Super Vision

910 Chapter 910: The Horsewoman's Wish (15)

"Oh, right away." Zhu Xuanyue put his palm on the guard's head.The guard stopped moaning in the blink of an eye, the blood on his face disappeared quickly, and his pupils were loose.

His fate is like this, first Zhu Xuanyue's toy, then it becomes food.

Xia Lei did not stop Zhu Xuanyue because he knew very well that he had so many knives in his body. Even if Zhu Xuanyue did not kill him, he would not survive.More importantly, he saw what he and Zhu Xuanyue looked like, and this live mouth could not be left.

Xia Lei took Zhu Xuanyue to the top roof.

This operation is over even here, but even Xia Lei is not sure whether the operation succeeded or failed.

Killing Folsom is a gain.The four major arms giants in the United States have formed an alliance, and Fawson is the leader of this alliance.Fawson is dead, although there must be new characters to take her place, but that takes time, so killing Fawson is also equal to winning some time.

In fact, the biggest gain is to know the two action plans of the FA organization. Although it is only one, it is also very important to him.He does not need to install a missile air defense system in the Lehma military factory. He only needs to tell the information to Tang Yuyan or Long Bing, and they will report the matter to them and start the defense plan.

However, this operation failed again.

The first failure was that he did not ask Zhu Xuanyue to interrogate that Franco, because Zhu Xuanyue had the ability to read the information stored in the human brain.If he asked her to interrogate Franco at the time, he would get information on the backup plan, and even get information on who is the leader of the FA organization.However, the situation was chaotic.He was worried about what secret alarm device Fawson or Buya would activate, so as soon as he was shocked, when Zhu Xuanyue subdued Franco, he also kicked the Bubu of Bubu and knocked down Fosen.Then he gave Franco a kick.But that is the foot, the one with a venting nature, Zhu Xuanyue learned his appearance, and gave a foot to Fawson, then Fawson flew down the building ...

After all, it was a sloppy action, without careful planning, and the situation at that time was also very chaotic. Coupled with many uncontrollable factors of Zhu Xuanyue, there was such a result.

Who is to blame?

"Are you blaming me?" Zhu Xuanyue asked Xia Lei carefully on the rooftop.

Xia Lei glared at her angrily. "We'll go back and discuss this matter. It's important to escape now."

"You must be blaming me ..."

"Let's go!" Xia Lei sprinted toward the edge of the rooftop. As he approached the edge of the rooftop, he jumped up, his body flew out of the rooftop, spanned more than ten meters, and landed on the opposite two-story building On top.

Zhu Xuanyue also learned Xia Lei's movements. After a sprint, he jumped up and then fell to the opposite roof.

"Hug me!" Zhu Xuanyue said excitedly to Xia Lei who had just climbed up.

Xia Lei glanced at her, then took a step back.


Zhu Xuanyue lay on the ground with her limbs stretched out.

"You ..." Zhu Xuanyue looked at Xia Lei with grievances, "You did it on purpose!"

Xia Lei shrugged. "Are you blaming me?"

"Humph!" Zhu Xuanyue climbed up from the ground. She rubbed her high chest. "My breast hurts, and both hurt!"

Xia Lei, "..."

Lights appeared in the building opposite, which was a beam of illumination from the National Guard soldiers holding tactical flashlights.

Before a beam of light moved to this side, Xia Lei had pulled Zhu Xuanyue into the stairwell.

The searches of Huasheng Dayton Police and National Guard are just the beginning, but if you want to catch Xia Lei with the perspective and Zhu Xuanyue who can control the human brain, that possibility is almost zero.

"Uncle Xia, where are we going to sleep?" Zhu Xuanyue did not forget the benefits she wanted most during the rapid downstairs.

Xia Lei closed her mouth tightly.

### 0921 Chapter Ugly TV Show

Citywide alert!

On the streets of Huasheng Dayton, police officers with guns and soldiers of the National Guard in full clothing were everywhere.Every vehicle out of the city will be inspected, and airports and subway stations will be included in the comprehensive search and monitoring.

