Super Vision

911 911 The Knight's Wish (16)

"Entering Area 51? That's crazy. How did the United States get the AE capsules? This secret is really tempting, but even if you don't know, it won't have much impact on me. I can't make a risk for this. The most important thing at the moment is The four major arms giants have formed an alliance, and they are arming the evil dog of the FA organization ... Lockheed Martin will provide the FA organization with unmanned aircraft and precision guided missiles. Although Ferson and Franco are dead, they can This plan will definitely be carried out ... Why do n’t I just take the plan into account? "Gradually, there was a prototype of the plan, and Xia Lei couldn't help but smile.

Snoring, snoring ...

Just as Xia Lei was thinking about his next move, Zhu Xuanyue was already asleep.A spit of water dripped from the corner of her mouth and dripped onto Xia Lei's neck.

Xia Lei reached out and turned her down, but just as he was about to get up to make a human skin. The mask, Zhu Xuanyue turned over and lay on his back, entangled him tightly.Moreover, the whole process does not bring wake up.

Xia Lei hugged her again, then hurriedly put a pillow into her arms before she turned over and pressed.

Zhu Xuanyue entangled the pillow, and then lay on the pillow to sleep.

Xia Lei slipped out of the bed quietly, looking at Zhu Xuanyue's high buttocks, and he really wanted to slap it.

But when he raised his hand and pretended to spank her ass, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly opened his eyes, "Uncle Xia, what do you want to do?"

Charlie suddenly froze for a moment, then put his hand down, "How did you wake up?"

"How did you get to the bed? Almost under the bed." Zhu Xuanyue climbed up from the pillow and stared at Xia Lei.

"Well, I want to make you a human skin mask. In addition, I need to change this one on my face. We have to change a face, otherwise we will have trouble. I will make a human skin mask. I am very Come back soon, "Xia Lei said.

Zhu Xuanyue thought for a while, "Then you will sleep with me tomorrow night."

Xia Lei, "..."

"Promise me, promise me." Zhu Xuanyue shook Xia Lei's hand.

Xia Lei was so entangled that he had to bite the bullet and said: "Okay, okay, I promise you."

"Well! Then I'm waiting for you in the bed, you come to sleep with me after you make a mask." Zhu Xuanyue smiled happily, and then got into the bed.

Does she have any other hobbies besides sleeping?

Xia Lei shook his head bitterly and walked to the wardrobe.He took the high-end doll out of the closet and entered the owner's study.In his backpack, there are medicine materials for changing and manufacturing human skin and masks, and the homeowner's high-end dolls provided him with a large amount of high-end silicone. In addition to the mask, he even had materials to change the skin color.

Two hours later, two Mexican skins. The masks were freshly released. Both men and women, the masks were in their twenties, and they looked ordinary.This is necessary because beautiful people are noticeable wherever they are, and this is exactly what the pretender does not want.

In addition to two Mexican masks, Xia Lei also produced a lot of brown skin.The Mexicans are ethnically predominantly Indo-European, with brown skin.Their eyes and hair do not look much different from Asians, which also helps Xia Lei and Zhu Xuanyue to disguise.

After getting the human skin mask, Xia Lei first disguised himself.He put on a Mexican skin and mask, and then put the brown skin on his body.He stood in front of the glass window of the study and checked by the reflection of the light.

In the glass window is a young Mexican man with a chubby figure. Even he himself can't see the trace of "Xia Lei".

This discovery made him happy, "It seems that in the future, I will make human skins and masks. I have to make some changes together with my figure. In this case, even people who are familiar with me can hardly find flaws in my body shape."

Xia Lei didn't want to go back to bed to sleep before dawn.Zhu Xuanyue was happy, but it was a kind of torture for him.

He sat at his desk, turned on the owner's computer, cracked the login password and entered the computer.

The owner's occupation is a manager of a securities company on Wall Street. His computer stores a lot of customer information, as well as stock information.He never forgot the information, and stored it in his brain.It was precisely what the information triggered, and he had a new idea in his heart.

