Super Vision

950 Chapter 950: The Knight's Wish (55)

Time has no meaning for mountains and trees, they were in this place a year ago, and they are still in this place today a year later.Time is a concept invented by human beings, and only human beings will cherish time, something illusory and non-existent.Therefore, they have no interest in the secrets they have just heard.

### 0989 Chapter connector

At dawn, Xia Lei came to a high-end community.

Li Youdun's home is in this community.In the past month, he has visited this place a total of ten times, five times more than eight hours.In the past month, he had always hoped that the connector would appear in Lee Youdun ’s home to meet him, but he did not.But even so, he insisted on coming back every third.

This is necessary, he is now equal to Lee Youdun, how can he not go home for a month?If that were the case, 100% would cause suspicion that the CIA lived at the Kyoto Intelligence Station, and his plan would be ruined.

Xia Lei used Li Youdun's key to open the door and walked in. Li Youdun's house was quiet and there was no sound.

There is a glass door and a curtain between the living room and the balcony.Xia Lei stood in the living room. His left eye jumped slightly. His left eye suddenly penetrated the curtain and the glass door. Another unit building also entered his perspective.His eyes quickly scanned a window, observing everything he could see.

This is not the first time he has done such a thing. He will observe this every time he comes to Lee Youdun ’s house.He didn't find anything in the previous ten times, but even then he won't relax.

The CIA is the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, with tens of thousands of people, and everyone has strict and systematic training.Not all of these people will become field agents or spies lurking in hostile countries.Some of these people are specifically used to monitor insiders, their whereabouts and identities are more secret.With an important spy like Lee Youdun, wouldn't the CIA send someone to monitor?

It is for this reason that Xia Lei began to observe from the first time until now.

A minute later, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly fixed on a window directly opposite.The window was closed and the curtains were pulled, but there was a gap between the curtain and the wall.There was a little reflection in that gap.

Xia Lei's left eye drew the gap closer, and he quickly saw what was behind the gap.It is a telescope, and it also has the function of thermal imaging.The man holding the telescope was a man with yellow skin and black eyes, who looked like a normal Chinese.He is not tall or short, of medium build, and has an ordinary appearance. It is of a type that cannot be found when thrown into the heap.

The watcher finally appeared.

Xia Lei was not surprised by the emergence of such a monitor. Of course, a spy such as Li Youdun would have to use Chinese in an environment like Kyoto.If you use white people, or black people, that is a striking goal in itself, and it is impossible for the CIA to counter such low-level errors.No matter which country or period, there will be no shortage of people who betray their own country and good nation.For the benefit, some people can even sell their own biological daughters, not to mention their own country and nation?

When he saw the watcher, Xia Lei moved.He walked to the glass door between the living room and the balcony. He opened the curtains, opened the glass door, and stretched out against the rising sun.

The curtain of the window in the opposite unit moved slightly, and the monitor had hid behind the curtain, even a crack in the gap would not leave Xia Lei.

Xia Lei turned into the living room, then sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.He watched the news program for a while, then went into the bedroom.He took a bath and went to bed.He did all this to match the characteristics of a person who added night shifts.

Lying on the bed, he did not really sleep.He changed his ability to wake his left eye again, penetrated the wall and the window in the opposite building, and continued to observe the watcher.

The monitor is still observing him with the telescope in his hand.The telescope in his hand obviously didn't have the function of overdraft, but that's about the same. He could see the image of Xia Lei lying on the bed to judge whether Xia Lei was sleeping or doing something else.

The monitor was very patient. He stood behind the window for a long time and kept the same posture, but didn't even move.

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze, he could not maintain the perspective state for a long time, nor was it necessary.He secretly said: "Where will the watchdog report my situation? Langley, the CIA headquarters? Or the CIA's Kyoto Intelligence Station? In the past month, no one has appeared, last night. As soon as something happened, surveillance appeared. It seems that the people of the FA organization and the people of the service department urgently need intelligence support and want to master my situation, and Li Youdun is the only way for them to obtain intelligence. "

In some cases, you can guess even without using the super brain mode.

This time, Xia Lei entered the "sleeping" state.He was lying still, in a sleeping position, but his brain was analyzing the situation, simulating the coping and results in various situations.In the end, when he had nothing to do, he simply started thinking about the X Mysterious Gold Plan and the ghost unmanned machine, in order to be more perfect.

With things done, time passes quickly.Unconsciously, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.This is the time to get up.

Before getting out of bed, Xia Lei glanced at the situation on the opposite side. What made him speechless was that the guy was still in the same position, watching him in the same posture.The feeling for him is that the guy is a plastic model in a clothing store, and it is the kind of work clothes.

After washing, Xia Lei came to the living room.He closed the glass door and closed the curtains.During this process, he saw that the guy pulled out a satellite phone and then made a phone call.During this process, the guy finally did not monitor him with the telescope in his hand.

