Super Vision

949 949 The Knight's Wish (54)

Long Bing said: "Her husband, I agree with Erdemutu's opinion. We should report this to the above, and then dispatch the air and ground search forces to find them out. The army does this more than we deal with them ourselves It ’s easy, and once fighting, no one can guarantee the integrity of the personnel. "

She was right.The army is an absolute force in this land, and no one can contend.No matter it is the FA organization or the people of the service department family, in front of the army are eggs under the tank track, which can be crushed in seconds.

Everyone's eyes gathered on Xia Lei, waiting for him to make a decision.

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "No, don't let the army come forward."

"Why?" Long Bing looked worried.

Xia Lei said: "The possibility of the army coming out and catching those people is indeed very high, but it is not absolute. After all, these people are not ordinary criminals or terrorists. Once they have escaped, we have to try to catch them again. It's difficult. But that's not the only reason I made this decision. The real reason I made this decision is ... "He paused and said," My Mayflower plan. "

The Mayflower Convention is the foundation of the founding of the United States.

The goal of Xia Lei's Mayflower plan is the United States.Whether it is his actions in the stock market or what he is doing now, he is running towards this goal.Among these people in the study, Long Bing and Liang Siyao know the most, and others know very little, but even Liang Siyao and Long Bing, they do not know the whole content of this plan.

It's not that Xia Lei didn't say it, but he couldn't say something.

"Boss, what kind of plan is this plan?" Yue Ye Xingzi asked aloud.

Xia Lei said: "Catch the people who invaded here tonight, at most just kill them. They are not big shots, just some cannon fodder. My goal is the CIA intelligence station in Kyoto. I want to find that place and give it to the United States Pass something I want to pass, and get what I want to get. This is what I want. "

Even with this explanation, it is still not the whole of his Mayflower plan, but he can say so much.

Erdemutu smiled, "I understand, the boss is fishing for big fish with long lines. Tonight we release the little fish, and next time we will catch the big fish."

Xia Lei said: "If I guess right, they will not take too long for the next time, just three days later."

"Husband, isn't that day the fourth day of the first month? You and Fanfan's wedding." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei said: "If it were me, I would choose that day too. A Bing, after your mission in Japan failed, the FA organization did nothing. It took more than a month for the service family and FA organization to sneak into China. Country, came to Kyoto, and chose to start on New Year ’s Eve. They spent so much time and energy, they will not let go of it. They will definitely start on the fourth day of the first month, and we have enough time to prepare. "

"Will the military still not be involved that day?" Long Bing said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Let Fan Fan resolve this matter, she will deal with it."

Fan Fan can get in touch with high-level figures, what kind of military intervention do he want on the fourth day of the first month?There is no need to worry about such issues as casualties.

Long Bing nodded, "I'm relieved then."

"Then, let's go to rest," Xia Lei said.

A group of people left the study.

Long Bing was originally walking with Xia Lei and Liang Siyao, but he didn't go far and said: "You still go to the cave, don't worry about the things outside, I will keep it for you."

"Otherwise, you too ..." Liang Siyao had some thoughts.

Long Bing gave Liang Siyao a white glance, "Go to you, today is your cave flower candle night, what do I blend in. Besides, if your father is here, I won't be able to beat him if he is known."

Liang Siyao laughed loudly.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered something, "I'll go and see Master."

"I will go too." Liang Siyao said.

"Then you go, I'll go to the dean." Long Bing doesn't want to join in the excitement.

Xia Lei and Liang Siyao came to Liang Zhengchun's room.Liang Zhengchun was asleep and snoring. When Xia Lei and Liang Siyao entered the house, he did not notice it, nor did he wake up.

Qin Xiang took off his shoes when he left.Xia Lei picked up Liang Zhengchun's shoes, and at a glance saw the trace of the crossbow flying across the soles.After seeing the crossbow found by Yueye Kyoko, and then seeing the scratches on the sole of the shoe, Xia Lei's heart lingered. If Qin Xiang didn't say that at the time, Liang Zhengchun's reaction was a little slower, he's afraid already dead.

Liang Siyao also saw the trace, and her heart was full of palpitations, but also full of anger.

Xia Lei grabbed her catkins, "Don't worry, I won't let this happen again."

Liang Siyao leaned his head against his shoulder and snuggled into his arms.

Xia Lei said softly, "You go back to the room to rest, I'm going out."

Liang Siyao raised his head and looked at him in surprise, "What are you going to do?"

Xia Lei said: "The people from the FA organization kimono family have come and gone. What they most want to know now is our response, and they only have one channel."

Liang Siyao suddenly understood Xia Lei's thoughts, "What are you talking about ... Li Youdun?"

Xia Lei nodded, "One month later, I have n’t announced the formula and production process of X Mijin, and the unmanned. Machine project of Lehma Group has not started. Plus what happened tonight , Most of the people at that joint will appear for these three purposes. "

"Then I and you ..."

Xia Lei interrupted her, "You have a big belly, I won't let you do anything like that. You can stay at home honestly. You can talk to Long Bing and Fan Fan, but don't let them follow . This matter is of great importance, and no flaws can be discovered by the person who connected. "

Liang Siyao bit her cherry lips lightly, "Then be careful."

