Super Vision

369 Chapter 369 Silent Fear

Crazy is a physics expert named Russell, who is very young and only in his thirties.When Xia Lei rushed to the laboratory, the people in the laboratory were running away, and Russell was waving an experimental hammer in it, smashing the equipment in the laboratory.The ground was covered with pieces of paper and equipment, and it was a mess.

Xia Lei saw tranquility, her head broke and she was bleeding.She was so scared that she didn't see him, and hit her head in his arms.

"What's wrong with your head?" Xia Lei grabbed her hand and said with concern.

"Russell ..." Tranquility suddenly cried, "He is crazy, he is going to smash the bronze book, I will push him away, but without his strength, he smashed me on the head with a hammer ... Woo ... "

She was timid and cowardly by nature, so where could the intimidation be tolerated.

"Don't cry, with me, no one can hurt you." Xia Lei comforted her.

Not comforting, maybe it was better, Xia Lei comforted, and quietly buried his head in his arms, crying louder.

A large group of experts who had escaped from the laboratory looked at the two arms around together with strange eyes.

Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, but it was not easy to push away the tranquility of the crying nose, which would be too demure.

The two soldiers ran over and rushed into the laboratory to take control of the ruined Russell.

"You idiots! I'm an adult from Jinyiwei, Dongchang ... kneel down!" Russell cried, trying to break away from the control of the two soldiers.

Both warriors are people who rely on their bodies to eat, and where is the scientist Russell can confront.The two soldiers put Russell up and took them out of the laboratory like catching chicks.

"Mom, why is it dark?" Suddenly, Russell's mouth came out with such a sentence, full of childish feeling.

Xia Lei said secretly, "He is the same as Chen Kexue, the mad person will not always play a character, his consciousness switches quickly, and he is suddenly male and female, old and right, is there a power to control him Brain? "

Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to the two ancient alloys in the laboratory.Although the expert group here named them "X Mi Jin", he still likes to call them "old alloys".

The two ancient alloys were still lying on a silver metal table, but the instrument that scanned them had been smashed by Russell with a hammer.

At this time Wang Lei and Long Bing came over.Long Bing's hair was still wet, and apparently had just come out of the bathroom, and came over without even having to wipe her hair.However, despite the rush, she put on the antibacterial clothes according to the regulations, but she didn't wear a mask.

As soon as Long Bing came to see the snuggle and sadness of crying in Xia Lei's arms, her brow suddenly wrinkled and whispered in a low voice: "This guy, no matter where you go, a woman ..."

"Dr. Ning, you go to the medical room to bandage." Wang Lei said dissatisfiedly: "You are also a person in your twenties. Is this little thing worth crying for? No matter what, go quickly, don't hinder your work here."

Tranquility was aggrieved, and looked at Wang Lei with a bit of resentment before leaving Xia Lei's arms and walking towards the medical room.

Wang Lei is not only a serious old scientist, but also somewhat impersonal.Even if Tranquility has some problems with his personality, he shouldn't say her that way, and it's in front of so many people.

Xia Lei was originally a little respectful of Wang Lei. After all, he was an old scientist in China and an academician of the Academy of Sciences, but now he is a little disgusted with him.

Respecting the old and loving the old are virtues, but relying on the old to sell the old is wrong.

Calling Tranquility, Wang Lei went directly to Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, didn't you say you have some ideas? Tell me, tell me now."

Xia Lei said: "Did I not say that, I need a little time to sort out my ideas."

"You tell me what you all know, I will help you sort out your ideas." Wang Lei was very anxious.

Xia Lei frowned, "Academician Wang, do you think I need someone to help you sort out your ideas?"

Wang Lei was stunned for a moment, and his face was a bit ugly.No one has ever spoken to him like this. After so many years, Xia Lei is the first.

Long Bing also leaned in and lightly touched Xia Lei, suggesting that he paid attention to his words.

Xia Lei pretended not to know, "Academician Wang, I was the one who brought back this metal. For it, I almost lost my life in Afghanistan. You don't know what I have experienced, I even paid my own money to bribe those Tribe armed, let them do a convenient, let the way go. But now what do you do? Exclude me, beware everywhere. As if I would steal that metal and steal your research results. I tell you if If I am selfish, I will not give it to you at all. "

"Mr. Xia, I know your contribution is great." Wang Lei said with a sullen face: "But now it's not a time to talk about contribution and to make credit. You just need to tell me everything you know."

Xia Lei's heart suddenly burst into anger, "You said I'm here for credit?"

"Then what do you mean?" Wang Lei's face was already gloomy, very unhappy.

