Super Vision

986 986 The Knight's Wish (91)

"Hahaha ..." Li Youdun smiled.

"What are you laughing? Am I wrong?"

"Do you think I don't know what you think? I got the information from the safe house from me and then killed me. You don't need a double-faced spy at all, right?"

"No." Xia Lei shook his head. "I can let you see my sincerity. Give me an account. Immediately, I will give you a year's salary, 6 million US dollars. This is not yet to show my sincerity. ?"

Li Youdun hesitated.

"What you guys want is just money. I give you money. A lot of money. You do things for me. This is just a transaction. Don't think about it too complicated." Xia Lei continued to lobby.But after saying this, he stopped talking. He looked at Li Youdun and waited for his answer.

It wasn't until a minute later that Li Youdun ended his consideration. He said: "I will give you my account, you first put $ 6 million in my account, and then we will talk about it."

"No problem." Xia Lei walked to the tool table of the torture tool. He opened the hacker computer placed on the tool table. "Speak, your account."

Li Youdun reported an unfamiliar account that opened an account in Switzerland, and he always had a trace of alert to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei quickly completed the payment, then he took the hacked computer to Li Youdun and showed him the record of the payment.

What the money record shows is that 6 million dollars have been deposited into the account designated by Lee Youton.

"Did you see? This is my sincerity." Xia Lei said: "Now you should show your sincerity, tell me, where is the safe house of the CIA?"

"The free electronic music bar, that is the CIA's safe house in Kyoto, China, Yang Shan and Xi Baili should be there." Li Youdun said.

Xia Lei smiled, "That's right." He took out the key and opened the bracelet and anklet on Li Youdun, allowing Li Youdun to return to freedom.

"You ... really want to let me go?" Li Youdun couldn't believe it. He looked at Xia Lei vigilantly, fearing that Xia Lei suddenly attacked him and killed him.

"This is also my sincerity, you can leave here now. However, I want to know how you will explain to Williams after you return to Langley in the United States?" Xia Lei asked.

Li Youdun said: "You don't have to worry about this, I naturally have my way."

"You steal information for me in the CIA and you have to contact me once a month."

"This is no problem, I can do it." Li Youdun said.

"The last question, did the CIA develop a system with artificial intelligence?" Xia Lei looked at Li Youdun. She was different from others. At this time, others usually looked at each other's eyes, but what he saw was heart.

"No, how is this possible? The most powerful and mature artificial intelligence country in the world is Japan, but the artificial intelligence system you said is not even studied in Japan. How can the United States be able to study it." Lee Youdun Say.

Xia Lei left his line of sight, and he smiled, "Come on, be careful on the way. Call me when you arrive in the United States and report safety."

Li Youdun nodded and left the dungeon.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the hacker computer placed on the tool table. At this time, a prompt was displayed on the screen: the simulated transaction was successful.

"Hey." Xia Lei couldn't help but sigh.Just now, Li Youdun told him that when the United States does not have that kind of artificial intelligence system, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the frequency of beating was a little disordered.He is lying.

Li Youdun walked out of the dungeon. This place is a safe backyard.A large number of plants were planted in the backyard. A thick canopy covered the moonlight from the sky and the lights from the front yard. It was dark all around.

Li Youdun looked back at the unremarkable antique bungalow behind him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he secretly said: "Money? Do you think I want money? You are wrong, I don't just want Money, I want power more. Williams ’position is mine, and you ca n’t give me that right, so ..."

So what?He suddenly stopped thinking here, because at that moment, a petite woman had flew off the roof.Her body was like a predator eagle coming down from the sky, moving fast and silent.At the moment she fell, a three-thorn steel fork in her hand plunged into Li Youdun's head.

Li Youdun fell to the ground.

He died, he didn't even feel the pain of death.

In fact, if he does not deceive Xia Lei and feel at ease to be a double-sided spy for Xia Lei, Xia Lei will not kill him, because he still has the value to use.However, in this case, he dared to deceive Xia Lei to conceal the secret of the artificial intelligence system in the CIA headquarters, and he did not know that Xia Lei had already dealt with that artificial intelligence system.He has such an ending, not because Xia Lei's heart is too cruel, but his heart is too greedy.Xia Lei can give him a lot of money, but he is not satisfied, in addition to money, he also wants a lot of rights.This is how people are driven by various desires, and then sink into a web interwoven with all kinds of desires, and then perish.

