Super Vision

533 533 The Unreachable Land

When returning to the sea, Xia Lei not only brought back the contents of the treasure, but also retrieved the weapons and equipment that had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Seeing Xia Lei surfaced, Long Bing said excitedly: "You finally came back. If you never come back, I will come down to find you."

Seeing Xia Lei, what she cared about was not what was in the treasure, but Xia Lei.

Xia Lei climbed onto the yacht, but failed to stand firm. A stumble fell on the deck.He relied solely on the mysterious energy in his body to support it now. When he returned to the yacht, the pressure of survival disappeared. This relaxation was like he had his bones removed and could no longer support it.

"Are you all right?" Long Bing hurried to help.

Xia Lei hurriedly said, "Don't come!"

"You ..." Long Bing didn't know why Xia Lei was like this.

Xia Lei said: "The 22 ancient alloys found this time are very large in number. Don't come near me, it's dangerous."

Long Bing understood why Xia Lei did not let her pass, and was stunned by Xia Lei's statement.

"How long have I spent?" Xia Lei asked.

"An hour." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei looked at the sea subconsciously, and suddenly remembered something, "Hurry up, we must leave here."

"But you ..." Long Bing looked at Xia Lei worriedly.

Xia Lei said: "I'm fine, I will recover after a rest."

"Well, I'll go sailing." Long Bing walked to the cockpit.

Xia Lei suddenly stopped her, "Yes, where are you going?"

Long Bing said: "It's not far from Diaoyu Island. Our fuel reserve allows us to drive to that area. Once we have passed that area, we can contact our navy and escort us back."

"Then follow your plan." Xia Lei sighed in relief, then lay motionless on the deck, waiting for the moment when his physical strength and spirit recovered.

One minute later, Long Bing started the yacht and sailed in the direction of Diaoyu Island under the guidance of navigation instruments.There are ships and fuel reserves, and she and Xia Lei no longer need to return to Okinawa.

With the passage of time, Xia Lei's physical strength and spirit also recovered little by little.Half an hour later, he got up from the deck.The night sky moved slowly in his field of vision, and the stars were far away without losing their glory and dazzling.The salty and damp sea breeze touched his cheeks and took away his thoughts.

"The last time Princess Yongmei wanted to hit my AE capsule in the basement of the Lehma Army Factory, this time, she wanted to attack me. But she said that she could n’t hurt me because I was the only one. So, Isn't her attack on me fake? She actually wanted to take my AE capsule? "What happened in the sunken shipwreck came to Xia Lei's mind a little bit, and also aroused his vigilance.

At that time, the release of Princess Yongmei was indeed a risky decision without careful consideration.

However, this did not affect Xia Lei's desire to release her and talk about it.He has mastered twenty-nine ancient alloys in his hand, and the whole box is only one ancient alloy away.This also means that he has already mastered a box with only one part in his hand. In this case, Princess Yongmei will be released. How complete will she be?

It is difficult to determine, but what is certain is that she is almost as complete as the box!

A princess Yongmei who tends to be complete, she must know a lot of secrets about AE!

This thought excited Xia Lei. He even had the urge to piece together the box immediately to release Princess Yongmei again.However, he eventually gave up this tempting idea.The reason for him to give up is Long Bing.Princess Yongmei can't hurt him, but it can hurt Longbing.If Princess Yongmei vented her resentment to Long Bing, it would be terrible.

"Ray, are you better?" Long Bing's voice came.

Xia Lei only took his thoughts away. He responded, "I'm much better, don't worry, I'll hide things and come to you again."

Long Bing watched Xia Lei enter the cabin, and after a short bang, he murmured a sentence, "There are secrets in your body, don't you tell me, is it because you have hidden words? Or ... even you Do n’t know? Are you looking for the answer? "

Women's minds and intuitions are sometimes accurate.

Xia Lei returned to the cockpit more than ten minutes later, carrying a large bag of things in his hand.

"What is it?" Long Bing glanced and asked.

Xia Lei opened the bag, revealing the contents.Those are all the jewelry, porcelain and bronze mirrors that he got from the cabin.

Xia Lei said: "These things I found from the treasure point, take whatever you like."

Long Bing just glanced, "You can hold it, I don't want it."

"Why don't you?" Xia Lei said with a smile: "You don't want, how can I be so kind? Do you want me to give them to the country? If you want me to do this, I will do it."

Long Bing said: "You know I don't like these things, I, I ... I also have my principles. Really, just hold it, I don't want it."

"Then I will turn it over to the country."

