Super Vision

762 Chapter 762

The loan problem was solved, Xia Lei was relaxed, and Leima Group also shed a heavy burden, and can sprint forward at a brisk pace.

Scavenger infantry fighting vehicles have also passed one test after another, and the data of each test is better than similar international products.A comprehensive conclusion is that the Rehman Scavenger Infantry Fighting Vehicle is 15 years ahead of the most advanced infantry fighting vehicle currently in service in Europe and America!

This is an amazing conclusion, many people can't believe it, but the fact is the fact.

Xia Lei applied for patents on various technologies of the Scavenger Infantry Fighting Vehicles, and obtained more than 100 kinds of approved technologies.Especially the core parts processed by the Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool, and various optimized designs of the Thunder Engine, it has become the most advanced tank engine in the world.Scavenger infantry fighting vehicles can lead similar products in Europe and America for 15 years, and its role in it is very important and irreplaceable.

As soon as the Scavenger Infantry Chariot completed the test, Xia Lei prepared to send it to France to participate in the Villepinte International Army Weapons Exhibition.

This year's Villepinte International Army Weapons Exhibition will end, and the next one will not be held until two years later.Xia Lei was reluctant to wait another two years.The best chariot in the world must of course be exposed at the world ’s largest army weapon exhibition, gaining praise and territory that should belong to it.

During this sensitive period, Xia Lei could not go to France, but he sent Liu Zhengnan to the past.There are Liu Zhengnan and Qing Caiyue who are responsible for the appearance of the scavenger infantry fighting vehicle. He is not worried about what will happen in this matter.

At Kyoto International Airport, the scavenger infantry chariot slowly drove into the cabin of the military transport aircraft.

Next to the Yun 20 military transport plane, Xia Xue took Liu Zhengnan's hand, reluctantly.

Liu Zhengnan said a little embarrassedly: "Don't be like this, obedient, the eldest brother is still around, he will laugh at us when he sees it."

Xia Lei has been watching beside him.In his eyes, Xia Xue and Liu Zhengnan are a very good match, and his sister can find her other half, a good destination, he is very happy.

"I went to France, wear more clothes, don't catch cold." Xia Xueqian dingwan Wanding.

Xia Lei couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Xiaoxue, can you not be so nauseous? I don't know what it feels like to be a man, but I am already goose bumps all over."

Xia Xue glared at Xia Lei, "Brother, if you say it again, I will ignore you again!"

Xia Lei scoffed, such a threat made no sense to him.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Liu Zhengnan said, his face already red.

"Kiss one." Xia Xue raised her neck slightly, and the sunlight fell on her face, her face bright.

"I ..." Liu Zhengnan gave Xia Lei a squinted look, embarrassed to death.

Even though Xia Lei's face was thick, he was embarrassed to look down. He turned around.

"Don't you kiss?" Xia Xuejiao said earnestly: "No, don't kiss me in the future."

This is a very severe punishment.

How dare Liu Zhengnan hesitate any more, he hugged Xia Xue's neck and kissed her cherry lips.

Xia Xue banged, and the whole person softened in Liu Zhengnan's arms.

One minute passed.

The picture of the two kissing is too beautiful to bear a direct look.

"Hmm, cough." Xia Lei couldn't take it anymore. "Okay, okay, do you still have it?"

The lovers in the hot kiss are just separated, Xia Xue's red, Liu Zhengnan's face is also red.

"Brother, I'm gone." Liu Zhengnan said to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei nodded, "Go, get things done, and I will give you a good day when I come back."

"Brother, I will not marry!" Xia Xue said.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "I said to pick you a good day is to let you get married? Really, you want to marry so much? I mean let the male parents and dad meet, and then choose another day Get engaged to you. "

"Humph, I ignore you!" Xia Xue suddenly raised her mouth.

"Hahaha!" Xia Lei smiled and bent over.

Xia Xue rushed over, Yang Qifan punched Xia Lei, Xia Lei ran away, and the track was full of his laughter ...

One day later, the Villepinte International Exhibition Center in Paris, France.

A large group of journalists, as well as executives, engineers, and businessmen from European and American military industrial enterprises, and merchants from all over the world flocked to the exhibition hall of the Rema Group.At the beginning of the International Army Weapons Exhibition, many people mocked that the Rema Group had only three light weapons to participate in the exhibition. However, before the end of the Rema Group, they transported their own tanks.For Western media and Western military companies, this is no longer a chariot to participate in the exhibition, which is a provocation for them, a signal from the Rema Group to them-the wolf is coming!

Scavenger infantry fighting vehicles are parked in the center of the exhibition hall, with a sci-fi sculpt and powerful aura, giving a cold feeling.But this habit is not really eye-catching. What is really eye-catching and surprising is its introduction.At a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, it is equipped with a 30 mm machine gun developed and manufactured by the Rema Group, a fixed hell dog artillery, a heavy machine gun, a reactive armor and a defense system.Regardless of speed, firepower and defense, its various indexes are superior to infantry fighting vehicles in Europe and the United States!

