Super Vision

455 455 Lao Zhangren's Super Dowry

The last time she came to Shen Tujia's old house, Xia Lei was a fake fiancé, suffering from scorn and cold treatment.This time, a large group of cousins, aunts and cousins ​​of Shen Tu Tianyin were waiting at the door, fearing that they would be slow to treat Xia Lei, the prospective son-in-law of Shen Tujia.

In fact, apart from the contradictions between Shen Tuweiye and Shen Tuyi's family and Xia Lei, only Xia Lei's achievements in the past two years, no one of Shen Tu's family would think that Xia Lei is not worthy of Shen Tu Tianyin.And yes, how many people in this world started from scratch and made billions of dollars in just over two years?

As soon as Xia Lei's BMW M6 stopped, a large group of Shen Tujia people gathered around.

"Brother, please come in, please come in, the family is waiting for you." A young man smiled and spoke kindly.

"Xia Xia, ouch, it's really a talented person. It's a perfect match with Tianyin of our family." A middle-aged woman was flattering and authentic.

A large group of people scrambled to say hello to Xia Lei, so kind they couldn't be more kind.In the past, they were also these people. They all ridiculed Xia Lei coldly, and wished to drive Xia Lei out.Xia Lei is not the same as before, and they came to chase after again.This is the state of the world. The rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor are in the downtown. No one asks.They please Xia Lei, one reason is to look at Xia Lei's ability, but the main thing to please Xia Lei is to please Shen Tu Tianyin, and they are all people who live under Shen Tu Tianyin's feet.

Although Xia Lei resented these people in his heart, on the surface, he was still very polite. No matter who greeted him, he smiled and said politely.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Shen Tu Tianyin standing in the front yard, a cyan dress, a white gauze waistcoat, a beautiful face, and a tall and sexy figure, just like the gorgeous beauty coming out of the painting.

There are not many men in this world who are qualified to pursue this woman, but only Xia Lei succeeded.

"Tianyin." Xia Lei greeted kindly.

Shen Tu Tianyin greeted him and held Xia Lei's hand intimately, "Come on, go with me to see my dad. He said we will send us a gift after we receive the card. I told him not to use it, he had to give it. You To persuade him, he must listen to you. "

Xia Lei smiled, "What's wrong with giving us gifts?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "Let's go and see what gifts he is going to send us."

Xia Lei nodded and followed Shen Tu Tianyin.

Shen Tu Tianyin said back, "Aunts and uncles, all of you go back, what should you do. When the dinner is over, just call us."

"Okay." Shen Tu Tianyin's aunt promised, "I will call you when it opens."

Shen Tu Tianyin had no extra words, holding Xia Lei's hand and left.

The people of Shen Tujia quickly dispersed.Shen Tu Tianyin gave them a cold eye, and they could only suffer.Who made them follow Shen Tuyi's family to overthrow Shen Tu Tianyin?Shen Tu Tianyin is not merciful now that he has not driven them out of the Vientiane Group.

On the way to the study, Shen Tu Tianyin whispered to Xia Lei, "Lei, there is no need to give these people a courtesy in the future, how they treated me and how they dealt with you, you are clear. If not you, Vientiane The group probably belongs to Shen Tuyi's family, and most of me was killed by the killer invited by Shen Tu Tianfeng. "

Xia Lei said with a smile: "I'm just polite, please rest assured, I know how to get along with them."

Shen Tu Tianyin stopped suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Xia Lei looked at her curiously.

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled a little, his voice was small, "Husband."

"You ..." Xia Lei suddenly froze, this is the first time Shen Tu Tianyin called his husband.Before, she didn't call her husband when she was on the bed with her, and now she did.This title came abruptly, he was a little uncomfortable.

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "We will get the certificate soon, I call your husband a matter of justice. Well, I called, it's up to you."

Xia Lei smiled and shouted, "Wife."

"Hehe ..." Shen Tutianyin laughed like a string of silver bells.

The two talked and laughed at the old house study, and Shen Turen was reading a magazine.

"Dad, Xia Lei is here." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

Shen Turen put down the magazine, followed, and took Xia Lei's hand, "Lei Zi, you came just right, and you will soon become a legal couple. My father's married daughter must have a dowry . You said, what should I give you? "

Xia Lei casually said: "Dad, all are a family, why are you so polite, just send some cakes, flowers or whatever."

Shen Turen frowned, he looked at Shen Tu Tianyin, "You girl, what did you say to Lei Zi?"

"Dad, I didn't say anything." Shen Tu Tianyin's innocent expression.

Xia Lei said again: "Dad, I really don't need a dowry. We don't lack anything."

"Then I have to get a dowry. I want Shen Turen to marry my daughter. How can I do without a decent dowry? Others will laugh at me." After a pause, Shen Turen said again: "Forget it, asking you is like asking nothing." .. I still follow my original thinking. Well, then, Lei Zi, I will give you a Boeing 737. "

Xia Lei, "..."

The price of a Boeing 737 is about 300 million yuan, and other costs may be close to 400 million yuan.Only a veteran such as Shen Turen would be so generous that he would give away a plane as soon as he shot it.However, imagine the identity of Shen Turen, the former chairman of Vientiane Group, the top rich man of Hua Guo, can he marry his daughter?

