Super Vision

454 Chapter 454

Back at Haizhu, Xia Lei saw the first person not Jiang Lingshan, who was in charge of Lehma Manufacturing Company, but Jiang Ruyi.

The two walked along a sidewalk by the sea. They did not speak for a long distance, but walked silently.

This feeling is very embarrassing, Xia Lei has something in his heart, but he doesn't know how to speak.

After a further walk, Xia Lei stopped in front of a gazebo. "Ruyi, let's sit for a while."

"Well." Jiang Ruyi nodded her head gently, without any extra words.She and Xia Lei sat down on a bench, and then looked at the distant sea, still quiet, but her eyes could not conceal the sadness.

She knew why Xia Lei was looking for her. Xia Lei and Shen Tu Tianyin got engaged in the media's engagement. In this information age, such headlines are overwhelming.

"How will he speak to me?" A bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. "I still care how he spoke to me? What does it mean?"

"Ruyi ..." Xia Lei finally spoke, but there was only one title.

Jiang Ruyi took a deep breath and forced a smile. "You have something to say. You, a person, have always been very cheerful and very assertive. Why are you vomiting today?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "I will marry Shen Tu Tianyin."

There were tears in Jiang Ruyi's eyes, but the smile on her face still existed. She said in a panic: "Well, bless you, I ... I know you will be together."

"I'm sorry." Xia Lei dared not look into Jiang Ruyi's eyes, and his heart was sour, not tasteful.

"Hehe." Jiang Ruyi forced a smile, "What do you say I'm sorry for? You didn't do something that was sorry for me, I just ... just ..."

She couldn't talk anymore.

Xia Lei said bitterly, "I know what you think of me, but I ..."

"I know, we are too familiar, you have no feeling for me." Jiang Ruyi finally failed to hold back the tears in the corner of his eyes, let them slip out, "I regret it now ... If I was a kid, I would not bully you, not with you You barely take a bath in the creek, you probably do n’t think I ’m too familiar? ”

"Ruyi, I ..." Xia Lei didn't know how to answer.

"Forget it, now what's the use of these. You are about to marry Shen Tu Tianyin, and I wish you all." Jiang Ruyi wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, and her heart was broken, but she still smiled.

Xia Lei said softly, "Ruyi, you will definitely find a better man than me."

"Go to you!" Jiang Ruyi said suddenly.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Jiang Ruyi had such a reaction.

Jiang Ruyi punched Xia Lei a hard punch, "If someone said something like this to me, I wouldn't think there was anything wrong. But if you say this to me, you just found it. A better man than you. , Did you point me out? I will marry him immediately. "

Xia Lei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Shen Tu Tianyin, she is really a lucky woman." Jiang Ruyi's voice was quiet, "When will you get married?"

Xia Lei said: "The wedding was held on the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, but her dad asked us to receive the certificate in the next few days. This time, I mainly deal with this matter."

"Her dad is really anxious, afraid that you will be taken away by another woman." Jiang Ruyi was sour.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Ruyi, you know I'm not that kind of man."

"Because of hello, I like you. Because of hello, Shen Tu Tianyin will marry you. Really because of hello, so ..." Jiang Ruyi choked, unable to speak anymore, she suddenly rushed to Xia Lei In her arms, she cried aloud.

Xia Lei gently hugged her and patted her on the back.He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

After crying for a while, Jiang Ruyi felt better, but instead of leaving Xia Lei's arms, she leaned into his ear and said, "I ... wait for you for another five years."

What a sad promise.

A woman's most precious time is only a few years and ten years. She was waiting for him from the girlhood when she was in love, but now she has to wait for him for five years.In another five years, she will be the remaining woman!

"Ruyi, you don't have to treat yourself like this, really, I ..." The promise was too heavy for Xia Lei to dare to face.

Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei with tears in his eyes, and his eyes were firm. "It's none of your business. I'm in love with you. Can I fall in love with other men besides you in this life? I'm willing to wait for you, even if you never Will be with me. "

"It's not fair to you, Ruyi, you ..."

"Love can't be measured by fairness. If you pity me, when you return to Haizhu, stop by to see me and visit my parents. I will be satisfied," Jiang Ruyi said.

What is this nonsense?

Xia Lei secretly pondered.

"You are getting married, you are going to be the husband of another woman, but now you are not. I have been waiting for you for so many years, you ..." Jiang Ruyi closed her eyes. "Can you kiss me?" "

Xia Lei hesitated for a while, and finally leaned in to kiss Jiang Ruyi's cherry lips.Her red lips are bright and delicate, with the smell of tears.

