Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 415 Nostalgic

The holographic helmet looks only than Microsoft's Hololens holographic glasses, advanced generations, no more than too much. After all, both can simulate a certain degree of reality, as the same product, but only the latter's true degree is a lot.

But in fact, the holographic helmet should be advanced. Too much. Hololens has been married for decades, just like the first generation of big brother mobile phones and Apple x mobile phones.

Li Xiuwen is able to exchange the holographic wire from the system store, but some core materials cannot be found on the earth and cannot be produced in large-scale production.

In particular, a metal that is able to accurately identify the brain waves of the person. If it doesn't have it, the hologram helmet cannot accurately identify the true ideas of the brain from hundreds of ideas in each second.

Can you always use a gold redemption core material? He collects gold, but it is not to provide holographic helmets for the Earth, nor is it to immerse people in a realistic virtual world.

"The Hology Helmet is currently only used in the moon base, do not consider pushing it to the consumer market."

Li Xiuwen made a decision. Positive color said to Ye Hua, "What to make so many dollars do, I have time to go to the asteroid belt to pull a metal meteorite, and the action can earn $ tens of billions of dollars."

"Not only make money, it is so unfortunate, this is the chance to eliminate desktops and smartphones!"

Ye Hua was deeply emotionally, and then closed his mouth.

He saw that Li Xiuwen was serious, decided to be very determined, and persuaded.

"Since the holographic helmet can't push the market, we can weaken the version, I didn't say no weakening version. As long as it is more advanced than Hololens holographic glasses, it is light, the battery capacity is large."

Li Xiuwen suddenly said.

"I am, you are deliberate, don't say it early! I am very uncomfortable, Apple has been for a long time, I think that now I can force them to bankrupt, the blood is boiling."

Ye Hua is surprised, Mohu fairy, jumps.

"When did the two companies have sinned you?"

"Last year, Apple X mobile phone is so expensive. I can't afford it. I can only look at others. Isn't this hate? As for Microsoft, it is destined to be eliminated by the next generation of human machine interactive tools. And Win10 is too difficult to use, or it is going down. "

Ye Hua Zhenzhen has a word, and the eyes have two highlights, as if they find the meaning of life.

Li Xiuwen shook his head and did not stop.

Anyway, these two companies are American science and technology giants, or leading sheep in high-tech industries. If there is a problem, it is a good news for Huaxia.

Microsoft enters the Hololens holographic glasses in order to step by step, and put it billions of dollars, grinding it exceeds all kinds of products, in order to seize the opportunity of the next generation of human machine interaction tools.

Just like from the desktop entering the moving era, the wrong leader Microsoft has been behind Google, Amazon and Facebook three companies.

If it fails again, Microsoft will collapse like Nokia.

Li Xiuwen has taken a motorcycle's helmet model from a robot, saying: "This is the weakening version of the hologram helmet, only 40% of the real degree, but it is enough to hit any kind of holographic product, whether it is Hololens or Google glasses. "

After Ye Hua came over, he turned to see the helmet of his hand several times, and praised: "This is not the legendary game helmet, I didn't expect you to make it."

"More than ten years ago, I have seen it, I also made a helmet model. This is pre-installed with basic software, like a browser, a map, and so on.

The most important thing is to built a game "Jianghu", used to give moon players, people in space environments, soothing, and communicate. "

Li Xiuwen admitted that some considerations were not considered, and there was no mental status of moon. Until the four-party joint base, the employee has seriously fighting because of the psychological reasons.

He felt that these workers on the moon were too idle after get off work, could not be able to eat big mountained mountains with friends, could not be able to do major health care, and there is too much time in my head.

The big difference between the rivers and lakes and the current online games is that it is not the main line. Players want to fight for the mall, or they can be unified, and the routes are varied.

In particular, its background is combined with the martial arts novels of Jin Yong Hui Yong, the martial arts of the martial arts, the NPC IQ online, and there is no difference between the real people.

This game is Li Xiuwen's nostalgic, and the most popular Jedi Survival, the king's glory, the game is very different, exudes an ancient smell.

The game industry is not a player, just like to spend 20 minutes to play a battle, do not like the role playing game that needs to be put in a lot of energy and time.

Li Xiuwen will not believe, everyone likes to play games.

"What? There is also a full-freedified virtual online game, it is great! I absolutely Apple's time, it will be a lot in advance."

Ye Hua's action is still very strong, the wind is fired back to the earth. He won the Ban Tu Guo underground base in South Africa, an emergency production of 100 game helmet production lines.

With so many game helmet production lines, a maximum of one million helmets can be produced to meet the needs of game enthusiasts.

Europe and the United States may not be very interested in "Jianghu", but the light is East Asia, there are hundreds of millions of potential consumers.

Ye Hua did not directly sell the game helmet, but first let the Warcraft factory launched a promotional offensive, and in the 1 billion US dollars.

Europe and the United States focus on the powerful authenticity of the game helmet, exceeds Hololens, and is the electronic terminal that replaces the smartphone.

East Asia is a pre-propaganda of this game of the rivers and lakes. What is the first realistic game, what new era martial arts game, all wear it on your head.

"I heard that, Warcraft plants seem to have to launch a new electronic device, which seems to be the legendary game helmet."

"I have seen advertising, I still heard a fart? Bus body, subway, online all the game helmets, I can't see it."

"The virtual era is coming, the smart phone is going to be eliminated! Finally, I will wait until I hang it, my grandson burned a game helmet in front of the grave."

"I only hope that the game helmet is better than Hololens holographic glasses, the latter is too pit, tens of thousands of pieces can only bought a mountain car, picking a small game that jumps."

"Microsoft should trouble, the Hololens that spend huge investment has not perfect, and I have encountered an ultimate BOSS, tragedy."

Under the promotion of Ye Hua, the advertisement of the game helmet is like a plague, and people in East Asia, North America, Europe and other economic developed regions have known its name.

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