The terrorists attacked Lockheed Martin and killed CEO Ms. Folsom. This was the statement given by the Huasheng Dayton spokesperson. This statement gave Huasheng Dayton a bit of a terrifying atmosphere.

Almost the entire city is looking for so-called terrorists, and the people they are looking for are watching news on TV in an upscale white community.

The owner was a single white-collar worker on Wall Street. He had been stunned by Xia Lei's fist, bound his hands and feet and threw it into the storage room.

Click, click ...

Zhu Xuanyue sat on the leather sofa with her legs crossed, watching TV while eating potato chips. When she saw a news host say that Lockheed Martin CEO Ferson was assassinated, she pointed at the TV and said: Uncle, isn't this what we did? "

"Yes, you still have a face to say." Xia Lei gave her a white eye. "If it weren't for you to kick Fosen downstairs, this would never happen."

Everything was under his control, but that foot ruined a perfect plan.

"Are you blaming me?" Zhu Xuanyue stared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei stared at her, "Shouldn't I blame you?"

Zhu Xuanyue closed her mouth, and then began to eat potato chips again, click, click ...

Xia Lei also watches TV, but he is thinking about other things in his heart.

Folsom died, and the entire American society was shocked, and the investigation will definitely increase in the next period of time.Hasty actions will bring great risks.

The life and death of the clothing department Buyi is unknown.If she died, it would be better for the police and CIA of Huasheng Dayton to find no clue to investigate.If she is not dead, once she wakes up, she will describe everything she saw to the Huasheng Dayton police and the CIA.If not, she would still doubt his true identity.

The budding of the clothing department is a hassle.

"She is still alive, she must have been sent to a certain hospital for treatment. Huasheng. There are so many hospitals, which hospital will she be sent to?" Xia Lei's heart was quiet Thinking.

Click, click, click ...

Zhu Xuanyue continued to eat her potato chips. She seemed to feel that the news program was not good-looking. She took the remote control and learned the operation before Xia Lei.However, she was obviously unfamiliar with the remote control, and suddenly pressed the volume up button, the sound suddenly increased.I pressed the button to switch the video signal again, and the screen disappeared ...

Xia Lei was too lazy to take care of her. He took out his hacked computer and searched the search engine for information related to the terrorist attack.A few minutes later, he found a piece of useful information. In several major criminal cases, the Huasheng Dayton police sent the wounded to a hospital for treatment. The hospital had also received those injured in the terrorist attack. Wounded.

That hospital is called Lincoln Hospital.

Xia Lei followed the access network and attacked the hospital's monitoring system based on the IP address of the hospital he just checked out.The protection level of the monitoring system of Lincoln Hospital is very low, and he went in without any trouble.

There are monitoring screens on the screen of the hacker's computer. There are monitoring screens in the lobby and some intensive care units, as well as corridors, elevators, and doctor's offices.There is no monitoring screen of the ward, but this is not surprising. No patient wants to be monitored by the hospital after being admitted to the hospital.

"Haibu Buyi jumped up from such a high floor, although Ferson's body offset part of the impact for her, but it will definitely not be a minor injury. So she either lay in the intensive care unit, or just Receive first aid on the operating table. "Xia Lei tapped on the keyboard a few times, and the picture on the monitor suddenly changed.

The monitoring screens of several intensive care units at Lincoln Hospital all appeared on the display of the hacker's computer, as well as the monitoring screens of the emergency room.

Just like his guess, the budding clothing department is receiving first aid on the operating table

One of her legs broke, and a bone in her calf penetrated her skin and emerged, and Bai Shengsheng looked scared.Not just one leg, but she also broke several ribs, which made her chest deform.With these two bone injuries, Xia Lei can conclude that her internal organs may also have been seriously injured, and that her brain must have been seriously injured by shock.

Two doctors and several nurses around the operating table rescued the clothing department, and an electrocardiogram next to her showed her heart condition.Her heartbeat is very weak and the waveform is unstable, but after all, she is beating.

The clothing buds did not die.

