Super Vision

375 375 Seeing Chewing Gum Again

Under the night, Haizhu flourished like a dream.

Walking out of the hospital, Xia Lei still remembered what Jiang Ruyi said in his ear: I will wait for you and I will wait for you for how long.When you are tired outside, just come back and rest.

When I was a child, a piece of past memory in my childhood came to Xia Lei's mind, and a bit of wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, "You said something, but what should I do?"

He really didn't know how to deal with such a relationship, he already had too much emotional debt on his body.

He is not a man with a heart, but he is definitely a very good man.This is the same reason that there are many suitors for beautiful women. He is so good and single. How come there are so few women like it?

"Perhaps, I really should find a woman to get married. In this case, maybe there is no such trouble." Such a strange thought in his heart.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

Xia Lei pulled out his mobile phone and saw a strange number. He hesitated or answered the phone.

A woman's voice came from the phone, "Xia Lei, I'm Gu Kewen."

She self-reported her identity, and Xia Lei was surprised. "What's the matter with you calling me?"

Gu Kewen smiled and said: "Isn't it good to find you?"

Xia Lei frowned, "Gu Kewen, although you are doing things for Shen Tu Tianyin, we are not friends. Just say something, I will hang up if it's fine."

"Okay, tell the right thing." Gu Kewen closed his laughter, "I called you to tell you something, An Xiuxian has been released."

Charley was stunned for a moment.He expected someone to use An Xiuxian as a bargaining chip in exchange for political benefits, but did not expect it to be so fast.In his imagination, An Xiuxian will be imprisoned for several months, and will not be released until the two sides have negotiated.

"He came to Shen Tu Tianyin today." Gu Kewen said: "I'm right next to him. He and Shen Tu Tianyin talked about the mobile phone project of Shenyu Group and Vientiane Group. Finally, he also talked about you."

Xia Lei pretended to be calm, "What did he say to me?"

"Of course it's not a good word. He said that you stole the Attila sword from his house, and there are several antiques. It was a thief. Then he said that you framed him and caused him to be caught by the police, but he was innocent. He also said that he will find you to clear this account, and he will. "

Xia Lei sneered, "Did Tianyin say anything?"

Gu Kewen said: "Of course speaking for you, she also persuaded An Xiuxian not to be impulsive. An Xiuxian promised on the surface, but I can see that it was nothing but a virtual snake. In front of Shen Tu Tianyin, he would promise anything It ’s hard to say if you will keep your promise. "

"Then let him come here." Xia Lei's voice was cold, he could kill six people in An Xiuxian in the Jiangnan Hotel, he would not mind killing others in Anjia!

"That's it, I hung up."

"Wait." Xia Lei stopped Gu Kewen. "Why tell me this?"

"Then why do you think I told you this?"

"We are not friends, you and I know this very well. You should be on the same line with An Xiuxian, give him advice and help him deal with me. If I die in the hands of An Xiuxian, this is not for you Is it good? "

Gu Kewen was silent for a while, and said, "Remember the transaction I proposed?"

Xia Lei suddenly thought of the night after the fall of the Gu family. At the Qunying Club, Gu Kewen took off her evening dress and used her body as a bait to lure him to cooperate with her and avenge her father Gu Dingshan. Deal with the big men who killed his father.Of course he wouldn't agree and rejected her, but he didn't expect that she would mention it again at this time.

"What I want to tell you is that the transaction I originally proposed is still valid. As long as you promise me and help me get revenge, our grievances will be cancelled out. My entire person is yours, whatever you want." In that case, Gu Kewen also said that night in the Qunying Club.

"Gu Kewen, I thank you for reminding me, but ..." Xia Lei exchanged a euphemism, "You are actually ruining yourself. When was the old Miss Gu Jia, when she was reduced to her body? Chips? Besides, you are not my favorite type. "

"Hehe." Gu Kewen smiled. "I did attract you with my body. You are indifferent. My Gu Kewen won't be guilty and do it a second time. I said the whole person is yours, that means me I can help you make money. Although my old home is down, but those relationships are still there, I still have a lot of people in my hands. These are resources that cannot be bought with money. I will help you. Your company can be in ten years. Catch up with Vientiane Group within. "

Catch up with the Vientiane Group within ten years. If someone else says this, it may be just a joke, but such words come out from Gu Kewen's mouth but have a certain weight.Because she does have the connections of the ancient family in her hand, and there are many people who handle them. These resources are invisible, but there is definitely a very powerful energy, otherwise Shen Tu Tianyin will not let her be an assistant.

Xia Lei was silent. During this time, he himself had to admit that he was a little emotional.

"Consider it carefully, I have a little patience." Gu Kewen's voice, "I will continue to pay attention to An Xiuxian, I will tell you the first time there is any trouble in his side."

Politely, Xia Lei should say thank you, but his mouth was like a ball of cotton stuffed, and he couldn't say anything.

Gu Kewen hung up the phone over there.