"My brain can operate like a computer, and I also have hacking skills. The U.S. stock market implements the T + 0 trading rule. I can instantly calculate the trend of the broad market and several trends of a single stock, short and long. Yes, I can make money at any time by brushing the bill. The American financial predator used to short the Hong Kong stock market and also short the Chinese stock market in the past two years. Why do n’t I do this? The money digging from the US stock market can make The Lehma Group expands faster and can also be used against opponents I want to deal with! "Xia Lei was secretly excited and eager to try.

It used to be aggression by force. It was the same in World War I and World War II.Whoever possesses powerful force can wage war against weak countries, occupy land, plunder resources, and enslave their people.Now it is the era of financial wars. European and American countries have never stopped financial wars against third world countries, and their capital has been plundered in the third world.

The United States has established rules for this world. It says that whoever is just is whoever is just.It says who is evil, who is evil.The United States has made the US dollar the most powerful currency in the world, playing an irreplaceable role as a settler in the global economy.Anyone who wants to shake the status of the dollar will have trouble.

European and American capital entered the third world under the rules they formulated, buying away the mineral and forest resources of the above-ground world with a piece of paper.Their capital builds foundries in the third world, enslaves third-world workers, pollutes the environment of the third world, but takes away real money.

People in Europe and America enjoy the best benefits in the world, who gives them?They are slaves in Africa, and they are yellow faces in foundries in developing countries.

No one has ever dared to break ground in the US capital market because no one has that ability.Now it's different. A Chinese kid is brewing an idea to make a move to the US capital market, and he, he has exactly this ability.

With all his fingers flying, Xia Lei entered four new accounts in the account file of the house owner ’s securities company.

These four accounts are the accounts of four Italians, his four female knights, Giovanna, Stella, Rosa and Theresa.

Soon, ten million dollars were transferred from the Swiss bank to these four accounts.

"My knights, fight for me, charge!" Xia Lei's mouth sneered.

### 0923 Chapter Lockheed Martin Headquarters

The light of dawn lifted the shady curtain, and the world entered the day mode.

The homeowner is busy in the kitchen, frying eggs, making coffee, and making fruit and vegetable salads.His name is Hornick, and he is a white man, thirty years old this year.For a securities manager, this is a very young age.But he has very good abilities in this area, which is why he can stand on Wall Street.

Hornick will make three breakfasts, one for himself and one for two hosts.

"Is he okay?" In the living room, Xia Lei looked away from the kitchen and asked Zhu Xuanyue who was watching a cartoon show.

"Uncle Xia, what do you mean?" Zhu Xuanyue said.

"I let you hypnotize him, let him do things for us, of course, I mean there is no problem with your hypnosis." Xia Lei said.There was some worry in his mind about the handling ability of this little boy who was under ten years old. She messed up things last night, so he tried to avoid her making the same mistake again.

Zhu Xuanyue raised her lips, "You instilled a whole lot of things with me when I went to bed this morning. I did what you said. Do you still doubt that I will do something wrong? I doubt you are my uncle. "

"I wasn't your uncle, wasn't it good?" Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "I just want to clarify, this matter is very important.".

He instilled in her the theory and techniques of modern hypnosis. He wanted her to deeply hypnotize a target without turning people into lunatics or fools.

Zhu Xuanyue did as she did, and judging from the current reaction by Hornick, she was successful.However, he still wanted to make sure.

Zhu Xuanyue turned and whistled in the direction of the kitchen.

Hornick ran out of the kitchen, followed to Zhu Xuanyue, and knelt in front of Zhu Xuanyue without saying a word.

Zhu Xuanyue raised a foot, "Little slave, shine my shoes."

On her feet is a pair of dirty leather shoes.

When Hornick just finished speaking, he held her feet and wiped her shoes with her face or even her tongue.

Before waiting for Honic to wipe her shoes, Zhu Xuanyue said, "Go and clean Uncle Xia's shoes."

Hornick came down on his knees and climbed to the front of Xia Lei, who wanted to shine Xia Lei's shoes.

