Super Vision

985 Chapter 985: The Knight's Wish (90)

Tang Bochuan said: "Several reporters died in front of Ping An, and our experts have given the results of the autopsy. Our experts said that the toxin is aimed at the heart and nerves, which is very powerful, and it will die naturally within a few minutes. If there is an antidote, and there is no poisoning for more than three minutes, there may be salvation, but once more than three minutes, even the Da Luo fairy ca n’t be saved. I was thinking, Xia Lei is really evolving, he is already like this now. Strong, to what extent he will evolve in the future, how strong his ability will be, this is something that no one can predict. "

Tang Bochuan's words can be summed up in eight words, that is-getting stronger and stronger, unlimited!

"Grandpa." Tang Bochuan looked at Tang Yunhai, "I think ..."

Tang Yunhai seemed to realize what Tang Bochuan wanted to say, and he interrupted Tang Bochuan's words. "Bo Chuan, come out, I have something to talk to you."

"Okay." Tang Bochuan followed Tang Yunhai and left the ward.

Tang Yunhai walked through the corridor until he stopped in the stairwell.He looked under the stairs, then again above the stairs, and finally at the end of the corridor.

"Grandpa, what do you want to tell me?" Tang Bochuan asked.

Tang Yunhai confirmed that there was no one, and then said aloud: "It's not what I want to tell you, but what you want to say. No one here, just finish what you just said."

Tang Bochuan smiled, "Grandpa, are you too careful? Yuyan is your granddaughter, can't she listen?"



"Humph!" Tang Yunhai said unpleasantly: "She has been poisoned by Xia Lei, and she has left the Tang family's interests behind her. From now on, some important decisions in the family will still be better known to her, etc. When will she wake up and regret it, I will consider it. "

"This ... isn't that serious?" Tang Bochuan couldn't believe it.

Tang Yunhai said: "Your boy is too honest and doesn't understand the woman's mind at all. How much manpower and material resources we spent, and it took us so many years to put her in the position of Director of Bureau 101. The biggest benefit of the Tang family, but she actually desperately saved Xia Lei's woman! If Xia Lei came back dozens of seconds later, she was already dead! You said that this is not to put our Tang family's interests behind? "

Tang Bochuan couldn't find a rebuttal.

Tang Yunhai went on to say: "Yuyan took over Shi Boren's position. You will take over my position one day sooner or later. This is what I arranged early in the morning. Your performance is okay, but she can't."

Tang Boxuan still didn't know what to say.

"Talk!" Tang Yunhai said sternly.

Tang Bochuan said: "The thing I just wanted to say is that the AE capsules are true. Xia Lei has entered an advanced evolution because of that kind of medicine. Everything about him is based on his ability. We can't get Xia Lei. Son-in-law, we can get ... "

He didn't go on.

Tang Yunhai glared at Tang Bochun, "Go on!"

"We can get his children, we can train his children to be the successors of the Tang family. We don't say that the children we get can inherit 100% of Xia Lei's excellent genes and his abilities, but as long as they can inherit 5% Ten, our Tang family will also become Huaguo's most powerful family! "Tang Bochuan finally said.

"You said to let Yuyan go ..." Tang Yunhai couldn't say it. As the master of the Tang family, such a thing made his face hot for a while.

"Actually, it's not necessary to be together!" Tang Bochuan drew into Tang Yunhai's ear and whispered: "I can make the doctor anesthetize Yu Yan, take one of her eggs, and ..."

"How do you get that kind of thing from Xia Lei?"

"Without our own hands, the people above have never given up on Xia Lei's research. That expert group has the authority to get that liquid from Xia Lei's body, and then we can breed super kids belonging to our Tang family." Tang Bochuan said.

Tang Yunhai pondered for a moment, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Hehehe, your idea is very good. If you can succeed, of course it is good. But, the child will grow up soon, what do you do?"

"Me? For the future of the Tang family, I don't have to be the owner." Tang Bochuan said.

"The child will be remembered in your name. When appropriate, you let him take your class." Tang Yunhai said.

Tang Bochuan smiled, "Well, then I'll talk to the doctor."

The grandfather and grandson left the stairwell and walked to the doctor's office together.

