Super Vision

951 Chapter 951: The Knight's Wish (56)

But there are also normal waiters here, and they occupy the majority.But what is certain is that they have no idea where they work.Their Chinese identity and household registration information that can be easily found are all covered by this intelligence station!

Originally, Xia Lei was a little worried because he didn't know if Li Youdun had been to the intelligence station and exposed the flaws. Now he has no such concerns.He also believed that Sibelli would not ask him such a question, because it was not a problem at all.Sibelli failed to see through his disguise and regarded him as Li Youdun. In this case, he obviously would not ask such a question that is not a problem.

Sibelli picked up a cookie, put it in his mouth, and got up and said, "Come with me."

Xia Lei picked up his briefcase and followed Sibelli into the kitchen.

The two crossed the back kitchen and entered a passage.At the end of the passage is a manager's office, and the two went in again.The waiter was already in the office just now, and when he saw Shaley and Sibelli coming in, he closed the door and walked to a bookshelf to draw a Bible.

The waiter did not pull the "Bible" out of the bookshelf, but the bookshelf moved to the side, revealing a wall.

When the bookshelf stopped moving, the wall suddenly opened a passage to the ground.

Sibelli walked in.

Xia Lei also followed in.When he entered, the waiter moved the Bible again, and the metal door disguised as a wall closed again.There were lights in the passageway, and it did not become dark as the metal door closed.Xia Lei's vision has reached the space behind the end of the channel.

There is also a door at the end of the passage, which looks stronger and more advanced.The silver metal door has a scanner that scans the pupil and palm.

The two came to the second metal gate.Sibeli gave way.Although he said nothing, Xia Lei knew what to do.He moved his left eye to the position where the pupil was scanned, and placed his left hand where the fingerprint was scanned.The scanning instrument started, and a slight noise was heard three seconds later.

The metal door opened.

Behind the metal door is an office space, but as long as one person is inside.A man with yellow skin and black eyes is also about fifty years old, with a thin figure and sharp eyes.If he walks on the street outside, the person who sees him will think that he is a mixed-eater who is working in an institution waiting to die.

Xia Lei's eyes quickly penetrated the thin Chinese man's clothes. He saw his wallet and saw a Chinese ID in the wallet.

Yang Shan, this is the name of a thin Chinese man.

Such an ID card cannot be fake, but Yang Shan is certainly not his only identity.He also has an American identity.

"Mr. Li, you shouldn't be here." Said the thin Chinese man.

"Mr. Yang, I come here naturally for my reasons." Xia Lei said.Before Yang Shan invited him, he sat on a chair opposite Yang Shan.

"I know." Yang Shan said, "You can give me things and leave."

Xia Lei frowned. "It's the heart of the Lehma Group. The Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool. I will hand it to Mr. Williams."

Williams, the helm of the CIA.

Yang Shan's face suddenly became cold, "Your request is too much."

Xia Lei said lightly: "I'm doing a life-saving job, no matter what I ask for, it's not excessive, especially for you."

Li Youdun seems to be gentle, but he is a very ruthless person.In the past month, Xia Lei has figured out Li Youdun's character.His current reaction is also what Li Youton should have.

In fact, he has already passed the retina and fingerprint scans. Neither Yang Shan nor Sibelli will doubt his identity, but even then he should be careful and not dare to be paralyzed.

"Don't be so troublesome, say, what do you want?" Yang Shan said.

Xia Lei said lightly: "You can't give me what I want. In addition, there are some things I have to talk to Mr. Williams, and you can't do it."

Yang Shan and Sibellie glanced at each other, and both eyes were filled with anger and suspicion.

Xia Lei said: "I don't have much time, I have to rush back to the Lehma Group. To establish a safe passage, I want to talk to Mr. Williams. If you delay my business, you can't bear the consequences."

"Okay." Yang Shan nodded.

### 0991 Chapter implanted in Xiaoqian

A few minutes later, a screen appeared on the computer monitor on the desk.That's Williams' office, and Williams himself.

Xia Lei sat in Yang Shan's chair, he nodded to Williams in the monitor, said with respect: "Hello Mr. Williams!"

Williams just nodded his head slightly, "Did you really get the drawing of the Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool?"

Xia Lei said: "It's in my hands."

"give it to me."

"I want a bonus of one million dollars." Xia Lei said.

Williams smiled, "No problem, I will put a million-dollar bonus into your account, if you get the drawing of the real Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool."

"Of course it is true, I can pass it on to you now." Xia Lei opened the company bag, found a USB stick inside, and then plugged the USB stick into Yang Shan's host.

Yang Shan and Sibellie looked at each other again, and they seemed to understand why Xia Lei had to give things to Williams himself.One million knives, which is enough for their jealousy.But they didn't know that Xia Lei's money for fireworks fired up to this number last night.

The transmission process only took ten seconds, but Xia Lei did not immediately unplug the USB drive, but said: "Mr. William Sim, I know that the CIA has an assassination operation against Xia Lei, but I hope to delay this action . "


"I'm sure he has made the formula of x Mijin, as well as the supporting production process. I have a good plan, and I am quite sure to get the correct formula and production process. Even Rema Group's Unmanned. Machine design drawings, I am also sure to get it. "

"I want to hear your plan." Williams looked interested.