"Lei Zi, what is your expression?" Shen Turen pretended not to be happy.In fact, his love for Xia Lei is no less than that of Shen Tu Tianyin. In exchange for someone marrying his daughter, he certainly would not give such an exaggerated dowry.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "Dad, you and Tianyin don't make headlines yet."

Shen Turen said: "The headlines are headlines, don't you often make headlines now? Don't persuade me anymore, this is the way it is."

"Dad, you sent such a dowry, how much do I have to pay?" Xia Lei tentatively said.

"You are the best gift, don't mention money to me, otherwise I'm not happy." Shen Turen said seriously: "You know, my health is not good, and I get sick easily when I get angry."

This is equivalent to blocking Xia Lei's way of offering gifts.

Shen Tu Tianyin said with a smile: "Okay, okay, husband, you just accept it. Dad is also kind."

"Well, I have no opinion." Xia Lei also free and easy.

"Isn't that alright? You chat, I'll go find someone to consult how to buy an airplane." Shen Turen intends to leave space for Shen Tu Tianyin and Xia Lei.

Xia Lei smiled after Shen Turen left: "Tianyin, did you actually agree? But pretend to tell me to persuade my father."

"Nothing can hide from you." Shen Tu Tianyin got into Xia Lei's arms. "We are very busy. It is often convenient to fly south and north. It is much more convenient for me to have an airplane. I don't want to waste time outside work On the flight, I want to accompany you more. "

Faced with such a gentle and virtuous, intelligent wife, faced with such an explanation, what else can Xia Lei say?

The eyes are facing each other, the language becomes superfluous, the lips of the two overlap in a blink of an eye, and then the tongue, you are entangled with me, I am entangled with you, and it is difficult to separate each other.

Passion burns like fire, and the bodies of the two are entangled in the hot wet kiss, but when they are about to lose control, they both stop.After all, it ’s daytime after all, and it ’s still in the study. I may come by myself when I see it.

Shen Tu Tianyin tidily sorted out the black lace that was pulled away, blushing, "You are so bad, I am afraid of you."

Xia Lei spread his hands, revealing the zipper that had been unzipped, and said with a smile, "I don't know who is bad?"

"It's shameful to be seen, I'll pull it on you." Shen Tu Tianyin reached out and grabbed the zipper, and put it on Xia Leila.

"Tell me about your negotiation with Shenyu Group." Xia Lei changed the subject.

Shen Tutianyin said: "At the beginning, An Jinjian did not agree to the divestment. He said that even if he lost his management rights, he would share the profits of Time Mobile. I proposed to use the equity exchange of that appliance subsidiary in South Korea. He still did not agree. Finally He said that it would be okay for him to divest, but there is a condition that he should return the sword of Attila, and you also have to kneel and apologize to An Xiuxian. "

Xia Lei couldn't help but a sneer came out, "That guy, he really is the president of South Korea." After a pause, he said again: "Tianyin, what do you think?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "Of course I won't agree, even if I shut down the Times Mobile Phone Company, he doesn't want to insult you. You are my man, I don't allow anyone to disrespect you."

Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Are you thinking about coming tomorrow?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "It is estimated to come back, but I don't know An Xiuxian, I guess An Xiuxian will not come. This matter, An Jinjian has been talking to me."

Of course, An Xiuxian will not come. When he comes to China, even if he does not catch him in the 101st game, Xia Lei will not let him go!

"Husband, what is your opinion?" Shen Tu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei thought for a while, "Tianyin, you are my wife. I don't want to hide anything from you. I want to tell you that the sword was indeed stolen by me."

Shen Tu Tianyin's response was calm.She is a very clever woman. When Xia Lei followed her to South Korea, the sword of Attila, who was reprimanded by An Jin, was stolen. Later, Seoul seized Xia Lei, and she could not guess that the sword was stolen by Xia Lei. ?

Shen Tu Tianyin's reaction made Xia Lei a little uneasy. He said again: "The reason I want to steal that sword is because the country needs it. And the other thing I want to tell you is that I am actually 101 The consultants of the Bureau have been helping them. You know, my career needs the help of these people, but at the same time I have to help them. Otherwise, my career will not develop so fast. "

"Actually, I all know." Shen Tu Tianyin finally spoke.

"You all know?" Xia Lei was a little surprised.

"Gu Kewen told me." Shen Tu Tianyin's eyes and veins, "I already knew that you were doing things for the 101st round, and all the things you did were for the country and the people. I admire you. I also thank you Tell me this because I thought you would hide me. After all, that kind of department has very strict secrecy rules. But you told me, it shows that you not only love me, but also respect me. And what I want to say is, No matter what you do, I will support you. "

Just marrying chickens with chickens, and marrying dogs with dogs, this is the position before Shen Tutianyin received the certificate.

Xia Lei said nothing, he held Shen Tu Tianyin in his arms.

With a soft bang, the zipper that had just been pulled up was opened again.

The touched Charlie suddenly became a nervous Charlie, "Tianyin, do you ... want?"

Shen Tu Tianyin bit her cherry lips and nodded, her face shy and eager.

Xia Lei also nodded his head and gently picked up Shen Tu Tianyin and put it on the desk.

"Tianyin, it's dinner!" Came a woman's voice.

Shen Tu Tianyin hurriedly jumped off the desk, not waiting for Xia Lei to respond, her slender hand waved, and mentioned, the zipper snapped again.

This technique!

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