At this moment, the elevator door opened.A group of people suddenly came out of the elevator, a man and four women.The man's sunshine is handsome and looks good in any way.All women are beautiful and sexy.Although they are all big belly, they do not look bloated at all, but they have the beauty of a pregnant woman.

Xia Lei dragged his family to see the patient.

### 1048 Chapter whole process monitoring

A man with four women with big belly, and all the face value burst, this family team will be an eye-catching place no matter where it goes.What's more, this is also the family team of the father of Hua Guo.He is now ranked first in the search list of all search engines around the world, even the first-line big names have to stand by.

However, Xia Lei didn't feel it.He is not deliberately low-key, he is just the dragon and the dragon.

Tang Yunhai couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw Xia Lei and his big-bellies. His face didn't look good at all.Xia Lei fled the Tang family's marriage in front of so many people and chose Fan Fan instead of Tang Yuyan. He always had a hurdle in his heart that he could not pass.

Xia Lei seemed very relaxed. He smiled and walked over, "Master Tang is good lately? How are you here? How is Yu Yan?"

"Don't worry about her, she won't be able to die in a while." Tang Yunhai said agrily.

Xia Lei touched the gray of his nose.

Fanfan sees no one who disrespects her, and in his heart his man is a hero!Hearing Tang Yunhai say this, she even wrinkled her nose, she said unpleasantly: "Tang ..."

But she only said one word, and Xia Lei took her hand, "Fan Fan, let's go to see Yu Yan."

His own woman knows everything from top to bottom, inside and out, so he knows what Fanfan wants to do.With Fanfan's level and identity, she meant to teach Tang Yunhai a meal, and Tang Yunhai did not dare to treat her.But there is no need, after all, Tang Yunhai is Tang Yuyan's grandfather.

Xia Lei was very dissatisfied with Tang Yuyan and had almost no affection for Tang Yan because of the leak of Long Bing's actions in Japan.But after such a thing happened today, he can no longer treat Tang Yuyan as before.

"Xia Lei, go to the ward yourself. My dad and my mom are in the ward with Yan Yan. My grandfather and I have to go to the doctor's office to check the situation." Tang Bochuan said.

"Okay, go for it. When I came, I asked the doctor's desk, and the doctor told me the room number, I can find it." Xia Lei said, and then took his four big belly women to Tang Yuyan The ward walked.

A little nurse in the corridor was pushing the tool cart towards her. She looked at Xia Lei and the big belly woman behind him curiously.From her eyes, she seemed to be guessing about the relationship between Xia Lei and the four big belly women, but no matter how she guessed, she could not guess that this was a monogamous family team.

Just as Xia Lei was about to pass the shoulder of the nurse, the nurse suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Lei's arm.

Xia Lei stepped sideways, avoiding the nurse's hand, and then reached out and grabbed the nurse's neck.His hand came first, and in the blink of an eye he reached the nurse's snow-white neck.But just before he was about to catch the nurse's neck, he changed the direction of his palm, gently dropped it on the nurse's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Miss nurse, what are you doing?"

Long Bing and Liang Shiyao were already ready to shoot, but when Xia Lei gave up the attack, they also put down the hand that was going to pull the gun.

"Me, me, me ..." The little nurse blushed excitedly. "Are you, Mr. Xia Lei?"

"Yeah, I am Xia Lei, do you know me? Or do you have anything?" Xia Lei was very kind.

"No, something ..." The little nurse was still very excited. "Mr. Xia, aren't you dead?"

Fan Fan scolded: "Hey! What do you say?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The belly was nervous and said: "Because our unit has held activities to learn about Mr. Lei, I know a lot about Mr. Xia's heroic deeds. Mr. Xia is my idol, Mr. Xia, can you Sign me a name? "

Xia Lei, "..."

He almost forgot that he was already dead.All over the country are carrying out his advanced deeds and his patriotic spirit.He has been made a hero of this era, and almost all the people in the country know that he is dead, but he is now back in good order.The little nurse looked at him with dazzling eyes, and it was no surprise.

"Well, no problem, I'll sign you." Xia Lei agreed very readily.

"Mr. Xia, can you sign on my clothes?" The little nurse looked at Xia Lei with his eyes shut, holding a pen in both hands and waiting for Xia Lei to take it.

Xia Lei nodded his head, he let it go behind the nurse, and used her gel pen to sign the name "Xia Lei" on her work clothes.