Yueye Kyoko did not pull out the three-thorn steel fork on Li Youdun. She carried Li Youdun on her shoulders and entered the room behind her.The steel fork on Li Youdun's head played a hemostatic role, and almost no blood ran out of his head.

Yueye Kyoko entered the dungeon from the dungeon entrance, and she saw Xia Lei operating his hacker computer.She threw Li Youdun on the ground, then walked to Xia Lei's side, "Boss, how to deal with his body?"

"You take the idea, you are an expert in this area, as long as you don't leave trouble, any way is good." Xia Lei said.

Yueye Kyoko said: "Then I know what to do."

Xia Lei's eyes are always on the display of the hacker computer, and his hacker computer is receiving a top-secret file sent back to him by Xiao Qian.Although it is just a file, its value can definitely make the CIA crazy!

The file transfer time was 1 minute 59 seconds, and Xiaoqian was discovered in the Tenjin system at the CIA headquarters in 2 minutes.The CIA's Tenjin system began to attack Xiao Qian and tracked Xia Lei's location.But before waiting for it to receive any results, Xia Lei hit the Enter key and sent out a command.After a second, Xiao Qian in the CIA headquarters system destroyed herself.

It is a smart choice to destroy Xiaoqian and erase the traces.If you let the Tianshen system kill Xiaoqian personally, then Xiaoqian ’s secrets will be discovered by it, and it is difficult to guarantee that the Tenjins system will track down what those secrets are.He destroyed Xiaoqian personally, and the Tenjin system could not find anything. It would not even know what the CIA was stolen this time, because Xiaoqian had the ability to "look at the file" and write it after reading it There is no trace of copying.

Xia Lei withdrew from the CIA headquarters system and then turned off the hacker computer.

"It's done." Xia Lei couldn't help laughing.During Israel and the Mediterranean, he was chased by Americans and was very embarrassed. At that time, there was a fire in his heart.When he came back, he happened to meet the woman who assassinated him, which made him even more angry.Now he finally let out a bad breath and felt more comfortable.

"Boss, what happened? So happy." Yue Ye Xingzi looked at Xia Lei curiously.

Xia Lei smiled, "I'll tell you this. I just got a list of spies that the CIA has installed in China. There are also some important spies that have been lurking for more than ten or twenty years. Officials with good positions, as well as businessmen and even soldiers. With this list, they are equivalent to activities under our eyes, we want to catch them anytime. We can also use these people to pass to the United States The wrong information confuses their eyes. "

"I'm not interested in these things." Yue Ye Xingzi said, she suddenly reached out to Xia Lei's face.

Xia Lei leaned back slightly, but still didn't avoid Yue Ye Kyoko's hand.Yue Ye Xing Zi touched his face with his hand, it felt like a breeze blowing across his face.

"Kyoko, we ..." Xia Lei also wanted to explain what happened on the deserted island that night.

Yue Ye Xingzi smiled, "You have blood on your face, I have wiped it off for you. Well, I'll deal with the body."

It was such a gentle and courteous smile that Xia Lei's explanation words were blocked.

"Are you going to act tonight?" Kyoko Tsuno picked up an axe from the tool table, waved it, and tried its weight.

Xia Lei thought for a while, "If you don't act tonight, we have to prepare for it, tomorrow night."

"Well, then tomorrow night." Yue Ye Xingzi walked to Li Youdun.

Xia Lei suddenly said: "Forget it, carry him to Houshan and bury it. He is dead, there is no need to treat him like this again."

Yueye Kyoko nodded.

Xia Lei left the dungeon and walked to his room.He has seen four women in his room, Long Bing and Liang Siyao wiping guns, and Jiang Ruyi and Fan Fan knitting children's sweaters.Two texts and two martial arts, Jing Wei is distinct.

### 1050 Big Big Four

The night is hazy, with a spring breath in the night.That is the smell of rapeseed, which comes from the farmland around Bailu Town.

