Casually looking for a box to settle down my sister-in-law, Qin Feng directly opened the perspective.

Perspective through several boxes, finally saw his wife's box, let Qin Feng relieved is, Su Bingqing is not green himself, her side with two bodyguards, and the handsome young man is sitting on the other side.

Shaking the wine glass, looking strange.


"Mr. Su, in addition to the second phase project of Shengtian Jinyuan today, there is one more thing I would like to ask you for help." Said the handsome young man.

"Mr. Luo said it's OK. As long as my su family can help, I will do my best."

Su Bingqing has a fake business smile on her face. She has no trust in Luo. It can be seen from the two bodyguards behind her.

After the last drug incident, Su Bingqing was more cautious.

"Last time, the Su family took a map at the auction. We want to trade this map with Mr. Su at twice the price of the previous auction, if we can."

When Su Bingqing heard the word map, he suddenly turned pale.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo. Other things can be discussed, but this one is not discussed. I have something else to do today, so I won't accompany you any more. I hope Mr. Luo has a good time. "

"Look, Leslie always knows the secret of the map?" The smile on Mr. Luo's face disappeared, and he waved behind him.

"Xiao Wang, let's go."

Su Bingqing see the situation is not right, call on the bodyguard to leave, did not expect the box door was instantly blocked.

At the same time, president Luo made a call:

"Brother Liu, people are trapped. Let's say that this girl belongs to you and the map belongs to me."


Su Bingqing began to be afraid, it is obvious that this general map is a map, but there is another person is salivating for her beauty! If you don't run any more, something big may happen today!

Luo always looks at Su Bingqing's slender legs, and Shengxue's beautiful skin. There is a trace of greed in his eyes, but he cares more about the map than beauty.

"Xiao Wang, take me out!"

The two bodyguards behind him immediately went to grab the door. Who knows that five or six people came out of Mr. Luo's side and surrounded the two bodyguards. They hugged them in the simplest and most rude way, and then they started to fight on the ground.

Su Bingqing immediately became independent.

"I just gave you a chance. If you just promised to give me a map, maybe you can keep yourself. Now... Enjoy tonight, Mr. Su."

"You bastard!"

Today, Su Bingqing didn't drink a mouthful of water in order to prevent the medicine.

But I didn't expect that the other party would use forced binding.

What's more, I didn't expect that these two bodyguards would be so useless!

Qin Feng can fight ten at a time. Why can't these two men even fight for a door!

Five minutes later, two bodyguards have been thrown into the toilet, Su Bingqing in the corner of the room, holding a broken beer bottle. Luo always thought that she was for self-defense, so she didn't care, just quietly waiting for the arrival of another brother Liu on the phone.

What he doesn't know, however, is that Su Bingqing doesn't intend to defend himself.

She has already thought that if the other party wants to do something to herself, she would rather commit suicide and disfigure herself on the spot than let the other party succeed!

"Dong Dong Dong."

When the door is knocked, Luo always goes to open the door with an evil smile. Although he doesn't play Su Bingqing, maybe he can pick up a second-hand one? As long as Su Bingqing falls into his own hands, it's not


Just when Mr. Luo opened the door, he got a fierce kick. What made him even more incredible was that it was not someone else who kicked him, but brother Liu in his mouth!

"Brother Liu, kick the wrong person, brother Liu." Mr. Luo said in a hurry.

"It's you who are kicking. I want to kick your ancestors for 18 generations and kill you. Get the hell on the ground and kowtow twice, or you won't get out alive today. "

"Liu, what do you mean?" Mr. Luo is also a temperamental person, standing up and glaring directly.

Who knows waiting for him is another foot, this foot directly kicked in the life root above!

"Don't talk nonsense if you want to get down on your knees. I won't stop you if you want to die." Brother Liu burst out and scolded.

Su Bingqing fixed her eyes, and it turned out that it was Mr. Liu who gave her the medicine two days ago.

At the first moment when she saw Mr. Liu, Su Bingqing was desperate. But what surprised her was why Mr. Liu, who had a human face and an animal heart last time, actually rescued her this time?

Did you scare him last time?

Or does he want to play a gentleman and then take himself away?

Qin Feng is not there. She falls into the hands of general manager Liu. She doesn't know what this beast will do. She would rather die than fall into the hands of such a person.