Xia Lei smiled angrily, "What do I mean? I mean very simple, do I owe you or what? I arranged you to do this as soon as I came, I didn't know anything, who knew who you were looking for go with!"

"You ..." Wang Lei suddenly died on the spot.

Long Bing knew that Xia Lei was definitely not due to credit, and Wang Lei misunderstood Xia Lei.She felt clear about being misunderstood, and it was normal for Xia Lei to feel uncomfortable, but with such a strong reaction, it was a bit too much.This made her stumped, not knowing how to mediate.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Anyway, I have decided to say goodbye to 101 innings. Offending Wang Lei might be a good excuse to leave 101 innings. The more angry he is, the better, I don't have to face him.

"Okay, okay." Wang Lei was finally relieved. He pointed at Xia Lei and said, "Go away! I don't believe we can't do research without you!"

"Let's go, do you think I want to stay here? You just use the sedan to carry me and I won't come." Xia Lei really didn't give Wang Lei a little face.

Wang Lei was trembling with anger, he pointed at Xia Lei, but looked at Long Bing, "Dragon Chief, have you seen it? Do you see who you brought! This matter, I will react to it!"

Long Bing smiled bitterly and persuaded Xia Lei, "Xia Lei, please don't say anything. It's no big deal, you ..."

Xia Lei dared her words, "You don't need to say, I will go to see Dr. Ning, and then go."

Go to the medical room to seize the time to ask for something worthwhile, and then flash people, let Wang Lei toss!

But when Xia Lei walked to the medical room, a woman in a white coat came from the direction of the medical room and panicked and said: "It's not good, it's not good ..."

Wang Lei scolded, "What panic!"

The female doctor took a breath, "Chen, Dr. Chen Kexue, dead, dead!"

"Ah?" Wang Lei and a large group of experts were suddenly shocked on the spot.

Xia Lei and Long Bing couldn't help but looked at each other, both eyes were filled with surprise and confusion.

Then, almost at the same time, everyone's eyes focused on Russell who had just got sick.Everyone is thinking about the same question. Chen Kexue is dead. Will Russell die?

Russell, who had been whispering, smiled heartlessly, "I want you all to be buried with me!"

A large group of people was suddenly horrified, and several people close to Russell also avoided them, far away.

Wang Lei followed and said, "What are you still doing? Don't quickly send Dr. Luo to the medical room!"

The two soldiers quickly walked Russell to the medical room.Judging from the look of the two and the fast pace, they had long wanted to throw Russell in the medical room, and then far away from him.

Chen Kexue died inexplicably, and Russell, who had the same symptoms, naturally became a plague, and no one wanted to contact him.

"Let's go and see." Wang Lei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and walked to the medical room with his head.

Long Bing wanted to keep up, but Xia Lei quietly took her arm.

Long Bing looked back at Xia Lei, "What are you doing?"

Xia Lei leaned into her ear and whispered: "If it is a virus, most of them may be infected. Don't get too close to them."

"Ah?" Long Bing's face changed.

"Bring a mask." Xia Lei's antibacterial suit was pulled tightly in the future, and a mask was also put on his mouth.

Long Bing followed suit, patting Xia Lei's shoulder gratefully.

When they came to the infirmary, some people stayed at the door, and some followed Wang Lei into the infirmary to check on Chen Kexue.At this time, everyone wrapped themselves tightly with antibacterial clothes, and their noses and noses were also hidden in masks.

All eyes were on Chen Kexue lying on the bed.

Chen Kexue didn't have a little blood on his face, his eyes were closed, his mouth was half open, and he remained as he had died.Apart from these characteristics, he has no poisoning or other death characteristics. He looks like he is asleep.

The female doctor said: "I have rescued but it is useless. Dr. Chen said that he would die, even with no signs."

Wang Lei said: "Isolate and check Russell. You will now call back all the doctors and set up a special team. You must find out the cause of Dr. Chen Kexue's death and protect Dr. Russell.

"Okay, I'll call right away." The female doctor walked in.

But at this moment, Russell, bound by two soldiers on the hospital bed, suddenly yelled in horror, "Don't come, don't come ... don't kill me ... ah ..."

With a scream, Russell's throat suddenly snapped, and then slowly opened his mouth, never closing it again.His eyes also closed, never opened again.

"Oops! Dr. Chen Kexue said the same thing just now, and then died!" The female doctor hurried to Russell's side and pressed Russell's chest with her hand. There was no response. Then she shocked Russell's chest with a defibrillator.

After a few minutes, the female doctor gave up.

The entire medical room was silent, and fear spread silently in everyone's heart.

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