Super Vision

585 Chapter 585

Several Mercedes-Benz G heavy-duty military off-road vehicles opened the road, followed by a long list of CIA Chevrolet Suburban off-road vans, following the road along the sea toward the airport.

Yingling's Box Town slowly went away.The forests on both sides of the road are oily green, and the grass nearby is full of alfalfa flowers. The colorful alfalfa flowers seem to weave a carpet, so beautiful that people don't want to blink.

Can such a beauty be seen again?

Xia Lei's mood was extremely heavy.He thought Sean would give him a dose of anesthesia and would not bind his hands and feet.But this time Sean did not inject him with anesthesia, but tied his hands and feet with the iron chain lock used to deal with the criminals.In this way, he tried coma repeatedly, and then took advantage of his unprepared means of escape to escape.

This Sean is the most difficult opponent in the CIA that Xia Lei encountered.

"Mr. Xia, tell me that you have gone to Afghanistan, Jerusalem and Japan. We believe you are on a mission. What is your mission?" Sean stared at Xia in a Chevrolet Suburban off-road car driving in the middle Thunder, tentatively.

Xia Lei said slightly: "Holiday, pick up girl."

Shaun frowned suddenly, "Mr. Xia, I am polite to you, you better be polite to me. You know my means well, you don't need to irritate me, and make yourself painful."

Xia Lei smiled, "Don't you see that too? My two girlfriends are very beautiful. When I went to Afghanistan, I brought one of them. When I went to Jerusalem, I brought them both. When I went to Japan, I brought another one. My task is to make them happy. "

Sean suddenly punched Xia Lei on the cheek.

Xia Lei's head was slammed with his fist and almost hit the car window.There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but he smiled, "Are you the one with this skill? I tell you, you better not fall into my hands."

Sean sneered, "Oh, do you think you can still escape? I tell you, you will be sent to the military base in District 51, Nevada. That place, even if an army is attacking, it can't save you Go out, let alone run away yourself. "

Area 51, the legendary base for researching aliens, is also a base for research and testing of secret weapons in the United States. It is very mysterious.To date, no country's spy intelligence agencies have been able to obtain information about Area 51.If Xia Lei was sent to that place, he really could not escape.

"AE Research Center is in Area 51?" Xia Lei tried out the tunnel.

"Do you like that place?" Sean's words were default.

"Like, I always wanted to see it, until now I have a chance." Xia Lei said with a smile.

"Hehehe ..." Sean smiled. "You got something that should belong to the United States, AE capsules. We are sure that you have a superhuman phenomenon, and you will be the object of research. The secrets of AE, and the The technology related to AE is also from the US. I appreciate your personality, but I do n’t know that when you lie on a cold operating table and dissect it like a frog or a mouse to study, you can still It's not as laughable as it is now. "

"Hahaha!" Xia Lei smiled, but his laughter was full of bitterness and helplessness.

But in Xia Lei's laughter, in a certain second, there was a violent explosion in front of him suddenly.The shock wave of the explosion shook the ground, and even the road was shaking.

The fire burst into the sky, the bulletproof glass shattered, the vehicle trembles, and drifted. The previous second was still driving normally, but this second was all chaotic.

Xia Lei's head slammed into the door of the car. At that moment, he saw a Mercedes-Benz G heavy military off-road vehicle flying in the air.It burned with fire, and the people in the car also burned with fire. The fire was dancing in the air, and it looked gorgeous, like it was added with top special effects.

Bang!The Mercedes-Benz G-type heavy-duty military off-road vehicle that was blasted off by a roadside bomb fell from the sky and was hit hard on the second Mercedes-Benz G-type heavy-duty military off-road vehicle driven by the German special forces.

"There is an enemy attack!" Someone shouted in German.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The machine gunner of the German special forces shot at the hillside on the right. The heavy metal percussion sound unique to the heavy machine gun shocked the human heart.The firelight, the beating shell, and the bullet like a raindrop, the wood on the hillside was suddenly shattered.Not to mention the people hiding in the woods, even the trees were beaten up!

However, the fire suppression of the German special forces lasted less than ten seconds, and a bullet that had never flown into the German special forces machine gunner's forehead.A large piece of his skull was lifted alive, and the skull, brains and blood mixed together, flying like a splash of water.

Some armed elements appeared on the hillside, with black combat uniforms and black hoods.The weapons in their hands are very advanced, even better than the German special forces.They use the trees and rocks on the hillside to rush down, move fast, cooperate with the tacit understanding, and demonstrate the extremely high combat literacy.

"Who are they? Shit! Who are they!" Sean growled angrily in the compartment.