Xia Lei reached out and took the USB stick plugged into the host, before saying, "My plan can only tell you to listen to it alone."

Yang Shan frowned suddenly, "Mr. Li, you have got what you want. The one million dollar bonus is enough for the rest of your life. Are you still not satisfied?"

Xia Lei just looked back at him and said nothing.

Williams said: "Yang Shan has no problem. He is the head of the CIA's Kyoto Intelligence Station in China. He has the authority to know. In addition, if your operation needs support, he will also be the one to support you. Sibelli No problem, you say it. "

Williams did not mention Sibeli's identity and position, but from the tone of Williams, Xia Lei also guessed that Sibelius's identity and status were not lower than Yang Shan in the CIA.

Xia Lei said: "Mr. Williams, I want to remind you that I am about to tell you about the content of AE capsules. Are you sure they have the authority to know? If you are sure they have, I do n’t mind saying it. "

"Yang, Sibelli, please go out." Williams changed his mind.

Yang Shan and Xi Baili gave Xia Lei a cold look, then left.

The secret of AE capsules is what the US dreams about. It is actually the strategic interest of the United States, but it focuses on the nature of the future.

When the metal gate closed, William Him couldn't wait to say: "Speak, what intelligence did you get?"

Xia Lei said: "Whether it is X Mi Jin or AE capsules, they are not something in this world."

"Then where do they come from?"

"Alien civilization." Xia Lei knew the top of his head. "Xia Lei has been studying AE capsules and a metal called ancient alloy for several years. This result is also given by him."

"There is another metal?" William Sim said in surprise: "Is it more perfect than X Mysterious Gold?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "I have only seen it once and I don't know its structure and performance. But I can be sure that it is definitely more perfect than X Mi Jin. That kind of metal is a quiet archaeology in China. It was discovered by the family and later fell into the hands of Xia Lei. I accidentally overheard Xia Lei and the quiet talk between him. He said that the metal might be a fragment of an alien weapon, and he also had some clues in his hand. If the pieces can be pieced together, the Rema Group will be able to create powerful weapons to conquer the world. "

"Is everything you said true? I sound like a science fiction story." William Sim said.

"I don't know if it is true, but if it is true, this world will have nothing to do with the United States, and China will become the new world overlord." Xia Lei said.

Of course, there is no alien civilization, no alien weapons.Everything he says now is 90% false content and 10% true content.He said so much, in fact, there is only one purpose, that is Fool Williams.It is not an easy task to deceive the Director of the Intelligence Service of the United States. He must have something real that will attract Williams.

"So the AE capsule may also be that alien civilization, isn't it?" Williams' eyes are full of wonder and excitement, very complicated.

Xia Lei nodded, "My guess is the same. I have gained Xia Lei's trust. In addition to letting me participate in the research of X Mi Jin, he is also preparing for me to participate in the study of ancient alloys. It ’s time to kill Xia Lei. If he dies, I ca n’t get more valuable intelligence. "

"This is what you want to tell me about the plan?"


Williams shook his head, "Kill Xia Lei, that is the highest order. The White House and the Pentagon agreed on this matter, and no one can change it."

Xia Lei suddenly remembered what Gu Kewen said to him before he died. Gu Kewen said that the United States' heart for killing him has exceeded everything.In this matter, she did not lie to him.

"It's a pity that we may have the technology to change this world." Xia Lei said in a genuine way.

Williams thought for a while, "You do your thing well and don't have to worry about the FA organizing the action of the kimono family. We have taken so much effort to arrange you into the Reima Group, you must not be exposed at this time. Xia Lei is dead, Lei Ma Group is still there, X Mi Jin and unmanned. The plan of the machine will continue, and you will have a chance. As for the ancient alloy you said, you will have a chance to get it. At that time , The number of bonuses you receive will be $ 50 million. "

Xia Lei said excitedly: "Mr. Williams, I know what to do."

Williams said: "Go back to Lehma Group, don't go to that intelligence station anymore, it is very important to us, you will increase the risk of its exposure."

"I know." Xia Lei said again: "I had a request before I left here."

"What request?"

"I want to know all the research data on AE capsules by the AE Research Center," Xia Lei said.

"What do you want that thing to do?"

Xia Lei lowered his voice, "Williams first, Gu alloy and AE capsules come from the same place, they have a lot in common. I have gained the trust of Xia Lei, I am about to come into contact with Gu alloy and that drug, I have to AE Capsule understands a little bit, which helps me gain more trust from Xia Lei. Only in this way can I provide you with more valuable information. "

"Xia Lei still has that kind of medicine?"

"Yes, but I don't know if he copied it." Xia Lei said.

Williams was silent.

Xia Lei knew that his heart was moving.He threw a lot of tantalizing secrets to Williams, no matter which one is what the CIA wanted.

"Okay, I'll pass it on to you. After you get it, leave and leave there. I don't want you to be there again." Williams made the decision.