Xia Lei kissed her on the cheek before leaving Liang Zhengchun's room.About ten minutes later, he came to the office building of the Rema Group headquarters.He walked not through the gate, but entered through the wall.

After coming to the office, he opened the safe, took out the toolbox used for makeup, and then put himself on the look of Li Youdun.He checked the mirror and confirmed that there were no flaws before leaving the office and quietly entering the materials laboratory.

No one worked overtime in the laboratory, empty and silent.

Xia Lei entered Li Youdun's office. He put all the electronic devices related to Li Youdun on his desk, and even the work computer was turned on.If the connector wants to contact Li Youdun, he will definitely send a signal first, sometimes even a phone call.In the past month, he was waiting for this signal every day, but this signal never appeared.Li Youdun's mobile phone did not receive a call from a person, not even an email or a text message.

New Year's Eve passed and the first day of the first month came.

"What happened tonight, can this guy be breathless? Isn't the FA organization's kimono family members asking for intelligence support?" Xia Lei waited a little impatiently.

Another hour passed.

Xia Lei somewhat regretted giving up with Liang Siyao Donghua Huazhu but came here to sit silly.

An hour has passed.

Xia Lei got up and left.

But at this moment, a homing pigeon suddenly flew out of the window.It perched on an osmanthus tree outside the window and groaned twice.

With a move in his mind, Xia Lei opened the window.

As soon as the window opened, the pigeon flew into Lee Youdun's office, and then settled on the coat rack next to the desk, with a note on its foot ring.Xia Lei carefully grasped the carrier pigeon and took off the note.As soon as he let go, the pigeons flew, and disappeared into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

Xia Lei opened the note, but it was not a text, but a series of numbers: 11, 45, 89, 69 ...

What is this?

### 0988Crack password

These numbers look like the famous Bill code.The Bill Code was born in 1885 and is said to represent a treasure worth 65 million dollars.But I know that no one can crack that password today.The Bill code is similar, all numbers.

Xia Lei had no interest in the legendary treasure, nor did he believe it was part of the Bill's code. He tried many ways to interpret it, but he couldn't find the correct way to read it.

"What exactly do these numbers represent? Is it to let Li Youdun send the information to any place? Or give the time and place to meet with Li Youdun?" Xia Lei thought hard.

The secret is hidden in these numbers, but it is impossible to interpret these numbers, and no one can get an answer.

five minutes later.

"Wait ..." Xia Lei's heart suddenly flashed a bright light, "The pigeon flew directly to Li Youdun's office, and it was certainly not the first time he passed this note to Li Youdun. These figures have nothing Law, but Li Youdun must know the method of interpretation, he should have ... the tool of interpretation! "

When the keyword "tool" came to mind, Xia Lei's brain immediately appeared a large number of password-related content, including text content in books, and film and television content, all of which he had seen Some spy warfare books and movies.

After a minute.

Xia Lei's mouth suddenly showed a smile, he directly opened a drawer on the desk and took out a novel book from inside.

The novel is a French novel called "Mysterious Island".

The book Xia Lei discovered it a month ago and flipped it around, but he didn't find anything wrong, so he put it back again.But he also wondered why Li Youdun read a French book, but the feeling was not very strong, so he did not ask Li Youdun.Now taking this book out again, it feels very different.

Li Youdun understands English and communicates with people in English, but he has never seen him speak French.In fact, it is common for a person to read a book. It is even more normal for people like Li Youdun to have the habit of reading.But if people who don't read H-books put a copy of "Young Woman's White" and so on, it's not normal.

Xia Lei opened the French version of "Mysterious Island", then looked up the corresponding words on the corresponding pages and word counts based on the numbers on the paper, and then translated the found French words in Chinese with a pen and wrote them on another piece of paper. on.

He quickly translated the password on the note: Tomorrow at 8 o'clock, Leaf Coffee.

He burned the note and left Li Youdun's office.He also put the "Mysterious Island" back in the drawer.

Ten minutes later, Xia Lei drove away from the headquarters of Lehma Group.The car he drove was also Li Youdun, a Buick Encore off-road vehicle.He also checked this car without any problems.

"Mr. Li, did you work overtime from the 30th day of the New Year's Eve to the first day of the first month?" A security guard on duty at night said to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "Yeah, someone has to do the work. Are you the same? Ha ha, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." The security guard opened the door to Xia Lei.

Xia Leihong nodded to the security guard, then drove away from the headquarters of Lehma Group and drove along the road.As he passed the gate of Hepingju, he glanced at it, but he didn't stop.

From now on, he wants to face everything by himself.His Mayflower plan can only come by himself.And now is not the time to need helpers.

In the peaceful home, four women gathered in Xia Lei's room.

"He has already set off." Liang Siyao's heart was worried, "He doesn't want us to help him."

"How do you do that?" Jiang Ruyi said anxiously: "He would be dangerous alone!"

Fan Fan also said: "Yeah, such a big thing, he just left what he said, even without a helper."

