Super Vision

766 766 Strange murder scene

Song Baicheng's door was closed tightly.

At the door, Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, using the ability of perspective to observe the situation in the house in advance.

There was no one in the living room, the TV was on, and a variety show was playing.There is no one in the kitchen on the left side of the living room, and a pressure cooker is placed on the gas stove.The pressure cooker was steaming, not knowing what was being stewed.On the right side of the living room is a corridor, and on the side of the corridor are three rooms side by side.The doors of the three rooms were also closed.At the end of the corridor is a balcony. The glass sliding doors are open, and there are no people on the balcony.

Just as Xia Lei was about to improve his eyesight and see through the interior of those three rooms, Liang Siyao had opened the door with the unlocking tool.

"He has a gun, be careful you follow me." Liang Siyao also pulled out the pistol and gently pushed the door open.

Such a thing should be the man walking in front, but he walked in front of Xia Lei, placing herself in the most dangerous position.

Is Xia Lei a man hiding behind a woman? He dragged Liang Siyao behind him and walked towards the corridor.He pulled out the gun and held his hands slightly, keeping his shooting posture.

Liang Siyao did not go around him again, she understood Xia Lei's character and temper.

As soon as he reached the first door, Xia Lei stopped, and the gun in his hand was dropped.

Although he didn't open the door, he had seen the situation in the house.Song Baicheng lay motionless on the bed with only a pair of underwear.But he was definitely not asleep, because there was no sign of heave in his chest.And even if it is asleep, people's chest will have ups and downs to breathe.In addition, his face also showed a bluish-purple color, which is definitely not the color that a living person should have.

All of a sudden, Xia Lei's heart lit up with anger.He found Song Baicheng's head, but the other party immediately gave him a murderous mouth.When Song Baicheng died, how could this case be investigated?What use is that evidence in his hand?

"What's going on?" Liang Siyao asked softly.She couldn't see the situation in the house.

Xia Lei just recovered, he was stunned for a while, and suddenly hit the door panel suddenly.

The door was knocked open.

Liang Siyao rushed in with a gun.

Xia Lei also went in.

"What's going on?" Liang Siyao soon discovered that Song Baicheng was dead, and he was shocked.

Xia Leiqiang endured his anger, "Do you still need to ask? Someone has already killed Song Baicheng in front of us, killing people and killing their mouths."

"Let's find out if the murderer has left any clues." Liang Siyao searched in the room.

Xia Lei still stood beside the bed and quietly looked at Song Baicheng lying on the bed.

Song Baicheng didn't have any scars on his body, and there was no trace of strangulation on his neck.Such a body can almost rule out the possibility of shooting, knife killing and strangulation.The expression on his face was very serene, and it looked like he had left the world in a dream, without experiencing any pain.

Xia Lei frowned slightly.Song Baicheng is a man who has been trained by an agent, and his combat effectiveness even exceeds that of ordinary agents.How can this person be killed without leaving any traces?

Xia Lei's eyes moved to Song Baicheng's stomach, and then he looked into his stomach.

Song Baicheng's stomach was very clean, with no food left in it.There is still something cooked in his kitchen, which also shows that he has not eaten.There is no harm to him, except for the possibility of death from weapons.His stomach is empty, and there is no residue of food and medicine, which ruled out the possibility of the death of the medicine.So, how did he die?

"Damn, the murderer left nothing." Liang Siyao returned to Xia Lei.With her training and experience, he does not need to look for traces like ordinary policemen.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "We have encountered a master."

"Who do you think will be?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "I only know who needs to kill him to kill the mouth, who is the most suspect, but who is the killer is difficult to say."

"I call CEO Shi." Liang Siyao took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to Song Baicheng's head. His left eye looked like a razor and shaved Song Baicheng's hair straight to his scalp.

Song Baicheng's scalp is smooth, and there are no obvious scars, but her head has a purple birthmark, as big as a dollar coin.Its shape is also round, very similar to the shape of a coin.

Xia Lei's eyes stayed on the purple birthmark, and he soon found a strange place.On that birthmark, there is a hair with traces of damaged pores and blood flowing out, but the purple birthmark is extremely difficult to find.Coupled with the hair covering the scalp, it is almost impossible for the average person to find it.

This discovery is clearly a breakthrough.

Xia Lei's eyes were locked on the pores, and the damaged pores were instantly pulled in front of his eyes, and were magnified hundreds of times.He saw the skin and subcutaneous tissues damaged by sharp objects.The scene he saw was like a needle stuck into it. The tofu was removed from the piece of tofu, but the tofu left a trace of the needle.Then his left eye switched to the mode of perspective plus microvision, and then placed into the pore while entering Song Baicheng's brain little by little.