Xia Lei interpreted the monitor's lip with lip interpretation.

The monitor is using English, "code-name courier, password FF5230 ... He took eight hours of rest at home and six hours of sleep. He did not make phone calls or use a computer. He has now gotten up and is estimated Ready to go out ... I understand, the call is over. "At this point, the monitor ended the call and he picked up the telescope again to observe.

When he ended the call, Xia Lei had actually reached the door of the living room. When he picked up the telescope in his hand, Xia Lei just reached out to open the door.The timing is not bad, it's just right.

Xia Lei opened the door and walked out with the briefcase already prepared.

In the unit building opposite, the monitor also disappeared behind the curtains.

At 7.50 in the evening, Xia Lei came to the Leaf Cafe.This coffee house was opened and operated by a businessman in Indonesia. It is also the most famous cat feces coffee in the world.Everyone can drink hundreds of thousands of cups of coffee, so everyone who comes here to drink coffee is a celebrity.Meeting in such a place seems to be high-profile, but it is actually very safe.Because such a high-end environment automatically excludes those who do not know how to do it, the environment is simple, and it becomes much easier to observe and control.

When Xia Lei entered, there were already some guests, both Chinese and white, and these guests were all dressed decently.He walked to the innermost table and observed while walking.Faces came into his mind, and it was not simply to remember that every detail on those faces was stuffed into his brain.Some people are looking at a woman's thigh, some people are looking at the street view outside the window, some people are welcoming waiters, etc. These details are all under his control, and nothing is missing.

He must observe carefully and then lock one or two targets through elimination.This is a must, because the real Lee You-ton has met the jointer more than once. If the other party is in this coffee shop, he has no reaction at all, which is a flaw in itself.

This process may seem complicated, but the entire process takes only three seconds.Three seconds later, Xia Lei awakened the perspective ability of his left eye and conducted a perspective observation of the entire environment again.This time, the target he observed was not the faces of the guests, but the things in their clothes.

Isn't it possible that the jointer doesn't carry something?Eavesdropping devices, pinhole cameras, weapons, passes, etc.For him, he just needs a hint.

In this perspective, a large number of items appeared in his vision, wallet, mobile phone, lipstick, makeup box, aunt towel, chewing gum, pen, condom ...

Thirty seconds later, Xia Lei ended the perspective and sat at a table.The result of the perspective has come out. He has not found anything suggestive on anyone.This means that the connector has not yet arrived.He was not surprised by this result. He came here ten minutes in advance and was not without purpose. His purpose was to take a little time to observe and find.

"Sir, may I ask what you want?" A waiter came to Xia Leide.

Xia Lei said slightly: "A cup of cat feces coffee, a dessert." After a pause, he added, "Chocolate dessert."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment." The waiter was born.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the door, and the time was close to eight o'clock, and the jointer should be coming soon.He looked calm, but only he knew he was really nervous.

Three minutes later, the waiter returned to Xia Lei with a plate.He put a cup of cat feces coffee and a chocolate dessert on the table, and then said very politely: "Sir, please use it slowly."

Just when the waiter put the chocolate dessert on the table, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to the index finger of his right hand.There is a distinct cocoon skin at the joint of his index finger.His heart suddenly moved, "How can a waiter serving coffee in a coffee shop have a cocoon skin on his right hand finger? Such a cocoon skin is obviously only a result of pulling the trigger often ... Is he a jointer? "

But he quickly rejected this conjecture.If the waiter is the connector, then he will definitely give some hints just now, it is impossible to turn around and leave.

At this time, a reflection appeared on the coffee cup.It was a reflection from the doorway, and a white man was approaching him.

The white man was about forty-seven or eighty years old, with a very burly figure and tough lines on his face.He wears a pair of colorless glasses on the bridge of his nose, this pair of glasses adds a bit of grace to him.But in Xia Lei's view, even if he is dressed up in a gentle manner, he is definitely the kind of decisive figure who has survived a battle.

A person can pretend to be a variety of people, but the original temperament is difficult to change.Xia Lei also passed more than a month of imitation training, coupled with the ability to control nerves mastered by his super brain, he could completely become Li Youdun.In addition to him in this world, who else can have the ability to control nerves?

Xia Lei looked back at the white man who was approaching her, and nodded slightly.This action is Li Youdun's habitual movement. When Li Youdun met him before, he almost nodded to him almost every time.

The white man nodded slightly to Xia Lei.

The connector finally appeared.

### 0990 Chapter CIA Intelligence Station

The white man sat down and waved his hand while sitting down.The waiter came over just now and said in English: "Sir, may I ask what you want?"

"A Chinese man with a cocoon skin on his index finger can speak fluent English. Who is this guy?" Xia Lei suspiciously awakened his left eye's perspective.He looked into the waiter.What he saw was a strong physique, discus-like pectoral muscles, eight abdominal muscles, one gunshot wound on each of his lower abdomen and chest.There is a tattoo on the waiter's chest, which is a snake hair Medusa, which makes people panic.

