Super Vision

376 376 Lei Dad's Style and Means

Li Chengri is a very good agent, and his ability to monitor Xia Lei but not found is enough to prove his ability.This is also where An Jinjian admired him and sent him to China.

Li Chengri is also very happy to sell his life for An Jin. In addition to the expensive remuneration, there is also a promise of promotion.More importantly, An Jinjian may become the next president of South Korea.How can the future president's tasks be done without effort?

However, it all ended an hour ago, and it went in a bad direction.

An hour later, Li Chengri opened his eyes and found that he was sitting in a chair in a dimly lit room, with his hands and feet tied to the chair, unable to move.

The house is unoccupied, and the walls are covered with cobwebs.There are several paintings posted on the wall. They are about 20 to 30 years old. They are all about workers and peasants and soldiers. There are big brothers with workers holding hammers, women with scythes, and soldiers holding grenades.There was another door across from him, tightly closed, with no view of the outside.

"Damn it!" Li Chengri made a hard effort. He wanted to break the rope, but he didn't succeed.

At this moment the door suddenly opened, and a man with a peaked cap and a blond beauty walked in from the door.She was dressed in a tight leather jacket and had an attractive curve.There was no expression on her face, which was very cold and mysterious.She was carrying a black box in her hand, not knowing what was in it.

The man wearing a peaked cap took off the peaked cap and sat on a chair opposite Li Chengri.

Li Chengri saw his face clearly and he was stunned for a moment.Because, the face of the man who appeared in front of him was very similar to Xia Lei. It was Xia Lei thirty years later.

"You are ..." Li Chengri was a little nervous and tried to say: "Who are you Xia Lei?"

"Xia Changhe." The man's voice was very low, "I am Xia Lei's father."

"What do you want to do?" Li Chengri tried to cover up the panic in his heart and showed a strong look. "I am a member of the Korean government. If you let me go now, nothing will happen to me."

Xia Changhe said lightly: "I know you are a Korean, and I also know that you are a South Korean agent named Li Chengri. I am thirty years old. When I was on a mission last year, you shot and killed several young people who had escaped from the north , There is another girl, only eighteen, you insulted that girl, and then killed her. Am I right? "

Li Chengri's forehead was cold and sweaty, and his voice began to tremble. "What the hell are you?"

Such a thing is known to Li Chengri, but this person who has never met before knows that such a thing is really weird!

Xia Changhe's voice was still faint, "Did I not tell you just now? I am Xia Lei's father."

Li Chengri said: "Xia Lei's father has been missing for six years!"

Xia Changhe ignored Li Chengri's question and continued to say what he wanted to say, "An Jinjian is a father, he is a very good father, he created a big family business for his son An Xiuxian, I ca n’t compare tens of billions of assets. I ’m also a father, and I ca n’t give my son much. But there ’s something that I ca n’t compare with me, that is, I can do anything for my son and daughter. Things, including murder. "

Li Chengri's face suddenly turned pale and pale.

Xia Changhe continued: "Actually, the grievance between you and my son should have ended after An Xiuxian was released, but you were bullying and not reluctant. As soon as An Xiuxian came out, you could not wait to take action. He is also a father. An Jinjian sent agents and killers to his son. My father ca n’t do nothing. Seeing you hurt my son? "

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Li Chengri shouted: "Leave me! I am a South Korean agent, you know the consequences of killing me!"

At that time, Yelena opened the black suitcase, revealing the contents.

The suitcase is full of torture tools, there are dual-purpose pliers that can be used to remove nails and fingers, as well as small canned flamethrowers, as well as scalpels, nylon threads, saws, hammers and several pieces at a time. Sex syringe.All of these things were cleaned up, exuding a cold luster, making people feel numb on the back.

Yelena said, "Can I start?"

"No, let me do it." Xia Changhe got up and picked up the pliers that could cut nails and cut fingers from the suitcase, and walked to Li Chengri's side.

Li Chengri's heart was already full of fear, but he was a professionally trained agent after all. He did not show fear. He could keep the last point of calm. "You can't do this, I am a Korean agent!"

Xia Changhe said: "My style is simple and straightforward. You tell me who other people have arranged and what his plan is, I will let you go. If you don't answer, you will be very painful. I remind you, Do n’t think you ’ll be able to carry it with any pain training. The training you ’ve received is childish and ridiculous in my eyes. After my words are over, are you going to live or die? ”

Li Chengri bit his teeth and said angrily: "Do you think I will believe you? I tell you, you will kill me as well, don't treat me as a fool!"

Xia Changhe's mouth showed a cold smile, "It seems that you have made your decision, then okay, I am also curious about how much you can bear, let's start."