Xia Lei took out his phone and made a call.

"Don't you sleep yet so late?" Tang Yuyan's voice came from the phone, with a lazy meaning.She seemed to have fallen asleep and was woken up by the ringtone of her mobile phone.But she didn't mind at all. On the contrary, she was very happy to receive a call from Xia Lei.

"I am about to go to bed." Xia Lei said: "But I have two good news to tell you. If I don't tell you, I can't sleep, you will be interested."

"What good news?"

"The first good news, I have found the CIA's safe house."

"Ah? You are really capable. Tell me where is that place?"

"I have a request before telling you."

"Hurry up," Tang Yuyan urged.

"I want to act with you to catch Yang Shan and Si Baili. We will do it tomorrow night. You don't want to send someone to monitor that place for the time being, so as not to hit the grass and startle the snake." Xia Lei said.

"It's no problem. I will recover almost tomorrow night. I can lead the team." Tang Yuyan said, and then she couldn't wait to say: "What is your second good news?"

Xia Lei smiled a little, "This good news is terrific, you better be mentally prepared."

"Oh, really, please tell me quickly, don't stop my appetite anymore. You know that I am an impatient woman, and I can't stand the kind of teasing you are," Tang Yuyan said.

Talking about business, but such words will make people think of going elsewhere.

Xia Lei was silent for a while, "Yu Yan, we ..."

Tang Yuyan didn't speak, she listened quietly.

"Forget it, let's say it's the right thing." Xia Lei really didn't want to talk to her about emotional matters. He retorted: "I got a list of CIA. The people on the list are all the spies the United States sent to our country . "

"Ah?" Tang Yuyan exclaimed with exclamation and exclaimed: "Is this list real?"

"Of course it is true, how can I make fun of this kind of thing with you. Some people on the list have been lurking for more than ten or twenty years, some of them are already high-ranking officials and soldiers, and some people are mixed up in the business community. The big boss. These are people with a head and a face and a certain social status. Do you think I will use them to get rid of them? "

"No, no, I definitely don't mean that, sorry." Tang Yuyan apologized.

Her apology made Xia Lei stunned slightly.In his impression, Tang Yuyan is a woman who never apologizes.But her apology came very easily today, which seemed to be a signal that she changed.

"Yan Yan, what are you polite with me." Xia Lei once again cut the topic into the topic, "This list is very important to us, I give it to you, you submit it. This will be a very A big contribution, it will help you to sit in the position of the 101th Bureau Director, and it is estimated that it will also bring great benefits to your Tang family. This is also my reward for saving A Bing ’s kindness. "

"You ... what do you think?" Tang language was very excited and happy, but Xia Lei's words were like a scoop of cold water pouring on her head, which wiped out all the fantasy in her heart. .

"Yuyan, I know you are kind to me, but I can't give you what you want, we ... have no fate."

"I don't believe in fate!" Tang Yuyan's voice is full of sadness and pain, and a touch of anger, "You and Long Bing together, I can understand and accept. You and Jiang Ruyi together, I can understand and accept You are with Liang Siyao, I can still understand and accept. But you are with Fanfan, do you have a fate? Do you really love her? You are with her simply to get rid of me, you think I do n’t know Why? You still lie to me now? Tell me, why? You always say what I want, and you ca n’t give me. I asked you, since we realized that you have asked what I want now? Have you asked me? "

she cried.

Xia Lei was also very uncomfortable in his heart. He really didn't ask anyone.

"I tell you, Xia Lei, although I am a woman of the Tang family, but I am a woman first! Do I have no right to pursue my happiness and love? Am I not?" She cried out.

Xia Lei was most afraid of women crying, and he began to regret calling her so anxiously.He sighed and said daringly: "Yu Yan, don't cry, you have a good rest, we have to take action tomorrow night. Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, but only you and me. Don't bring your four big-bellies anymore. With them in, I have no chance to talk to you at all."

"They won't take part in tomorrow's action. I'll come here alone. Well, take a break early, good night." Xia Lei was ready to hang up.

Tang Yuyan suddenly summoned the courage to say: "Xia Lei, I love you, and I can't live without you."

"I ..." Xia Lei didn't know what to say.