Long Bing said: "Don't worry, believe him, he must have a reason to do this. I and he have experienced something more dangerous than this, and this matter is nothing at all. This is China after all, and it is Kyoto Heavy ground. "

Liang Siyao said: "Sister Fanfan, her husband told me when he left, he said that the FA organization and the kimono family will do it on the day you and his wedding ceremony. On this matter, you report to the above, apply for military intervention , But pretend that you do n’t know anything before you show up and do n’t take any action. "

Fan Fan sighed, "Well, I know what to do." After a pause, she said fiercely: "I want to ruin my wedding with Xia Lei, I pumped her a few ears!"

Long Bing gave Fan Fan a thumbs up.

Liang Siyao smiled, "Sister Fanfan, do you want to be so fierce?"

Fanfan, "..."

Jiang Ruyi just laughed and said nothing.

Xia Lei's four wives can be divided into two groups, one is the normal group, and the members are Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi, who have never killed anyone.One is abnormal. The members are Long Bing and Liang Siyao. Both women are murderous.

At the same time, deep in the mountains, in the dense primary forest.

The retreating team stopped because of a stop gesture by the two leaders.

Sirita said: "Mr. Hattori, there is no chasing soldiers, there is no sky, there is no ground, do you have anything to say?"

Hattori Baizhai said coldly: "What do you mean?"

Sirita snorted coldly, "What do I mean, are you still unclear? You Japanese are too careful. I think we missed an excellent opportunity to kill Xia Lei."

"Humph!" Baibu Baibu also sneered, "If you want to die, I will not stop you. If you are not our allies, if not our common task, I will even be happy to watch you die There. We are different from you. We will not make sacrifices that are worthless and meaningless. "

"Asshole! What are you talking about?" An armed member of the FA organization yelled, and there was also a movement to raise the gun in his hand.

However, he did not wait for the armed personnel of this FA organization to complete his movements, but a ninja of the clothing department has already completed his movements.He drew the knife, waved it, and pressed the blade against the FA's armed man's neck.The whole process is completed within one second.After a second, as long as he moved gently, a fountain of blood would spray out.

Wow!Armed personnel of the FA organization also raised guns.

The ninjas of the Hattori family have also entered a fighting state, and all kinds of shurikens have been secretly clasped in each hand.Those shurikens are all quenched poisonous shurikens, see blood to seal the throat.On the surface, the FA organization holding heavy thermal weapons occupies an absolute advantage, but it is not the case.In close combat, the Ninjas of the Hattori family have absolute confidence and control to kill the FA organization. However, they also know that the cost must be quite heavy. Once the war begins, there should be no more than three people who can survive.

The eyes of Hattori Baizhai locked Silita. His eyes were like two samurai swords with a sword. They were sharp and unmatched, which brought a kind of bone-cold cold!

Before Seri Baizhai shot, Sirita felt great pressure.But it was just stress, and there was no fear in her heart.She is a killer of the same name as Daredevil, and she is not afraid of a battle with Baibuzhai.

The atmosphere in the forest suddenly struck a crossbow. If a bear child throws a firecracker here at this time, it will cause a bloody battle and there will be a body.

After a few seconds, Sirita raised her hand, "Put the gun down, we are not enemies."

The FA organization immediately put down the gun, but still maintained sufficient vigilance.

Hattori Baizhai Baizhai also raised his hand.He didn't say anything, but the ninjas of the service tribe all laid down their weapons.

Baibu Zhaibei said: "Miss Sirita, I don't think you believe me and the people in our family, can you tell me why?"

Xilita said lightly: "No, I don't believe you, I doubt everything. This is my habit and the reason why I can live to the present." She said so, but her mind came out in Japan. A picture.That was when she met the clothing department's bud clothes at the headquarters of the Japanese special high-tech, she heard the breathing in the lounge, and when she left, she heard the clothing department's bud clothes and the clothing department Zhengxiong talking.Although she didn't finish listening, she knew very well that in the Japanese plan, she and the FA organization were actually cannon fodder.And she, besides being vigilant, actually has her plan.

"I don't care what your reason is, I suggest you let go of prejudice and vigilance. We can only get rid of Xia Lei if we cooperate. Isn't that what you want?" Baibu Baifu said.

"I agree!" Xirita said: "But we need intelligence, we have to understand Xia Lei's every move."

"You don't have to worry about this at all. The Americans have already started to act. The Americans are in charge of this sector, and they will provide us with all the information we need," Baibei said.

"What level of intelligence can Americans obtain?" Silita tried out the tunnel.

Hattori Baisai said: "I am just like you, I don't know. But what I can tell you is that the level of intelligence Americans can get is enough to surprise you. Rest assured, on the fourth day of the first month, that day will definitely The end of Xia Lei. "

Sirita nodded, "I believe in you, and I hope to receive American intelligence tomorrow evening."

"It should be okay." Baibu Zhai said.

"We'll see you safely in the early morning after three days." Xirita turned and left.

Armed personnel of the FA organization followed her, and the two walking in the end always faced the people of the clothing department family, maintaining a considerable sense of caution.

"Withdraw." Baibu Zhaibu ordered.

A large group of ninjas also disappeared into the darkness.

Time is measured in seconds, and the ticking ticks without turning back.

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