Super Vision

453 453 I Want to Take a Bath with You

The operation of the Lehma Military Factory is very smooth, without the interference of the Hanwu Weaponry Company and the Shenzhou Industrial Group, and the production of the military factory and the quality of the guns are guaranteed.Xia Lei's plan to produce a blast assault rifle is expected to be realized in advance.

However, the "silence" of the Hanwu Weaponry Company and the Shenzhou Industrial Group also made Xia Lei feel a little worried. Will the arms fighters of these two countries be willing to continue to grow bigger and occupy more market share?Obviously impossible.This is just the tranquility before the storm.

Although he knew this was the case, Xia Lei had no solution.With his current strength, he could not take the initiative to fight against Hanwu Weapon Company and China Industrial Group.After all, behind Mu Jianfeng and Ye Kun are a large group of people who share the benefits of the arms market. These are two huge interest groups.

There is no way to get out of this passive situation, and Xia Lei just thinks about this matter, and will not take any action.After returning to the Leima Military Factory, he saw Qin Xiang first, and then saw Anina.

He was about to marry Shen Tu Tianyin, and he wanted to tell her about it.

Not only Anina, but Jiang Ruyi.Thinking of Jiang Ruyi, his heart inevitably had a faint sense of debt.For Jiang Ruyi, although he does not have the kind of love between men and women, Jiang Ruyi has been waiting for him for so many years.Faced with such a love, he can't ignore it, nor can he treat it as non-existent.

In the office, Anina was drawing a drawing, very focused.She is the same as before, and will become another person when she works, serious and standard German style.

When Xia Lei walked by, Anina didn't find Xia Lei entered the office.Xia Lei saw that the water cup on her desk was empty. He picked up the water cup and walked to the water dispenser to receive a cup of hot water for her, and placed it at her hand.

Anina realized that there was one more person in the office. She looked up and found that it was Xia Lei. She cheered and stood up from the office chair, giving Xia Lei a passionate hug.Her full, firm chest pressed against Xia Lei's chest, flattened.

"Lucas, I have been worrying about you for the past few days, just come back." Anina said, then kissed on Xia Lei's cheek.

Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, "That, I ... I'm getting married, and Shen Tu Tianyin."

Anina froze for a moment, did not release Xia Lei, but kissed him on the other cheek, "Congratulations."

Xia Lei, "..."

This is the reaction of Anina, the reaction of the intuitionist Anina.In her eyes, there seems to be no difference between the married Xia Lei and the unmarried Xia Lei. He is still Xia Lei.

Holding it like this, it took a minute to separate.

Anina said: "The new production line is running smoothly, the production capacity is higher than we expected, and the work passion of the workers is also very high. Well, I want to say that our plan to produce the blast assault rifle may be ahead of schedule , I ’m already working on this. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Well, you have worked hard."

Anina grinned, "You should also do something. The blast assault rifle is the most advanced assault rifle on the planet. But no matter how good the product is, it is difficult to open the situation if no one knows. So, I Suggest that you should hold a press conference or something, not only to invite the news media of China, but also the news media of other countries. "

Xia Lei brightened up and said happily: "This is a good suggestion. You can give me a rough time for the production of the blast assault rifle. I am also here to start inviting domestic and foreign news media to build momentum in advance."

"No problem." Anina said with a smile: "However, how do you reward me?"

"Huh?" Xia Lei didn't expect her to reward.

"Kiss me." Anina spread her arms, waiting for Xia Lei to hug and kiss her.

This was the reward she wanted. Xia Lei smiled bitterly, leaned forward, and gave Anina a hug, then kissed Anina's cheek.

This should be a typical Western-style hug, but Anina grabbed Xia Lei's hand, put it on her hips, and said in Xia Lei's ear: "Lucas, when your wife is pregnant , When you are not satisfied, you come to me. "

Her hips are full and elastic, and is a typical Germanic hip.

Xia Lei's forehead suddenly appeared with seventeen or eight black lines.

Leaving Anina's office, Xia Lei went to the basement of the villa.

When he came back this time, his main purpose was to deal with ancient alloys.

At the door of the villa, Xia Lei came across Wu Xiaoguo, a commando colonel responsible for guarding the ancient alloy.The man with a tough style shook his hand and opened the door straight away: "Mr. Xia, that thing has been put in your laboratory, you can go to accept it at any time."

Xia Lei said politely: "Okay, I'm going to the laboratory."

Last night, when Xia Lei left the 101th inning, the five ancient alloys and compass were turned over to the 101th inning.Now, these things came to his laboratory again.As soon as he entered the laboratory, he saw the anti-radiation container containing the ancient alloy and the compass of the Ming Dynasty.

"Mr. Xia, please check it out. I will go out first." Wu Xiaoguo left this sentence and turned to leave the underground laboratory.He was also deeply worried about the ancient alloy.