"Don't." Long Bing said again: "You spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for this operation. With so much money, Shi Lao will never report to you. According to his style, our operation budget may not exceed Three hundred thousand yuan, and it is still Chinese currency. These things should be treated as your account. Besides, you can take it. If I lack money in the future, I will ask you for it. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Then I will accept it, and then I will buy you a good car, and add some high-end electrical appliances to your home. Well, you don't like the big one with the surfing function. Do you have a bathtub? Buy one, renovate, and install a large bathroom. "

Long Bing stared at Xia Lei, "You want to buy a car for me? You have to renovate the house, buy high-end appliances and buy a big bathtub ... Do you want to support me?"

Xia Lei suddenly froze, yeah, is he going to support the Dragon Chief?In fact, there is absolutely no such thought in his mind, but judging from his handwriting, how is this different from those rich people supporting lovers?

"Forget it, what's the difference between inclusive and non-inclusive? I don't want to replace Shen Tu Tianyin's place. If you want to renovate my home, you should renovate it, and install the big bathtub or something. Anyway, you need to use it when you come. I have to say that after the house is installed, you have to come and live one night a week. "

Xia Lei, "..."

Is this moving a stone and hitting one's foot?

"That ..." Long Bing also seemed embarrassed, and then changed the subject, "Oh, did you find a new pointer this time?"

Xia Lei's mind also returned to the business, "Yes, I will replace it and see where the next treasure point is."

Xia Lei removed the old pointer on the compass and replaced the new one found in the shipwreck.

Once the pointer was installed, it suddenly turned around and returned to its original position.

"What's the situation?" Xia Lei stared at the compass stunnedly.

Long Bing also moved his eyes, staring closely at the compass.

Both thought that the compass would soon have a new movement, point in a certain direction, and then tremble.However, a full minute passed, and the compass did not move at all.

"Is it broken?" Long Bing couldn't help the doubt in his heart and broke the silence.

"I don't know." Xia Lei said.In addition to his confusion, his heart is more depressed.In this case, he could not find the next treasure spot.If he can't find the next treasure point, he can't find the best old alloy part, and he can't put together all the parts to make a complete box.

Can't piece together the complete box, how can he unlock the final secret?

After paying so much and experiencing so much, he will not be happy in his life if he cannot solve the final fan.

However, when Xia Lei was full of depression, wondering if the compass was damaged under the tremendous pressure in the deep sea, the pointer on the compass shuddered suddenly, then brushed up and pointed in the direction of the sky.

Even more weird is that Xia Lei originally installed the pointer on the compass. At this time, it was separated from the compass, and it generally floated on the connecting rod that fixed the pointer without gravity.

Both Xia Lei and Long Bing were stunned, and their eyes slowly moved upward from the pointer, staring at the ceiling overhead with a dull expression.

The next treasure point is in the sky?

This is undoubtedly a huge joke.

At the current technological level of mankind, although it can also land on the moon or something, it can only be done by the power of a country, and it can only be landed at a predetermined landing point, and the scope of activity can be small and small.A very simple example is that Americans once landed on the moon, but only inserted a star and stripes on it.The Chinese also landed on the moon, but the range of astronaut activities definitely exposed more than two football fields.Today's technology can only reach this level. Imagine what kind of conditions are necessary to find the next treasure point in heaven?

In fact, even if the Chinese state has the ability to send Xia Lei to the moon, can there be more than one moon in the sky above his head?If it is not on the moon, how to dig for treasure?

"Hahaha ..." Xia Lei couldn't help but laugh, inexplicably.

Long Bing was silent for a while, comforting: "Don't worry, maybe there is a problem with the compass. If it's really somewhere in the depths of the sky, if you can't get up, that's okay. You've tried your best, the country will not Forget your contribution. "

Xia Lei couldn't laugh, because only he knew that he was not just studying the secrets of AE for the country, but also himself.He has a bone-to-heart relationship with this matter, how can he let go?

But at this moment, the pointer floating on the compass connecting rod fell down and returned to its original position unbiased.Its return is as accurate as the extreme measurement.

The compass was still again, and there was no new movement.

What's the matter?

Xia Lei stared blankly at the pointer, but his brain was completely open but it didn't help.

A minute later, the pointer was erected again, pointing to the sky.After a while, it returned to its place again.

"It seems to be accumulating energy, and then when it reaches a certain level, it will direct the direction. What kind of energy? Is it the energy of the compass itself? Or what other energy?" Xia Lei thought in wonder.

The yacht pierced the waves, carrying the doubts of a ship, and sneaking in the darkness.

Dawn will eventually come, but until then, the darkness remains and it is difficult to disperse.

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