Think of here, Su Bingqing closed his eyes, the beer bottle fragments in his hand slowly close to his neck.

However, when she made up her mind to commit suicide, she heard the sound of plop kneeling.

"Good sister-in-law, sorry sister-in-law, I'm a beast, I'm a fool B, I'm really a son of a bitch, sister-in-law don't remember villains, before I have eyes don't know Taishan, ask sister-in-law to hold a boat in the prime minister's belly, let me this lowly such as mole ant general to brothel sweep the floor don't deserve the hybrid."

Su Bingqing was stunned.

I saw Mr. Liu kneeling in front of him, kowtowing his head in fear and apologizing. What's more strange is that he was still wearing handcuffs and his face was scarred

"You, you are..."

"I don't know any of these rubbish. I'll help you deal with them myself. You can go ahead, sister-in-law." General manager Liu kneels on the ground, where there is the original momentum, it is more humble than the slave in the TV series.

Luo always is also beside stare big eyes, this is the Liu elder brother that oneself know?

Isn't that a big man who will shake the whole street by stamping his feet? Why is he kneeling in front of Su Bingqing like a dog?

"Brother Liu, are you taking medicine? Wake up." President Luo patted president Liu on the shoulder.

It's a big mouth to meet him!

"Get out of here, don't touch me with your dirty hands. You are not as good as shit. Get out of here as far as you can."

All the bodyguards at the scene were stunned. In fact, they were all from general manager Liu and were borrowed by general manager Luo.

My boss is kneeling on the ground like a dog. What should I do?

Kneel down with you?

"My people are still tied up in the toilet by you." Su Bingqing recovered his mood and said.

"Do you hear me? Let's go!" Mr. Liu slapped him again.

General manager Luo is not aggrieved, but the situation is better than others, so he has to bear with it.

Quickly ran to the toilet to let the person go, Su Bingqing just got up from the sofa, recovered from the uncertainty to coldness, picked up his bag and quickly left the box.


A voice full of magnetism rings in Su Bingqing's ear. Su Bingqing looks back and suddenly realizes.

"How do you know I'm here?"

No wonder Liu always has this attitude. It turns out that he is here.

Qin Feng.

This makes sense, and only this man has the ability to resolve his own crisis at the first time.

"I just saw that Liu was going to trouble you, so I taught him a lesson. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

Su Bingqing is really OK. Except for the ups and downs in his mood, no one even met him just now.

"After all, how do you know I'm here? Are you here to save me? "

Su Bingqing doubts a way.

"No, it's your sister. Don't you ask me to protect her? She's in trouble. I helped her out, and then I happened to see this Liu. "

Although it's a coincidence, it's not at all. When Mr. Luo called just now, Qin Feng looked around the KTV and finally found Mr. Liu.

Unexpectedly, he had already opened the room upstairs, and prepared the toys such as whip and handcuffs. His face was not as good as silver. Qin Feng was so angry that he went upstairs to open the door and began to clean up.

After solving the problem of five or six bodyguards, he pushed Mr. Liu into the pool to irrigate water, beat him violently, point Ma acupoints and draw out Ma tendons. Until Mr. Liu knelt down on the ground and begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother, he didn't stop.

Finally, he cast a psychological shadow on Mr. Liu and dragged him downstairs to save people.

"Thank you for saving me again." Su Bingqing said in a low voice.

"Next time you come to a place like this, tell me what's going on."

Qin Feng touches Su Bingqing's head. Su Bingqing rarely resists. Instead, he allows Qin Feng to be intimate with him. His attitude towards Qin Feng is quite different from before.


Qin Feng takes Su Bingqing back to his sister-in-law's box, ready to call her sister-in-law to go home together.

But when I opened the box door, it was empty.

"Where's Yujie?"

"I don't know."

Qin Feng is so worried that he pretends to run to the toilet to look for it. In fact, he opens the perspective and searches everywhere. It's not more than 15 minutes since just now.

Qin Feng opened his eyes to search hard, and finally saw his sister-in-law in the parking lot two minutes later.

At the same time, there is a person holding sister-in-law, directly put her into the car.

"It's this bastard!"

Qin Feng takes Su Bingqing's hand and runs out. Su Bingqing asks in a hurry:

"Where to?"

"Your sister has been kidnapped, go and save people!"

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