Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1467 is hot

Wang Xing came to the street and took a taxi to Shibuya District, Tokyo Super Power Party Location, it is a bar specializing in super powers.

This location is still the NEW. This local person tells him that he has time to pass, and pay a friend.

He only went to a bar, and he had never been to, because in addition to the Nautish Eleas, other Dongpu superb ability would ignore him as an air.

Although no one tears the surface of the paper, it is clear that the king is not going again, but the atmosphere of the Gege is not in the bar, it is like a hot face, and the heart is tight.

As long as the number of super powersides on the summer, see how you still arrogant!

Wang Xing came down from the taxi, stood at the bar door of the passenger flow, and finally pushed the door.

, brush!

A pair of a pair of bars came over and found that it was immediately removed after Wang Xing, and he left him directly.

Although it is not the first time, but the king's chest is still strong, the heart is secretly swearing, waiting for a high price, slacking chelating tooth from them.

"Wang Sang, you are coming!"

The Nasheya Gay is alone in the small round table. It is completely ignored two frozen surpassry, seeing the throne of the throne, standing hard.

"I am also very happy to see you, inland sea."

Wang Xing waved away the two frozen waves, sitting in Nabi Yue, said around the Naihai, and said a few jokes in many envious eyes, teased the sea, gigant, laughing.

"Hey, you are really dress today, this traditional beautiful and service will be too beautiful."

Wang Xing turned to look at it and was surprised to find one thing.

Not only Nai Haoyu is put on a pink and suit wearing major festival, but the other male female super powers in the bar, we put on the price of the traditional clothing.

Let him in a casual dress, like a ratio of black sheep in the white, bright and light bulbs, absolutely not ignored.

"Today, the costume dance will be held?"

Wang Xing said as strange, look at the right left, did not see any cameras.

Dongpu traditional costumes, look good, but it is more expensive, you need to carefully maintenance, go off work on weekdays is not as convenient in modern clothing.

The current bar atmosphere makes him feel very strange. Here is a bar used to relax, it is not that it is.

"Wang Sang, did you not see news?"

NEW, the sea, the yarn is unconfil, and then I think of the king is a summer country, and suddenly it suddenly.

Under her detailed explanation, Wang Xing finally knew that the bar is all over the ground.

It turned out to be a trendy master, and after obtaining super power, a live demo in his own Judara Hall.

Sakujun's hands holding a samurai knife, smashing the three-meter-high rockery, cleaner, cutting it into a roughly equal or longer, shocked all the audience between live broadcast.

Although the sword gas is invisible, ordinary people can't see it, but after the sword is punctured, he will leave a white tail mark in the air, which is similar to the thick white smoke sprayed when the rocket is lifted.

After the audience in the live broadcast, the Sakujiu has a knife, and the sword extends from the samurai knife, and the rock is broken, and the power is very amazing.

It seems that the super swordsman in ancient legend came to reality, and the audience of the East Zi's audience was deeply shocked, and a retro seed was broadcast in their heart.

Living in modern urban, modern citizens who are tired of high-rise buildings, cement architectural forests, majoring in ancient pastoral pastoral appearance.

The swords of Sakujiu shocked, while shocked the world, like a guided roseway ignited people's heart to ancient a beautiful fantasy, even if there is no exception.

"Hey, it turns out."

Wang Xing's transposition, if there is a summer guardian, the knife gas is forty-meter, and if he hits the hill, he will also replace the summer traditional costume celebration.

"Not only that, the master of Sakuo also set a record, recruiting thousands of disciples in a one-time recruiting swords, and the Sakuo genre rejuvenated."

Nakhai Mei yarn has a little envious, "Unfortunately I didn't grab the quota, it is really sorry."

On the news, Sakuka's hometown of the horses, only five apprentices, they will not last.

When Zuo Ji Dynasty lived the sword, the phone of the Judarway was exploded, and some people drove more than 300 kilometers from night, from Sendai to Tokyo.

In the eyes, I have to close the Jujiu Jukai Trianda Hall, which has become hot, and the registered people are endless, even outside the Judong Dark Museum. Long Dragon.

Wang Xing was surprised to raise his eyebrows, shook his head, and couldn't understand: "You are super powerful people who will fly. Why do you want to learn swords? Superbropriate attack. "

"This is a feeling!"

The sea, the garrow, with a pair of dark painted big eyes, not good to say.

Wang Xue took a mouth, and did not argue with a woman, but stand up, saying loudly: "Tell you a very good news, there is no side effect super power after giant insect chelate!

I want everyone to find it, and eat hundred chelates directly, although it is capable of awakening super capabilities, it will cause random side effects. For example, a pair of thick unicorn arms, the body is thin, like a heath. "

Speaking of this, Wang Xing's sight swept through the bar, seeing more than two-six people and ordinary people.

There is more than 300 pounds of fat, there is a powerful tail, and there is also a hard black scales, as long as wearing long-sleeved trousers, barely cover the body variability.

"Cut, no one will be! Take evidence, otherwise we will never believe in your foreigner."

Some people call, get the attached part of many people.

This bar, which is an open bar, is because many people have pointed out some points in public places, and they have done normal people to see the eyes of monsters, therefore born.

"This red light group is the super power after the predecessor refines the chelating tooth. Who will take a 150 chelating tooth, change it?"

Wang Xing pulled out the Radix from his pocket, and his right hand was high, his mouth came up, his mood was very good.

He has gotten the Radix, did not eat like Tong Mao, Qi Wei, now I have a big use, but also earn 50 chelad tooth.

"Don't believe in everyone, if he is a summer, Jiucheng is fake."

"It is not to make a transparent shell, plug a red light into the props, everyone should not believe it."

Many people have hesbite and stop.

Wang Xing did not refute it, like the default, calmly looked at a young shoulder, who had a young shoulder, who had a young shoulders before him.

This person did not hesitate to pull out a small bag chelad, handed it to the king, and the urgent reach of the Red Riga.

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