Super Vision

424 Chapter 424: Desperate

The chemical plant at the end of the road is the SF Chemical Plant.

When Xia Lei saw it, he was actually two kilometers away from the abandoned chemical plant.In fact, he not only saw the chemical plant, he even saw a sniper creeping on a water tower, and two gunmen hiding inside the gate.

Although only three people were found, Xia Lei was sure they were still there, but because of the distance, he could not see the existence of other targets.

"There are actually snipers, this is definitely not an ordinary kidnapper." The previous judgment is correct, Xia Lei has basically determined this.

Xia Lei drove the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car without driving lights to a rural roadside on the roadside, and then slammed the car into a height of one person.Subsequently, he got out of the car, took out the XL2500 sniper rifle that he had personally modified from the trunk, and installed the matching silencer on the barrel.

Through the night, Xia Lei quickly approached the abandoned chemical plant in the wasteland by the road.The trees and barberry bushes in the wasteland became a good cover.

He sneaked in front of him like a bloodthirsty wolf.Princess Yongmei followed him tirelessly and kept a few steps away from him.She was white and clothless, but like a jade rabbit.As she ran, a turbulent wave rippled across her chest, enticing.

It is a pity that Xia Lei has not paid any attention to her thoughts.

At three kilometers from the factory, Xia Lei stopped.He mounted the XL2500 sniper rifle on the tree of a tree, then adjusted the direction of the muzzle and aimed at the sniper creeping on the water tower.

The sniper wore a balaclava on his head.Just now, he failed to see the facial features of the sniper clearly, because the observation position is more than 4,000 meters, which is already the limit of his left eye viewing distance.At that distance, he could only see a vague human body, not the subtle features.

Now, at a distance of three kilometers, the characteristics of the sniper are already clear in his left eye.The sniper was tall and strong, and his eyes exposed outside the hood were blue.

This is a westerner.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "Westerners, are they ... CIA people?"

Following that, Xia Lei observed the gunmen guarding both sides of the door. Sure enough, they were not Asian.The two were black and white.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

The ringtone of the phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID is an unfamiliar number, but Xia Lei knew who was calling, and he answered the call, "Speak, I'm almost here. You won't be able to wait for a few minutes?"

"I know you have come." It was still the man's voice, deep and cold, "I also know that you are very powerful, but I advise you not to mess up. Once I determine that my people have an accident, I immediately killed Shen Tutian. sound."

Xia Lei's heart sank sharply.Now, as long as he pulls the trigger, the sniper lying on the water tower is reporting to hell.Killing that one is as easy for him as stepping on an ant, but now he dare not do that.

"Who the hell are you?" After a brief silence, Xia Lei tried out.

"People who are short of money." The other party sneered. "I know you are nearby. In the last ten minutes, if you don't show up, I will kill Shen Tu Tianyin."

"In that case, you will also die." Xia Lei's voice was cold.

"So, we should try to avoid that happening as much as possible. You give money, we let people go, so that it is good for everyone." The other party said.

"Ten minutes, we trade." Xia Lei hung up the phone and ran back quickly.

Ten minutes later, the Chevrolet Suburban van came to the door of the abandoned chemical plant.The headlights of the car were bright, and the two gunmen guarding the inside of the gate opened the rusty iron gate.Xia Lei drove on and on, driving his eyes quickly across the buildings on the left and right sides and in front. He saw more people, a total of twelve gunmen, and Shen Tu Tianyin.She was controlled by two gunmen in a warehouse. Her head was covered with a hood and her hands were also tied with plastic bands.There was a bruise on her left leg calf exposed in the air, which seemed to be kicked.

Seeing the scars on Shen Tu Tianyin's leg, Xia Lei's eyebrows jumped suddenly, his eyes terrified.These people, dare to beat his woman!

Wow!A Ford Raptor in front of the warehouse door suddenly turned on the headlights, and the bright beam of light came over.The light beam didn't affect the sight of Xia Lei's left eye, but he pretended to avoid it for a moment and then blocked it with his hand.

Through his fingers, Xia Lei saw a black man standing in front of the Ford Raptor.The black man was tall and tall.Wearing a combat suit, armed with several weapons, he also had an M16A1 assault rifle in his hand.

He was none other than Lance Bigger, CIA ’s Asian director.But Xia Lei did not know his name, this was the first time the two met.However, with regard to the weaponry, temperament, and combat qualities of these people, Xia Lei has determined that the person who kidnapped Shen Tu Tianyin is the CIA.

"Get off!" Said the man of Lance Bigger loudly.

Xia Lei opened the door and got out of the car.

Next to the door came a CIA agent, Soxia Lei.Others searched Xia Lei's Chevrolet Suburban off-road van.

Soon, Xia Lei's hunting knife and pistol were found, but the few needles holding the sole were not found.