Xia Lei returned to the little nurse, returned the gel pen to the little nurse, and leaned over to the little nurse's ear, whispered: "I wrote a phone number on your clothes, I will call you later , Okay? "

"You ..." The nurse's eyes began to star.

Xia Lei said: "Tell that person, I'm still alive, I'm fine, let her not worry." After he finished, he walked past.

The little nurse stood there stunned, watching Xia Lei's back.

Four big belly women came, two on the left and two on the right.The four big belly women each extended a hand and patted the little nurse's shoulder together.No one spoke, but there was an air of silence in the invisible.Their momentum seems to have lowered the surrounding temperature a lot.They only have one pair of sunglasses. If they wear sunglasses and then put on a long trench coat, this momentum is definitely a mafia.

Four big bellies walked past.

The little nurse dared to stop, pushed the tool cart and ran away.

Back at the nurse's station, the little nurse took off her white overalls and saw Xia Lei's "Xia Lei" written on her body, as well as a series of numbers hidden inside the jacket crimp.That is a phone number.

The nurse took out her mobile phone and dialed the number. A woman's voice came from the mobile phone, "Hey, this is Shen Tu Tianyin, which one are you?"

"Ah? Shen Tu Tianyin ..." The nurse covered her mouth.

"I give you five seconds to answer my question. How did you know this number?" Shen Tu Tianyin's voice was filled with dissatisfaction and impatience.

The little nurse calmed down a little, and she said hurriedly: "It's the number Mr. Xia Lei gave me ..."

"Wait! What did you say? Who gave you the number?"

"Mr. Xia Lei."

"What are you talking about!"

"I didn't talk nonsense. I just saw him. He signed me. It was the number he gave me. He asked me to tell you that he is still alive. Don't worry." The nurse said.

"Slap!" There was a sound of a cup falling on the phone and breaking.

"Miss Shen Tu? Are you okay?"

"Where are you? Tell me."

"This Mr. Xia Lei did not say, I have to ask him if he wants to tell you." Said the little nurse.

"I will give you 100,000 yuan, as long as you have an address."

"Army Hospital." The nurse gave the answer after a second.

Shen Tu Tianyin has hung up the phone.

The things that can be solved with money are never counted with the Vientiane Queen, and she is the same as Xia Lei.

In a ward, Xia Lei leads, followed by four big belly women, and a string of fish enters Tang Yuyan's ward.In this scene, the eyes of Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei were enlarged.The couple didn't say hello to Xia Lei, but just looked at them, and they were unhappy.

A bit of wry smile appeared in the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, and he knew that he had become the kind of man who was in chaos and abandonment in Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei.He greeted him daringly, "Good aunt and aunt."

"What's better? You can't die." Zhang Yumei said lukewarmly.

Tang Tianlong sneered, "Xia Dong, I want to congratulate you, you will soon be a father, and a father of a few children, you must invite me when you have a full moon."

Ask him, he will definitely not go.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Okay, I will send invitations to my uncle in person."

The four big belly women did not greet Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei, and went straight to the hospital bed to talk to Tang Yuyan.

"Yan Yan, thank you." Liang Siyao said with some shame: "Before ... I misunderstood you."

"It's nothing. I like to quarrel with you." Tang Yuyan said with a smile, but the rest of her eyes remained on Xia Lei's body.

Long Bing took Tang Yuyan's hand, "Is it better now?"

"It's better, the doctor said, just take some medicine and rest for two days." Tang Yuyan said.

"What do you need to say, don't be polite with us, let us do something for you." Fan Fan said, and the words were decent.

Tang Yuyan smiled, "Okay, I will speak if necessary."

Jiang Ruyi put a heat preservation barrel on the bedside table. "Yu Yan, this is the chicken soup I made. If you drink it, it is good for your body."

"Well, thank you, Ruyi." Tang Yuyan was also very polite.

The five women talked politely and seemed very cautious.

Xia Lei originally wanted to say a few words to Tang Yuyan, but in front of the four big belly women, he couldn't even make a decision to get close to Tang Yuyan.Not to mention Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei are also in the ward.

