.

Xia Lei placed the ancient book on the table and compared it with the translation.

The contents recorded in the ancient books are similar to those described by Siramy. Most of the records in the ancient books are the historical events, important figures, large-scale sacrifices and ceremonies of the Huns.These contents can be found in other history books, but there is no detail and truth in this ancient book.

Finally, Xia Lei turned his attention to the hand-drawn map and found the translation to read.

The content of the translation: Princess Yongmei came from the Silk Road, with three thousand armored soldiers, five hundred horses of war, swords like forests, and countless seeds.The tribesmen welcomed them and bowed their heads in prayer.Princess Yongmei held a copper plate, walked on foot, selected the site with a needle, a city was built by a soldier, the white horse tomorrow ...

Seeing here, Xia Lei was stunned. Although he could not see whether the compass held by Princess Yongmei was the one he had repaired, but what was certain was that Princess Yongmei definitely did not come to this barren land for no reason. Built city.

"Is the Ming Dynasty Princess Yongmei also looking for what I am looking for?" Xia Lei couldn't help but think of such a thought.

Continue to look down, describing the contents of Princess Yongmei's development of economy and military to resist foreign enemies.The people of the Huns believe that this princess from the Ming Dynasty will surely help them to restore their country and rebuild the Huns.Until reading it, Xia Lei did not find any prince of the Huns, let alone a poignant love story.

Sirami was right, the story of the princess and the prince was unreliable.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Hundreds of years ago, Princess Yongmei brought three thousand Ming Dynasty soldiers here, not for love or political marriage, because at that time the Huns were finished, and Yongle the Emperor would treat her daughter Is it possible to marry a worthless prince of the Huns? Obviously not. But if it is not because of love or political marriage, and she is just looking for treasure, she can dig and go, why build a city here? "

Xia Lei didn't understand it in many places. He even worried that Princess Yongmei had already gotten ahead and had already digged away what he wanted to dig.

"Xia, when are you going to see?" In the quilt, Silami protruded one leg and took a light hook.

Xia Lei's thoughts were interrupted, he closed the ancient book, and his eyes moved to the jade leg protruding from the bed. It was white and delicate, crystal clear, and full of temptation.

"What's so good about that ancient book? I'll show you something better." Silami tempted a man from the East.

Xia Lei got up and walked over, guessing that there was no answer, but now it is time to do something rather than think about it ...

The next day Xia Lei went to the ruins of Tomorrow Castle, but this time Silami did not follow.She wanted to follow Xia Lei to dig treasures, but she was the chief, and she needed to handle the affairs in the tribe.Xia Lei also enjoys this, and Silami will not go with him, his efficiency will be much faster.

Entering the ruins of the ancient city, Xia Lei rode a horse and went straight to the palace ruins. He didn't need the compass road, and he quickly reached the edge of the earth pit.After observing the surroundings for a while, and confirming that there are no abnormalities, he jumped into the pit with the tool, shoveling up the soil ...

This dig is another whole day.The one-and-a-five-meter pit became three meters, and it was difficult to throw the soil up, but nothing was dug.

Xia Lei threw the shovel aside, and was a bit discouraged. "Damn, how can it be buried so deep? If it is buried in a place more than ten or twenty meters, how can I dig? It's impossible for President Shi to send an excavator?"

At a depth of three meters, it can barely shovel the ground, but if it continues to dig down, even if it is infinitely powerful, it will not be able to shovel the underground soil up.

More and more depressed, Xia Lei's eyes also moved to the compass on the wall of the earthen pit.The compass was about one meter above the bottom of the earthen pit. When digging this last meter, he only occasionally looked at the compass and did not take him down.This time, when he took the compass in his hand, the pointer of the compass suddenly turned around and then returned to its original position.

Xia Lei was surprised. He then placed the compass on the bottom of the earth pit. The compass needle trembled more frequently and pointed to the southeast.Prior to this, it all pointed to the east.

Xia Lei looked at the earth wall on the southeast side, and then looked at the compass on the ground. He suddenly understood, and a smile appeared on his face. "In the end, it's time to dig horizontally."

Although it is not known how long it is to dig horizontally, the difficulty of digging horizontally must be much less difficult than digging vertically.