The agent who searched the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car also completed the search of the vehicle, and he did not find any weapons.After confirming that he couldn't shoot to rescue Shen Tutianyin, Xia Lei hid the gun in the bark bushes. He wouldn't be so stupid to bring the XL2500 sniper rifle he had personally modified to these people.

"Mr. Xia Lei, we finally met." Lance Bigger approached Xia Lei and looked directly at Xia Lei's eyes, with a triumphant smile in his mouth. "I have been waiting for this day for a long time. You see, in order to give you a good impression, I also deliberately shaved my beard. "

Lansbig's Chinese is very good, and it is more standard than many people speak.

Xia Lei took a deep breath, "You are not kidnappers, you are CIA."

Lance Bigg shrugged his shoulders, looked around, and said exaggeratedly: "Have you seen this? This is our opponent, isn't it terrible? Isn't it smart?"

Some sneered, some sneered.They seem to have listened to Lance Bigger's words as irony. Smart and terrible opponents are not their prisoners!

Faced with this kind of irony, Xia Lei was indifferent, "You are invading China in an armed way. Do you know the consequences of doing so? This will cause a fierce reaction from China. The consequences will be very serious, and no one can bear this responsibility. "

Lance Bigger shook his head. "No one will know."

Xia Lei said: "You should know that there is no airtight wall in this world."

Lance Bigger smiled disdainfully, "Then push this wall down, you know, the United States has such strength. We have a professional team to assess the risks of this operation. If this operation is exposed, it will be the worst. The result is that China is fighting against us. Besides that, what else can you do? Do you bomb our military bases in Asia with missiles? Do you want to attack our ships? Hahaha ... "

This is naked provocation and contempt.

Weak nations have no diplomacy, and American fighters can enter some countries with impunity to bomb their so-called terrorist targets, but the most killed are innocent civilians.Of those countries devastated by war, how can the United States be taken?

Although China is not one of those weak countries, it is the country with the strongest military strength in Asia, but in the face of a massive opponent like the United States, it has only the ability of self-defense and no offensive ability.Therefore, even if this matter is discovered, China cannot declare war on the United States, nor will it actively attack American military targets.

From this perspective, Lance Bigger is telling the truth.

The law that this world has followed from ancient times to the present is also the law of the jungle. The United States is powerful enough to sweep any country in the United States. It can indeed be so unscrupulous.

Xia Lei has anger in his heart, but he can be suppressed, he can keep his calm, "I am now in your hands, you should also honor your promise, let Shen Tu Tianyin go."

"No worries," Lance Bigger said. "I'm curious. You actually guessed our identity. Why are you here? You can escape."

"You ask for some reason." Xia Lei said coldly: "Shen Tu Tianyin is my fiancee, she is innocent, let her go!"

At this time, two CIA agents in the warehouse brought out Shen Tu Tianyin, and one of the agents reached out and pulled off the hood on Shen Tu Tianyin's head.

Seeing Xia Lei, Shen Tu Tianyin burst into tears, "You go! Don't worry about me!"

"Shut up!" A CIA agent hit the back of Shen Tu Tianyin with a gun handle. Shen Tu Tianyin suddenly fell to the ground.

"Damn it!" Xia Lei lost control and rushed up.

"Don't move!" Lance Bigger suddenly raised the M16A1 assault rifle in his hand and pointed at Xia Lei's head.

On the other side, the agent who hit Shen Tu Tianyin with a gun handle also pointed at Shen Tu Tianyin's head with a gun and said in English: "Don't move, otherwise your woman will die first."

Xia Lei stopped abruptly, then shouted: "Let her go, I will follow you!"

Lance Bigger sneered, "Mr. Xia Lei, are you really an infatuated and naive man. Do you think I will let your woman go? No, letting her off will only cause us trouble. You are a A difficult opponent, with this woman in our hands, you will be a lot more honest. So, we will bring her out of China. If you cooperate, she will live, if you don't, she will die. "

Xia Lei clenched his teeth, the anger in his heart was enough to burn everything, but the situation in front of him made him helpless.This is also the first time he has faced such a dilemma. The feeling of being arbitrarily made him painful and helpless.

"Why are you so stupid?" Shen Tu Tianyin's emotions are also out of control, she shouted at Xia Lei: "Why do you know I can't save me and want to come? You are so dead! You fool!"

"Because you are my woman." Xia Lei said.Even if he chooses again, he will do the same.

Shen Tu Tianyin's tears came out of his eyes, and the tears were for Xia Lei.

Princess Yongmei stood beside Shen Tu Tianyin and looked at her curiously. Then, she looked at the CIA agent who smashed Shen Tu Tianyin's handle.Suddenly, she reached out to the agent's head.

Xia Lei saw this scene, and he was surprised in his heart, "What does she want to do?"

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