At the beginning, Qin Feng could only see through the nearby 20 or 30 meters.

However, after several days of adjustment and adaptation, the distance has increased to about 100 meters.

Now my sister-in-law has been kidnapped, and she has already been put into the car. If she doesn't keep up in time, she will probably go beyond the range of 100 meters. At that time, even from the perspective of Qin Feng, she may not be able to find her sister-in-law again.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng pulls Su Bingqing down the stairs and gets on the bus. After going out, he runs two red lights and follows up quickly.

"How do you know who tied Yujie?" Su Bingqing doubts a way.

"I was just guessing. I didn't see her in the car in front of me until I drove out." Qin Feng explained.

"Which car?"

"That one, the black one." Qin Feng pointed blindly to the front.

Su Bingqing has a black line. It's night, and there are all black cars in front of him. Qin Feng's point is the same as he didn't.

Qin Feng followed each other's car for more than 20 minutes before entering a luxury villa area and quietly parked the car in the corner. Qin Feng and Su Bingqing touched it.

"Don't make a sound later." Qin Feng frowned.

His original plan was to go in through the main door and ask for someone. With his skill, how many people in the room could not stop him.

But with the help of perspective, he saw that two or three people in the villa had guns in their hands. In today's stable society, there are still people with guns in their hands. It can be seen that this is not an ordinary person.

In case the other side is forced to rush in from the front, the two sisters of the Su family will be hurt by the fire. Qin Feng will regret it all his life.

"What shall we do now?" Su Bingqing doubts way, Qin Feng stands in the corner motionless, also don't know what is doing.

Qin Feng didn't answer Su Bingqing. He was thinking about the countermeasures. Suddenly, Qin Feng looked at the direction of the villa with a strange smile, as if he thought of something.


Inside the villa.

"Eighth master, what shall we do with this girl? Before, the Third Master said, "don't provoke her any more." A little yellow hair lowered his head and asked timidly.

"When will our eighth master be so angry? I'll make up my mind. Throw me the room first, I'll take a bath, and I'll take a picture of her when I come out. "

Tie away sister-in-law, it is before the conflict in KTV and Qinfeng eight Ye.

They are all characters in the street. They even carried guns in the KTV just now, but Qin Feng's skill was so fast that he had no chance to fight back. At that time, the third master was present, and he did not dare to oppose any more.

But how could he bear such a loss? And Su Yujie is the woman he has been staring at for a month. Today he has to get it!

"I have to say that if a person's sperm gets into his head, he really doesn't care about anything."

A sound came from the room.

"Who?" The eighth master was surprised

"Your father!"

The answer is that Qin Feng came through the window and grabbed him by the throat.

"Wait, wait."

"I warned you at KTV and gave you a chance. Since you don't know what's good, don't blame me for being rude." Qin Feng slapped him in the face, and he lost two teeth.

"Don't move!"

"Let go of the eighth master!"

Five guards with batons, three guards with pistols, looking at Qin Feng nervously, they have never seen a person who can directly break through the window, rush to the corner of the room at such a fast speed, and also hold the eighth master's throat.

The speed just now is a bit of martial arts. No, it's a bit of science fiction.

Who the hell is this?

"Just now, in the face of the third master, I'll spare your life. Boy, if you dare to touch me now, I don't guarantee that my gun will go off. I won't kill your girlfriend, but I don't guarantee that the bullet will wipe her pretty face and make her unable to see anyone for the rest of her life! "

Although the eighth master was choked, he was still fierce in voice and color. Obviously, he was also a man on the road.

There was a hostage to be held. No matter how strong Qin Feng's force was or how hard he hit others, he should have no choice but to surrender.

But Qin Feng came prepared this time.

He released his throat, patted him on the shoulder and said slowly:

"Your father is the second leader of the White Snake gang. He killed people and went to prison twice. Your mother lives in the second people's hospital. She has advanced liver cancer and no one can cure her. "

"How do you know?" The eighth master's eyes widened.

His father's affairs are rarely known, and he has been secretly supporting him. His mother's affairs are deeply hidden. In order to avoid the enemy's trouble, he has been hiding very well.

"Your wife works as a teacher in Yongming middle school next door. Your daughter is eight years old and in the first grade of Yongming primary school. She is cute and has a pair of beautiful big eyes. She obviously follows her mother instead of you." Qin Feng continued.