Only Xia Lei was left in the underground laboratory. He said to himself: "Everyone is afraid of the ancient alloy, but I am fine, I am afraid that this is enough to attract the attention of those people? Ling Hao will take advantage of my drunk and come up with my words. "

It ’s useless to do that. No one in the world knows what happened to Xia Lei ’s body, including himself.

Xia Lei opened the container and took out the five ancient alloys.Then he opened the safe and took out the two old alloys.

In Jerusalem, he came to the conclusion that the more the number of feelings, the more complete the patchwork box, and the more "complete" the released Yongmei Princess.This conclusion is only theoretical and needs to be verified.

He pieced together the ancient alloy brought back from Jerusalem into a complete box face, and then added the other two pieces.Later, he awakened his left eye's ability to see through the seven ancient alloys together.

Princess Yongmei appeared in the underground laboratory.

As soon as she appeared, the temperature in the underground laboratory dropped significantly.She hadn't spoken yet, and Xia Lei already had an intuitive judgment, that is, the appearance of Princess Yongmei this time was "complete" than any previous appearance of Princess Yongmei. The reason is simple, because she looks more powerful!

Princess Yongmei looked at Xia Lei and said the first sentence, "Only, we met again."

Only, this is the name that Yongmei Princess gave Xia Lei.Xia Lei is the only one who can see her, the only one who can awaken her from the ancient alloy, and the only one she is waiting for.

Xia Leiqiang endured the shock in his heart and tried to say: "How many times do you remember we met?"

"that's not important."

In two dialogues, the shock in Xia Lei's heart soared, and he couldn't control his excitement. "You look much better, tell me, what is this metal? Why do you exist?"

"You asked me two questions, I only have one answer."

"What is it?" Xia Lei thought he was close to the answer!

Princess Yongmei said, "I don't know."

This answer almost choked Xia Lei.

"However, I can give you the answer to the question you asked me last time." Princess Yongmei said: "I am Zhu Xuanyue, my Princess Yongmei of the Ming Dynasty."

Xia Lei already knew this answer, and what she said and did not say was an effect.However, she said it in person, but also gave a positive signal that she had recovered part of her memory.In Jerusalem, she did not know who she was, and she now knew her identity.

Princess Yongmei walked to the workbench and reached for the compass on the workbench.

Xia Lei stared closely.

Princess Yongmei's catkin swept the compass and failed to pick it up, but the compass shook gently.

Xia Lei was very surprised. This action has shown that Princess Yongmei's body has been able to shake some light-weight objects.Sure enough, when he thought this way, Princess Yongmei reached out and grabbed a piece of paper placed on the workbench.

The piece of paper was grabbed by Princess Yongmei and fell off after only one foot.

Princess Yongmei sighed, "How could this be?"

"Don't you remember what happened to you?" Xia Lei asked.

Princess Yongmei shook her head, "I can remember some things, but most things are very vague and I can't remember. What's wrong with me?"

"Do you remember Afghanistan, Hakuba Tomorrow City?" Xia Lei reminded: "The Huns live there."

Princess Yongmei turned and looked at Xia Lei, "Are you reminding me that I am dead?"

Xia Lei just looked at her.He did have such thoughts, and wanted to remind her to remind her of her grave.

Princess Yongmei looked sad, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth again, "If I die, can I still stand here and talk to you? I know my grave, which I built by hand, took two years . "

"It took two years. At that time, you knew you ... would it become like this? You are so young, how could you think of building a tomb for yourself?" Xia Lei said.

Princess Yongmei shook her head again, "I don't know."

After talking here, there was a lot of conversation, but Xia Lei was also a little depressed, because the princess Yongmei didn't know the key questions.Although he can talk to him naturally and normally, it does not help to crack the secret of the ancient alloy.

"It seems that I still have to find the remaining old alloy parts. Only by putting together the whole box, she may be completely complete." Xia Lei thought in this way.He couldn't help but guess what kind of state Princess Yongmei would be at that time.

More extraordinary than him?

Stronger than him?

Or is it a new form?

These cannot be determined.

Xia Lei's eyes fell on the compass again, and it still pointed stubbornly towards the east.This is a guide, but also a new adventure.

"I'm so cold, I want to take a shower with you." Princess Yongmei said suddenly.

"Uh?" Xia Lei's eyes moved to Princess Yongmei.Princess Yongmei approached him in the blink of an eye, chilling.

Suddenly he remembered the last time he bathed in Amman and Princess Yongmei, and where he almost turned into a popsicle. A chilling feeling suddenly appeared.

Princess Yongmei wanted Rachael's hand, but failed.She looked anxious, "I'm so cold, I want to take a shower with you."

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the ancient alloy, and his left eye jumped slightly ...

Taking a bath with Princess Yongmei is definitely not a beautiful thing.

Princess Yongmei disappeared into the underground laboratory.

Xia Lei stood quietly for a while, then left the underground laboratory.Before the next treasure hunt adventure begins, he will first marry Shen Tu Tianyin.

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