Super Vision

534 534 Flying Armed Speedboat

The straight-line distance between the sea treasure point and Diaoyu Island is about three hundred kilometers, and the speed of the small yacht is 30 knots. After twelve hours, it entered the sea.

This is a controversial sea area. Japan seized the sea area and exercised force control. The United States also supported it from the back, adding congestion to the rising China.However, this sea area has been China since ancient times, and Japanese control will inevitably not last long.But now, this sea area that originally belonged to China has become the most dangerous sea area, and Xia Lei and Long Bing have to go through it.

"We are probably already on the radar of the Japan Self-Defense Force at this moment." Said Long Bing, who was driving the yacht, and she seemed a little nervous since entering the sea.

Xia Lei said: "This is our place, what can we do with the Japanese radar exposure? We are just an ordinary small yacht, can they still fire at us?"

Long Bing raised his lips, "You can't underestimate the right control of the Japanese government by the Japanese right wing, let alone underestimate the arrogance of the Self-Defense Forces. They will not be reasonable, or they will not occupy this sea area that has been ours since ancient times. "

Xia Lei felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Lei, you are driving the yacht. I contacted Mr. Shi and asked him to send someone to meet us." Long Bing said.

"Huh." Xia Lei walked over and took the rudder.While driving the yacht, he glanced at the compass on the table from time to time, and the pointer repeated the movements of handstand and return.

The current compass is like a man who is so capable in that respect, standing up and down, standing down, every two minutes is a climax.

Occasionally, Xia Lei glanced at the sky through the cockpit and couldn't help guessing where the next one was almost deep in the sky.And such speculation always makes him depressed and depressed, and there is a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Long Bing soon ended the call with Shi Boren, and she said to Xia Lei: "I have told President Shi about our situation, and he is very happy. He said he would notify the military, and the worst would also give us Send a sea surveillance vessel to meet us. All we have to do now is to keep sailing and shorten the distance to meet the vessel. "

Xia Lei nodded.In this case, the shorter the distance, the safer it is.

The yacht sailed through the wind and the waves, and a small island gradually cleared from far to near.It looks unremarkable, but it plays an unstable role in the security situation in Asia.It will not kill people, but in the future there will certainly be many people who will bleed for it, or even spill blood on it.

The road was calm and calm, but half an hour later, a Japanese reconnaissance plane suddenly appeared above the sky.With Xia Lei's vision, he could even see the Japanese flag on the belly.

"Japan launches reconnaissance planes." Xia Lei's expression became serious. "It probably came to determine the situation."

"Are you sure?"

"Is sure we have any problems." Xia Lei said: "And we have problems."

Long Bing's expression also became dignified.She knows what Xia Lei said. If a Japanese fishing boat appeared in this area, the other party would not doubt anything, but a yacht from Okinawa went straight to the direction of Huaguo. Problem.

"If the reconnaissance plane determines that we have a problem, will it do this?" Long Bing said.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Unsurprisingly, the Self-Defense Force will probably send a speedboat to chase down. Prepare for the battle, damn, these Japanese people are really difficult, can't we let us go home happily?

The reconnaissance plane flew twice around the yacht in the sky and then flew in the direction of Okinawa.

Although it flew away, Long Bing and Xia Lei did not feel a little relaxed.Long Bing took out all weapons and equipment, XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle, as well as pistols and grenades.She has loaded all her weapons with magazines, and the insurance is also open, ready to fight at any time.

Xia Lei took the pointer off the compass and put it away.

The yacht continued to gallop forward, and in ten minutes, the passing ship did not appear, but the four Japanese armed speedboats appeared on the sea level, chasing the yachts of Xia Lei and Long Bing at least three times the speed. .

Civilian yachts are definitely not comparable to military armed speedboats. The speed of armed speedboats can reach more than 100 kilometers without hours, and equipped with heavy machine guns, their own protection is also very powerful, and even machine gun bullets cannot penetrate!

The situation suddenly became critical.

An armed speedboat planted five SDF soldiers, and four speedboats were twenty fully armed SDF soldiers.In addition to the heavy machine guns on the armed speedboats and the weapons and equipment carried by the Self-Defense Forces soldiers, once a battle occurs, the yachts driven by Xia Lei and Long Bing will be exploded in less than a minute!

In battles at sea, Xia Lei and Long Bing are useless even if they have empty skills.The weapons of the two, the blast assault rifle and the XL2500 sniper rifle can also recover the decline in the number of people in the jungle battle, but at sea, a heavy machine gun can overwhelm the two!

There is no trace of the ship at sea.

The four armed speedboats soon shortened the distance from the yacht.

"If I die, you have to remember me." Long Bing suddenly said such a sentence.