Xia Lei picked up the shovel and dug a few more times. The satellite phone suddenly rang.

It was Shi Boren who called and said straight away: "At two o'clock tomorrow morning, the plane will drop the supplies you need."

"Okay, I'm waiting for it." Xia Lei said.

"Any progress?"

A big pit was dug, and I was talking to you in the pit.But for the time being, I didn't dig anything. Give me some more time."Xia Lei said.

"Well, we are in Pakistan, and we will find a way to buy you time. After you go back, let the people of the Baixiong tribe prepare to receive supplies. That's it, the call is over." After that, Shi Boren hung up the phone.

Xia Lei put away the satellite phone and secretly said: "The 101 Bureau is now active in Pakistan. Presumably, the CEO and Long Bing have some ways to attract the attention of the CIA. No wonder I am so clean here. However, this is not a long-term one. I still have to dig things as soon as possible and leave here. "

When he thought of leaving, Xia Lei naturally thought of Sirami, and his heart was inevitably sad.Although he and Silami were not together because of any love, but once that kind of relationship between men and women happened, even if it was not love, intimate feelings still exist.Moreover, he still feels owed to Siramy.Therefore, he would only need supplies to the Bai Xiong tribe, and even paid out two million dollars in cash to the Bai Xiong tribe. He actually wanted to use this method to make up for Sirami and Bai Xiong tribe.

Back at the tribe, Xia Lei told Silami that there would be an aircraft to drop supplies at two o'clock tomorrow morning.Sirami immediately called for the preparation of the horses and horses. All the ox carts of the tribe were collected. A bonfire was lit up in several places suitable for airdrops and used as signal lights.

The women and men of the tribe also gathered together, waiting to receive supplies.As the night fell, there were human heads everywhere beside the campfire, and laughter and talking sounds everywhere, and the scene was very lively.

"Xia, what did you dig today?" Siramie curled up in Xia Lei's arms beside the largest bonfire, and asked with a tired voice.

"Nothing was dug." Xia Lei said.A lot of eyes were thrown around him, looking at him and Silami, but he was used to it.The night when he and Silami "married" was a live broadcast, that kind of big scene has been experienced. Does he still care about the small scene in front of him?

"I told you long ago, there is no treasure, you don't believe ..." Silami suddenly remembered something, and said nervously: "If you can't dig anything, will you return the things we sent us? what?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "I'm not a child, how can I get what I sent back? You can rest assured, I really want to help your tribe, even if I can't dig a hair in the end, I won't You want anything. "After a pause, he leaned over Silammy's small ear and bit her earlobe." I did it because of you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so stupid. I'll give you nothing So many supplies. "

Siramie giggled and looked happy, she also naughtyly leaned into Xia Lei's ear, and said with a warm air: "If you want to dig hair, I can give you all of my."

Xia Lei, "..."

This is Sirami, if she is not like that, she is not Sirami.

At 1:50 in the morning, the roar of the aircraft engine came from the sky.Subsequently, a huge cloud 20 military transport aircraft appeared from the sky and slowly flew over several bonfires.It was then that several wooden boxes fell from the sky, then opened the parachute and slowly fell to the ground.

After airdropping the supplies, the Yun-20 military transport plane turned its nose and flew in the direction of Pakistan without staying for an extra minute.

A few boxes of materials were quickly collected in a pile, and Silami let people open all the wooden boxes.

The materials that Xia Lei requested for the airdrop were all in wooden boxes.There are one hundred of the latest AK12 assault rifles and ammunition made in Russia, as well as ten domestically produced sniper rifles and ammunition.The generator set equipment for the construction of hydropower stations are all small.There are some small household appliances, rice cookers, electric blankets and the like.There are some engineering equipment, with impact drills and blasting devices equipped with batteries and transformer equipment, and some professional grave digging tools such as Luoyang shovel.Finally, there are two million dollars in cash, several bundles.

The women and men in the tribe cheered. Someone took a new type of AK12 assault rifle and fired the test gun.Some people dance around the campfire, some people hit the big pile of dollars with their heads ...

Silami seemed to be uninterested in these things. She walked to Xia Lei's side, embraced his waist, and offered a hot kiss.

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