Xia Lei stood up, and at that moment he had a crazy idea in his heart, that is, go to Lincoln Hospital to get rid of the clothing department!

Just then, a few people wearing plain clothes appeared in a surveillance screen outside the emergency room.They came to the door of the emergency room without any pause, and they pushed open the door of the emergency room and walked in.

There is no sound in the monitoring screen, but this does not prevent Xia Lei's use of lip interpretation to interpret those people's conversations.

A doctor looked at the person who broke into the emergency room in surprise, and said angrily: "What's the matter with you? Who are you? Don't you know that the operation time cannot enter the operation room?"

A leading white man said: "We are from the CIA. This patient is very important to us. She is involved in a terrorist attack. Doctor, please tell me her current situation."

"It turned out to be this way," the doctor said. "She was badly injured. Her condition is terrible, but we are confident that she will survive."

"Can she speak?"

"Do you mean now?"

"Yes, now." The leading white man said: "I need to know something about her, some about terrorists."

The doctor shook his head, "That's not okay. She is very weak and has been in a coma. She can't cooperate with your investigation now."

"Can you give him epinephrine?"

"No, that would kill her." The doctor refused.

"When do you think she will wake up?" The leading white man asked.

"At least eight hours later." The doctor said.

"Okay, I'll be back in eight hours." The leading white man took his men out of the emergency room.

A group of CIA agents walked out of the emergency room. The leading white man stopped and said, "You stay here to protect the Japanese woman. She is the daughter of Masao, the official of the Japanese Land Self-Defense Force. Her identity It ’s important that the terrorist who assassinated Ms. Fawson may come back to assassinate her. Your task is to protect her. Once she wakes up, contact me immediately. "

After making this arrangement, the leading white man left.

Xia Lei also dismissed the idea of ​​going to the hospital to assassinate Buya. He only saw a few CIA agents, but as far as Buya ’s identity is concerned, the protection for her cannot be just this level. Maybe Japan also has People are in that hospital.It would be a very dangerous thing to go to the hospital to assassinate the bud clothing at the section of the bone, and the purpose of killing the bud clothing at the clothing section is to kill the mouth. He took Zhu Xuanyue to the hospital to kill, then no more people saw him and Is Zhu Xuanyue?

Xia Lei's buttocks had to sit back on the sofa again. He looked at the clothing buds in the monitoring screen and secretly said: "Just let you live a few more days. Next time I meet, I will kill you!"

"Uh huh, ah, yes, too ..." Suddenly there was a strange sound on the TV.

Xia Lei's eyes were drawn to him all at once. At first glance, he was completely stunned.

I don't know what happened, Zhu Xuanyue turned to a paid adult channel.A strong black man and a sexy blonde on the TV are doing the shameless thing, and the scene is so open.

Zhu Xuanyue stared at the picture on the TV. She said curiously: "Uncle Xia, what are they doing?"

"Uh, they ..." Xia Lei didn't know what to say, he frowned. "I said you are a kid, what are you doing watching this kind of TV program? Change channels and channels! Change channels now!" "

"I don't change, I think it looks pretty." Zhu Xuanyue said.

On the TV, there was another voice that was also forced to be forced. The actress' expressions and actions were exaggerated.

"Uncle Xia, does she hurt?"

Xia Lei is bad for the whole person.

"She seems very comfortable, is that true?" Zhu Xuanyue asked again.

"I said where did you come from so many questions?" Xia Lei grabbed the remote control panel in her hand and turned off the TV.

"Giggle." Zhu Xuanyue smiled. "Uncle Xia, you must be embarrassed? I actually know what they are doing."

Xia Lei froze a little, "Do you know what they are doing?"

"Huh." Zhu Xuanyue said: "They are exercising."

Xia Lei was relieved again.Zhu Xuanyue is a blank piece of paper. He doesn't want her to be stained by those messy things.

"Uncle Xia, let's go to sleep, I'm sleepy." Zhu Xuanyue said.

"You go to bed first, I am not sleepy, I still have something to do." Xia Lei looked serious.

