Super Vision

706 706 Silver Hair Hunting Group


The stone wall collapsed, and a ray of light shone into Xia Lei's field of vision.Then came the wind, and a breeze blew Xia Lei's face.Only then did he discover that behind the stone wall was a small cave.The length is about 50 meters, and the light and wind enter from the cave entrance.

This cave looks like an enhanced version of a dog cave.

Xia Lei grinned bitterly and crawled in.Climbing the dog hole is better than returning from the original road, he never wants to go to that maze again.

At a distance of fifty meters, Xia Lei climbed for a full half hour before reaching the hole.

Under the cave entrance of Shandong is a cliff, and under the cliff is an ancient church.It is very similar to the church painted by Tranquility. If it must be said that it is a different place, it has only experienced the vicissitudes of the years, and it seems more decadent and worn.In addition, it is exactly the same as the church described by the old man I met before.

Xia Lei realized that he had crossed a mountain from the maze and reached the other side of the mountain.The church is located between the valleys of this mountain.There is a village farther away, if it looks like no one.

Xia Lei looked away, he looked at the watch on his hand, and then she found that she was still in the maze for three hours.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

The ringtone of the phone suddenly rang.

There is no cell phone signal in the maze, there is already a signal here.

Xia Lei took out the satellite phone and answered the phone. "It's me, let's talk."

Yelena's voice came from the satellite phone, "Boss, I have made 20 calls where you are, and I haven't got it until now."

He disappeared inexplicably for three hours, and the members of the Chinese zodiac team will of course be anxious and take action.

"I'm fine." Xia Lei said, with a trace of apology.

"It's okay, if we can't make a call, we're going to blow up that place." Yelena said.

That place obviously refers to the fake tomb dug by Xia Lei.

"I have already left. Fill the soil back, and I will come to meet you immediately." Xia Lei said.

"Hmm." Yelena responded, and then hung up.

Xia Lei put away the satellite phone, then climbed out of the small hole, carefully grasping the gap in the rock, and moved a little under the cliff.

The height of the cliff is about one hundred meters, and the verticality is almost ninety degrees. It is composed of rocks one by one, without a tree and grass, and bare.Such a place, let alone a person, even monkeys would not patronize here.

Climbing on a cliff of this height and verticality is a very dangerous thing, and it is without any protective measures.However, the danger is dangerous, but Xia Lei quickly adapted.His left eye kept him away from the fear of heights. His body is far more flexible and harmonious than ordinary people. Some ordinary people can't do movements. He has no difficulty in doing it.In addition, Xue Wu's experience made him very powerful. Even if he didn't use the internal force he had developed, he could bear the weight of the body and move flexibly on the cliffs only with the muscle strength.

With these advantages, Xia Lei only took fifteen minutes for a job that a professional climber needed to complete in an hour.Fifteen minutes later, his feet stood on the ground under the cliff.He looked up and saw that the small cave had been blocked by rocks, and even his sight could not find its existence.

This is also one of the reasons why the labyrinth has been here for hundreds of years but no one has discovered it.

Xia Lei looked away and walked around the entrance to the valley outside the wall of the church.

There are many places where the walls of the church have collapsed, and you can see the inside of the church without perspective.When passing the first gap, Xia Lei saw a wasteland.The wasteland is estimated to be a place for growing vegetables, but now it is overgrown with weeds.The main body of the church is also very shabby, and most of the doors and windows are broken.You can see the inside of the church through the broken doors and windows. There is no sense of sacredness, and some are just broken.

"No one came to this church, I don't know why it was abandoned." Xia Lei felt a little touched.


A dull bell suddenly passed from the direction of the church bell tower.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered the old man who asked for directions.This one has been abandoned for a long time, and now someone is ringing the bell, it can only be the old man.Sure enough, he walked forward for a while, and the bell tower came into his sight.He saw the white-haired old man and old woman standing on the clock tower at a glance.

The afternoon sun fell on the clock tower, the old clock tower, and the silver-haired old man.This picture gives people a sense of life and a heavy feeling.

Faith can't stop people from getting old and sick.

If there really is a god in this world, why would he sit and watch this world getting uglier?Will he forgive believers who wage war in his name and hurt others?


Another bell rang.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "If I were old, who would accompany me to strike the clock at the temple? Long Bing? Ruyi? Or ..."

A ray of light suddenly broke into Xia Lei's left eye, his thoughts paused.

Almost at the same moment that the left eye caught the ray of light, his body rushed down to the ground.As soon as his body fell to the ground, a mass of Mars exploded on a rock behind him!


