Super Vision

761 Chapter 761

Yu Shanhe looked at Fan Fan coldly, "Why are you here?"

"Uh, I have something to do with Xia Lei." Fan Fan said with a smile: "Secretary Yu has something to do with Xia Lei?"

Yu Shanhe just nodded his head, and the head was full of aptitude.He didn't really want to go, he just wanted to put pressure on Xia Lei.He was very clear about Fan Fan's relationship with Xia Lei. If Xia Lei didn't help, Fan Fan could never take the position of ZN Bureau Director. That position was Ling Hao.Fan Fan appeared at this juncture, and he didn't want to leave anymore.

Yu Shanhe gave Song Baicheng another glance. Song Baicheng grasped the idea and put the document he had just stolen from Xia Lei on the coffee table. A soft-hearted person who wants to make a lot of contributions to the country, then give you a little more time. Do n’t you want to sign after reading? Look, we wait for you. ”

Yu Shanhe went back to the sofa again, without a word, with no expression on his face.

Xia Lei didn't look at the document again, Yu Shanhe sat down, and he got up and walked to Fan Fan, with a smile on his face, "It turns out that Chief Fan, what wind blows you?"

Where the head?Fan Fan shook Xia Lei's eyes.This is not to say that her identity is not worthy of the name "Head of the Fan", but that Xia Lei made her old with such a call.But she also knows that Xia Lei called her "Fan" head in front of Yu Shanhe, that is to raise her and degrade Yu Shanhe's intention.

"Please sit down, Chief, I'll make you a cup of tea." Xia Lei was very attentive, and really went to make Fanfan tea.

Just now Yu Shanhe was the secretary to make tea. When Fan Fan came, Xia Lei went to make tea himself.Although this is a trivial detail, it is not so much in Yu Shanhe's eyes, and he is very upset.

"Miss Fan, what are you looking for Xia Lei?" Yu Shanhe tried out.

Fan Fan said: "Yu Chief, what are you looking for Xia Lei?"

Yu Shanhe immediately frowned.

Fan Fan said: "Is it inconvenient to say? Even if it is inconvenient to say, I am not very curious."

She did not give Yu Shanhe any face.She doesn't have to give it, when will the director of the ZN Bureau need to give Yu Shanhe face?

At this time, Xia Lei brought a cup of black tea and placed it in front of Fan Fan. He smiled and said, "Are the two heads in the riddle? Or, let me tell you, the head Yu took the documents and asked me to sign, exempt me Loan, but to send an administrative guidance to the Rema Group. I am thinking about this matter, trouble, I imagine a headache. "

"It's this matter?" Fan Fan pretended to be surprised. "So how did you think about it?"

Xia Lei spread his hand, "Don't I say that, I am having a headache. Can I still think about the headache?"

Yu Shanhe snorted, "Enough, are you two playing the duo? Fanfan, I know you are also rushing towards this matter. Since you are here, let's finalize this matter today."

Fanfan took a sip from the teacup and frowned, "It's really hot."

Xia Lei said: "I just soaked it, of course it's hot. You can drink it for a while, it's not good to burn your tongue."

Yu Shanhe's face was blue.He talked about the business, Fan Fan and Xia Lei actually went to talk about things that are so trivial, where did he put him in his eyes!

"Fanfan!" Yu Shanhe's voice was filled with anger, "I remind you that you need to make sure that you don't make political mistakes!"

"Uh?" Fan Fan put the tea cup down and looked surprised. "Sir Yu, is it a political mistake to drink hot tea? Please forgive me, my political consciousness is not as high as yours. But I thank you for your reminder, I feel like letting it sit for a while and then drinking it when it gets cold. "

"You ..." Yushan River was on the spot.

Xia Lei said with a chuckle in his heart, "This prodigal woman's mouth is really terrible, and she doesn't even bring a dirty word. Don't mess with women, this is really true."

Song Baicheng interjected and said, "Fan Fan, what do you say?"

Fan Fan ’s eyes moved to Song Baicheng ’s face, and his eyes suddenly cooled, “Fan Fan, did you call it? Do n’t think you ’ll be fine if you go to the equipment department. I tell you, you were in Rema last time I can initiate an investigation at any time about what the military factory has committed. By that time, do you think that Yu Yu, the chief of your family, can protect you? "

Song Baicheng's face suddenly turned pale, his lips moved, and he wanted to say nothing, but he couldn't say a word.

Fanfan is no longer the one he dares to provoke.

"Hehehe." Yu Shanhe smiled inexplicably.

Xia Lei became Fanfan's side, lowering his voice, "Things?"

"Fine." Fan Fan's answer was also very clever.

Charlie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Shanhe stopped his laughter, "Fan Fan, you're a teenager, I won't mess with you. As long as you can sit in that position, I won't comment. I'll talk about things. I know you are here to help Xia Lei, but I still have to remind you in good faith that this matter is related to national interests. There are instructions on it, which is also a good thing for the development of the Leima Group. If you join in, then you are standing on the opposite side of national interests Yes. I hope you do n’t make such political mistakes. "

Fan Fan sneered, “Standing on the opposite of national interests? It ’s such a big hat. Chief Yu, let me just say it. I ’m really here to help Xia Lei, and I ’m really busy with it. . "

"You can't help!"

"Then I will try."

"Huh! A private enterprise holds the lifeblood of a country's military industry. How can this work?" Yu Shanhe said in a harsh tone. "On this basis, you can't help! So many military enterprises, so many people, they are the state. The cornerstone of the military industry. Can you and Xia Lei challenge so many people?

