Super Vision

443 Chapter 443: The More Complete Princess Yongmei

There are no fluctuations in the perspective of the ancient alloy parts, but Xia Lei's vision is like falling into an endless vortex.The cold, inexplicable fear followed, and then it was dark again. He felt like he had fallen into a dark abyss, frozen by ice and unable to move.

He is familiar with this feeling, and every time he sees through the ancient alloy, it will bring the same feeling, every time it is uncomfortable and unable to adapt.

Two minutes later, Xia Lei's vision returned to normal.There was also a special presence in the ancient tomb, and he thrilled again on the spot.

It was n’t the old man or other creature that suddenly appeared in the ancient tomb, but Princess Yongmei.She is glazed and boneless, snowless and undressed.A face carved like a jade disk, a slender and full curve, flashing all over the body showed no one is not tempting.

However, Xia Lei knew she did not exist, she was not real.

Xia Lei looked at the ash in the sarcophagus, and then at Princess Yongmei who stood in front of him. After a long pause, a word came out, "Why are you, not him?"

Having experienced the same incident in the ancient tomb of Hakuba City, Afghanistan, he removed the ancient alloy contained in the mouth of Princess Yongmei, and later Princess Yongmei appeared.Now, he takes out the ancient alloy contained in the old population and sees through the ancient alloy. It is reasonable that the old man should appear.However, it was still Yongmei Princess.

"I remember your face." Princess Yongmei still said the opening sentence.

As soon as she spoke, Xia Lei's head was two years old. He smiled bitterly: "I know, you remember my face. I also know that you have been waiting for me for a long time, haven't you?"

"They are all dead." Princess Yongmei's second sentence.

Wow!Xia Lei's head seemed to knock on the gong, and he was stunned.

Princess Yongmei said something she never said!

"They are all dead." Princess Yongmei repeated this sentence.

Xia Lei recovered, "You said that everyone is dead? What else do you know? Tell me!"

At this moment, he had an intuition that the Yongmei princess appearing here might be more perfect than the Yongmei princess appearing in China, perhaps she has stronger communication skills!

Sure enough, Princess Yongmei stared blankly at Xia Lei and said the second sentence differently, "Take me home."

"Where are you, your home?" Xia Lei's voice was shaking, and he thought of the Daming Palace and the Forbidden City.The famous imperial city was built by her father Zhu Di.

Princess Yongmei didn't answer Xia Lei's question. She walked over to Xia Lei, her voice was quiet, "I'm so cold, I'm so cold ..."

Xia Lei stepped back subconsciously, but stopped after just one step.Princess Yongmei is not his enemy, he knows better than anyone.In Baoding, Princess Yongmei even shot because the CIA had beaten him, destroying the brains of Lance Bigger and Agent Hank.Later, the two died early.

Not an enemy, she doesn't even have a real body, and it makes no sense to avoid her.And he was also curious about what she would do.

Just when Xia Lei was curious, Princess Yongmei approached him and slowly approached his body.Finally, she snuggled into his arms.

At this time, Xia Lei did not know whether Princess Yongmei was "warm", but he was cold enough.Princess Yongmei has no real body and is a form of energy.This energy was so cold that she snuggled in his arms, he seemed to be holding a jar of liquid ammonia in the freezer!

"Tell, tell me ... duo ..." Xia Lei's teeth are out of control. "Tell me, who is dead? Who is this old man? What are you doing with these metals?"

A series of questions, Xia Lei wants to know the answer to each question.

"They are all dead." Princess Yongmei said, snuggling in Xia Lei's arms, Princess Yongmei seemed to feel better.She looked particularly docile, like a cat.

"Tell me, you tell me." Xia Lei urged.

"I'm going home." Princess Yongmei said.

Xia Lei did not give up, and repeated his question several times, but the answers were always these two sentences.

The flames of hope that had been ignited once went out again.

The Yongmei princess appeared here seems to be more "complete", but it is not absolutely complete. She can say more words and have a more human performance, but this is far from enough.

Xia Lei was not in the mood to continue to ask her any questions, because he was almost frozen.He moved his gaze to an ancient alloy to awaken his left eye's ability.

Princess Yongmei disappeared, as was the case with Princess Yongmei in China.

Xia Lei stood quietly in the ancient tomb for two minutes, and then packed five pieces of ancient alloy into a special anti-radiation vessel and left the ancient tomb.

"Xia Lei, Xia Lei?" Tang Yuyan and Long Bing's voice came from the entrance, very excited, very anxious, and the beam of the tactical flashlight they projected.

Facing the beam, Xia Lei speeded up.

"It's really him, he came out!" Tang Yuyan said excitedly.

