Super Vision

707 707 Church Fight

No one answered in the church.

Xia Lei's left eye clearly saw the old man at the door gesturing to the old lady by the window.At the same time, the sniper also came down from the spire. He crept to the lectern's lectern and placed his sniper rifle on the lectern.It was a M82A1 sniper rifle produced by Barrett, nicknamed light 50, with an effective range of 1850 meters. It can destroy car engines, penetrate brick walls and cement, not to mention.

After preparing to shoot, the sniper gave the old man a gesture with the old woman.

This gesture is to let the old man and the old woman talk to Xia Lei. After the sniper grasps Xia Lei's specific position, he can shoot and kill him next door.

Sure enough, after the sniper gestured.

The old man who was guarding the door said, "Leave something, let's let you go."

Xia Lei secretly said: "Do these three old people know the existence of the labyrinth? Otherwise, how could they let me leave something?" Thinking like this, he kept silent.He slowly lowered his body, and then picked up a stone from the ground.

At this time, the old lady who guarded the window also said aloud: "Young man, don't lose your life here. We will not embarrass you if you leave what you brought out of the maze."

These three old people really knew the existence of the maze.

Xia Lei suddenly hit the stone by the window.

Boom!The stone hit the ground, as if a person suddenly jumped over there.

boom!The sniper reacted first.

There was a gunshot, and a hole with a big fist suddenly appeared on the wall beside the window.The bullet broke through the wall and hit the ground with one end.The slate on the ground was also broken and torn apart!

Almost at the moment when the sniper rifle opened fire, Xia Lei flashed out of the corner, waved a shot, and the viper roared, and a bullet penetrated the window, plunging into the sniper forehead.

The blood flower bloomed, and the sniper's body overwhelmed the priest's sermon table, and he fell to the ground with his M82A1 sniper rifle.

The sniper and his M82A1 sniper rifle pose the biggest threat to Xia Lei, because the M82A1 sniper rifle can penetrate walls to kill targets.Solved the sniper, Xia Lei's pressure suddenly reduced by more than half.

With a shot, Xia Lei's body suddenly fell to the ground.

Da da da!

The old lady in the window fired a gun, and a shuttle rifle bullet almost wiped Xia Lei's back and flew past.

Bang Bang Bang!

Xia Lei returned fire with his gun and rolled towards the wall while shooting.The three bullets fired by the viper pistol hit the wooden frame on the window and the wall.Even with pistols, fighting at this distance, the opponent can't take advantage of anything.His counterattack suddenly suppressed the old woman back.

"Renault? Renault!" The old man's voice was full of anger, "You actually killed Renault! I want you to go to hell!"

Xia Lei stood up against the wall and slowly moved forward to the corner, and said, "Every one of us will go to hell, just earlier, later. Tell me, who are you, who sent you Come. I can keep you from going to hell today. "

The sniper is dead and he can talk.

"You don't deserve to know!" The old man's voice, and the sound of footsteps.

Xia Lei's mouth sneered.Suddenly he kicked a stone with a big fist towards the window with his feet, and at the same time, he rushed across the corner towards the door.

Boom!The stone hit the ground under the window again.

"You're going to die!" The old lady flashed out, tilting the muzzle and shooting at the ground under the window.

Sawdust flew across, and smoke spread.The bullet hit the ground and Mars splashed.

The same trick, but trial and error.This is not that old woman stupid, but this is human instinct.Invisible to the enemy, sound becomes the only way to judge the enemy.The sound was all around, how could she not react?

However, she did not expect that the sound of her TAR-21 assault rifle just covered up the sound of Xia Lei's rapid movement.

Within two seconds, Xia Lei had approached the door.

At this time, the old man was still moving towards the M82A1 sniper rifle that fell to the ground.His intention was obvious. He picked up the M82A1 sniper rifle, and then when the old woman and Xia Lei exchanged fire, Xia Lei was killed by the next wall!

However, he did not expect that he and the old lady could not escape Xia Lei's eyes with every move.

This is actually not a fair contest, because Xia Lei is cheating.

Taking a step forward, Xia Lei's body leapt from the door of the church hall. When the body was traversing in the air, the old lady and the old man entered his range.

boom!There was a gunshot.

The old man who just grabbed the M82A1 sniper rifle in his hand and was hit by a viper's bullet in the vest. His movements suddenly stopped like a power-off machine, and then fell to the ground.

"No--" The old woman roared, turned, and waved her hand. The muzzle of the TAR-21 assault rifle came straight to the door of the hall.

However, her actions were still a bit late.

Xia Lei's body was still falling in the air, and his hands were still in the position to kill the old man, but he only slightly adjusted the direction of the muzzle, and then pulled the trigger.At this time, the old lady by the window had just moved the gun to the direction of the hall door.


The gun shot and a bullet pierced into the old woman's forehead.

The old woman's movements also stopped, and the TAR-21 assault rifle slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.Her body fell backwards.