Xia Lei said lightly: "Your head, I don't agree with this. Why is the military industry in Europe and the United States so developed? Germany's Rheinmetall is a private enterprise, and the US Lockheed Martin is also a private enterprise. There are more private I will not give examples of military enterprises. Private military enterprises in Europe and the United States can support the construction of national defense in Europe and the United States. Why can't they come to us? "

"Europe and America are Europe and America, we are us. You like Europe and America, why don't you go to Europe and America to develop? I don't think you don't want to go, but you can't develop if you go. You enjoy the resources that the country gives you Your mind is your own interest. This does not work, it is wrong and must be corrected. "

"All right." Xia Lei snorted coldly, "Sir Yu, I see clearly, there is no other reason for this matter, just one reason, I moved the interests of some people, right? Some people are afraid The Lehma Group developed and pushed them out of the market, right? I saw that it was not my own interests that filled my mind at all, but that some people were full of their own interests and put the national interests behind them. "

"You wanton!" Yu Shanhe was irritated and slapped on the coffee table.

With a bang, the coffee table trembled.

Without waiting for the coffee table to stand still, Xia Lei suddenly slapped on the coffee table, the whole coffee table jumped up, and the tea cup on the coffee table fell to the ground.

Yu Shanhe was suddenly stunned. This was not because he was scared by Xia Lei, but he felt incredible.When did the owner of a private enterprise dare to pat the table in front of him?No, Xia Lei is the first in the world!

Song Baicheng pointed at Xia Lei, "You, how dare you--"

Xia Lei interrupted Song Baicheng's words, "I'm not afraid of anything? This is my coffee table. Your master shoots without my permission. Why can't I shoot?"

Song Baicheng was speechless.Xia Lei suddenly turned his face, not even Yu Shanhe in his eyes, how could he put Song Baicheng in his eyes?

Xia Lei continued: "Mr. Yu, I know that you represent the interests of some people in domestic military enterprises, so you are willing to suppress the Leima Group. But I want to tell you that our country is developing, and some of your ideas have long been outdated. The survival of the fittest is the rule of nature and the rule of the market. Some military industrial companies are subsidized by the state, but they research and produce old and backward weapons. I produce the most advanced weapons in the world for this country, even Europe and the United States can't compare. The backward ones are not eliminated, the advanced ones are suppressed. What is your peace of mind? Don't tell me what national interest it is, it will make people feel sick. I tell you, the Reima Group is bigger and bigger Qiangcai is in the best interests of the country. With this, you ca n’t suppress me. You should stop early. "

"Okay boy, you have a kind." Yu Shanhe got up and pointed at Xia Lei's nose. "I also tell you that the bank will raise your loan interest rate to the highest interest rate in the market, and you will slowly repay your loan. . Also, do n’t think it ’s okay to pay off the loan. As long as I ’m still in this position for a day, you and your Reima Group will not settle down. ”

Xia Lei said disdainfully: "You have a weapon that doesn't buy me. See if I can sell it."

"Then let's take a look." Yu Shanhe walked out angrily.

"Wait." Fan Fan suddenly stopped Yu Shanhe. "Head Yu, didn't you just ask me what I'm doing? I remembered it, and I will tell you now."

Yu Shanhe looked back at Fan Fan, his face gloomy.

Fan Fan opened her briefcase, then took out a red-headed document from the briefcase and handed it to Xia Lei, "I have already talked to the above, and I think it is in the national interest to fully support the Reima Group. Good thing. There is no world-class military enterprise like Rheinmetall or Lockheed Martin in our country. Let me tell you the message above, work hard, and strive to develop the Rema Group into a comparable or even better than Rheinland. The world's super-military companies like Metal Corporation and Lockheed Martin Corporation are winning glory for the country and doing things for the country. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Please rest assured that all the heads are assured to complete the mission!"

Fan Fan shook Xia Lei's eyes. "Less to play tricks on me. I tell you that there is a special incentive fund allocated to you. The amount is just enough for you to repay the loan. You have to find a bank to deal with the matter, otherwise you will give interest. "Then she looked at Yu Shanhe," Chief Yu, this is what I came to talk about with Xia Lei, do you understand now? "

"Humph! You are fine." Yu Shanhe was very angry, he pointed his finger at Fan Fan, turned around and left.He lost his face in this place, and he didn't want to stay for a second.

Song Baicheng picked up the document again and walked away in vain.

Yelena also left.

Xia Lei looked at the documents in his hand and said curiously: "How did you get this reward fund?"

Fan Fan smiled and said: "Sell cute, don't you think I'm cute?"

Xia Lei, "..."

This is certainly not true, but he is also very clear that Yu Shanhe can use his power to suppress him, and even allow the bank to increase his loan interest rate, and every fan has a way to get this "incentive fund".The so-called above is actually a very broad concept.Some people do n’t support it, and others do n’t.The matter of interest games is as small as a village and a village, and as large as a national temple, regardless of the East or the West.

"The last question, how did your phone shut down?"

"Oh, is my phone still off? I remembered it. When I went to see the leader, I turned off the phone beforehand. When I came to you, I forgot to turn it on."


Xia Lei slaps in the past, and Fan Fan's big white group suddenly ripples.

Playing the ass in the ZN round game, that feeling is really not what you can feel by hitting the ass of other women.

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