Super Vision

444 Chapter 444

The container truck stopped, almost at the same moment, Liu Qiang slammed the steering wheel, and the pickup truck also crossed the road, straightening the body.Then he downshifted the throttle and galloped in the opposite direction.

The container truck opened the door, and some armed men in black combat uniforms jumped from the container and quickly seated.There is no nationality mark on them, and they are the same as the American special forces encountered in Afghanistan.

These special forces did not shoot, but blocked the exit of the road.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered something and shouted loudly: "Leave this road!"

Before Liu Qiang responded, several Hummer military vehicles had appeared across the road with armed men wearing black combat uniforms.There is also a heavy machine gun on the front of a Hummer military vehicle, and the machine gunner is already in place.

Liu Qiang is well aware of Xia Lei's intentions, fighting on the road has no chance of survival.He slammed the steering wheel and kicked the throttle. The pickup truck rushed out of the road and slammed into the woods beside the road.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The gunshots were loud.

Those armed men obviously did not want to give Xia Lei and others any chance to escape.

The bullet hit the trees and the car on the roadside, sawdust flew across, and several bullet holes appeared in the car.

Before waiting for the car to stop, Tang Yuyan and Xia Lei pulled the door open and flew out of the car.Xia Lei grabbed the large military bag placed under the back seat sofa, followed Long Bing and jumped out of the car.His body was rolling against the ground, but his hand was still dragging a large military bag until he rolled under a tree.

Wow!Xia Leila opened a large military bag, grabbed an XL2500 and threw it to Tang Yuyan on the other side.

Long Bing Mao rushed over the waist, before Xia Lei brought her a gun, she reached out and grabbed the XL2500 sniper rifle that Xia Lei had transformed for her.

The large military bag also contains an XL2500 sniper rifle, which is Xia Lei's own super sniper rifle with a range of 3,400 meters.However, this time he did not choose this XL2500 sniper rifle, and his detective grabbed the blast assault rifle.

Fighting in short and medium distances is where the blast assault rifle comes in!

Holding the gun in his hand, Xia Lei did not shoot immediately, but looked behind the woods.The area of ​​the woods is not large, and behind it is a residential area of ​​Israelis.This is a very bad situation. The Israelis are all soldiers, and almost every household has weapons.Even if they pass through the woods and enter the Israeli settlement, once they are considered an enemy, it will be a terrible thing.

"Xia Lei! You take things away, we will break it for you!" Long Bing's voice, with a sense of determination.

Tang Yuyan and Liu Qiang didn't speak. Can you tell from their looks? They both regarded Long Bing's proposal as default.

"What a joke? You go, I'll break it for you!" Xia Lei said.He was convinced that the armed men were American special forces and CIA agents. These people would not kill him, but they would kill Long Bing, Tang Yuyan and Liu Qiang without hesitation.

"Who would do that kind of research without you! Get out!" Long Bing shouted at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei froze for a moment. He didn't expect Long Bing to be so determined even to die that he couldn't resist him.

But at this moment, a woman ’s voice suddenly came from the right side, "Xia Lei, I know it is you. Surrender, you will not be hurt. I assure you, as long as you surrender, your companions will not be affected. They can even leave because of embarrassment. "

This sound is too familiar, it is the voice of Gu Kewen.

From the eldest lady of China's top family to the assistants of her former rivals, to the people of the CIA, her life path is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs and sharp turns, making it difficult to adapt.

"It's that bitch woman, I killed her!" Long Bing said in a grudge, she glanced at it.

Gu Kewen did come true, standing on the road, but she was shielded by a bulletproof shield in front of her.In fact, not only her, but many armed men, holding bulletproof shields, slowly advanced.

Obviously, after fighting with Xia Lei several times, the CIA was already afraid of him and his gun.Even elite agents and special forces who have been through battles must move forward with bulletproof shields and not give him the opportunity to snipe.

After shooting the skin and driving, the armed men who had been trapped on both sides did not shoot again, but only proceeded cautiously towards the positions of Xia Lei and others.

Tang Yuyan and Long Bing did not dare to shoot rashly, because once the shot was fired, the ammunition poured from both sides was enough to tear this fragile position.Regardless of the firepower of dozens of armed men, just the heavy machine gun on that Hummer military vehicle can smash this wood!

In the face of such a battle, what is the point of calculating how many targets can be killed?

Fear, tension and depression enveloped the forest, and as time went on, the form became more and more detrimental to Xia Lei and others.

"What are you waiting for?" Long Bing said fiercely: "Are you going to die with us? I let you go, you go! Don't let our sacrifices become worthless!"

"Go!" Tang Yuyan also shouted at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei suddenly pointed his own head with a blast of assault rifle, "All three of you go, immediately, otherwise I will kill myself!"

"You ..." Long Bing shivered.

Tang Yuyan smiled bitterly, "Okay, let's rush out of this wood together, life and death!"