"What do you want to do?"

The eighth master pushed Qin Feng away, but Qin Feng put his hands in his pocket and continued.

"You've got 60 million kickbacks from government projects, and you've been to your second brother, the wife of your second master. Your fake account is on the bedside table, and your real account is on the piano at home. Because the piano is expensive, ordinary people will not directly smash and dismantle it, so it is very safe. "

Eight Ye just wanted to start, immediately stopped.

"Today you have only two ways, either kneel down and call my father, or kill me directly, so that the secret will not be revealed. And guys, are you sure you want to help your boss kill me? And then he'll let you out alive? "

Qin Feng takes a meaningful look at these guards. Indeed, they know the two secrets of the eighth master. I'm afraid they won't have good fruit to eat today.

Several of the guards reacted with a confused face, and at the same time, they yelled at each other.

Qin Feng of NIMA, we don't want to know these secrets. If you want to tell secrets, can't you wait for us to leave?

"Kill him, I promise I won't touch you, and I'll take you with me. I'll give you three million yuan, and I'll leave the boy behind first. "

The eighth master is cruel in his heart. If Qin Feng is allowed to leave today, it's time for him to lose his reputation.

You can't let this kid go.

Eight ye and three guards, four men raised their pistols at Qin Feng, but Qin Feng was still calm, turned to find a chair to sit down, and said with confidence:

"To kill me is to kill the only one in the world who can save your mother. I can cure your mother's disease

The eighth master just wanted to pull the trigger. He was stunned when he heard Qin Feng's words

"Don't even do it!"

Throwing down the pistol, the eighth master ran to Qin Feng, grabbed Qin Feng's shoulder and asked excitedly:

"Do you really have a way to save my mother?"

"Buy it now, 50 million. It's guaranteed to prolong your mother's life for at least ten years. Your mother has only half a year left now. I don't guarantee that she will live to 100 years old, but at least she will live to 70 years old. "

Ten years?

"Are you sure you're not lying to me?" The eighth master asked excitedly.

"But I only heal my friends." Qin Feng took a look at the eighth master's hand.

The eighth master immediately took back his hand and knelt down on the ground

"Dad, I call you dad, please save my mother's life. I'll go to collect money right away, I'll meet all your requirements! Please help my mother

Qin Feng can tell so many of his secrets. Obviously, he is not an ordinary person. Even if he is not a miracle doctor, he must be a man of great talent. Maybe he belongs to some intelligence agency.

Maybe an agent.

This kind of person always has some strange ways beyond ordinary people. Maybe the last hope to save his mother is Qin Feng.


"Let it go, Miss Su, I deserve to die! I'm confused

Although the eighth master does many evils, he seldom appears very filial in this matter. For his mother's sake, the eighth master slapped himself several times in succession. Although Qin Feng only made a verbal promise, the eighth master was as good as grasping the straw to please Qin Feng at all costs.

His father is a underworld. For him, his mother is the only dawn in his life.

Qin Feng was moved by these actions.

No matter how bad people are, they all have a heart worth saving.


Of course, Qin Feng is not a divine operator. He has perspective and can see all the information of the eighth master from some secret information in the room.

In addition, from the ancient books left by master, there are some medicines that can cure his mother. Although they can't cure her, they can suppress cancer cells and effectively prolong her life.

Smoothly will sister-in-law from the eighth master's villa out, Su Bingqing in the building to get off the car waiting is anxious, see sister-in-law safe, finally relieved.

"Today she encountered so many things, and I don't know if she can go on a blind date tomorrow." Su Bingqing worried.

"Blind date, what blind date?"

As soon as Qin Feng got on the bus, he heard Su Bingqing say a blind date. Suddenly, he felt a little uncomfortable. Does every brother-in-law have a little complex with his sister-in-law?

There shouldn't be, there shouldn't be, asshole, Qin Feng.

"Just when you went to save people, my mother called me and said that she had arranged a marriage for Yujie and would meet her at noon tomorrow. Let's go home early. We'll meet Ye's family tomorrow. It's very likely that we can't put off the meal. "

Ye Jia?

Blind date?

Qin Feng takes a look at his sister-in-law. He wants to keep a good eye on his sister-in-law!

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