Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1466 Retro

The atmosphere in the conference room is warm.

"Tong Mao Yun, is the intact image of muscles? Can you do what to do?"

"I just resist the tricks of the horse martial arts, can you block the bullet? If you can, it is so bad."

"I am most concerned about whether the internal gas can be separated. When the sword is not just a fantasy, our military personnel have a certain degree of defensive ability, will not be easily headed."

The eyes of folk warfare shine, stare at Tong Mu Yun, and the eyeweers want to get more information about internal gas from his mouth.

Although they still have enough giant chestnuts, they can't have inner gas like Tong Mu Yun, but they will know more about the internal gas. It is not wrong in advance.

"If you can't tell you, what kind of things are in the end, just like you can't give you a thousand miles of thousands of miles away."

Tong Mu Yun is cold, there is no interested interest to describe the feelings of intact in the body.


The martial arts and others were dissatisfied, and they glared at Tong Mu Yun and thought they were betrayed.

Just half an hour ago, Tong Mao Yun and they were all the same martial arts, but now they are on the chin, you can't afford it.

If the preamble is the defeated martial arts, the bloody warrior must rush, and learn the betrayal of Tong Mu Yun with a fist.

"Okay, everyone is not happy."

Wang Xing stood up and glanced at the audience, soon, let the meeting room quickly.

I have nodded, and Wang Xing then announced that there will be a secret action tomorrow morning, and I can register now.

The Mawei has deeply read the arrogant Tong Mu Yun, and the face is hot, thinking that the fiasco before, and immediately decided to register.

Other weanors were amazed by Tong Mu Yun, and the reaction and the horsewood were similar, all signed up to the secret, and there was no retardation.

"Very good, everyone is very advocating."

Wang Baozhi Lu Xinxi.

This is completely sent from the heart, there is no half of the camouflage, it is really in an exotic country, everywhere is the power of Dongpu.

Something can't be said to be a war, and it is also a vigilance. Be careful that the enemy's sneak attack is very difficult.

Just like the previous blue stupid attack, Wang Xing has not found the murderer after the scene, only finds the pharmaceutical factory, plundering the biological armor manufacturing technology, and a small amount of breath.


Li Xiuwen looked at the registration site of the Heaven, touched the china, this is a good start, but the number of the war is less.

He suddenly opened: "Wang Xing, I want to ask you to help!"

"Seniors, what do you tell me, despite it."

Wang Xing is slightly down, and his hands are put in the abdomen, respectful.

"Let more people know that I can refine the giant chestnuts, weaken its side effects, let them give chelating tooth to me refine."

Li Xiuwen is not ill, like a discussion at night, eating rice noodles is still noodles, small can't be a little less.

After the Wang Xing listened, he was shocked, the face was shocked, and it was extremely surprised.

He does not care about the people in other countries, and more hope that the summer people of summer do not have alienation, do not become Qi Qi, the limbs are severely deformed.

"Seniors, we don't seem to be in the shape of the power of the country, is ugly or beautiful."

Wang Xing tried to use the word debt, expressing his unrestricted exoperability of foreigners.

"Stupid goods, you will not accept the commission from the middle, such as one hundred and twenty chelating tooth, can exchange a non-sideful super-ability seed, the price here is a hundred unchanged."

Li Xiuwen hated the iron and did not say steel, like a teacher, I saw a somewhere, and I won the whip.


Wang Xing's heavy shot, is profitable, this business is doing.

He thinks deeply, why is Li Xiuwen to help refine chelaze, have not mentioned remuneration, is it a big interest in this process?

Wang Xing quickly gave up, no longer pursued, because this has nothing to do with him, do not want to waste brain cells.


Qi Wei finally opened his eyes and stood up from the seat, and the spirit was particularly strong.

"How do you feel, is there anything wrong? Do you sit in the chair for ten minutes, you can't move."

Wang Xing's face is concerned, and hurriedly asked.

Different people with Tong Mu Yun, before Qi Yu, before the superiority, it has been the super power of the muscles, maybe there is any abnormal situation.

"I seem to have a special ability."

Qi Hao raises the arms of the people with ordinary people, holding a fist, extremely developed muscles to expand again, and the green gluten is like a hovering, the skin is dark, and the skin is like iron.


Wang Xing, Tong Mu Yun and others, see Qi Zi's pair of arms like his waist, and fell into the cold, and the head is numb.

If the big fist is hit by the big fist, it should be almost the same as the gallop truck, and the bones are all smashed.

It's a monster muscle!

Everyone makes a similar feeling, but it is not very envious.

Now, Qi Lo looks more like a non-human monster: the body of the ordinary person is long, and the people who have a waist, which makes people feel extremely dangerous, and they are funny.

"Very powerful!"

Qi Wei is in the head, intoxicated, there is no more dislike on the face.

He was a little annoyed, because the passengers saw his paired deformity, his eyes dodge, or looked at the monkey.

"You all look at it!"

Qi Ji suddenly drunk, the thick and unlocked hands suddenly fell, rolled up countless air, and made a call.

Everyone watched, staring at Qi Hao's arm, widened, preparing to witness magic.

Six or seven seconds, what happened.

Everyone felt that he got a big man, it was about to open his mouth, heard him again: "Haha, a little mistake, new ability is not very listening."

, .

In the arm, it seems to cast muscles on the arm, quickly jumped, like a drill to drill, run to the body, legs and other parts.

After a while, Qi Hui resumes ordinary people, and the arms are harmonious and the body is harmonious, and they will never appear deformity.

"Haha, thank the predecessor!"

Laughing in Qi, I got a deep bow in Li Xiuwen, solemnly, thank you.

"This is a good news. Wang Xing your intermediary into business is more hot."

Li Xiuwen said faintly, calm, as if it is expected to be expected.

Wang Xi listened, but the heart was secretly shocked. The predecessors were unfortunate, so I said: "I will release the news, guarantee that the ultra-capacity circle of the whole East, let them know the predecessors can refine. Chelating tooth. "

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