Super Vision

584 584 Arrested

The face of Sean, director of the CIA's European branch, became ugly.He gave Xia Lei a minute to consider and lay down his weapon to surrender.However, Xia Lei only gave you 30 seconds to consider, otherwise Xia Lei committed suicide.The order he received was alive, not brought back to Xia Lei's body.

This operation is like going through time and space to catch Da Vinci or Einstein, but the operation is over, and what is brought back from the past time and space is only the body of Da Vinci or Einstein. What's the point?

If Xia Lei died here, it would be a devastating blow for the AE Research Center.Even for the United States, that was a huge loss.

These are all things Sean needs to consider.

"No--" Long Bing shouted at Xia Lei: "You go! I don't want you to save!"

Tang Yuyan suddenly turned around and kicked a CIA agent.Her hands were tied with plastic straps, but the effort on her legs was not affected.She kicked hard, and the agent was kicked to the ground.If it was an Oriental, he would probably fly.But he weighed at least 120 kilograms. He was kicked to the ground by a petite woman. Her sturdiness surprised a large group of CIA agents.

In fact, Tang Yuyan's mind is the same as Long Bing's mind, they are all seeking death, let Xia Lei live.

The CIA agent who was kicked to the ground was angrily angry, and he aimed at Tang Yuyan with a gun.

"Asshole!" Sean kicked the gun in the agent's hand, "What do you want to do!"

The CIA agent stared at his boss in surprise, but was not going to grab the gun.As for Sean's fierce eyes at the moment, if he went to grab Tang Yuyan and shot, Sean might give him a shot first.

Xia Lei was also very nervous. Just now, he thought that the special trade union shot Tang Yuyan, but fortunately Sean shot to stop the agent.After such a change, Xia Lei did not want to experience it for the second time. He said in a deep voice, "Time is up!"

Sean looked at Xia Lei and said coldly: "Will you shoot?"

Xia Lei sneered, "I'm dead in your hands, I can shoot myself to commit suicide, I can be a little bit happier. I'm afraid of nothing. I'm afraid of you. If I die here, you might not be able to live How long? "When he was here, he suddenly shouted at Sean:" In a word, let them go immediately, and I will go with you! "

Sean finally made the decision, "Unlock them and let them go."

The two agents immediately pulled out their sabers and cut the plastic cable ties in Long Bing and Tang Yuyan's hands.Subsequently, another agent cut the plastic cable tie on Liu Zhengnan.

"Give them a cell phone." Xia Lei said.

Sean gave a wink.

A CIA agent returned Long Bing's cell phone to Long Bing.

Holding the phone, Long Bing didn't move.She looked at Xia Lei, tears streaming down silently.

Xia Lei pretended to be fierce, and Chong Longbing roared: "What are you doing standing here? Go away! I don't want to see you again!"

He is better if he is not fierce. In this fierce, Long Bing's tears flow more urgently.

"Fool ..." Tang Yuyan's voice choked a little.

"Don't let all this become meaningless, you all go." Xia Lei finally softened his tone, "Escaped here, and called me in a safe place."

"Xia Dong ..." Liu Zhengnan also cried.If he was just an employee of Xia Lei, then after this incident, he was already Xia Lei's brother.

Long Bing could no longer control her emotions, she quickly walked towards Xia Lei.Ignoring the deep black guns around, ignoring the indifferent eyes around, she spread her arms and hugged Xia Lei.There are thousands of words in her heart, but at this moment she can't say a word.

Xia Lei held her cheek and kissed her lips with a sip.

"Hmm ..." There was a vague voice in Long Bing's throat. She quickly put in and kissed Xia Lei desperately.

"Romantic." Sean sneered: "Last romance, I can give you a few minutes and let you have a shot, haha."

Of course, he would not give Xia Lei and Long Bing any more time, and Xia Lei ignored his sarcasm.When Long Bing was entangled with his body desperately, he quietly grabbed the alloy necklace on his neck, ripped it off, and then extended his hand from Long Bing's neckline and drilled into it. Her bra.

In an instant, Long Bing also froze.She couldn't believe that Xia Lei really had that kind of need at this time, and it was in front of so many people.However, she soon discovered that Xia Lei put something in her bra, which was very cold.

Xia Lei kissed her ear and whispered in her ear: "Bring it back, it's important to me. Don't tell anyone, wait for me to come back."

Long Bing froze a little, then nodded.

Xia Lei pushed away Long Bing and said fiercely: "Go away, don't let me see you again!"

Long Bing bit her cherry lips and turned to leave.

Tang Yuyan suddenly walked towards Xia Lei.She also seems to want to do what Long Bing just did.

"Go!" Long Bing grabbed Tang Yuyan's arm.

"You ..." Tang Yuyan stopped talking.

Long Bing did not explain, and pulled Tang Yuyan out.