Xia Lei only considered for a second. He nodded and shouted, "Go!" The voice fell, and he suddenly raised the blast assault rifle and pulled the trigger to the left of Gu Kewen.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The shell jumped and the bullets fired.

In the state of rapid shooting, the blast assault rifle has almost no obvious shaking, and its performance is only superior, which is unrivaled in the world!

However, no matter how powerful the gun is, there is no way to recover the disadvantage.

Da da da……

Bang Bang Bang ...

Armed personnel on both sides also shot. The targets they shot were Tang Yuyan, Long Bing and Liu Qiang, and they almost did not shoot Xia Lei.

Bullets are like rain, and wood chips, leaves, and dirt fly like storms.

Tang Yuyan and Long Bing ran while shooting. Behind them, the bullets whizzed around.

Boom Boom ...

The heavy machine gun mounted on the Hummer military vehicle also began to shoot, where the rain fell and the trees were all smashed and broken.

Liu Qiang, who ran at the end, failed to escape this wave of shooting. A machine gun bullet pierced his back and suddenly tore his back.He fell into the pool of blood and could no longer climb.

The heavy machine gun fired wildly and the trees fell in pieces.

The three of Xia Lei rushed to the edge of the woods, but there was still an open space.After passing this open space, it is considered to have escaped the first disaster.

"Long Bing, if I die, help me take care of my sister." Xia Lei said.

Long Bing said coldly: "To take care of yourself to take care of me, I will die in front of you."

"Go!" Tang Yuyan thrust Xia Lei violently and pushed him out of the woods.

"What are you doing?" Xia Lei turned.

Bang Bang Bang!

Tang Yuyan fired three shots with a pistol, and three bullets were shot on the ground in front of Xia Lei.

"I want you to remember me forever and owe me forever." Tang Yuyan's mouth gleamed with a bitter smile.

Xia Lei knew what she was going to do. She was using her life to fight for him to escape.Faced with such a sentiment, Xia Lei even gave birth to an urge to hold her in her arms.

However, he did not do so and did not leave.He can't leave Tang Yuyan and Long Bing at this time, he can't do such a thing.

"I said one last time, the two of you will leave for me! I stayed, did you not hear it? They will not kill me, as long as I surrender, they will even let you go." Xia Lei pointed his gun at him again Head, "If you don't go, I will commit suicide immediately."

Long Bing's Hao Eye suddenly burst into tears. In a blink of an eye, the tears became tears and rolled down from the corner of her eyes.This was the first time she had shed tears since she met Xia Lei.

Boom, boom ...

An Apache gunship suddenly flew from the other side of the settlement, blocking the last escape route of the three Xia Lei.In fact, even if Xia Lei, Tang Yuyan, and Long Bing did not delay these ten or more seconds, they could not pass through the open space.

This is a well-arranged trap, Tian Luo Di net, now is the time to close the net.

"Xia Lei, don't struggle, it's useless." Gu Kewen's voice, "You are really cunning, you have changed your appearance, but you can't change your figure. And, don't you know that since you entered Jerusalem, There is a spy satellite in the sky searching for your tracks at all times, and there are five global eagles looking for you. You can live on this, it is fine. "

This is a subtle irony.

In the woods, armed men holding bulletproof shields appeared and slowly advanced.

Xia Lei shouted loudly, "Gu Kewen, I surrender and let them go!"

"Oh!" Gu Kewen sneered. "Xia Lei, did you have a bad day? When you hurt my father and my brother, did you ever think that you have today?"

"I will go with you!" Xia Lei said.

"Do not ask her!" Tang Yuyan resolutely said: "To die together!"

"Yes, Huang Quan is not alone on the road." Long Bing said: "When we are in hell, we are still together."

Gu Kewen's voice came, "You have no conditions to negotiate, I just said to let them go, that's just now, it's different now. You can choose one of them to leave alive, the remaining one, die!"

Xia Lei's heart suddenly burst into a violent anger, he was ready to surrender, but Gu Kewen still played with him in this way!Choose one between Long Bing and Tang Yuyan to survive?Her heart is really vicious!

"I'll give you ten seconds. If you don't choose after ten seconds, they will all die." Gu Kewen timed in the speaker. "Ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds ... five seconds ..."

Whoosh!A missile suddenly flew from a building in an Israeli residential area to an Apache helicopter hovering in the air.

Bang!When the missile exploded, the Apache helicopter was suddenly blown into pieces, the propeller separated from the broken fuselage, and flew to the woods.

Whoosh!Another rocket flew from the other direction of the residential area and then exploded in the woods.It was a powerful anti-infantry rocket. An explosion ignited a large flame, burned the air, released the shrapnel, and suddenly overturned a large group of armed personnel.

No one expected such a change.

"Go!" Too late to imagine who helped out at this critical moment, Xia Lei yelled, turned and ran to the residential area.

Tang Yuyan and Long Bing also ran wildly.

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