Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 414 hologram

"What do you want to do in my hand?"

Li Xiuwen swayed his hand, eat fingering in the middle of the duck cap, turn it a few laps.


"Duck Cap!"

"The hand is empty, nothing."

Li Xiuwen pointed to the final talking that the man pointed out, smiled and said: "We are not a new installation of the emperor, saying that there is nothing, let us check your eyesight, see if you have a lot of light."

The man was taken by the hundred and eyes, and she suddenly made a big flower face, her face was shameless, just like the butt of monkey animals.

The small episode passed, Li Xiuwen continued: "I understand everyone's hard work and bored, I can't see the trees in the whole day, I can't see the sun in the base, my heart Pulling very tight. "

Most of the employees listened, and they nodded.

At the beginning they should hire the moonlight staff position, they are still very excited, I feel that it is very cost-effective.

A group purchase of the moon tour ticket price is up to 10 million yuan, but as long as you apply, you can work freely on the moon and save expensive tickets.

But they really become a monthly staff, I can stay excited in the initial week, and I feel that it is more uncomfortable than working in Africa.

"The four-party Joint Base has launched Hololens holographic glasses, used to watch the earth beauty, soothing everyone's tight heart. You may think, why don't you pay attention to your spiritual situation?"

Li Xiuwen said with a smile.


"I didn't hear someone said."

"If I let me hear, I definitely explode his dog's head!"

The employees are very enthusiastic, one by one, standing on the World of Warcraft, what do you want to think about it?

"Hololens holographic glasses is what ghosts, but it is a semi-finished garbage launched by Microsoft. For a long time, I have been dizzy. I don't say anything, I will not purchase this kind of thing, use it on you."

Li Xiuwen is worn on his head. "My holographic helmet on my head is more than 3 decades of holographic glasses! As long as I put it, I will enter a real virtual network world."

He closed his eyes, and a three-meter-high giant screen behind him looked up and showed the beautiful scenery of the sun.

If you look at it carefully, you will find that the picture is moving, slow moving forward, the new scene is constantly appearing, just like there is a visible person walking in the mountains.

"It's better to see it for one hundred times, everyone will try hologram."

Li Xiuwen opened his eyes and let Ye Hua led a holographic helmet of a tongue cap.

Ye Hua looked at the robot to issue a hologram helmet, she thought she didn't have the whole helmet on her head. After seeing the true and unparalleled blue sky, she was surprised to jump from the chair.

This hologram has two metal pieces, and it will start working directly after the temples.

Close your eyes, black eyes, and you can't see anything. But amazing is that he slowly appears a warm white light.

The light is slowly opened, revealing the scenery: the blue sky, there is no smog, the soft white cloud is very pure, like a journey.

Thus, the scenery of the water, he only saw it at the end of the childhood, and it is currently seen from the scenery of the landscape photographer.

Ye Hua shocked his eyes, the light gates and blue sky were disappeared in an instant, and they were empty, there is no trace of the light gates.

He did not believe in the emperor and closed his eyes and reappeared.

Ye Huaming knows that it is fake, but it feels like a true existence, it is not far from before.

This immersion, completely spike other similar hologram products, Hololens, storm mirror, is completely garbage, barely can be divided into a slightly useful spicy chicken and throwing angle of spicy chicken.

Ye Hua believes that after these employees wear a holography helmet, they will be shocked like the original.

People who have taken a cap, can't wait to wear on my head, then hear a cap prompt: Please close your eyes.

"I will talk, there is a speech assistant in it?"

"Shut up, don't talk!"

After the employees worn on the whole helmet, after closing his eyes, he saw the pure and unparalleled blue sky, exclaimed: "It's like the top of Everest!"

People with eye-catching also found that they can choose the scenery. As long as you think the menu, it will appear, suspend in a translucent manner.

The mode of appearance of the menu is very similar to the Win10 operating system interface, and people understand how to operate.

"Hahaha, I am standing on the Loffel Tower, so high! The wind is very big, blowing me to sway."

"You can't think of it, how to have a taste in the top of the US President's top! The so-called great president is walking at me!"

"Cut, what do you count, I entered the Forbidden City, sit in the dragon chair!"

"How to switch attractions?"

"Oh, this kind of thing needs to ask, slowly explore."

The employees closed their eyes, but they didn't stop. At first glance, I saw it like a group of blinds in the bragging, and I can blow Ten cattle on the sky.

"Li Xiuwen, see your holographic helmet, make a large batch of temporary blinds! On the earth, you must limit the use of the place, otherwise it is easy to trigger a car accident."

Ye Hua looked at the closed-eyed employees, and their faces were very rich, surprised, laughing, and they were proud of the look.

"There is no plan for the global helmet to the earth."

Li Xiuwen shook his head and said.

Ye Huayi's shock: "No, it simulates the degree of reality, which is more than 90%, which is difficult to distinguish is true, you don't plan to sell it to the earth?

This can be a kill, able to directly replace all smartphones, and even a new generation of electronic products in personal desktops! Its potential is not imaginable, at least in a short period of time, earning the company a $ 100 billion.

If you think that there is nothing more than 100 billion dollars, but it is launched, you can directly announce that the PC and smartphone ushered in the end of the day, parasitic is all over the Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.

At that time, our company is the monopolists in the field of the next generation, all people use our holographic helmet, which is equivalent to mastering half an internet! "

Ye Hua description is very attractive and very beautiful.

"If I say that the manufacturing cost of holographic helmet is as high as 5 million! This thing does not have much sales, it is very good to eliminate the psychological problems of moon players."

Li Xiuwen has a slice.

He is not angry, naturally looks at the value of holographic helmet, but its manufacturing level exceeds many earth technology, and it is difficult to produce large-scale production.

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