Super Vision

765 Chapter 765

The red BMW M6 flew on the road leading to downtown Kyoto.

Liang Siyao finished watching the video with a laptop, and then transferred the video file to the headquarters of Bureau 101.She closed her laptop and looked at Xia Lei who was driving, "Okay, tell me, why would you go with me to catch someone?"

"I'm still going with you. Song Baicheng's guy almost killed me. I want to catch him personally." Xia Lei said.

"Don't lie to me." Liang Siyao's mouth gleamed with a wry smile. "I have been with you for such a long time. I know a few moles on you. Can you still have any ideas? "

"Don't think about it, let's go grab people together and bring it back to 101 innings."

Liang Siyao said: "Mr. Shi was the first to send Long Bing. But when he knew that this matter might involve Ling Hao and Yu Shanhe, he sent me again. Do you think I don't know why? In their eyes Here, I have always been in the CIA. My body is covered with CIA clothes, from outerwear to underwear. Can I take off my outerwear, can I still take off my underwear? "

What analogy is this?

"Catching Song Baicheng means fighting against the forces represented by Ling Hao and Yu Shanhe. Whoever shoots the first shot is very dangerous. How can the CEO Shi let Long Bing go to be the cannon fodder? Then only I will go. For them, I am always an outsider, and an outsider with a disgraceful history. I went to catch Song Baicheng, and I caught the brunt of the pressure of the other party. I could n’t catch it, even got killed, and came to them. It's a good thing to say. Isn't it? "Liang Siyao's heart was lonely and sad.

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "If you are not happy, you should resign and come to our company and do whatever you want."

"You care about me and don't want me to die, so you have to catch Song Baicheng with me, right?"

Xia Lei smiled bitterly.He has such a thought, but he doesn't want to talk about it.

"Speak, answer my question." Liang Siyao wanted to know the answer.

"How can I watch you alone in danger? Even if we have ... but we are still brothers and sisters, how can I leave you alone?" Xia Lei said.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Liang Siyao's mouth, "You care about me and can't bear me to die, that's enough. I didn't want to go to your company to work, but I had to stay in 101 games."

"Why?" Xia Lei said in a puzzled way: "In the beginning, you went to the 101st game to return and pardon the order. You have already obtained it. Why should you stay there?"

"For you, you think everyone in the 101th game is Long Bing and Tang Yuyan."

Xia Lei, "..."

"I stay in the 101st game and I can give you an internal response, and it may play a big role at the critical moment."

Xia Lei froze for a moment, "Do you mean to undercover me?"

"Is there less when I lie underneath for you?"

Those past memories flooded my mind, and Xia Lei's heart was also full of melancholy and sadness.The better she treats him now, the more uncomfortable he will be to face.

"Relax." Liang Siyao's hand fell on Xia Lei's thigh. "My Liang Siyao is not a fuel-efficient lamp, nor is it anyone who wants to do it, I will not be okay. I just want you to understand , I returned to China for you, and I stayed in 101 innings for you. As long as you can understand my heart, I will be satisfied. "

"Why is it so good to me?"

"I love you, I have always loved you, is this reason enough?" Her hands on his thighs were shaking and she was holding tight, as if she wanted to enter Xia Lei again through her nails and fingers His body into his life.

She caught him a little hurt, but he still kept calm and let her move.Other than that, what else can he say?Reconciled?Think about his messy love life now, and the father who is going to drink tea with Tang Yunhai in Shudi ... He can't help but have a headache.

The atmosphere in the car became awkward, and there was a trace of sadness flowing quietly between the two.

But when Xia Lei didn't know how to face Liang Siyao, there was a car in front of the line, he hurriedly stepped on the brake.BMW M6 made an emergency stop motion, his body slipped, Liang Siyao's body also slammed forward, I do not know whether it was instinctive, or some other reason, she grabbed a hand, and this one , It is precisely what grabbed him.

Xia Lei's body suddenly froze and forgot to drive.

Liang Siyao also froze and forgot to let go.

The eyes are opposite, both eyes are very complicated.


There was the sound of the driver honking, and the voice of someone yelling and scolding, "Will you drive! Is driving the BMW very powerful? Kill you!"

The two in the car recovered.

Liang Siyao hurriedly let go of that hand, her face only slightly reddish, and she did not show excessive shyness.After all, she was too familiar with Xia Lei's place, but she hadn't used it for a while, and it was a bit rusty.

Xia Lei slammed the throttle and the car started again, driving normally.His face also blushed, but not because of shyness, but only embarrassment.After all, the place where the change occurred is very obvious, and you ca n’t hide it if you want to hide it.

The car stuck behind was chased up.

The blond young man who was driving drove his head out of the car window and scolded aggressively: "Damn it! Will you drive! I won't drive Lao Tzu to teach you!"

A young man wearing ear studs sitting on the co-pilot stared at Liang Siyao with a smirk, "Hey, girl! Don't be so stupid, let's go, brother, take you to hi!"

"Wow! Good time!" The blonde young man who was driving also flirted with Liang Siyao, "beauty, come with us and make sure you are comfortable!"

Xia Lei didn't want to take care of the two gangsters. He scolded him. He could bear it, but the two gangsters actually came to ridicule Liang Siyao. His heart was inexplicable. Otherwise, you two dumbass! "

"Oh! He dares to attack us?"