The white man said, "Old rules."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment." The waiter gave up.

Such a person, he is obviously not a waiter of a coffee shop.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to the white man again, and he saw the same strong physique.The white man was covered with scars, gunshot wounds, knife wounds, and the number of wounds was shocking.There is also a pistol with a silencer. A recording pen. The brooch on his suit is actually a pinhole camera.In addition, Xia Lei also saw a passport. The name on the passport was Sibelli.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Sibaili chose to meet at this location. The waiter is obviously not a waiter. On the surface, the two seem to not know each other, but the real situation is terrible.

Sibelli looked at Xia Lei, and said after ten seconds, "What did you bring this time?"

"Not a small harvest." Xia Lei patted the briefcase beside him.

The excitement suddenly appeared in Sibelli's eyes, "New material?"

Xia Lei said: "Xia Lei is very cautious. Until now, he has not announced the formula and production process of the new material X Mijin. He also seems to have developed a new type of unmanned machine, but it has not been announced yet. Fan Yiming, even the dean of the Academy of Sciences, did n’t know the secrets of X Mi Jin and Unmanned. How could I get such an important thing. "

"So what did you bring?"

Xia Lei said: "Drawing of the Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool."

"Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool generation or second generation?"

"One generation." Xia Lei said: "The second generation is not easy to get, but as long as you give me time, I can get the drawings of the second generation of Leilong intelligent machine tools."

To fish, you must bait.The generation of Leilong intelligent machine tools has already settled in Germany and France. Germans and French regard it as a treasure and will not easily share it.However, Americans will definitely have a way to get it. Instead of letting Americans get the technology of the generation of Leilong intelligent machine tools through channels in Germany and France, it is better to let "Li Youdun" send it out.What's more, without the core parts he made by hand, Americans wouldn't be able to reach the same level even if they built the same Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool.

Sibeli's face suddenly smiled, "Germans and French each have a Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool, but they don't want to share with us. You actually got it, you may get the medal of honor. Give it to me."

Xia Lei sneered, "Why?"

The smile on Sibelli's face froze, "You are not safe to hold it, what do you want to do?"

Xia Lei said lightly: "This is something I got at the risk of my life. Do you want me to leave it to you?"

In front of him, Sibelli was just a jointer, to put it bluntly.On the authority of "Li Youdun" is only higher than him, Xia Lei's current identity is "Li Youdun", he does not need to be polite to this Sibaili.

"Do you want to see the webmaster at the intelligence station?" Sibelli said.

"He was barely qualified." Xia Lei said.

"Your tone is not small, don't make mistakes, my friend." Sibelli's tone was a little threatening.

Xia Lei just looked at him.

Sibelli shrugged. "Well, you can meet the webmaster. But you have to tell me, when can you get the recipe and production process of X Mijin?"

"That's the top secret of China. Do you think you can get it if you want it? I already have a good plan, but I need time and resources."

"What kind of resources do you need?"

"I won't talk to you." Xia Lei said.

Sibelli's mouth twitched slightly, and that was a patient response, "What about the unmanned machine of the Rema Group?"

"You are wasting time." Xia Lei said.

"Hehe." Sibelli sneered. "I will know sooner or later, so tell me some of Xia Lei's personal situation, is this okay?"

Xia Lei nodded, "What do you want to know?"

"What was he doing last night?"

Xia Lei said: "Yesterday, he and Liang Siyao held a traditional wedding. According to the Chinese tradition, he and Liang Siyao lived in their new house last night. The identity is actually not public. I failed to enter the safe house and I do n’t know much about the situation inside. "

"Did the Chinese Special Forces stationed in the Rema Group take any action last night?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "There is no action."

"Are you sure?" The white man looked straight at Xia Lei.

"I'm sure. If the routine patrol is also an action, then when I didn't say it." Xia Lei said: "I know what you want to do? But I warn you, don't spoil me. With X Mi Jin and Lei Ma Compared with the group's new unmanned machine, your assassination of Xia Lei is not worth mentioning at all. "

"You are wrong, killing Xia Lei is the most important thing. Without Xia Lei, then there will be no X Secret Gold, and no more advanced weapons will appear. He threatens the strategic interests of the United States, and he must die. "Sibelli's eyes were striking.

Xia Lei spread his hand, "I didn't intend to convince you, you have your task, I have my task."

At this time the waiter brought a cup of coffee and a few cookies.

"Sir, please use it slowly," the waiter said.

Sibelli said, "I want to visit your kitchen."

"Yes, let me talk to our manager." The waiter said, and then went on.

An inexplicable conversation between Xi Baili and the waiter made Xia Lei understand one thing, that is, the CIA's Kyoto Information Station in China is here!

No wonder this waiter has a gunshot wound and is still so strong.

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