Super Vision

423 Chapter 423

Fu Mingmei was lying on the operating table. A beautiful face was deformed badly, her lips turned up, and she was very swollen.The eyes are dark and the eyes are swollen.She had cuts on her abdomen and chest, and she still bleeds until now.

What kind of injury is this kind of injury, at a glance, someone attacked her!

Outside the operating room of the hospital, after seeing through the operating room, Xia Lei's heart ignited a flame of anger.He took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Tu Tianyin's number again, but Shen Tu Tianyin's mobile phone was still in the state of being turned off.

In fact, Xia Lei had already called Shen Tu Tianyin's mobile phone more than once on the way when he came, but they couldn't get through.

Now, Fu Mingmei is lying on the operating table, hanging a line, she obviously can't tell him what happened.At this time, he seemed to be blindfolded, covering his ears, trapped in an occlusive environment, and unable to get the information he needed.

After hesitating for a while, Xia Lei still dialed Shen Turen's phone, "Dad ..."

"Lei Zi, what's the matter?" After receiving Xia Lei's call, Shen Turen looked very happy.

Xia Leiqiang suppressed the tension and worry in his heart and slowed his tone. "Dad, I called to ask if Tianyin had returned home."

Shen Turen said: "No, you went out together this morning, and you haven't come back until now. I called Mingmei, but I couldn't get through."

Charley was stunned for a moment.He suddenly realized that the phone that the doctor found on Fu Mingmei was not Fu Mingmei's mobile phone, but someone placed it on her intentionally.The doctor who called him also said that he was the only contact on the phone.

"Lei Zi, what happened?" Shen Turen suddenly became nervous.

Xia Lei said: "It's okay, you don't have to worry, you might not be in the service area. Well, I went to find her, I know where she is. I will call you immediately after I find her.

"That's good, drive slowly." Shen Turen urged.

Xia Lei hung up the phone.At this time, although he has not received any information, he has almost confirmed that Shen Tu Tianyin has been kidnapped!

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

Suddenly, the phone in his hand rang.

It is a strange number that I have never seen before.

Xia Lei took a deep breath and answered the phone, "Who?"

A low voice of a man came from the phone, "Xia Lei?"

"It's me." Xia Lei said: "Calm down, how much do you want, and ask for the price."

"Oh, it seems that you already know what happened." The man's voice, "You hear clearly, I won't repeat it again. Shen Tu Tianyin is in our hands, don't call the police, immediately prepare 200 million Cash, arrive in Baoding two hours later. At that time, I will contact you again. "

Xia Lei said: "Two hours, 200 million cash, now the bank is off work, how can I give it to you? Even during the normal working hours of the bank, I can't offer such a large sum of money in two hours. What's more, I have to rush to Baoding during this time. You see, bank transfer is not enough? You provide an account, I saw someone, and immediately transfer it to you. "

The man was silent for a while, and then said: "It's okay to transfer money, but the ransom costs 300 million. See you in Baoding two hours later. Remember, don't call the police! Otherwise, you will see her body!"

"I won't call the police, let me listen to her voice." Xia Lei forced him to calm down.

"Woo ... Xia Lei ... Don't ..." Shen Tu Tianyin's voice came from the phone, but soon disappeared.

A few seconds later, the man ’s voice came again from the phone, “You have confirmed her situation, leave, do n’t be late.” After that, he hung up the phone.

Xia Lei put away his phone and rushed to the hospital parking lot.

The night was dark and the neon flashed, and there were cars on the street.A Chevrolet Suburban off-road car is crazy on the street, seeing the lights and running, like a wild beast.

In the car, Xia Lei's brow furrowed, and he was worried.He thought of calling Long Bing or Tang Yuyan and asking 101 Bureau for help, which seemed to be a very wise choice.However, when this idea came up, when he was planning to do so, he suddenly gave up again.

Can't do this.

In an instant, his brain was running extremely fast.

If it is an ordinary kidnapper, Fu Mingmei can cope with it.Shen Tu Tianyin travels, in addition to Fu Mingmei's immobile bodyguard, he will also bring four male bodyguards.Those people are also professional bodyguards with extraordinary skills. With this bodyguard configuration, how can ordinary kidnappers kidnap to Shen Tu Tianyin!

Not an ordinary kidnapper, who is that?

Before getting the strength of the other party, hurriedly called Long Bing and Tang Yuyan and asked for the help of 101 Bureau, which will only bring bad results!

"The caller asked for 200 million in cash. I proposed a bank transfer, and he agreed with little consideration. Obviously, this possibility was expected. If the bank transfers, he can offer a total of one billion yuan or more. Because he was kidnapped by Shen Tu Tianyin, but he just increased a ransom of 100 million yuan. Why is that? "Xia Lei's heart raised doubts, wondering.