"Peel him off! Damn, hit him! His car is expensive, and he won't lose money!"

The fair-haired youth violently hit the steering wheel, and really bumped a Chevrolet Cruze he drove into the BMW M6 driven by Chalet.

Xia Lei stepped on the brake to avoid, and the eyes in both eyes were scary.

Liang Siyao looked at the bulging Xia Lei and suddenly giggled. She laughed with a trembling smile and a very happy smile.

Xia Lei said sadly: "I'm almost crazy by two stupid people, can you still laugh?"

"You haven't forgotten me at all, a man has insulted me, your reaction is so strong, in your subconscious, you still think of me as your woman, right?" Liang Siyao said, his mouth was hard to hide, but eye-catching There were tears of joy in it.

The sixth sense of a woman is always so keen and accurate, which is unsolvable.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Can we not talk about this ..."

Before he could finish talking, Liang Siyao suddenly came over and kissed his lips with a kiss.

A familiar woman, a familiar taste, this sudden kiss brought Xia Lei back to Haizhu and brought back the past.During the period when he was struggling to start a business, Liang Siyao stepped into his life and brought him love that he had never dared to think about before.He and her were on the sofa, in the study, on her bed, releasing the passion and desire of youth again and again ...

"Hey! Mom fucking!" The blond young man appeared outside the car window, saw the men and women in the car actually kissing, scolded, and punched Xia Lei's head with a punch.

When Xia Lei raised his hand, a viper pistol ran into each other, just hitting the fist of the blond young man.

Fist is meat, gun is iron.The blonde young man punched the gun with a punch, and immediately cried out, and his fist was bloody.He thought it was a safety hammer or something, and his companion was also ready to draw a knife, but when he saw what was in Xia Lei's hand, he suddenly lost his breath and was scared.

"Big brother, big brother, we don't know Taishan with our eyes, you, you, your grownup don't remember the villain, just spare me us." The blond youth's tongue was not straight.

"Kneel!" Xia Lei's eyes were terribly cold.He is not fierce, but fierce, the murderousness of the hundreds of murders on his body is revealed, very terrifying.

The two jerks fell to their knees on the ground.

Many passing vehicles on the road slowed down, watching this scene.

Fortunately, this is a suburb, not a busy city, otherwise it will definitely cause panic.

"Put your face over, and I will let you go with a single draw." Xia Lei said.

The two jerks stretched their faces to the side of the car door.

But just when Xia Lei waved to pump, Liang Siyao grabbed Xia Lei's hand, "Forget it, let them go."

"They said you that way, I'm venting for you, why should you stop me?" Xia Lei asked.

Liang Siyao smiled, "I still have to thank them. If they weren't, how would I know you still care about me in your heart?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"The two of you don't hurry!" Liang Siyao shouted.

The two bullies just got up and ran away in a panic.

Women's thinking is really strange.The two bastards just insulted her like that. She is not only angry but also very happy. Is the magic of love really so magical?

Xia Lei drove the car and continued to drive towards downtown Kyoto.

Liang Siyao giggled for a while before quieting down. She tentatively knew: "Lei Zi, are we ... reconciled?"

Xia Lei gave her a white look, "How can there be such a cheap thing? The scars you left in my heart are still not good. When will it be better, let's talk about it again."

"Then I will rub your heart and let those scars get better, okay?" Liang Siyao really reached out to rub Xia Lei's heart.

"Don't make a fuss, I'm driving, hello ... I warn you not to mess up ..."

An hour later, the BMW M6 stopped in a high-end community.

Xia Lei walked down from the car and looked awkwardly at the rising crotch.Regarding the issue of compounding, he must be repulsed, but this does not prevent the ex-girlfriend from working hard in that area, which has caused the current embarrassing situation.But he also understands her. She hasn't been touched by a man since she broke up with her, and it's normal to get out of control.

Liang Siyao also walked down from the car, flushed, with a spring in his eyes.She didn't seem to dare to see Xia Lei, but she couldn't help it.This is the happiest time for her since she returned to China.Although she didn't achieve what she wanted, she felt at least there was progress.More importantly, she knew that Xia Lei still had her in her heart.

"We, that, go to Song Baicheng's house." Xia Lei said.

"Well, let's go." Liang Siyao combed the hair on his forehead.

The two went towards a unit building.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

The phone ringing sounded.

Xia Lei took out his phone and glanced at it, but it was Shi Boren's number.He hesitated, and then hung up.

"Whose phone?" Liang Siyao didn't see it.

"It's Mr. Shi's phone." Xia Lei didn't hide her.

"why do not you answer?"

"He mostly wanted to persuade me to go back. I'm here, how can I go back. Leave it alone, let's go grab that guy." Xia Lei put away his phone.

A sweet smile appeared on Liang Siyao's face again, "Look, are you still reluctant to admit it? Are you nervous about me, are you worried about me, you can't forget me at all, do you?"

"It's your size. Let's go." Xia Lei speeded up.

Liang Siyao caught up with Xia Lei's footsteps, "Catch someone, how about we go out for a drink at night?"

"I can't go out casually now." Xia Lei said.

"How about I come to your house?"

Xia Lei, "..."

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