A question has also surfaced in front of Western media and Westerners who come to visit. In all fields, China lags behind Europe and the United States. How can it produce infantry fighting vehicles that surpass Europe and the United States?It ’s important to know that making a chariot is not the same as making a gun. Making a gun is nothing more than the production and mechanical design of parts. To build a chariot requires hundreds of technologies, especially engine technology, fire control systems and defense. The system, so far even China, which can't produce a decent car engine, how can he produce such an advanced tank engine?

No one can understand this problem, and nobody wants to accept this fact.

"How is this possible?" Mark Armin did not believe in the crowd. "I estimate that it will take at least a year for the Rema Group's infantry fighting vehicles to get off the production line, and even if they can produce infantry fighting vehicles, the overall performance It is at least 20 years behind us, but looking at the overall performance of this infantry fighting vehicle, he actually surpassed us for at least 15 years. Is n’t that a joke? Is n’t there anything else I ’m talking about, the tank engine, They can't make it. "

"Is it a tank engine imported from Russia?" Said a senior engineer of Rheinmetall: "Or Ukraine?"

"According to the information I have obtained, Rema Group ’s tank engines did import some parts from Russia and Ukraine, but not all of them, but only some basic parts. In addition, Rema Group also purchases in China ’s domestic processing market Part of the parts. The core parts are produced by the Rema Group itself. "A woman's voice.

Mark Armin looked at it, he saw a beautiful face, she has the delicate facial features and delicate skin of Oriental women, and has the blue eyes and facial curves unique to European and American women.

This woman is the chief assistant of the Lockheed Martin CEO Ms. Folsom.Lockheed Martin is an American arms giant. Not only does it have its own intelligence network, but it can also share relevant information from the CIA intelligence network. She obviously knows more and more details than Mark Amin.

"Miss Bai Lier, do you mean that the Rema Group has developed their own tank engine?" Mark Amin is unwilling to believe that the Rema Group has such strength, he believes that the Rema Group can create The best gun in the world, but he did not believe that the Rema Group could build the best chariot in the world.

"Mr. Mark Armin, I know you do n’t want to believe, in fact, I do n’t want to believe, but this is the truth." Buya said: "The Rema Group is here, we Lockheed Martin and your Rheinmetall company should Unite. As for what to do, I think Mr. Mark Amin, should you be clear? "

At this time, the blue moon appeared, and a large group of reporters immediately gathered around.

"Miss Qing, may I ask if this tank is a tank developed and produced by your Lehma Group itself?"

"Of course, I remember you. At the beginning of this exhibition, you said that our group can only produce light weapons and is not worthy of participating in the exhibition. Now what I want to tell you is that this is the best tank in the world. The chariots are incomparable. "The woman is vengeful, Qing Caiyue still remembers mocking the small reporter of the Rema Group.If Xia Lei is here, he really doesn't know what to say that she has a good memory, or a small belly.

"You say your tank is the most advanced tank in the world. How can you prove it?" A reporter said.

"It's very simple, we Xia Dong said, welcome any company's similar products for competition." Liu Zhengnan is speaking, his face is full of confidence, "If you can contact the relevant company, whether it is Rheinmetall Okay, or Lockheed Martin, we are all willing to accept the challenge. After all, we are the best. "

Such a statement suddenly caused a lot of discussion.

Directly challenging Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin, two world-class arms giants, is Xia Lei's advice and a business strategy.

Regardless of whether Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin are fighting, Lehma Group will get a certain eye effect.Should not fight, there will naturally be a lot of media outrageously saying that these two companies are cowardly.It would be even better if you face a battle. The scavenger infantry fighting vehicle is 15 years ahead of similar products in Europe and the United States. Its huge performance advantage can make it an overwhelming victory.At that time, the Rema Group did not spend a penny of advertising costs, and the world would also know the existence of the Rema Group and Scavenger Infantry Fighting Vehicles!

"Isn't that Mr. Mark Armin, the chairman of Rheinmetall?" A reporter spotted Mark Armin standing in the crowd, and he followed and walked over to the microphone, "Mr. Mark Armin, may I ask ... "

Before the nasty reporter finished speaking, Mark Amin turned around and left.The reporter wanted to speak, but was blocked by his bodyguard.

The same thing happened to the clothing department.

"Miss Bai Lier, the Lehma Group has issued a challenge. Can you say something on behalf of Lockheed Martin?" A reporter asked the clothing department.

"Challenge Lockheed Martin? You really dare to think about it, but what I want to tell you is that the Rema Group from China does not have this qualification at all. You have seen lightweight players who have just entered the boxing world to challenge heavyweights Has the world champion happened? I personally disdain such a challenge. ”Buyao Hattori left this sentence and turned away.Her bodyguard also stopped the reporter who was entangled.

Walking out of the exhibition hall, Buya Yifu pulled out his mobile phone, "Father, I think you should take someone from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to see the scavenger infantry chariot of the Rema Group ..."

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