Tang Yuyan had nothing on the surface and a smile, but he was very depressed.What she wants is for Xia Lei to visit her alone, and then she can be alone with him, she can say anything.She rescued his four big-bellied mother-in-law. Is it okay for her to do something?But she never thought that Xia Lei also brought four big belly women.The four wives followed the whole process and the eight eyes monitored the whole process. What else could she say?

"Okay, you have already spent enough time, Yu Yan needs a rest, you have already visited, let's go." Zhang Yumei issued a guest order.

The four big-bellied women seemed to have negotiated for a long time, followed by saying goodbye to Tang Yuyan, and turned to leave.

Liang Siyao held Xia Lei's arm, "Her husband, let's go home."

Xia Lei said to Tang Yuyan: "Yuyan, take good care of the body, don't worry about the case, I will also investigate. If I find anything, I will tell you the first time."

With a sigh in Tang Yuyan's heart, a smile appeared on his face, "Okay, I'm waiting for your good news."

Four big-bellied women hugged Xia Lei to the door.

Just when Xia Lei walked to the door, Tang Yuyan suddenly remembered something. She said: "Xia Lei, the place where you asked A Bing to tell me, my people have been monitoring and are currently closed. So no action has been taken. "

Xia Lei turned back, "I know, take a good rest."

The four big belly women and their men left.

The door of the ward closed, and Zhang Yumei said with disgust: "Who is it! A national hero, it's a big pervert! It's not enough to marry a fan, and there are three other women. Does he think he is an emperor?"

"Mom, don't say it. You don't understand Xia Lei and them." Tang Yuyan said.

"I don't understand? You understand? You are the hostess of the Lehma Group! That surnamed Liang, I don't look good in any place, it's just a vixen!" Zhang Yumei said.

Tang Yuyan and her mother can no longer communicate.

A few minutes later, Tang Bochuan and Tang Yunhai returned to Tang Yuyan's ward. The two did not mention anything about the talk, and they chatted about Xia Lei for a while.

After a few more minutes, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and Shen Tu Tianyin rushed in.Her gaze swept anxiously across the ward, and her excitement instantly cooled. She froze for a while before she came out, "What about Xia Lei?"

Tang Yuyan said: "He left, but I suggest you call him instead of going to see him safely, the four tigresses are very exclusive."

Shen Tu Tianyin's tears suddenly rolled down.

The people of the Tang family just looked at her quietly, as if watching a tragic character in a TV series.

### 1049 Chapter Xingzi's ultimate trial

At night, the Ping An Curie was brightly lit.Unlike usual, the special forces have increased their patrols and defenses. The entire Ping'an residence and the surrounding area of ​​the Rema Group are full of armed special forces.After what happened during the day, the top management was furious and strengthening security measures became inevitable.

However, as far as the day is concerned, a reporter without weapons is indeed unpredictable, and this cannot be blamed for the lack of duty of the special forces unit guarding here.

Safely in the underground cellar.

Two men face to face, one is standing and the other is tied.

"Do you want to understand?" Xia Lei broke the silence in the dungeon a minute later. "You have been imprisoned for some time. If you want to understand, your life may change tonight."

"Are you trying to buy me off?" Li Youdun's mouth showed a hint of disdain.

Xia Lei smiled, "I really don't understand what you think in your mind, what did the CIA give you? Honor? They dare not recognize your identity. Money? How much did you earn from the CIA? $ 10 million? I ’m afraid not. You stole the Rema Group ’s secrets and even risked your life to assassinate me. How much did they give you? It ’s only $ 2 million. Is it worth your money? I tell you , The people who do things for me have more than this annual salary. "

Li Youdun looked at Xia Lei indifferently, without speaking.

"Tell me, the CIA Kyoto Information Station is temporarily closed. I think you must still have remedies like a safe house. Where is your safe house?" Xia Lei did not give up.

"I tell you, and will you give me a happy one?" Li Youdun asked.

Xia Lei said: "No, I want you to do things for me."

"You asked me to be a double-faced spy?" Li Youdun's expression looked surprised.

"What's wrong with this? Are there fewer double-sided spies in this world? You can make money not only from the hands of the CIA, but also from my hands. I will give you an annual salary of $ 6 million per month I will put 500,000 US dollars into your designated account. This is not the bonus I gave you. If the bonus is counted, it is not a problem if you earn 10 million US dollars from me a year. "Xia Lei said.

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