Xia Lei hurriedly moved his foot away. "It's done, I believe you. Let him cook."

Zhu Xuanyue stared at Xia Lei, "Did you forget? You taught me the use of keywords in the field of deep hypnosis. You can also command him."

"Have you set keywords?"

"Yeah, I set keywords." Zhu Xuanyue looked very serious.

"Tell me, what keywords." Xia Lei said.

Zhu Xuanyue said while raising his finger, "Uncle Xia, sleep, Uncle Xia bare ass sleeping, Uncle Xia is a badass."

Xia Lei, "..."

"I can not use these keywords, but Uncle Xia, if you say these keywords to him, he will enter the state of deep hypnosis you described, let him listen to your command. If you don't believe you can try." Smiling, she would like to hear Xia Lei say the keywords she set.

Xia Lei scratched Zhu Xuanyue's nose with his finger, and then said to Hornick: "Uncle Xia, sleep, Uncle Xia bare ass sleep, Uncle Xia is a badass."

These keywords seemed to activate what switches in Honic's brain. His eyes suddenly changed, and he looked dull, but that required careful observation to find out.

Xia Lei said again: "Come on."

Hornick lay down on the carpet and hit a roll.

Xia Lei said: "Two roll."

Hornick's body rolled two times on the carpet, and Xia Lei asked him to roll a roll.Xia Lei asked him to play two rolls, and he played two rolls, one less and one more, strictly following Xia Lei's instructions.Now he is equivalent to a highly intelligent robot that will execute Xia Lei's instructions like a computer.

In the future, even if the Xia Lei people are not in the United States, he only needs to activate keywords on the phone by saying keywords, and then Honic will follow his instructions to do things.

With such a puppet working on Wall Street, his first step into the second battlefield was a very successful step.

"Go cook." Xia Lei said.

Hornick turned into the kitchen.

Zhu Xuanyue pulled a pair of feet out of the leather shoes and put it on Xia Lei's thigh. She coquettishly said: "Uncle Xia, you will let me do what I do, I am so good, how can you reward me?"

Xia Lei waryly said: "What reward do you want?"

"Let's go take a hot bath and then go to sleep?" Zhu Xuanyue's eyes were full of yearning divine light.

Xia Lei wasn't angry and said: "I wake up early in the morning and go to bed again, are you a pig? Stop it, we have to go to Lockheed Martin's headquarters after breakfast."

Zhu Xuanyue suddenly raised her mouth, very unhappy.

Xia Lei banged her, "Bath and sleep at night, okay?"

Zhu Xuanyue pounced on Xia Lei's body, and the kitten was usually tired in his arms, "Okay, it's dark and dark, hurry up."

Xia Lei sighed in his heart, but he didn't know why.Anyway, he has a headache.

After breakfast, Hornick left his home and drove to New York.He had two days left on his vacation, but Xia Lei didn't want him to stay at Huasheng Dayton. In the second battlefield he opened up, Hornick played a very crucial role.After Hornick left, Xia Lei also took Zhu Xuanyue to leave Hornick's house.

He went to the used car market to buy a Ford pickup truck, and drove to Bethesda, northwest of Huasheng. The headquarters of Lockheed Martin was there.Also in that place is the National Naval Medical Center and the headquarters of the Discovery Channel.

Folsom is dead, and Lockheed Martin's board of directors will elect a new CEO.Lockheed Martin ’s plans with the FA organization will not stop, and Xia Lei wants to see what the unmanned aircraft that Lockheed Martin gave the FA organization and what exactly the precision-guided missiles look like.

After a night of precipitation, he also had a corresponding plan.

The Ford pickup truck left the city and headed northwest.

In the car, Zhu Xuanyue looked at the mirror and muttered, "It's ugly, Uncle Xia, you make human skin. The craft of the mask is too bad? Can't you pinch my face cute?"

Xia Lei said: "For the time being, when you have done what you want to do, you can become the same as before."

"How long will it take?"

"I'm not sure." Xia Lei said.