One hundred meters away!

Orientation East.

Sniper hiding place, above the spire of the church hall!

While avoiding the sniper sniper, Xia Lei's head also gave information related to the sniper.

Not only that, he also woke up.That's a problem for the old man who asked for directions!

The pair of old people asked for directions three hours ago, and in terms of the walking speed of the pair of old people at that time, they couldn't overturn the mountain in three hours!The old man did not hit the clock for no reason, but used the bell to divert his attention while covering the sound of the sniper rifle's shooting!

At a distance of one hundred meters, even ordinary people can hear the sound of sniper rifles.

At a distance of 100 meters, it was sniper under the cover of the bell. The sniper's chance of success was almost 100%.However, he ignored Xia Lei's left eye.Xia Lei's left eye is extremely sensitive to changes in light, and his brain has a "program" that "prioritizes" the images taken by the left eye.There is something wrong, his brain can direct his body to react without thinking!

In this world, in the world of snipers, if Xia Lei recognizes the second, who dares to recognize the first?


The third bell rang.

Another bullet fired out.

Xia Lei's body rolled over and stuck under the wall of the church.There was a splash of Mars where he had just stayed. His left eye could even see the warhead breaking a stone and plunging into the dirt!

The opponent used an armor-piercing projectile!

This discovery made Xia Lei instantly aware of what, his legs kicked hard on the ground, his body ejected like a charged frog.As a result, he had just left the hiding place, and an armor-piercing projectile shattered the wall and plunged into the dirt.

Xia Lei didn't dare to stay for another half second, and the cat ran fast forward on his waist.While running, he pulled out his viper pistol and fitted it with a magazine.

The old man and woman on the clock tower disappeared, and the bells also disappeared.But the sniper's hunting did not end, one after another armor-piercing projectiles penetrated the ancient wall and plunged into the mud under the corner.Every time, there was a feeling of almost hitting Xia Lei.It is not difficult to see that the opponent is not a general sniper, his strength is above the king of the killer world that Xia Lei killed!

In the fast running, Xia Lei was also thinking about a question, "Old man, old woman, and a sniper, who are known to have three opponents. Who are these three people? CIA? FA organization?"

He can only think of people in these two aspects, but he has played against the CIA and FA organizations this time, and has never encountered an opponent like Grandpa and Grandma!But if it is not a person of CIA and FA organization, then who is it?

He couldn't think of any other strong opponents besides FA and CIA.

boom!There was another shot, and an armor-piercing projectile wiped Xia Lei's thigh and plunged into the ground.

Xia Lei kept walking, his right foot kicked on the ground, his body passed through a collapsed wall.The man was in the air, he shook his hand and shot at the spire of the church hall.

The opponent uses a powerful sniper rifle, and he uses a pistol, but as long as it is within 100 meters, he can use the viper pistol produced by the Rema Army Factory as a sniper rifle!



A bullet exploded from the muzzle of the viper.

In the field of vision of Xia Lei's left eye, the sniper hiding above the spire had his head buried when he appeared and waved.

The sniper hiding in the spire of the church hall was actually a gray-haired old man!

Ding!The bullet hit the sniper's head and hit a piece of stained glass on the spire.Wow!The glass shattered and fell to the ground from a height.

Xia Lei's mouth showed a cruel smile. At this distance, although the power of the sniper rifle is huge, the rate of fire cannot be compared with the pistol.Now, he should fight back!

The sniper seemed to know Xia Lei's power, and rolled into the corner inside the spire before Xia Lei fired his second shot.His body was completely hidden, not giving Xia Lei a chance to shoot.

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the direction of the spire and quickly sprinted towards the entrance of the church hall.

Suddenly, a figure flashed from the church hall.

It was the old man who asked for directions.

Da da da!

The sound of submachine gun fire!

Xia Lei's body suddenly turned right, avoiding the trajectory of the submachine gun.

Swish swish!

A round of bullets almost wiped his body and flew past.


Xia Lei shot back.

The old man flashed and hid to the side of the church hall door before the poisonous snake shot the bullet.The movement is quick and sensitive, and the young agents of the CIA and FA organizations are not lost at all!

Da da da!

The old man had just been hidden, and the old woman appeared from the window again, holding a TAR-21 assault rifle and shooting at Xia Lei.It is the latest assault rifle jointly researched by the Israeli company IMI and Barrett, and is also a competitor to the blast assault rifle.

Rifle bullets roared past him, and Xia Lei, who was hiding in the corner of the wall of the church hall, dared not show his head.

"Who are you?" At the same time, Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, awakening the perspective ability.

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