"You lied!" Zhu Xuanyue raised her mouth. "You promised me, you have to sleep with me. If you don't sleep with me, I will go out to eat and my stomach will be hungry."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, let's go to bed."

If there is a woman in this world who can do nothing, then this woman can only be Zhu Xuanyue.

Xia Lei put away the hacked computer, and then stood up to go to the bedroom.Just when he just stood up, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly jumped from the sofa to his back, a pair of long legs tightly locked his waist, and a pair of lotus arms also held his neck tightly.In a second, she changed from a little ass to an octopus.

"What are you doing?" Xia Lei was uncomfortable squeezed by her softness.

"Go to bed with me on my back." Zhu Xuanyue shouted happily, "rush!"

Xia Lei, "..."

### 0922 Chapter 2 Battlefield, open!

Zhu Xuanyue's body is not cold, but within two minutes after going to bed, she turned into an ice block, cold and biting.Xia Lei's body quickly adapted, and this is still the role of that mysterious energy.

Zhu Xuanyue hugged Xia Lei tightly, his legs wrapped around his legs, and he held his hands in his hands, fearing he would slip away.Holding Xia Lei to sleep like this, she looked very comfortable and peaceful.Xia Lei looked embarrassed and even nervous.He deliberately controlled his body, otherwise something would have lifted the quilt long ago.

While enduring the harassment of the slippery Zhu Xuanyue, Xia Lei also secretly thought about a question, "He has a normal human body, it is not so cold, but she will automatically change when she is with me. Into ice cubes. Did I seduce something in her body? Like the poles of a magnet, there is no reaction when they are far away, but they will be connected once they are close? , Why is that? "

The strange question the man was thinking, but the woman rubbed her cheek against the man ’s chest, humming comfortably, "It ’s so comfortable, Uncle Xia, I really want to be with you forever, never to be separated."

"What if you are hungry?" Xia Lei asked.

"Then eat, do you have to go to the kitchen to cook when you are hungry?" Zhu Xuanyue said, and then she climbed to Xia Lei's body, and the posture was also very strange.

Xia Lei suddenly became nervous, "You, what do you want to do?"

"Sleep, sleeping on your body is the most comfortable." Zhu Xuanyue said, then she really closed her eyes.

After all, her mind is only a few years old, and she is still a "child." She doesn't even know what is happening between men and women, so even if there are such movements and postures, it is definitely sleeping, and nothing else.

She closed her eyes and went to bed, but Xia Lei was uncomfortably dying.He almost needed to bite his teeth while using the ability to control his body to endure it.In order to divert his own attention, he turned his attention to the closet in the room.Perhaps he wanted to carry boredom to the end, he awakened the perspective ability of his left eye.

The wooden board of the wardrobe disappeared into his vision, and besides a piece of clothing, a doll came into his sight.

It is a high-end doll, using the best silicone material, and the details of all parts of the body are also realistic to the extreme.

Xia Lei's heart moved, and a thought came up. "As soon as the clothing department buds wake up, she will definitely describe to me and Zhu Xuanyue to the CIA and the police. I am afraid that the photos of Zhu Xuanyue and me will be halfway after she wakes I entered the wanted network in the United States in an hour. I have to change my mask. In addition, I have to make a human skin mask for Zhu Xuanyue to disguise her. "

For making human skin. Masks, silicone is a main material.A high-end doll in the closet can help him solve this problem.

"I made a new human skin mask. How do I go next?" Xia Lei continued to think about the problem, "Fosen is dead, my first goal is achieved, I can also give a response to the US government . Next, should I go to the AE Research Center, or go to the FA organization to settle accounts? "

According to the information already available, the AE Research Center is in the heavily guarded area 51, and that area is almost impenetrable.Since the establishment of Area 51, no country's spies or agents have obtained any intelligence from Area 51.

"Wait ..." When thinking of Area 51, a face suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind, the face of his old father Xia Changhe, "My dad didn't mix into the AE Research Center, and then Did that research center steal AE capsules? How did he do it? "

Xia Changhe never talked about this past, and he had no way of knowing how his father Xia Changhe did it.

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