"You are going to die!" Li Chengri struggled frantically, but he still could not break the rope.

Xia Changhe grabbed his left hand, slowly put Li Chengri's index finger into the pliers, and then pressed hard.Blood splattered and a finger fell to the ground.

"Ah ..." Li Chengri screamed, breathing in pain.

Without waiting for him to relax, Xia Changhe clamped his middle finger again with pliers, and without a word he pressed harder.

"Ah!" Li Chengri's middle finger also fell to the ground, and intense pain filled every nerve of his, and his consciousness was a little faint.

Xia Changhe said lightly: "At this level? You are also embarrassed to say that you are a trained professional agent?"

"Bah!" Li Chengri spit at Xia Changhe with his mouth open.

Xia Changhe nodded, "It's like a professional agent." After that, he cut off Li Chengri's thumb and ring finger.

Li Chengri could no longer carry it, and he was about to pass out.

Yelena picked up a syringe from the black suitcase and said, "This is the company's heart product, which keeps people awake."

Xia Changhe took the syringe and plunged it into Li Chengri's neck.

Under the action of the liquid medicine, Li Chengri quickly came to him, and he shouted: "Who are you?"

Xia Changhe didn't speak, but he cut off the last finger of Li Chengri's left hand.

"Asshole! You will regret it!" Li Chengri was almost mad at the pain. He suffered an indescribable pain, but he was very sober.

"Li Chengri, I will finally give you a chance." Xia Changhe said coldly: "Answer my question, otherwise I will really start torturing you. At that time, you will feel a happy death."

The five fingers that cut off his left hand are not really torture, is this just a dessert?

Li Chengri sucked the air in a big breath, trying to relieve the pain in his body, his psychological defense line also quietly collapsed.

Xia Changhe put down the pliers, picked up the scalpel and a loop of nylon thread from the black suitcase, the sound was extremely cold, "An ancient criminal law called thousands of swords, only the best executioner can do it, and I It happens to be one of them. I rarely do it myself, and for my son, I will let you taste that taste. "

"I, I don't know ..." Li Chengri still had the last luck in his heart.

Xia Changhe frowned, and he wrapped nylon thread around Li Chengri's body.He was very skillful in winding. The thin nylon thread tightened Li Chengri's skin like a fishing net wrapped around his body.

A few minutes later, the scalpel fell, and a piece of Li Chengri was cut cleanly.

"Ah ..." Li Chengri screamed and collapsed completely.

The scalpel was cut off with a knife, and Xia Changhe, who was operating, seemed very focused, and his expression was calm and terrifying.At the moment, he is like an artist, carving a piece of wood with a piece of wood.And his indifference and skill make him look like an ancient master executioner!

When the tenth knife was cut, Li Chengri couldn't hold on any longer, he wailed: "Stop! I ... I said, I said!"

Xia Changhe closed his hand and looked at Li Chengri quietly.

Li Chengri cried and said with a tremble: "An Jinjian has a cooperative relationship with the CIA. An Jinjian paid for and hired some people to monitor Xia Lei and the people around him and collect all information about Xia Lei. The reprimand also provided the CIA with an astonishing amount of funds. The CIA launched a plan called 'Angler'. They plan, plan ... plan to capture Xia Lei in Russia. "

Xia Changhe said lightly: "Your eyes told me that you didn't tell me everything you know. Are you testing my patience? I have no patience, let's continue." Then he said he was going to stab people .

"No, no ..." Li Chengri took a deep breath, "I also know that An Xiuxian has found a killer organization, and asked the killer to assassinate Xia Lei."

"What killer organization?"

"I don't know, mine don't know, you let me go, don't kill me ... don't kill me ..." Li Chengri cried, he had never been so cowardly.

"Well, I let you go." Xia Changhe went around behind Li Chengri.

"Really?" Li Chengri seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

"Really." The words fell, and the scalpel in Xia Changhe's hands suddenly cut Li Chengri's neck.

The blood fountain generally spewed out, Li Chengri's body shook a few times, then completely quiet.

Xia Changhe threw the scalpel into a black suitcase and sneered, "The angler plan? They will catch sharks. Put it here, we are going to Russia."

Yelena nodded her head and proceeded to deal with Li Chengri's body.

Xia Changhe took out Li Chengri's mobile phone, turned over the number Li Chengri last called, and then edited a text message in Korean: President, everything went well.Xia Lei is very alert. I will contact you immediately if there is new information.

After sending the text message, Xia Changhe threw the phone to Li Chengri's feet.

Ye Lena poured gasoline on Li Chengri's body. One minute later, Li Chengri's body burned up ...

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