"Xia Dong, take care." Liu Zhengnan left a sentence, also chasing Long Bing and Tang Yuyan left.

The three quickly disappeared into Xia Lei's sight.

Xia Lei said: "Give me my phone and make sure they are safe, then I will go with you."

Mark Amin said: "Give him."

The mobile phone taken by Mark Amin quickly returned to Xia Lei, who held it tightly.He has never felt how important a mobile phone is as he is now, but his mobile phone is related to the lives of Long Bing and Tang Yuyan, and it has become especially important.Moreover, it is also related to the last AE capsule.

Just now, he even had the idea of ​​eating the last AE capsule.But he blinked again and thought that after eating the last AE capsule, he would definitely enter an evolutionary state that he could not even predict.He might die, or he might become Princess Yongmei.Whether it is a result, it is not what he wants to see.

In addition, eating the last AE capsule is also equivalent to giving the AE Research Center a great opportunity to study him.Because, even if he eats the last AE capsule, his evolution will not immediately reflect the result, that requires a process.And this process, once researched by the AE Research Center, with the US scientific and technological strength, the AE Research Center may be able to obtain some powerful biotechnology.This result is also unwilling to see.Therefore, after repeated weighings, he gave up the idea of ​​eating the last AE capsule and let Long Bing bring it back to China.

This is the best way to deal with it. He did n’t change his original intention to crack the AE secret before deciding whether to eat the last AE capsule. An AE capsule is still in the hands of Long Bing.If he died, Long Bing would hand it over to the country.

"Xia Lei, you were the first to threaten me with your own life." Sean's tone had a hint of ridicule, "This is interesting, isn't it?"

This is the gesture of the winner.

Xia Lei didn't take Sean's attention, and he looked away from the window.He saw that the German special forces were taking away the mobile phones of those guests and checking whether the guests had taken photos and videos.What happened here is doomed not to be announced.

Xia Lei saw Sylvia and Rihanna. The two women stood in the isolation circle and looked up at him.Silvia's eyes were full of worry.

Xia Lei couldn't help but a wry smile appeared.He knew that Sylvia had that kind of thought for him, but he still had a little bit of thoughts about being a girl.Sylvia is destined to be just a passer-by in his life. After passing by, she may still remember her appearance, but there will be no intersection.

Xia Lei suddenly turned and walked towards the painting.

"What do you want to do?" Sean shouted.

The sound of raising a gun suddenly around.

Xia Lei said lightly: "I like this painting, just look at it, you don't have to be nervous."

In the oil painting, the female pirate with two faces held a shield in one hand and waved a short axe commonly used by Viking pirates towards a mighty Gaul.Her body seems to have a magical power, not only can cleave the body of all enemies, it can even tear the space and time, and exists forever!

"Is this painting really painted by Da Vinci?" Xia Lei couldn't help but imagine, "Sylvia said that this female pirate finally avenged her companion and built a heroic spirit here. Box Town, let it become a stronghold for Vikings. How did she get her revenge? Is it ... Princess Yongmei helped her do it? So, Leonardo drew a picture of Princess Yongmei under her face face?"

In desperation, he didn't think of how to escape, but he thought of these things. Xia Lei himself felt a little funny.

Sean did not stop Xia Lei from admiring Mark Amin's ancestral oil paintings.He was also waiting for Long Bing's phone call. Once Xia Lei determined that the three people had safely left, he would take Xia Lei away.

A few minutes later, Xia Lei suddenly hit the oil painting with a punch.The centuries-old oil painting was suddenly destroyed, and the face of the female pirate was gone, all that remained was a hole.

The face of Princess Yongmei is hidden in this painting. This secret was only discovered by him. He is also the last person to know this secret. He will not leave the chance to discover this secret to Mark Amin or his descendants.Of course, Mark Armin framed him like this, and he had no reason not to let Mark Armin pay a little.

"What are you doing?" Sean said angrily.

Xia Lei turned around and shrugged. "I'm not happy, let's vent, can't you? You can ask Mr. Mark Amin to contact my lawyer. I'm willing to stand on the dock and then compensate him in full."

Dududu ......

The call alert for the satellite phone sounded.

Xia Lei answered the phone.

"We are safe." Long Bing's voice.

"Well, let's go." Xia Lei said.

"Promise me, come back alive, otherwise I will come to the United States to find you. If you are gone, I will come down to find you." Long Bing's voice was cold and firm.

Xia Lei hung up the phone and walked towards Sean.

Xia Lei was escorted by a group of CIA agents into a Chevy Suburban off-road car.

Sylvia stood in the crowd, staring blankly at Xia Lei.

Mark Amin walked into his living room, his eyes moved to the ancestral oil painting that was smashed out of a hole, and suddenly screamed, and then he fell to the ground with a black faint.

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