Tang Yuyan was silent for a while, then hung up.

Xia Lei sighed in relief, but his head was several times larger.The list he gave to Tang Yuyan really wanted to repay the kindness that Tang Yuyan saved his four big-bellied mothers and children, but Tang Yuyan obviously didn't want to let him return his favor.No, as soon as he raised it, Tang Yuyan actually cried and confessed to him.What happened to this matter?He didn't know.

At this moment, Kyoko Tsuno ’s voice suddenly came from behind, “Boss, why ca n’t you marry four women, why ca n’t you marry a fifth woman? If you go on like this, since you have tortured you, why bother? She fell asleep with her, and she has a long life. "

Xia Lei looked at her speechlessly.

Does the Japanese female ninja understand the meaning of the Chinese idiom Rikushengqing?

Yue Ye Xingzi smiled at Xia Lei, and then carried a cannabis bag towards the back door.In her hand was a shovel, which was the tool for burying Li Youdun.

There is a special force patrol behind Ping Anju, but it is not a problem for Japanese female ninjas to avoid them.

Xia Lei shrugged his nose at Yueye Kyoko's plump and slim back, then mumbled to his room.

When approaching the door, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to the direction of the door.He saw Lu Sheng walking towards the gate, as if to open the door to someone.His left eye moved slightly, and the door panel blocking his sight disappeared silently into his field of vision.

There was a silver Rolls-Royce phantom parked outside the door, and a woman in a black evening dress.She is so arrogant and arrogant.The person who came was Shen Tu Tianyin.

"She ... how did she come?" Xia Lei's head was already hurting enough, and even seeing Shen Tu Tianyin's head hurt even more.

He suddenly thought of it. When he was in the hospital during the day, he signed a small nurse and left Shen Tu Tianyin's phone on the corner of his clothes, asking her to call Shen Tu Tianyin.

The purpose of letting the little nurse make this call is actually very simple, that is, to report a peace to her ex-wife, and tell her by the mouth of the little nurse that he is not dead.He told her the first time, so as not to be embarrassed when he met in the future.He has only one purpose, and no other motivation.He didn't make this call himself, but let the little nurse call. In fact, he didn't want to be jealous of the four big belly women. His original intention was also to maintain the stability and unity of the family.However, he did not expect Shen Tu Tianyin to come to the door at night.

Lu Sheng opened the door.

Shen Tu Tianyin said politely: "It turned out to be Mr. Lu, I came to find my husband ... er, no, it was an ex-husband." Her expression was a little awkward.

Lu Sheng said: "Xia Dong is ..."

Before Lu Sheng finished speaking, Xia Lei was anxious to learn the cuckoo's cry, "cuckoo, cuckoo ..."

It's late at night, there are cuckoos calling?

How free is this bird?

Lu Sheng was curious, and he looked back.

Xia Lei hurriedly hid in the flowers, but he deliberately slowed down, let Lu Sheng see the process of his hiding.

This is already a very obvious hint.

Lu Sheng couldn't go back, and said apologetically: "Miss Shen Tu, you didn't come so badly, we Xia Dong have something to go out."

"What's the matter? What's the matter with him at night?" Shen Tu Tianyin's disappointed expression, she looked up at the door, hoping to see Xia Lei's figure, but she didn't see anything.

Lu Sheng said: "I'm sorry, I don't know about this. Xia Dong was invited by a big leader. I don't know much."

"When did he go out?"

"He went out as soon as it was dark."

"Then when will he come back?" Shen Tu Tianyin is still not stubborn.

Lu Sheng said: "I don't know about this, but I guess it will be tomorrow. I heard that I'm going to take a plane. I advise you not to wait for him. Come again in another day."

"Well, then I won't bother. Goodbye, Mr. Lu." Shen Tu Tianyin could not conceal his disappointment.

"Goodbye, Miss Shen Tu." Lu Sheng said, and when Shen Tu Tianyin turned and left, he closed the door.

Xia Lei watched Shen Tu Tianyin get on her Rolls-Royce Phantom, Fu Mingmei started the car and turned around, then headed in the direction of Kyoto.

Xia Lei stood up from the bush, and then gave Lu Sheng a thumbs up.

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