Super Vision

368 Chapter 368 X Secret Gold Project

"Grandpa, what is that? A lot of birds ..."

Who is Grandpa?

In the medical room, Wang Lei, Long Bing and Xia Lei all looked at Chen Kexue.

Chen Kexue also stared at the three people directly, but when the three people were a bunch of air, he went on to say, "Her husband, we will squash Liang Liang, I'm homesick."

Wang Lei shook his head, "Crazy, really crazy. Unfortunately, it's a pity, Dr. Chen Kexue is an important member of our team. His current appearance will affect our research."

"Why are you crazy?" Long Bing asked: "Have you ever had such symptoms before?"

"No, absolutely not." Wang Lei said: "We know that he has never had a history of mental illness, his family has no similar diseases, and there is no possibility of genetic diseases."

Long Bing and Wang Lei are in dialogue and discussion, but Xia Lei remains silent, he has been observing Chen Kexue.

Chen Kexue was crazy, and from the symptoms he showed, he was indeed crazy.However, if you carefully analyze a few words of Chen Ke, you will get different views.

"He spoke in a samurai tone for a while, and also mentioned Her Royal Highness. In a while, he spoke in a child's tone, and mentioned a bird. After a while, he spoke in a woman's tone, and mentioned Bianliang ... Bianliang was the capital of Ming , Her Royal Highness may also be Princess Yongmei. As for the bird mentioned by the child, will it be the bat I met in the tomb? "Xia Lei secretly analyzed and imagined.

Wang Lei said: "Mr. Xia, what do you think?"

Xia Lei said: "I dare not talk nonsense."

Long Bing gave Xia Lei a white look, and then touched Xia Lei with his arm again. "Let you say what you say."

Wang Lei also said: "Yes, Mr. Xia, what do you think, please say it."

On the one hand, he is forbidden to inquire and exclude him from this scientific research project. On the other hand, he is required to do things, write reports, and give opinions.There is no reasonable advantage to let them take up, but do not give people a little sweetness, right?

Xia Lei smiled, "I do have some ideas, and it may be the real reason for Dr. Chen to go crazy."

Wang Lei said anxiously: "What is the reason?"

Xia Lei said again: "My thoughts are a little messy, and I need to sort them out. Give me some time, and then I will tell you."

Wang Lei immediately frowned, feeling he was fooled by Xia Lei.

Long Bing said: "Xia Lei, Academician Wang needs only the report you can write. Tonight you will stay here and write that report. When writing the report, sort out your thoughts by the way. Tomorrow morning , You handed over the report and your ideas to Academician Wang, are you okay? "

"Okay, I obey the arrangement." Xia Lei readily agreed.

"Academician Wang, do you think this is good?" Long Bing asked Wang Lei for advice.

Wang Lei was a little unhappy, but nodded. "Then let me do it. I will let you arrange accommodation. But I want to remind you that you can't just walk around and ask anything."

"No problem." Long Bing glanced at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei also said: "No problem."

Chen Kexue whispered something again, very quietly, making it unclear.Xia Lei has always been paying attention, Chen Kexue said nothing, and his identity is constantly changing.At this point in his conversation with Wang Lei, Chen Kexue has changed several identities.

Xia Lei suddenly had a preliminary judgment, this Chen Kexue is not crazy!But why this symptom occurs is difficult to determine.

Wang Lei and Xia Lei and Long Bing left the infirmary, and then let people arrange accommodation for them.He also deliberately gave Xia Lei a laptop, and Xia Lei wrote a report.The person who sent the computer specifically told Xia Lei to complete the report as soon as possible.Xia Lei agreed, but after entering the room, he tossed the laptop aside and lay in bed to rest.

He had no intention of submitting such a report, let alone staying up late to write it.He thought clearly that the more difficulties this expert group had, the more opportunities he had to get in touch with scientific research projects on ancient alloys and obtain the information he wanted.If he is a good baby, he will do whatever he says, then he can only become a stupid fork.

After lying on the bed for a while, Xia Lei awakened the ability of his left eye and peered into the room on the left.

The room on the left is a warehouse for storing experimental consumables, which is filled with many experimental consumables and some spare scientific research equipment.Xia Lei observed it and found nothing.Later, he increased the intensity of the perspective, penetrated the second wall, and let the left eye's sight enter the second room on the left.

Doing so consumes a lot of body energy, but in order to obtain more information, he has no other choice.

The second room on the left is an office with a computer and brand name on a desk with Wang Lei's name on it.

"Wang Lei's office?" Xia Lei was immediately excited. "Wang Lei is the person in charge of this project. This expert group has studied for so long, and there will probably be relevant records, I hope it will be in paper. It ’s the same in the computer ... "

Although separated by a room and two walls, Xia Lei's left eye searched Wang Lei's office for valuable information like a thief.