His purpose in coming to the United States was to use Zhu Xuanyue to clear his opponent.He has cleared Folsom and has given himself and Reema Group some breathing time.The objects he wanted to clear actually included the clothing bud clothing, but the clothing bud clothing escaped, but that was an accident, and it was not an unacceptable failure.

Next, his goal is the FA organization.

Going directly to Mexico and using Zhu Xuanyue to destroy the FA organization is an option.This option is the simplest, but also the most dangerous.The headquarters of the FA organization is in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, and that piece of land is the site of a drug lord. Even the Mexican army dare not dabble in it.If there is a battle in Mexico, Zhu Xuanyue can be resurrected from death, but he ca n’t be resurrected from death, so he needs a thorough and safe plan and ca n’t worry.

Another option is to use this cooperation between Lockheed Martin and FA to work on the unmanned aircraft and precision guided missiles that Lockheed Martin has delivered to FA.

Of course, this is not all his plan.He also has a backup plan to hire armed organizations with money.But with the lesson of the hospital knights, he did not want to use this plan.

After a two-hour drive, the Ford pickup came to Bethesda.

Through the car window, Xia Lei looked to the headquarters of Lockheed Martin, which is an eight-storey brown building inlaid with blue glass.Lockheed Martin ’s emblem shone on the walls of the building.

As far as the headquarters of Lockheed Martin is concerned, it seems too ordinary, and the buildings of some real estate companies in China are not as beautiful.But it is the headquarters of Lockheed Martin, the world's first arms giant.

Behind the building is a wide factory area, and the famous F35, F16, F22, F117A and other aerial weapons come from here.It was also Lockheed Martin that gave the United States invincible military strength. Without it, the United States could not open up battlefields and build military bases globally.

At a glance, Xia Lei was shocked.The Lehma Military Factory has indeed achieved world-famous results, but it is still behind by ten thousand miles compared to the strength of Lockheed Martin.The weapons of the Lehma military factory can be invincible on land, but Lockheed Martin ’s air weapons can win wars thousands of kilometers away.

To catch up or even surpass Lockheed Martin, then the Rema Group must research and manufacture air weapons!

"Uncle Xia, is that the place you are going to? Lockheed Martin?" Zhu Xuanyue also saw it. She pointed to the wide and inferior plant behind the headquarters of Lockheed Martin. "I saw a lot of planes!" "

Xia Lei said: "Yes, we have arrived, and that is where I am going."

Zhu Xuanyue said: "Uncle Xia, let's kill in, kill all the people inside, and blow up all the planes!"

Her eyes flashed with excitement, but Xia Lei was a bitter smile, "Xuanyue, that's Lockheed Martin, the world's largest arms giant. Even if you are, you can't attack. "

"I do not believe!"

"You don't believe it? Lockheed Martin is the heart of the US military. Will the United States be undefended? If you attack hard, a precision-guided missile will fly over and blow you to pieces." Xia Lei said.This is not unfounded speculation. Once Zhu Xuanyue is confirmed to be an extremely dangerous enemy and ordinary soldiers cannot get rid of it, heavy weapons will definitely be on the scene.In front of those weapons, even Zhu Xuanyue will be blown into pieces!

"What about then?"

Xia Lei said: "Let's go to a place nearby to stay, familiarize ourselves with the environment, and then make a decision."

"Okay, let's go to bed!"

"You must be a pig!"

### 0924Chapter the easy way to put sister

Xia Lei and Zhu Xuanyue stayed in a hotel in a small town.This town is called "Free Mary".The origin of the name is said to be that at the beginning of the founding of the United States, a woman who dared to violate the prohibition made a cheap and delicious wine for everyone. In order to thank her, she named the town with her name, and the woman called Mary.

Most of the residents in the town work at Lockheed Martin, most of them are ordinary workers on the production line, but also have management and design personnel, but the number is very small.Because of income reasons, this person also rarely lives in their homes in small towns. Most of the time they live in Huasheng.

All these intelligences were obtained by Xia Lei from the Internet, but they were definitely not obtained by invading Lockheed Martin, but from social platforms.

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