Super Vision

764 Chapter 764: Finding Evidence

The handsome man has gotten up while the beautiful man is still sleeping.

Neatly dressed Xia Lei looked back at Silvia and Anina, who were still sleeping in the bed, and her heart was soft and peaceful.For the Lei Qing of the Lehma Group, they are really exhausted during this time, so let them have a good rest.Recalling last night's passionate and absurd experience, there was another touch of pride in his heart.Previously, he needed to work very hard to get these two German women, and he was always exhausted.But now, he is already at ease.

The previous conjecture about the evolution of ability has become a fact, but his feeling is still quite speechless.

Walking out of Silvia and Anina's room, Xia Lei saw Xia Changhe, the old man who fed Koi by the pond.He walked over and called out, "Dad."

Xia Changhe nodded, "Are you going to the company?"

Xia Lei said: "Well, I got some artificial intelligence technology from the Japanese. During this time, I was inconvenient to go out. I just sorted out those things and then saw if they could be used in our production."

"Have you ever thought that the more advanced the weapons you make, the more Americans and Japanese want to get rid of you? The Western and Japanese have imposed a technical blockade on China for decades. This blockade has not been lifted until now. , But you disrupted their layout and disrupted their overall plan. You are playing the role of a spoiler, you are destroying their strategic interests, you have to continue on this road, you have to face The challenges will be more and more and bigger, is this really what you want? "

Xia Lei smiled, "Dad, what do you want to say?"

"You know what I am talking about." Xia Changhe said: "I know that because of my relationship, you have lived a poor life. But you are now worth tens of billions of dollars, and the money you earn, we will not spend it in our lifetime Finished. Haven't you considered closing? "

"Shut up? If I can get peace now and peace, I will consider it. But you know what they want, so even if I don't develop in the military industry, Americans will not let me go. No one from the FA organization will let me go. I will not exchange for peace or peace at the moment I close my hand. I will only abandon the martial arts. "

Xia Changhe was silent.

Xia Lei also said: "Dad, life is only a few hundred and one hundred years, Jinyiyushi can live a lifetime, and coarse tea and light rice can also live a lifetime. I don't care how much money I make, I don't care how many years I can live peacefully. Our nation is Western I have been bullied for centuries, and this land is soaked with blood and tears and humiliation. Are we Chinese people traveling now, are n’t we still being discriminated? I ’m not a radical patriotic youth, but I have the ability, I want to serve this country and The nation does something. If I did n’t do anything, would n’t I have wasted my talents. I ’m getting old in the future, and I ca n’t do anything, I will definitely regret it. ”

Xia Changhe sighed, "I haven't taught you any patriotic thoughts, but you love this country and nation so much. If you say this, I think I am old, and my courage has become smaller, maybe this paragraph The peaceful days make me timid. Well, no matter what you want to do, I will support you. "

"Dad, why did you suddenly persuade me to close? What happened?" Xia Lei was puzzled.

Xia Changhe smiled bitterly, "Nothing can hide from you kid, I already know who betrayed you and Tang Yuyan."

Charley suddenly froze for a moment, "Who?"

"The people under Yu Shanhe, a guy named Song Baicheng. Although Song Baicheng did the thing, he must have Song Baicheng or Ling Hao's advice."

Xia Lei said strangely in his heart: "Liang Siyao told me the same way, but because there was no evidence, I didn't tell him about it. How did he know?"

"Yu Shanhe is a big man. You are a high-ranking military worker in China. The better you do, the greater the loss of some people's interests. They cannot tolerate you. There are strong enemies outside, there are worries inside, and our Xia family is not What kind of big family is weak, and you can only imagine the pressure you face with only your support. I thought of these dangers and I came up with the idea of ​​letting you stop. "

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "Dad, how did you know about this?"

"Of course I have my channels. Tiger came back last night, and I asked him to go to that Japanese restaurant. He stole the surveillance video from the store. When you went to the company, Tiger gave you the things. . Just take a look, and you will understand. "

"Dad, that ..."

"Don't ask, go and do things." Xia Changhe started feeding the koi in the pond again.He threw the feed, and the koi in the pond scrambled to stir up a pool of clear water.

Xia Lei's lips moved, trying to say something, but in the end did not say it.He turned and left.

"Er, by the way, I almost forgot one thing." Xia Changhe's voice came from behind, "Tang Yunhai asked me to drink tea in Shudi, which is the kingdom of heaven. I haven't been there yet. I want to check it out. "

Xia Lei's footsteps froze for a moment, then looked back at his father, "Dad, are you going to the Tang family in Shudi ... what are you doing?"

"Drink tea, didn't you tell you?"

Tang Yunhai asked his father to drink tea, just drink tea?

Xia Lei's head is a bit big, he smiled bitterly: "Dad, you drink tea and drink tea, don't agree to other things."

Xia Changhe smiled, "Don't you promise me anything?"

"That, get married or something."

"Are you talking about Tang Yuyan girl? I actually think it's not bad, knowledgeable, clever and clever. You are also a big brother. You can't always be unmarried. If you are not married, how can I hold my grandson? Who is the money for? The charity? You stupid boy! "Xia Changhe said more and more angry, suddenly grabbed a handful of fish feed and smashed it to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei leaped away, turned around and ran, "Dad, I can remind you that I woke up and I can't agree. If you agree, you will find a solution yourself."

call!Another handful of fish feed flew out of Xia Changhe's hands, "Smelly boy, do you want to be mad at me? I'm your son, you don't agree, where can I find another son?"

Xia Lei has run away.