Sean didn't know who these sudden militants were, but Xia Lei knew.Because he has found the sniper who killed the German special forces machine gunner with a sniper rifle in the forest. It is no one else, it is Ye Mosha who has dealt with in Japan.

FA organization shot.

Such a thing, let alone Sean could not imagine, even Xia Lei could not.

However, the FA organization's shot at this time is also reasonable.Because once the CIA reached him in Zone 51, it was a military base that even a country's army could not capture, let alone FA organization.Whether it is the AE Research Center representing the interests of the United States, or Yemasha representing the interests of the FA organization, the goals of both parties are him.But what the CIA has to do now is to take him to Area 51. The FA organization will definitely not sit idly by, because this is totally inconsistent with their interests!

And now, it is the FA organization's last chance to snatch him!

In the sight of Xia Lei's left eye, Ye Mosha stood up with a gun and shot, and every bullet was bound to kill another German special soldier or CIA agent.There was no expression on her face, and she was as cold as ice.But Xia Lei's shocking effect was not her gun, but also her marksmanship, but a cigar in her mouth.

What kind of woman is this while smoking a cigar while killing?

Sean shouted with the walkie-talkie: "Call for reinforcements! Call ..." Suddenly he froze for a moment in the roaring voice, and then smashed the walkie-talkie on the door.

There is no signal, this is a common method used by FA organizations.Quick battle and quick decision, and in their battle, no one wants to call even a reinforcement.

Another German special soldier who had just climbed the Mercedes-Benz G-type heavy military off-road vehicle was headshot by Ye Mosha.No one dared to take over the position of the machine gunner, whoever died.

"Retreat! Turn around, retreat!" Sean shouted to the driver.

A heavy truck suddenly appeared from the rear, the driver of the truck slammed a steering wheel, and the body of the heavy truck suddenly traversed the road.

The way back is also cut off.

Sean suddenly pointed a gun at Xia Lei's head, "Get off! Hurry up!"

His words just fell.

Bang!There was another violent explosion.

A Chevy Suburban off-road car parked in front was hit by a rocket, the vehicle was scrapped, and several CIA agents who used the car body as a bunker were also blown off.

The shock wave of the explosion directly impacted on the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car where Xia Lei was located. His body was also overturned and fell on Sean.At that moment, he reached into Sean's pocket and grabbed the key that could unlock the chain lock.

The technique used to steal things from Qin Xiang has now become a life-saving technique.

"Okay, okay, I get off." Xia Lei reached out and grabbed the door handle and pushed open the door.

Sean's hand protruded out of the door, keeping his gun pointing at Xia Lei's head, while moving his body, ready to get out of the carriage.

Xia Lei's feet landed on the ground, his head suddenly turned, and his back hit the door hard.

The door jammed Sean's hand in the door.

Xia Lei grabbed his hand and instantly grabbed the gun in Sean's hand.

The CIA agent sitting in the driver's seat slammed the car door and fired a gun at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei rolled around, avoiding the bullets that flew at the same time, waving his hand, firing, and hitting the driver's eyebrow with one shot.

Sean originally wanted to chase it out. It can be seen that Xia Lei killed his men in a face-to-face manner. Where did he dare to come out? His body was lying on the sofa tightly, daring not to risk his head.

Xia Lei's body continued to roll toward the grass on the side of the road, his hand tightly clutching the pistol snatched from Sean and the key stolen from Sean.These two things are related to whether he can escape from birth in the next half hour, equal to life and freedom!

The battle continues.

A professional agent of the FA organization carrying a multi-barreled machine gun from Minignon suddenly appeared, and the big guy was shooting at the defense line formed by German special forces and CIA agents.The appearance of this Minigun multi-barreled machine gun suddenly broke the balance between the two sides. The dense 7.62mm bullets in the rain were overwhelming, and the muzzle was facing even the Mercedes G heavy military off-road vehicle. Not to mention human beings. Once hit, the human body is torn into pieces!

At this time, who can care for Xia Lei?

Xia Lei's body stopped rolling, he sat cross-legged, and opened the chain lock with a key.

Ding!A string of sparks suddenly spattered from the chain lock, and the bullet of a sniper rifle plunged into the gap of the chain, and got into Xia Lei's thigh.

No need to see, Xia Lei also knew that the person who shot was Ye Mosha.

Ye Mosha appeared here with the free agent of the FA organization. Ann is not very kind. She and Shaun's purpose are the same.She would not give him a chance to escape.

The bullet of the sniper rifle plunged into the flesh of the thigh, and the scorching warhead brought indescribable pain.Xia Lei clenched his teeth, yanked off the untied chain lock, and rolled over into the thick grass.

Fortunately, an iron chain blocked it, otherwise the bullet of a sniper rifle was enough to scrap the left leg of his shot!

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