The night wind blew across his cheeks, bringing a burst of coolness, and Xia Lei's thoughts became clear. He secretly pondered, "The ancient family died because of me, Gu Dingshan died, Gu Kewu was still in prison This kind of hatred is on the head. Gu Kewen actually wanted not revenge, but cooperation with me? He also threatened to help me surpass the Vientiane Group. If I believe in you, then I am really drunk. "

Cooperation is definitely impossible.But, a woman as smart as Gu Kewen, would she not see this?But why would she still do this?

What makes Xia Lei even more puzzled is that Gu Kewen appeared again. Instead of looking for him to take revenge, he helped him instead. What was she doing for?

Gu Kewen appeared again, and the whole person seemed to become another person, making people see through.

Driving on the road, Xia Lei's speed is not fast, his head is full of all kinds of problems, and Jiang Ruyi.When thinking of Jiang Ruyi, his heart felt a little warm and kind.

Buzz ...

A locomotive galloped past the BMW M6 with a speed of at least one hundred yards.

Xia Lei looked around, and the back of the locomotive actually had a familiar feeling.But just as he was about to catch up, looking at the face hidden under the helmet from the side, the rider in the front raised his hand and a white object suddenly hit the windshield of the BMW M6.

That's a piece of chewing gum.

Seeing chewing gum, Xia Lei suddenly guessed the identity of the locomotive rider, so he didn't need to catch up and see the locomotive rider's face.She is her father's assistant, Yelena.

Yelena didn't even look back. After a sudden throttle burst, the locomotive suddenly accelerated and flew away in a blink of an eye.

This is Hua Guo. Her purpose is not to meet, but she has done what she has to do.

Xia Lei drove the car away from the main road, stopped the car in a parking space on the street, then got off the car and took off the gum sticking to the windshield.

"This is the case every time. She asked me to dismantle the chewing gum she had chewed, wouldn't she know another way to pass the message?" With the sticky gum back to the cab, Xia Lei complained while tearing the gum.

A piece of paper was hidden in the chewing gum, and there was a saying on it: Son, see you in Russia.I need your sniper rifle and bring two more to Russia.In China, someone is already staring at you.I have started investigating the identity and motives of that person, and as soon as the results come out, I will let Yelena tell you.

The handwriting on the note is the handwriting of his father Xia Changhe, and it is not imitated. The imitated handwriting cannot deceive Xia Lei's eyes.

"Dad wants my sniper rifle?" Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "He really knows the goods, okay, this time I go to Russia, I will bring two more, just give him the time."

Father Xia Changhe was finally willing to meet, and Xia Lei was very excited.Because it means that some of the problems that trouble him may find answers to his father.Of course, what is more important is that after six years, we finally want to reunite the father and son!

Xia Lei burned the note and threw the chewing gum into the trash on the side of the road.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

The ringtone of the phone rang again.

"Who is it again?" Xia Lei took out his mobile phone, but saw Jiang Ruyi's number, and he answered the phone, "Ruyi, what's the matter?"

"Are you at the airport now?"

"No, didn't I say that, I want to leave tomorrow, I want to stay at home for one night." Xia Lei said.

"Oh, I'm confused, and I didn't hear clearly. I thought you were going to catch the plane, so I didn't keep you. My mother was still preaching me, saying why not invite you to dinner, have you not eaten yet?"

"No, I went to your house when I came back, and then went to the hospital, and I was just going home to do something and eat."

"Don't go back, come and pick me up. How about we go to the barbecue restaurant when we were in high school? I treat guests." Jiang Ruyi said, her voice had an indescribable tenderness.

"Okay, I'll come over immediately." Xia Lei hung up the phone and turned around to head towards the hospital.

It's not bad to relive the old days of high school.

In the hospital, Yang Yun gave thumbs up to Jiang Ruyi and smiled like a flower, "That's right, girls should be gentle, be coquettish, and speak with sigh. You can't treat people like a man-in-law. Talking, fierce, who dares to marry you. "

"Mom!" Jiang Ruyi stomped, "If you say that, I won't learn! Good numbness!"

"Okay, don't I say you're done?" Yang Yun raised her mouth and added another sentence, "I have a bad temper with your dad."

On the hospital bed, Jiang Shuqing turned over and pointed his butt at Yang Yun.

At the same time, a tall man walked out of the dark corner of the street where Xia Lei stopped. He took a mobile phone and said in Korean: "President, there is a problem with that kid."

A man's voice came from the phone, "What's the problem? Does he have fewer problems?"

The tall man said: "It's not the normal situation, I saw a woman ..."

He hadn't said anything yet. A middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap came from the sidewalk and suddenly stuck a syringe around his neck. About a second later, he fell to the ground.

The man hugged him, walked to the side of the road, opened the door of a car, and tucked him in.Subsequently, the man drove away.The whole process took less than twenty seconds and did not attract anyone's attention.

As the night gets deeper, many stories are being staged.

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