A few minutes later, he "pryed open" a locked drawer on his desk with his left eye and found a paper file in it.

The cover of the file read "Memorandum of the X Secret Gold Project" and the signature of the person in charge Wang Lei.

"X Mi Jin Project? This name is so weird." Xia Lei was curious in his heart, but his left eye did not stop, and continued to look down.

Until today, Xia Lei's perspective ability has long been different, and his application skills have reached the point of perfection.Now he doesn't need to use his hands to turn the pages of the book. His left eye can also "turn the book" page by page under the control of his mind.

This seems to be related to the improvement of brain ability, but it cannot be confirmed.

The first page of the file reads: After obtaining X Mystery Gold, it has undergone thousands of scan analyses, sampling tests, but so far the composition of this metal is still a mystery.The members of the expert group occasionally hear strange sounds that are difficult to explain.I also had a similar experience. Sometimes it was a woman's voice, sometimes a man's voice, and it felt weird.With the deepening of the research, some members experienced adverse physical reactions, symptoms of itchy skin, and symptoms of nausea and vomiting, but they can recover after treatment.

After reading several handwritten contents of the memo, Xia Lei was puzzled.

"I also heard strange sounds. Just in Afghanistan, a woman said that she remembered my face. Now it doesn't seem to be my illusion. That sound is real, or the members of the expert group won't hear it. These sounds are made by the two pieces of metal? How is this possible? "Xia Lei couldn't understand it, he felt incredible.

The left eye's vision suddenly became blurred, maintaining a high-intensity perspective for a long time, even now he can't maintain it for a long time.

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze and his head was a little dizzy, but the outrageous hallucinations that had originally appeared did not appear.He took a short break and recovered quickly.Then he moved his eyes to the wall on the right.

The room on the right is Long Bing's room.

In this environment, what will Long Bing do?

As soon as this thought moved, Xia Lei once again awakened the ability of his left eye, and the wall on the right disappeared.

In the room on the right, Long Bing is doing push-ups in the room. She only has a set of white cotton underwear on her body, a very common type.She was doing push-ups very quickly, and the intense exercise made her sweat. The sweat wet her delicate skin and wet the little fabric on her body.The cotton fabric becomes somewhat transparent after being wet with sweat, and some shy spring light is also vaguely revealed, tender and mysterious, tempting.The tight buttocks are also very attractive, it is mature and plump, and the tight posture makes it very powerful.

"It's hard to fight." Xia Lei smiled, but just as he was about to take his gaze away, Long Bing got up from the ground and picked up the phone placed on the bedside.

With a move in his heart, Xia Lei continued to maintain a state of perspective, and his left eye was locked on Long Bing's lips.

He and Long Bing's cell phones were searched when they entered the base. The phone in the room was obviously an internal call.At this time, will Wang Lei call?

However, this conjecture was quickly rejected by him, because after lip interpretation, Long Bing said the first sentence is "Release CEO".

It is not troublesome for Shi Boren to call in, he should have higher authority.

"Well, yes, Xia Lei and I spent the night at the base." Long Bing said, "Well ... I have asked him to write a comprehensive report, hoping to help the expert team solve the problem ... Xia Lei's reaction? , It ’s normal, there ’s not much talk, nothing to ask ... I ’ll keep watching. Okay, bye. ”

keep an eye on?Xia Lei's heart suddenly sank.

Long Bing put down her mobile phone, but did not exercise any more. She unbuttoned her bra, took off the last piece of fabric, and went to the bathroom.

The breathtaking scenery came into sight, but Xia Lei was still thinking of Long Bing's last sentence, "Continue to observe? Isn't that just staring at me? 101 is doubting me? What do I have to deserve from them? suspicious?"

The deeper he pondered, the worse his mood was.

"I was born and died in Afghanistan, and I paid for the tribal armed forces myself, and even sacrificed the hue to show Sirami. I finally brought things back from Afghanistan, even if I was not allowed to participate in this project, I was still monitoring, What do you think of me? A tool that can be reused? It seems that it's time to cut with 101 innings. "The more I thought, the more angry I was, and Xia Lei also had such a thought in his heart.

Long Bing entered the bathroom, and the snow-white figure disappeared into the fogged glass door.

Xia Lei also withdrew his sight.Although he was monitored by Long Bing, he did not complain to her at all, because he knew her and she would perform all the tasks given to her by 101 meticulously.She must also execute.

Boom, the sound of knocking on the door suddenly came.

Xia Lei got up and opened the door, but found that it was Wang Lei. He greeted him, "Principal Wang, what's the matter?"

"Someone is going crazy again! Please go to the laboratory to see!" Wang Lei followed and ran to Long Bing's room again. "I'll call Long Section Chief."

How could this be?

Xia Leiza ran towards the laboratory.

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