"Don't say that, we will be fine." Xia Lei comforted her, but he also knew that the crisis in front of him was actually more serious than the ambush of American special forces and CIA agents in Afghanistan, because that time He can also fight with his abilities, and in front of him, if he only shoots, it means facing the attack of the opponent's four heavy machine guns in an immovable place!

Long Bing suddenly hugged Xia Lei and kissed his lips.

This is a sentimental kiss with a farewell meaning.

"Lei, this trip to Japan is the happiest time in my life. I would love to accompany you through this life, but ..." Long Bing could not continue.

"Fool, believe me, we will not die." Xia Lei hugged her and could not bear to separate from her.

He and Shen Tu Tianyin's affection for each other was flat and light, and the water was flowing.He and Long Bing are living and dying together, vigorously.

"You go put on a diving suit and hide with something. You take the satellite phone and contact the CEO afterwards." Long Bing said in Xia Lei's ear.

Xia Lei pushed her away, "What do you want to do?"

Long Bing resolutely said: "You are not dead, you are too important for our country. I am different from you. I was born a soldier of this country. I am a soldier, and death on the battlefield is my greatest glory. The battlefield It is also my destination. Do n’t persuade me, I ’ve made a decision. I ’ll lead them away, you must live! ”

In an instant, Xia Lei's eyes were wet.

"Quick! Get out!" Long Bing shouted at Xia Lei: "Are you going to make my sacrifice worthless!"

Xia Lei suddenly awakened, and at this moment he seemed to have made a decision. He suddenly pointed to the sea outside the cockpit. "Look, our sea surveillance ship!"

Long Bing followed his eyes and looked.

Outside the cockpit, the sea is vast, not to mention the sea surveillance ship, not even a small sampan.

"You ..." Long Bing suddenly realized something, and at this moment, Xia Lei's palm knife chopped heavily on her carotid artery.Her eyes were suddenly black and she fell on the deck.

Xia Lei sighed, "Sorry, you are willing to die for me, and I am willing to do anything for you. I will not let you die, I will take you home."

This sentence, Long Bing could not hear.

Xia Lei switched the yacht to the autopilot mode, then picked up Long Bing and entered the cabin.He put Long Bing on the bed, and then took out the old alloy bag from under the bed.He opened his backpack and put the string of ancient alloy around his neck.He then returned to the cockpit and hid his guns.Finally, he switched the yacht's driving mode back, manually driving the yacht to continue to sail in the direction of China.

Four armed speedboats are getting closer and closer, but Xia Lei's heart is calm.

Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of a series of machine gun bursts suddenly punctured the tranquility of the sea, and dozens of machine gun bullets plunged into the sea, setting off a stream of water.

A sound amplified by the speaker also came over, "Stop the ship for inspection! Or destroy it!"

The speaker used Japanese first, and then repeated it in Chinese.

Xia Lei turned off the yacht and stopped.

Four armed speedboats surrounded the yacht in a blink of an eye.Four yachts, one blocking the front of the yacht, one blocking the back of the yacht, and the other two blocking the left and right sides of the yacht, giving no chance to escape.

Xia Lei got out of the cockpit and came to the bow deck.

All four members of the four speedboats boarded the speedboat except that the pilot did not board the ship.Not all of them were soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, and there were also two people in casual clothes, one man and one woman.These two people have never met.A man in his early forties, with a stout body and a grim look.The woman is very young, looks in her early thirties, looks pretty, and has a good figure.The two also have one thing in common, that is, their eyes are sharp, giving a sense of danger and tact.

"What's the identity of these two people?" Xia Lei couldn't help guessing.

"Who are you?" The tough man asked as soon as he got on board, using Chinese.

Xia Lei said in Japanese: "I'm sorry, I don't understand. I'm Japanese, please speak to me in Japanese."

The tough man suddenly kicked on Xia Lei's belly.

Xia Lei's body shook and nearly fell to the ground.A flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and his arm moved.

Wow!More than a dozen Self-Defense Forces soldiers picked up their rifles at the same time, and all the muzzles were pointed at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei's palm fell on his lower abdomen, he patted the dust on his clothes, his expression calmly said: "Why hit me?"

"Humph! Don't pretend! A spy from China!" The tough man sneered.

"Am I a spy of China?" Xia Lei pretended to be surprised.

The seemingly seductive woman suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Lei's neckline, her eyes aggressive, "Last night you and your wife drove this yacht in the sea of ​​military exercises, but now you are driving the yacht to The direction of Hua Guo. You are not a spy of Hua Guo, what is it? "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, but did not answer.

The tough man took out a mobile phone and handed it to Xia Lei.

On the screen of the phone is a photo, in which he and Long Bing are hugging and kissing together.

This photo was obviously taken by a troublesome naval fighter, but I don't know how it fell into the man's hands.

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