The truth soon came to him.

Song Baicheng's brain had a very important arterial blood vessel cut off.It was a middle artery in the brain, and his brain was full of blood.This also explains why his face is purple.

Xia Lei secretly said: "There are two conditions that must be met in order to kill in this way. The first is that he is very familiar with Song Baicheng, so that Song Baicheng has no precautions against him. The second condition is that the killer has extremely rich experience , Is a professional killer. So, who among Song Bocheng's people meets these two conditions? "

He naturally thought of Ling Hao, but he quickly denied it again.Ling Hao has never shown his skill, and even if he has been trained in military fighting like Song Baicheng, it cannot prove that he is the killer who killed Song Baicheng.And Ling Hao cannot be an extremely experienced professional killer who meets the second condition.

Apart from Ling Hao, he did not know who the mysterious killer was.

This is Liang Siyao dialing Shi Beren's phone. She also specifically opened the hands-free so that Xia Lei could hear.

"Senior President Shi." As soon as the phone was connected, Liang Siyao opened the door and said: "I'm already at Song Baicheng's house, but ..."

"But what?"

"He is dead." Liang Siyao said: "The murderer's technique is very clever, there are no traces left on the scene, and Song Baicheng has no physical wounds. Please send a forensic doctor to deal with Song Baicheng's body.

"You stay here, don't move, protect the scene, I will send someone over immediately." Shi Boren's voice.

"Got it, Mr. Shi."

"Is the boy Xia Lei by your side?"

"He ..." Liang Siyao stopped talking.

"Don't pretend to me, you give him your phone, I want to talk to him." Shi Boren's voice was a little angry.

Liang Siyao counseled his shoulder and handed the phone to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei took the phone and said daringly: "Retired boss, it's me, let's talk."

The voice of Shi Boren was heard on the phone, "Your boy, I let you stay at the Leima Military Factory to protect you. What did you do when you went to Song Baicheng's house? Do you think you are not in trouble enough? "

"I wanted to act alone, and I was a little uneasy about her, so I followed. Song Baicheng almost killed me and Tang Yuyan. I want to catch him personally." Xia Lei said.

"I knew you would have a reason. You should go back to me now, immediately, immediately!"

"Song Baicheng is dead, I want to help Si Yao ..."

Shi Boren interrupted Xia Lei's words, "This is an order!"

"Good, I'll go back immediately." After that, Xia Lei hung up the phone.

Liang Siyao said: "You go back first, let me handle it here."

Xia Lei said: "No, I still stay and wait for the forensic doctor to come. I want to know the result of the forensic autopsy."

"But Mr. Shi has given orders. Do you want to disobey his orders?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei with some concern.

Xia Lei smiled, "His orders are only useful to you, I don't care about his orders. I disobey his orders, can he fire me?"

Liang Siyao counseled his shoulder, "He wouldn't expel you, but he would train me. Me, I can only do small things wherever I go."

Because of this inexplicable sentence, the atmosphere in the room became awkward again and became quiet.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door, as well as the sound of people talking.

"Mom, Dad said that we stewed the chicken for us. He also said that after eating, he would take me to buy toys. Will you go with us?" Voice of a little boy.

"You know how to eat and play. How can you grow up in the future? Don't forget, you still have a piano lesson in the afternoon. You have to learn piano." A woman's voice.

"Mom! I am not going to learn piano, I am going to buy toys!"

"Obey!" The woman's voice, "Huh, why is the door open?"

In the bedroom, Xia Lei and Liang Siyao glanced at each other, then the two quickly left the room.When the two first came out, they saw a middle-aged woman walk in with a 7- or 8-year-old boy.

The woman's skin is fair and fair.The little boy was chubby and had a relationship with Song Baicheng.Don't bother to guess that this woman must be Song Baicheng's wife, and this little boy is his son.

"You--" The woman was stunned on the spot for a while, but just a second later he suddenly opened his throat and cried, "Come on, catch the thief!"

"Don't call it!" Liang Siyao walked up quickly. "We are not bad people, we are policemen."

The woman suddenly saw the pistol in Liang Siyao's hand, and suddenly screamed again, "Help, kill!"

The little boy ran out of the door with his legs shouted and cried, "Help, there are bad guys!"

Xia Lei said: "Si Yao put the gun away, who should they call it."

Liang Siyao put away his pistol.

The woman suddenly remembered something like that and hurried to the bedroom.A few seconds later, a horrifying howl was heard in the bedroom, "Baicheng! Baicheng ... Ah! You wake up!"

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