His brain was still thinking and analyzing quickly.

"Just now, when the man was talking, there was wind in the phone. It was not too long since Fu Mingmei was discovered. Isn't the kidnapper now taking Shen Tu Tianyin on the way to Baoding? The wind I heard was the car window The wind generated by the gap between the two? If this is the case, why would it be necessary to complete the transaction in Baoding, in the suburbs of Kyoto, and what are they avoiding? "The more the analysis goes down, the more frightened Xia Lei is.He has a hunch that this is not an ordinary kidnapping. The other party is likely to have a purpose other than ransom, and the other party is likely to know his identity-they are determined to deal in Baoding and are avoiding 101 games!

Thinking of this, Xia Lei was even less afraid to call Long Bing and Tang Yuyan.

The car drove out of the city, entered the highway, and went straight to Baoding.

There are many cars on the highway, and the kidnapper's car is also among them, but it is impossible to know which one it is.

Shortly after entering the highway, Xia Lei dialed up Gu Kewen's mobile phone.

Gu Kewen's cell phone did not turn off, and it was quickly connected.

"Xia Lei, what's the matter?" Gu Kewen's voice came from the phone.

"Do you know where Tianyin has gone?" Xia Lei stabilized his emotions, his voice calm, and he tried to be authentic.

Gu Kewen's voice, "I don't know, I will go home after the negotiation with An Xiuxian."

"Negotiated so soon?"

"You know Tianyin's character, the decisions she makes will not change. She is also a person who pursues efficiency, and since she has torn her face with Shenyu Group, early talks and late talks are the same result."

"Don't the board of directors of Shenyu Group get involved?"

"This ... I don't know. The God Territory Group is controlled by An Jinjian. For An Xiuxian, he probably just needs to call his father. This matter can actually be dealt with simply." Gu Kewen said .

"It turns out that way." After a pause, Xia Lei said again: "Where are you?"

"Did I not tell you just now? I'm at home." Gu Kewen said: "You are a little strange today, how do you ask me such a strange question."

"No, I heard your ambient sound a little messy."

"Oh, it turned out to be the reason. I was on the balcony and there was someone downstairs." Gu Kewen said.

"Then it will not disturb you." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

Xia Lei's eyes were cold and his heart was colder.

Just now, he didn't hear any environmental sound.He was just a temptation, but Gu Kewen said she was on the balcony.Is she guilty or concealing something?

"Did both Gu Kewen and An Xiuxian participate in this kidnapping? If so, Lao Tzu wants your life!" Xia Lei was furious.

Although this is just a guess, but once found, he will retaliate!

What he hated the most was that someone started to attack the people around him, not to mention his fiancee!

An hour later, Xia Lei entered the urban area of ​​Baoding.He parked the car on the side of the road and dialed the phone number of the kidnapper he had received before.However, the phone was turned off.His heart suddenly sank, and the other party was fully prepared.He is in the light, the other is in the dark, the matter tonight is extremely dangerous!

Xia Lei opened the trunk of the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car, which contained the XL2500 sniper rifle he had modified.This is not the first time he has experienced life and death. As long as he has a sniper rifle in hand, he will feel very safe and confident. However, this time is different.

Nothing else, just because Shen Tu Tianyin is in the other's hands.

Xia Lei closed the trunk, looked around, and then entered a supermarket on the street.He bought a small hunting knife in the supermarket and hid it in his socks.There are also several needles that hold the sole, and he hides those needles in the sole and the underwear.

Back in the car, after waiting less than ten minutes, his phone rang.

This time, it was another strange number, but the person speaking was the same person.

"Where are you now?" The man's voice was still so low and cold, without any emotion.

Xia Lei said: "I am in Baoding city now."

"Out of Baoding city, east, Suncheon chemical plant, I'll wait for you there." The man said.

Xia Lei said: "I want to hear Tianyin's voice!"

"Woo ... Xia Lei, don't come!" Shen Tu Tianyin's voice, with a cry, was full of fear and despair.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you home." Xia Lei said.

The man's voice came from the phone, "Okay, let's go, don't play tricks, or I'll kill her!"

"Calm down a bit, you are asking for money, not disaster. I will pay you money, you take the money away, I will take people home." Xia Lei said.

"Humph." The man snorted coldly, then hung up.

Xia Lei set fire to the east.

Half an hour later, under the guidance of the car navigation system, the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car came to a remote road in the suburbs.

At the end of the road is a dilapidated factory on the left, with no lights and dark.

Xia Lei looked at the watch on his hand, ten minutes before the two hours requested by the kidnapper.The kidnapper calculated the time accurately.

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