Long Bing can't wait to reach into the upper body from the stone slab, and stretched out a hand in preparation for Rachael.

Xia Lei grabbed Long Bing's hand and crawled out.

As soon as he climbed up, he was paralyzed into a dirt pit, very tired.The continuous use of the perspective ability is an inducement, and another reason is that Princess Yongmei took a while to warm him. The biting cold affected his muscles and nerves, and he has not yet recovered.

Long Bing reached out and took off the oxygen mask on Xia Lei's face, and removed both the oxygen bottle and the backpack. While concerned, he said: "Your body is so cold, is it cold below?"

Xia Lei took a deep breath and waited until his mind calmed down a little before saying: "It's very cold below. Things have arrived. Let's leave here."

"You got it? What's there?" Tang Yuyan asked.Her hand in Xia Lei rubbed gently to bring him warmth.

Xia Lei did not conceal anything, "The new pointer, there are five ancient alloys, nothing else."

"This ancient tomb is very large in size, does it even have a treasure?" Tang Yuyan looked a little unwilling.

Xia Lei said: "I don't know whose ancient tomb, no corpses, there are only four stone statues in the tomb. If you don't believe it, you can go in and see."

"I won't go." Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei and suddenly showed a cunning smile. "Did you hide the gem agate or something? I want to search your body."

Xia Lei spread his arms and feet, and looked very generous. "If you want to search, come and search."

There are no gems, but there are two walnuts. I don't know if she dare to touch them.

Tang Yuyan didn't go to search Xia Lei's body in the end, she said this was actually just a joke to help Xia Lei relax his nerves.

After a short rest, Xia Lei climbed into the dirt pit with the help of the two women.The three threw all the useless tools into the dirt pit and returned the same way.

The sound of the three people's footsteps echoed in the ancient drainage ditch and spread far away.

"I really want to take a look at those ancient alloys you have dug." Tang Yuyan said.

Long Bing didn't say anything, but she also had the same curiosity in her heart.

In fact, the two women still have a question that they are curious about and want to know the answer. That is why Xia Lei alone is not poisoned by that metal, and will not go mad or die. Once other people come in contact, they will not die. That is crazy!

Xia Lei seemed to feel something, and he thought for a moment before saying, "I know you are curious, not only curious about ancient alloys, but also why I am okay. In fact, I don't know what is going on , I also want to know the answer. If you want an explanation, I think ... probably because I repaired the compass. "

Long Bing and Tang Yuyan couldn't help but looked at each other, they didn't speak, but they had a common question in their hearts. Is this really the case?

However, apart from this statement, they could not find any other explanation.

The way back was smooth, without any surprises.The three returned to the drainage well, took off their rubber skin suits, and changed into clothes put down in the well.

In this process, Xia Lei once again feasted on the beauty.

This time, Tang Yuyan didn't blame Xia Lei, but instead generously said: "Xia Lei, would you like to ask you a question?"

"What's the problem?" Xia Lei looked at her long legs with a smile on her face. "Ask if you want to ask."

Tang Yuyan said, "Well, what size underwear does Shen Tu Tianyin wear?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"If you are married, how will the property be distributed and managed? Will the Lehma Group and the Vientiane Group merge?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Xia Lei didn't worry about such a problem. What did she worry about?

Long Bing called Liu Qiang on a satellite phone. A few minutes later, the sound of the car brakes came from above his head, and then there were three knocks.This is the secret code of Liu Qiang in place.

Xia Lei climbed up first and reached out to push the cast iron manhole cover upward.

The manhole cover was lifted to the side, Xia Lei, Tang Yuyan and Long Bing climbed out of the drainage well one by one, and then got into the car.Liu Qiang put on the manhole cover, drilled into the cab, and drove off with a fire.

"What's new?" Long Bing asked.

Liu Qiang said: “The members of the expert group have left from a secure channel. The Israeli side questioned the embassy and asked to explain the identity of the three colleagues. The embassy ’s response was unclear. We have no agents operating in Israel.”

Such a response is not surprising, the United States will not recognize the identity of Lansbig and others, and China will not recognize the identity of Dou Yong and others.This is the world of agents. For the benefit of the country, even the final glory can be abandoned.

"We have to return to our country as soon as possible." Xia Lei said: "It's not safe here. The things in my bag are too important to be lost."

Long Bing nodded, "Return to the intelligence station and immediately arrange the route and tools for returning to China."

Long Bing's words just fell, and a truck dragging a container suddenly appeared at the intersection ahead.It suddenly appeared, the speed was very fast, but when it was about to pass the intersection, it suddenly stopped abnormally with a sudden brake!

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