If you give her another tenth of a second, she is fully capable of hitting Xia Lei who can't dodge in the air.However, Xia Lei didn't give her a tenth of a second.

The old woman fell to the ground, her eyes wide open, and she never looked back.

Xia Lei got up from the ground and stepped into the church hall.He was facing the idol of Jesus, and Jesus on the cross looked at him with eternal eyes.I don't know if he is angry or pity.The bloody smell permeated the hall, adding a bit of terror to this ancient and sacred place.

The old man wasn't dead, his arm twitched, and he seemed to want to grab the submachine gun.

Xia Lei kicked the submachine gun away from the old man's foot, then stretched his foot under the old man's belly and turned the old man's body over.

This lively mouth was intentionally left by him.

Just now, he actually has a choice.The old man was aiming at the M82A1 sniper rifle, but the old woman was holding a TAR-21 assault rifle, and it was possible to kill him at any time.Of course he did not dare to give the old woman a first-line opportunity and had to shoot on the spot.Therefore, he chose to leave this old man, because under the circumstances at this time the old man's threat is actually the least.

"Huh, huh ..." The old man breathed in a big breath, and the corners of his mouth were constantly bleeding.

With Xia Lei's marksmanship, even if he didn't kill him at the time, he wouldn't have much time left.

Xia Lei squatted down, "Tell me, who are you? Who sent you to kill me? Tell me, I will give you a happy heart."

"Bah!" The old man opened his mouth and spit blood at Xia Lei, but he lacked energy. The dirty things he spit out of his mouth fell just two or three centimeters, and all fell on his chin.

"You really are an old stubborn." Xia Lei frowned, and then placed the muzzle of the viper on the old man's neck.

Continuous shooting, the muzzle is very hot.As soon as the muzzle was attached to the old man's neck, the old man screamed suddenly.But he stared at Xia Lei stubbornly, showing no sign of yielding.

Xia Lei raised the muzzle, frowning and said, "Is it useless to do this? Well, I can give you some authenticity. But I advise you to think about it, you will die, if you die Pain, what is the meaning of your life? Tell me, I swear, I will bury the three of you here. Otherwise, your corpses will become food for mice and flies, do n’t you want that? "

"A guy without faith! You will go to hell!" The old man said angrily.

Torture and seduction have no effect.

Torture a dying old man with more vicious means?Although he is an enemy, he really wants to do that, but Xia Lei really can't get that hand.

Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to the old man's body, he froze for a moment, and then reached into the old man's pocket.

Everything in the old man's body was pulled out. A wallet with some euros, fifty, twenty, and some smaller denominations.No bank card, no driver's license or something.There is also a lighter and a pack of MS cigarettes.

No proof of identity.

"Cough ..." There was a sneer in the corner of the old man's mouth. "You don't know who we are, but I know you will die."

"Really?" Xia Lei suddenly pulled open the old man's shirt, exposing the old man's chest.

The old man had a black tattoo on his chest, which was a cross-shaped pattern pieced together with four arrows.

Xia Lei has also seen this pattern in the maze. It is the emblem of the Knights of the Hospital.

"Don't you know this?" Xia Lei said lightly: "You are a member of the Knights of the Hospital, you know the existence of the maze, but there is no way to pass the maze, right?"

The old man's eyes flickered and he closed his mouth, but his eyes had already given the answer.

"I saw your people in the maze, the real knights of the hospital knights. I also got a letter from the knights to the head of the knights of the hospital. Well, that knight has a long title, it seems to be called God Baron Silver Feather is a loyal knight. His name is Wallev. He should not be an unknown person in the history of the Knights of your hospital, do you know this person?

"Give me ... show me his letter." There was a hint of longing in the old man's eyes.

"Why do you want to read his letter?"

"He ... Baron Silver Feather of God's Spear is loyal to Cavaliers Valov, he is my ancestor." Said the old man.

Xia Lei took the letter out of his backpack, but did not hand it to the old man. "Tell me, who sent you, I will show you the letter."

The old man hesitated.

Xia Lei picked up the lighter. "Well, I have read this letter anyway. It has no meaning to me. I will burn it now."

"Wait." The old man said, "I swear, I don't know, we just accept the order above."

"Is the person above the top of the Knights of the Hospital?"

"We accepted secret orders and there was no clear identity of the person who gave the order."

This is somewhat similar to the nature of the killer, you don't need to know who the employer is, you just need to know who the target is.However, there is a possibility that the old man did not tell the truth at all, and Xia Lei could not prove that the old man said it was true or false.The method of seeing through the heart can provide some basis for judgment, but that method can only play a role in normal people. The old man's heart almost stops beating in front of him, and it cannot provide an effective basis at all.

"You met me on the other side of the mountain before, why didn't you do it at that time? Why ambush here in advance? Do you know that I will come out from here?" Xia Lei exchanged a question, which he wanted to understand local.

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