Xia Changhe sighed.Poor parents in the world, there is no marriage of parents who do n’t care about their children, even the father of an agent like him is no exception.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

The ringtone of the phone suddenly rang.

Xia Changhe took out his mobile phone to answer the phone, and there was a smile on his face, "Oh, Donald, my plane in the afternoon ... Yu Yan came to pick me up? How embarrassed? Goodbye ... goodbye."

Xia Lei didn't know about this call.

As he walked to the door of the Leima Military Factory, Xia Lei saw the Erdemutu in the guard house, and he walked in. "How is the family's affairs going?"

"It's all done." Erde Mutu handed a USB flash drive to Xia Lei's hands and lowered his voice. "This is the surveillance video from the Japanese restaurant. They removed the hard drive and locked it in." It took me a lot of effort to get it in the safe. "

Xia Lei just nodded and left.

Coming to the office, Xia Lei opened the video file in the USB drive with his computer.

In the video, Song Baicheng is sitting in an elegant room and enjoying Japanese cuisine. In this elegant room, he is the only person, no one else.

A minute later, Song Baicheng got up and left.There is an extra yen in a plate in front of him.It was a thousand denominations of Japanese yen folded up.

After Song Baicheng left, a woman wearing a Japanese kimono left to clean up the dishes.She saw the one thousand yen, she looked back, then picked up the yen and opened it.The yen was written abruptly: Dawang, West Province, tomorrow.

The Da character corresponds to the Chinese Da character in Japanese.

This seemingly Chinese text is actually Japanese that the Japanese can understand.

The woman wearing a kimono then collected the 1,000 yen, and even leaving the tableware too late to pick up, she left Song Bai's elegant room for meals.

The video is over.

Xia Lei copied the video from the USB flash drive and then picked up the phone on the table.He dialed Liang Siyao's number, but then cut off the phone again.His first thought was to tell Liang Siyao that he had found the evidence, but the person involved in the incident was so extraordinary that he dismissed it again.It is not a wise practice to involve Liang Siyao.

Xia Lei called Shi Boren's office phone, "It's me, Mr. Shi."

"It's your kid, I was just about to call you." Shi Boren's voice, "Yuyan has returned from Xishen, I gave her a week's leave, don't you go to see her?"

"That, I will go." Xia Lei changed the subject. "Retired CEO, I have an important thing to tell you."

"Say." Shi Boren's tone suddenly became serious.

"I found out who betrayed me and Yuyan."

"You found it? Who?"

"Song Baicheng." Xia Lei said his name.

Boom!There was a voice on the phone that Shi Boren snapped at the desk, "Damn it! Eating traitor! I never thought it would be him! Do you have evidence?"

"Yes, there is a video, enough to prove his guilt." Xia Lei said.

"I asked Long Bing to come and get it." Shi Boren said angrily: "He is dead!"

"Senior President Shi, this thing ..." Xia Lei hesitated or said, "I'm afraid it will involve Ling Hao and Yu Shanhe."

There was no sound on the phone, only Shi Buren's heavy breathing.

"Release CEO?"

"This is a big and serious thing, but I assure you that no one betrayed the country and can live a life with peace of mind. Don't worry about this matter for the time being, we will catch the people first and then talk about it." Shi Boren said.

"Okay." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

Ling Hao and Yu Shanhe are involved, this matter is indeed very big and serious.Shi Beren's handling is also correct. First, without touching the behind-the-scenes principal, first pick up the soldiers who are doing things, interrogate the truth, and master the evidence before making plans for the next step.

While waiting for Long Bing to take evidence, Xia Lei took out the solid-state hard drive from his safe, and the sister connected to his computer and copied the contents to his hard drive. on.Then he browsed the copied content and immersed himself in it unconsciously.

Many countries are studying artificial intelligence technology, but only the United States and Japan have done well. The artificial intelligence technology of these two countries also represents the highest level in this world.Huaguo is lagging behind in this respect, and many artificial intelligence technologies on production lines are imported.In the event of a failure, even the repairs have to rely on the equipment supplier.

"If I apply artificial intelligence technology to the production line of the Lehma military factory, not only will the output increase, but it will also save a lot of expenses. Talent is difficult to find, but if artificial intelligence solves the problem of human resources, the Lehma military factory I ’m not afraid of being understaffed because of the expansion too fast. ”A bold idea emerged in Xia Lei ’s mind and slowly took shape.

He continued to browse those artificial intelligence technologies, and the drawings he saw in the villa of Masao Takeshi were constantly emerging in his mind.Masao Takeshi gave him 500 drawings, each of which was very complicated. It was impossible for a normal person to write down one, but he wrote down 500!

I do n’t know how long it took, a familiar voice awakened him from artificial intelligence technology, "What are you busy with?"

As soon as Xia Lei looked up, he saw a beautiful face, but it wasn't Long Bing, but Liang Siyao.He was stunned for a moment. Didn't Shi Boren say to send Long Bing?Why did you send Liang Siyao again?

"You look really good at working seriously," Liang Siyao said with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Xia Lei said: "I called Mr. Shi, he said let Long Bing come."

Liang Siyao raised her lips, "Why, don't you like me to come? Then I'll go, I'll let Mr. Shi send your favorite Long Bing."

"Don't make trouble." Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I don't mean this, but ..."

"What is it?"

"You took the evidence, what next?"

"Chief General Shi asked me to arrest Song Baicheng directly." Liang Siyao said.

Xia Lei grabbed the USB stick in his hand and got up and said, "I'll go with you."

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