Xia Lei nodded, and then plugged the flash drive into the computer.

The flash drive contains not only drawings of the Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool, but also a very special thing, that is Xiao Qian.He wrote the virus himself.The first Xiaoqian was destroyed during the bombing of the FA organization headquarters. He rewrote the virus and perfected the imperfections.Now Xiao Qian is more perfect and more powerful!

Just now, when Xia Lei plugged the USB flash drive into Yang Shan's computer, Xiaoqian settled in the computer.Now, Williams transmits the research materials for the AE capsules of the AE Research Center to this USB drive, and Xiao Qian also entered the CIA headquarters through the Internet!

In the future, as long as Xia Lei wakes up Xiao Qian, he can not only get the intelligence from the intelligence station, but even get the highest level of intelligence from the CIA!

The transmission process ended after five minutes, Xia Lei got up to pay tribute, and then left Yang Shan's office with his briefcase.

Outside the door, Yang Shan and Xi Baili looked at Xia Lei coldly.

Xia Lei smiled, "I wish you success in your actions."

There was a sneer in Sibelli's mouth. "Thank you." He retorted and said, "I just forgot to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Xia Lei asked.

Sibeli said: "Where is Charlie's wedding?"

Xia Lei said: "Xia Lei and Fan Fan's wedding will be held at the Hilton Hotel, I was invited, but in view of your actions, I do not plan to go. You will not do it in that place? I remind you, there will be Many large military figures will participate and will be regulated within a radius of ten miles. Not to mention the FA organization and the people of the service tribe family with a gun, even if you bring this knife, do n’t want to be close to the hotel. "

Yang Shan said: "You don't have to worry about it, you tell us these are enough. Goodbye, Mr. Li."

Xia Lei nodded slightly, then left.

He and Fanfan's wedding was indeed scheduled at the Hilton Hotel, and he hasn't announced it yet.In addition to his four wives, Yang Shan and Si Baili were the first to know the location of the wedding.

He told Sibeli and Yang Shan about the location, and the FA organization and people in the abdominal family would soon get this information.He said that they would be regulated within a radius of ten miles, so the FA organization's kimono family would set the location of the attack on the way back after the tour.

Walking out of the Leaf Cafe, Xia Lei looked back at the shop.There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. This is the CIA's secret intelligence station, but it will certainly not be too long.

He walked towards Buick Encore in Li Youdun, and the night wind blew his cheek, but because of the human skin and mask, he could not feel the wind.As he approached the window, he saw the reflection from the leaf cafe behind him.In front of a floor-to-ceiling window, Sibelli was watching him.

Xia Lei gently said to Sibeli's reflection: "Bang!"

### 0992 The origin of AE capsules

On New Year's Day, this day is very important for every Chinese.In the Chinese world, the quality of luck on this day is also related to the quality of luck for the whole year to come.So on this day, the Chinese have many taboos, such as not arguing, not playing cards and losing money.

For Xia Lei, his New Year's Day luck is very good.It is hard to say whether luck will be good for a whole year in the future, but today's gains are definitely not small.

In Ping Anju's study, Xia Lei opened the top-secret file contained in the USB stick.The document that William Sim passed to him included a text file and a video file.

"Are Americans getting video records of AE capsules?" Xia Lei was curious, and he opened the video file.

A small valley surrounded by mountains appears in the video. There are no plants on the brown mountain, and the bare one looks particularly desolate.The photographer was standing on a hillside. After shooting the valley, he purposely moved the camera to another direction. Then the Holy Cross Mountain and the Holy Sepulchre Church at the foot of the mountain appeared in the video, but they were far distance.

There is no doubt that this place is Jerusalem and it is in the suburbs.

The photographer moved the lens into the valley again and walked down.The camera shakes a bit, and it looks like the camera is attached to his head.He walked and spoke, "Today is Christmas in the millennium, but I work in this damn place. But it ’s worth it. As an archaeologist, I found the ninth miracle in the world , That ’s the best Christmas gift from God! "

The video of a woman talking from your ship, "George, don't be too happy. The information we received may not be correct, maybe it's just an ordinary cemetery."

"Trust me, Elena, I have an intuition, this time we will find something amazing." George's voice.

"Really? Hopefully, as you said." Woman Elena's voice, "Yes, George, what time do you think it should be the ancient tomb?"

"Professor Mark of Israel and I talked by phone. He said that the tomb should be the tomb of the Crusades. Ah, you know, I was a medieval fan. When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a Crusade Knight, fight for the holy God. "

"Come on, you are not a knight. So, did Professor Mark talk to you about the identity of the tomb owner?" Elena's voice.

"That's not true, we just chatted briefly, and then he urged me and you to come over as soon as possible. No, we're here." George's voice.

The two walked while talking, and took only ten minutes to reach the bottom of the valley.

As soon as the two walked down the hillside, a rock wall appeared in the video that did not know what the reason was.A cave with a diameter of about three meters and a height of about three meters was exposed in the pile of rocks.

Two archaeologists walked in.

George turned on the flashlight, the speed of the light flashed forward, the cave was dark, the video was full of cold rocks, and there was nothing else.

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