The moment Xia Lei's lips pressed on, Jiang Ruyi's body suddenly froze, unable to move.However, after blinking, she actively pried open Xia Lei's lips and wrapped Xia Lei's tongue with her lilac tongue.If this is the only kiss she and Xia Lei, then she is not satisfied with this kiss is just a shallow kiss, she wants the warmest tongue kiss!

After several minutes, Jiang Ruyi didn't release Xia Lei until her tongue was numb.

"Remember me, I will always be waiting for you. I love you!" Throwing this sentence away, Jiang Ruyi turned and ran.

A tear that flew from Jiang Ruyi's cheek flew to Xia Lei's cheek with the wind.The tears seemed to be a paper-fixing spell, which fixed Xia Lei on the bench.He originally wanted to chase Jiang Ruyi, but he didn't take that step in the end.

After catching up, what can he say?

After catching up, can he be with Jiang Ruyi without marrying Shen Tu Tianyin?

This is true of love, sometimes it is honey wine, sweet and intoxicating.Sometimes it is a wound on the soul and there is no medicine.

No matter who he chooses, some people will be happy and others will be hurt.This is an unsolvable problem, even God can't help him.

Jiang Ruyi's figure disappeared into sight, but Xia Lei was sitting on the bench blankly.In his heart, he repeatedly chewed what Jiang Ruyi said in his ears--love cannot be measured by fairness. If you pity me, when you return to Haizhu, come and see me and visit my parents.I will be satisfied.

Finally, he shook his head with a wry smile, "She is suggesting me. Although I am married to Shen Tu Tianyin, can I be with her? Such a hint, I ..."

Jiang Ruyi gave such a hint, it seems simple, and only needs him to take that step.But the problem is that step. If he is cheating on Shen Tu Tianyin and Jiang Ruyi, wouldn't he step on two boats?

Such a decision really requires courage and wisdom.

"Forget it, let's think about these things in the future." After thinking about it, the problem was not solved, but it was a headache, and Xia Lei gave up.He got up and left the gazebo, ready to go home to see.

No one lived in that family, but for him it carried too many things, and it was a true home.

Drive home, nothing has changed.

Xia Lei took off his coat and cleaned the house.

While cleaning his bedroom, he suddenly found a piece of chewing gum that fell on the floor.When he saw the chewing gum, he froze for a moment, then smiled again, "Come here again? Next time, I must talk to Yelena. Even if it is a message, I must talk about hygiene."

Open the chewing gum, there is indeed a note paper hidden inside.

The note paper is Xia Changhe's note, which read: I received the news that An Xiuxian contacted the killer organization. At present, I don't know who accepted the business, but the person who came is definitely not simple. Be careful.I am going to Korea.Don't read it.

Xia Lei crumpled the note paper into a ball, and his eyes were terribly cold. "An Xiuxian, you buy me in Russia and murder me. In Kyoto, you colluded with Gu Kewen to kidnap my fiancee with the CIA. I haven't had time for these two accounts. Counting with you, you now want to buy a killer to kill me. Well, since you want me to die like that, I wo n’t live.

Some hatred is only counted until the dead.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

The phone suddenly rang.

Xia Lei took a look at the telegraph and took a deep breath. After the anger in his heart subsided, he connected the phone. His voice was very soft, "Tianyin, what's the matter?"

"Where are you doing?"

"Clean the house at home."

"Oh, you are really diligent, do you want me to help?" Shen Tu Tianyin said with a smile.

"Oh, you don't tell me early, I'm almost done cleaning."

"Giggle." Shen Tu Tianyin also smiled, "Then you come to my house, we are going to get married, everyone in the family said they would meet you and have a family dinner with you."

"Well, okay, I'll come over immediately." Xia Lei said.

"I'm waiting for you at home." Shen Tu Tianyin said: "Yes, I have contacted An Jinjian."

Xia Lei moved, "What did he say?"

"He has a tough attitude and refuses to give in. He also mentioned you, he said, you ..."

"What did he say to me?"

"He said you were a thief and stole his Attila sword. If you want to negotiate, he wants you to return that sword to him." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

Xia Lei said: "Is this the condition he issued?"

"Yes, but you don't have to pay attention to him. He doesn't have many chips to challenge me, I can handle it." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

Xia Lei said: "When do you negotiate?"

"Tomorrow, I made an appointment at Qunying Club."

Xia Lei was silent for a while, "I come now, and then we talk about tomorrow."

"Well, I'm waiting for you at home ... kiss me." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

Xia Lei kissed the phone and hung up.

The note paper burned in the paper basket and quickly turned to ashes.

"An Jinjian, you have to face the people of our Xia family, our Xia family, you can't bully if you want to bully!" Xia Lei's voice was cold.

The two men of the Xia family, one is a veteran agent organized by the FA organization, and he is the ace agent of 101 innings!

In this world, those who want the life of the Xia family must first put their lives on the gambling table!

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